By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3) Page 16

by Katherine Hastings

  “Tell me you didn’t feel that. Lie to me and tell me that kiss meant nothing,” he said, pleading eyes searching her own.


  “If you say the words, ‘that meant nothing to me’, then I will believe you. Look me in the eye and say them if that is how you truly feel... but you must set your fear aside.”

  Frozen in his arms, she struggled to find words.

  “See. I’m right. You can’t say it because you do feel the way I do. Why can’t you just admit it, Viv?”

  “You’re only with me for the treasure, Simon. Once we have it, I’m sure you’ll be on your way. I’m not going to put myself out there to be hurt.”

  He scoffed. “Are you kidding? The treasure? I couldn’t care less about a penny from that treasure, Viv. The only reason I want the treasure is so I can give my half to you and help you make your dream of helping those girls come true.”

  “What? You would do that?” she asked, stumbling over the words.

  His hand reached out and stroked her cheek. “Yes, Viv. I’m splitting my share with my men, and you will get every last penny that belongs to me. I don’t want the treasure, Viv. I want you. All of you. And I know you want me too... if you’ll just allow yourself to dream of being happy.”

  Happy. That was not a word a prostitute, even a bawd, got to entertain. Survival. Necessity. Enduring. Those were the words she knew and with which she was comfortable. She searched his eyes. They begged her to concede... to give in to the feelings she couldn’t hide from him. He saw through her and her struggle to keep him at bay crumbled beneath his touch.

  “I can’t say it,” she whispered.

  His smile could have lit up the darkest of nights. A finger pushed a rogue curl off of her face. “Good. Because those words would have shattered me to bits.” A soft kiss touched her lips. This time she didn’t fight it. She melted into his touch and felt the last stones of her wall crumble to dust.

  “This is new for me, too, Viv. I’m scared as hell, but you’re worth the risk. We’re worth the risk. I know everyone in your life has let you down, but I’m not going anywhere. Ever. And I hope you’ll say the same thing, too.” He pulled her into his arms, her head falling against his chest.

  She could only nod. The thought of life outside these arms suddenly felt foreign, like another life she barely recognized. In just moments her world had turned on its axis and reversed course. Dreams she’d never dared to feed blossomed beneath her new light like flowers in spring after a long winter.

  She traced her hands down his chest and found the scar that cut deep and matched the one on his arm. “What is this from?” She traced her fingers along the deep grooves in his side.

  “A shark,” he said.

  “What?” She sat up and out of his arms. “A shark? Didn’t you just get done telling me they never attack, and it’s a myth?”

  He smirked. “I lied.” His fingers twisted around the shark tooth dangling from his neck.

  Her mouth fell open. “You lied? You mean to tell me you lied to me and that we truly were at risk of being eaten by that shark?”

  Propping himself up on his elbows, he struggled to conceal his entertainment. “What would you have had me do? Would you rather I said, ‘Yes, Viv, this fish is bumping us to size us up for a meal. We’re very likely to get eaten. Now, just stay calm.’ Is that what you would have preferred?”

  “No! Yes! I... I can’t believe you lied!”

  “I didn’t want to panic you.”

  “I almost got eaten?” Her eyes bulged.

  “We most definitely almost got eaten.” He laughed. “It wouldn’t be my first time, though. Even a shark can’t keep me down.”

  “Simon! I could have been killed!”

  A quick grab pulled her back down into his arms. “I would never have let him take you. If he did, I’d have followed you to the bottom of the ocean and forfeited my own life because I can’t imagine another day without you.”

  A little smile pressed her lips tight together while she tried to force it away. “You lied to me. I hate being lied to,” she said, furrowing her brow into a petulant frown.

  Quick kisses pecked her forehead. “You have my word, I will never lie to you again. The next time we are in a life and death situation I will be sure to tell you that you’re likely to die.”

  “Thank you,” she sighed, and ceased her struggle, collapsing back into his arms.

  Her eyes fell back to his scar. “Was it really a shark?” She touched it again.

  “A Great White, just like the one today, but a touch bigger.”

  “It was bigger?”

  Simon nodded. “Off the coast of South Africa. I was diving for lobster when out of nowhere it felt like a horse slammed into me. The pain from the bite hadn’t sunk in yet... I just felt pressure. It was a huge one, and it had me square in its teeth. Bastard started shaking me, heading out to sea.”

  “How did you get free?” Her heart pounded just thinking about him clutched in the jaws of a shark.

  “My dagger,” he smiled. “I was able to pull it out with my free arm. I got him in the eye, and after a hell of a wrestling match, I was swimming and he was floating. That shark fed the entire crew for days. I kept this as a souvenir... a reminder that life is short so you should enjoy every second you can.”

  “A good reminder,” she said with a sigh.

  “So now you, too, should grab life by the tallywags and stop letting this fear push you around. You almost got eaten by a shark today... after getting kidnapped and soon left for dead. If that isn’t a wake-up call to do whatever the hell you want, then I don’t know what is.”

  There was truth in his words. She would not let fear stop her now. She grabbed his face and pressed her lips against his. “There,” she said, letting him go. “That’s my answer.”

  “That’s the best answer you could have given me.” He beamed.

  A knock on the door pulled both their heads around.

  “We’re busy!” Simon called out.

  “Aye, Captain!” George called through the door. “I’ll just come back later with your food.”

  “Food!” Vivian said, her eyes lighting up. “I’m starving! And thirsty!”

  “I suppose we did work up an appetite,” he said with a wink.

  She grabbed the sheet and pulled it around her, sitting up in the bed.

  “Come in, George!” he called.

  The door popped open and George stepped inside. A quick glance to Vivian’s obvious state and he cleared his throat and headed over to the table with two plates of food. Needing the space, he pushed the map aside with his hand and set the plates on the table beside it.

  “What do you have a map of La Gomera for?” he asked, glancing at the map.

  “What?” Simon sat up, almost tugging the sheet off Vivian. “Isn’t that a map of Grand Canaria, the island we’re at?”

  George shook his head. “No, Captain. It’s definitely La Gomera... the sister island to Grand Canaria. You can tell by this little part here.” He pointed to the top corner of the drawing.

  “Are you certain?” Simon asked.

  George nodded. “Studying maps is my life, Captain. It’s what I do as your navigator. That is La Gomera. The drawings on this map are upside down, like a mirror. Someone was either very stupid or very clever.”

  Simon and Vivian exchanged a look.

  “How far are we from La Gomera?”

  “We can be there by morning. It’s part of the Canary Islands as well, but it’s the smaller one.”

  “George... forget what I said earlier. Take us to La Gomera.”

  “Aye, Captain,” George said, nodding before he backed out of the room.

  “We’re on the wrong island,” Vivian said with a breath.

  “We had better get to studying that map so we know where we’re going when we get there. If it’s all right with you, I think we need to let George in on our little secret. There’s no one more adept at reading maps than

  She nodded. “If you trust him, by all means. I trust you.”

  Simon grinned. “You trust me?”

  She let out a sigh and smile. “I trust you. Now go get George while I get dressed and let’s find this treasure!”

  Simon hopped out of bed and pulled up his pants. Before he ran out, he spun on his heel and raced back to the bed. Leaning down he kissed her hard before heading out the door and closing it behind him.

  She stared at the door for moments after he left. She trusted him. That thought filled her with as much fear as it did excitement. Other feelings for him churned inside her, emotions even more frightening than trust. She didn’t dare admit what she really felt for him, even to herself. As terrifying as it was to imagine him in her life, depending on him and daring to hope for a better life together, she prepared to take the leap. Fear wouldn’t stand in the way of the one thing she truly wanted.

  Not this time.


  SHE LOOKED SO PEACEFUL wrapped up in his arms; so beautiful and soft. Sleep took ahold of her yesterday afternoon after George left their meeting and held her trapped in its embrace all through the night. The exhaustion of what she’d endured finally released and allowed for some much-needed rest. He had barely gotten any himself since staring at her and seeing her curled against his body was better than any dream that sleep could have carried to him. His dream was now a reality.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Simon whispered, pushing the hair from her sleeping face.

  Thick black lashes fluttered before lifting to reveal a pair of emerald eyes heavy with slumber. She blinked twice before focusing in on his face. Holding his breath, he waited for her reaction, hoping that her feelings from yesterday hadn’t become hidden behind a wall she’d rebuilt in her sleep. Would she see him and recoil, regretting the moment she’d ripped off her armor and stood before him with her emotions painted across her exposed body? Or would she soften into his touch and remain his, and only his, until death ripped them apart?

  “Good morning,” she cooed, a sweet smile pulling at her lips.

  Simon blew out a breath and closed his eyes when her soft hand reached up and stroked his cheek. She was still here. The walls around her were only remnants of rubble, and Vivian, his Vivian, lay exposed and vulnerable in his arms.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips into her forehead, inhaling her sweet scent while he cherished the moment between them... the moment he knew her fear had gone. The moment he knew his days of bed-hopping and meaningless nights tangled in another’s arms had ended. There was nothing now but her... but Vivian.

  “How did you sleep?” he whispered, pulling his lips from her warm skin and moving them down to her waiting mouth.

  “Better than I have in my whole life,” she responded between peppered kisses.

  “Good.” He smiled and pecked her nose. “You needed it.”

  A long stretch pulled her from his arms, the silky sheets slipping down revealing those creamy white breasts he longed to taste and touch again. He stirred beneath the sheets, his body hot and already begging to devour her again.

  A knock on the door forced a groan when she pulled up the sheets, taking with it the view of her sumptuous figure. Simon scowled and turned his attention to the door.

  “Who is it?” he shouted.

  “It’s George, Captain. We’re here.”

  “We’re here?” Vivian asked. “What time is it?” Her eyes darted to the window that let in some of the morning light.

  “It’s morning. You slept all through the evening and night.”

  “Apparently I was exhausted!”

  “Give us a moment, George. We’ll be dressed and ready in a few minutes.”

  “Aye, Captain!” he called back through the door.

  “I guess it’s time to go get us some treasure. But as soon as we do, I’m coming back for more of this.” He pulled up the covers and peeked below.

  Vivian giggled and swatted his hand away. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”

  “Then I’ll be counting the seconds until later.” He waggled his brows.

  Hopping out of bed, he moved to where their clothes lay dried in a pile. “Here,” he said, tossing hers to the bed.

  “Thank you,” she responded, standing up and letting the sheets fall off her body. The sight of her standing naked before him sent a rush of blood that elevated things below. Her eyes fell to his erection, a peaked eyebrow her response.

  “Not now,” she said, smiling. “Later.”

  “I know that. He doesn’t seem to understand,” he joked, gesturing below.

  Shaking her head, she pulled on her pants. Simon followed suit but never took his eyes off her as he watched her feminine form disappear beneath the layers of black leather. The sight of her in such formidable clothes did nothing to ease the ache throbbing against his pants.

  “Well, are we ready?” she asked, tightening her last corset string.

  He pulled on his cloak and strapped his weapons into place. “No time like the present,” he smiled. “George, you can come in now.”

  The door popped open, and George and Sully stepped in together. The only two with knowledge of the treasure, Simon had filled them both in last night about its location on La Gomera.

  “We’re in position, Captain. The map shows the treasure near the center of the island. It will be a hike, but this is as close as I can get you.”

  “Captain,” Sully said, nodding a greeting. “I’ve packed you a bag with some food and water. There’s also an extra tinderbox, a blanket, and a few odds and ends that might come in handy.”

  “Thank you, Sully.” Simon took the bag from his hands.

  “Are you sure we can’t come with you, Captain?” George asked.

  “You two stay with the ship. If Captain Cyrus finds us, I’ll need Sully to command the crew, and George to navigate, if needed. I won’t leave my ship at risk for capture. Vivian and I will make this final journey together. We’ll locate the treasure and carry back what we can. Once I’m certain it exists, we’ll send the most trusted crew to help us carry it away.”

  “I’ll watch every penny loaded and account for it myself,” Sully said. “Your money will be safe.”

  “I know it will, Sully. Though I do intend to give half to the crew to split equally between men. You two, however, will get a double share.”

  George’s eyes grew wide. “I... I don’t know what to say, Captain. Even a small share of that money will change the lives of every man aboard.”

  “None deserve it more. We split things equally on this ship, and that goes for this treasure, too. Now, help us onto the skiff and keep my ship safe until we return.”

  “Aye, Captain!” they shouted in joyous unison.

  Vivian stepped to his side, sliding her own daggers into their sheaths. She reached out and took his hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

  “Are you ready?” he asked her.

  “I’m ready,” she said, smiling.

  Simon pulled her out the door, into the warm morning sun beating down on the dark planks of his ship. Looking right, he saw La Gomera. Vibrant greens covered every inch of the island, stretching to where the aqua blue water lapped at her sandy beach. Dozens of tall, dark mountains ranging in size from small hills to towering monstrosities, broke up the horizon. It wasn’t just the beauty of it that had his heart pounding... knowing Avery’s treasure may be just a hike away had him struggling to contain his childlike excitement.

  “Wow,” Vivian said, stepping to his side. “It’s beautiful.”

  “And very dangerous,” George said, coming up beside them. “Remember what I told you. Stick to the rivers and look for the five guardians. That’s what those markings on the map were. The natives, the Guanche, used to inhabit much of the island, but they are thought to have been mostly wiped out by Columbus in his expeditions. Nonetheless, be cautious. I have studied much about this island, but it is as much a mystery to me as it is to
you. Be prepared for anything.”

  Simon smiled. “I always am. Come on, Vivian.”

  His crew watched with curious eyes while they climbed over the edge into the dangling skiff. Unaware of the true nature of this journey, they had all grumbled when silence answered their requests for information. Before this, his crew was part of making every decision, each man’s vote carrying the same weight as the others. Choices were made based on majority rules and their exclusion to this decision, and the reasoning behind their journey here had raised more than a few eyebrows. Simon knew once they revealed the nature of the mission, and their pockets were heavy with gold, they would forgive and forget his secrecy quickly.

  The skiff lowered into the water. Vivian watched while he untied the ropes and set them free of the ship. He rowed in silence, the excitement of their discovery quickening his pace. When the skiff skidded into the sand, he hopped over the edge and dragged it the rest of the way onto shore.

  “Ready?” He smiled, extending a hand.

  Vivian returned the grin and slid her hand into his grasp. A gentle tug pulled her out of the skiff and into his arms. He looked to the river that cut along the beach and stretched up into the island further than his eye could see.

  “We need to follow this river all the way north,” he said. “When we reach the end, we travel northwest until we reach the next river. That will take us to the five guardians... and the treasure.”

  “Lead the way.” She beamed.

  Simon led her along the river. Only the soft rush of the water and the chirping of nearby birds broke the silence surrounding them. Unrivaled beauty stretched out in every direction as they climbed the terrain deeper into the depths of La Gomera. Rugged terrain marked every step, but the river formed a natural path that eased their struggle. A butterfly fluttered across his path and continued on its own, disappearing from sight when it descended into the valley just below.

  After the first river ended, they continued on, and the terrain changed with every step. A forest of laurels now stretched around them. The warm sun they walked through all morning could barely break the canopy of twisted trees above them. Ferns covered the forest floor, a sea of green leaves covering every inch. Green moss clung to every tree and chased the winding branches that stretched up beyond sight. Simon searched for the next river, watching for glimpses of the sun between the trees to help guide his way.


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