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Chasing Butterflies (Bad Girls Book 1)

Page 2

by Jennifer Labelle

  “It’s all just part of the package,” he teased. Once they were inside and all buckled up, he turned towards her. “Now, where to?”

  Sawyer gulped as she looked into those hypnotizing green eyes of his. At that moment, she knew she was royally screwed. Because as soon as she gave him the address to her folks’ place, he’d know exactly who she was and that might not be a good thing at all.

  Chapter Two


  Well, hell.

  It took a minute before recognition hit, but when she’d given him the address to the Maddox house, Jagger knew. It had to be her.

  Sawyer freakin’ Maddox.

  When he had walked into the bar earlier, he’d noticed her right away. Now he knew why. She was the one.

  The one who got away.

  “You’re shitting me, right?” Jagger couldn’t think of anything else to say. He’d thought about her over the years; thought about what he’d say if he ever saw her again, and he always wondered if there’d ever be an opportunity to right his wrongs.

  “Now, why would I do that?” She growled and crossed her arms over her very ample breasts.

  Damn, what a nice rack. Come on Jag, get your head out of your ass and quit screwing this up.

  He didn’t answer at first and instead started the ignition to get going before she bolted. She seemed even more skittish than she had been earlier, but now he knew why, so he just shrugged and thought of what to say next.

  Uh…damn it!

  “Sewer?” She stiffened and he winced.

  Way to go, dumbass.

  He didn’t mean to call her that it just slipped out. Okay, maybe he was just looking for a reaction to make one hundred percent sure he had the right woman.

  He did all right.

  “It’s Sawyer.” Her voice broke as she said her name and she fidgeted. Her hands were fisted at her sides. She was upset, rightfully so, considering he’d just brought up history, bad history, by calling her that name. He had caused that and it made him more desperate to fix it. “Stop the car.”

  “I’m really sorry, honey. I don’t even know why that slipped out.”

  “Do you need me to refresh your memory? Because mine is quite clear. Stop the car, Jagger!” Her voice rose as she spoke and she took a deep breath. Her fists were so tightly closed, her knuckles were white. She looked like she was ready to hit something or someone.

  “We’re almost there. Can we at least talk about it? I know I don’t deserve it, but could you just give me a chance?” Jagger asked. Damn, she was beautiful, even in anger.

  Sawyer began to laugh. It was sort of hysterical, yet bitter. “You’re joking, right? Because if not, you’re out of your damn mind. As far as I’m concerned, you can shove it.”

  He nodded once and his jaw tensed in frustration. She was so damn hard-headed and he needed a minute to come up with a plan. He had to believe she’d hear him out eventually.

  “Fair enough.” He took a deep breath. “For now.”

  “Good, now drop me off, leave me alone, and go bug Tonya for all I care.” Sawyer loosened her grip and folded her arms across her chest again. She was looking out the window now and missed the look of surprise that came across his face.

  Where the heck had that come from?

  “Bug Tonya?” He repeated it like it was a question and she turned around to face him again.

  “Yeah, she’s amazing, remember? So, ask her out, or whatever it is you do, and stay the hell away from me.”

  Was she jealous?

  The thought made him smirk because maybe there was hope after all between him and the little fireball in the next seat. Her driveway was coming up, so he had to make this fast. “First of all, Tonya is a married woman. And second, she’s only ever been a friend. Now you, on the other hand…”

  “Don’t!” Sawyer held up her hand and he sighed.

  “I’m sorry, Sawyer. I’ve been waiting a long time to tell you that.” He pulled up to her driveway and the moment the car stopped moving, she grabbed the keys from the ignition and was out of there.

  Jagger climbed out and quickly caught up before she could slam the front door in his face. “I thought about you over the years. Always wondered what happened to you, where you went. Wondered what I’d say if I got a second chance.”

  Sawyer stopped just shy of the front porch but didn’t turn around. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I screwed up when I let you go.” He ran his fingers through his hair and prayed for God to give him strength. “I’m not the guy you thought I was.”

  “I know, and that’s what was, and still is, the problem.” She turned around and he could see she was about to cry but was holding it back. “I…I can’t do this, Jag. So just do us both a favor and go. Forget you ever saw me.”

  She didn’t give him a chance to respond. Sawyer was fast when she wanted to be, that was for sure. As soon as those words left that beautiful mouth of hers, she was gone.

  Dang it!

  Jagger sat on the front porch steps and called himself a cab as he thought about the day a long time ago that started all the misery between the two of them.

  Eight years ago, they’d been dating for two months and he was determined to make it a night to remember. He’d planned it for weeks, in fact. Jagger didn’t have wheels yet, so a buddy of his had lent him the keys to his truck and he was taking Sawyer camping for the night. He hoped to show her how special she was to him because he was falling hard.

  It was all set up. He was taking her to his favorite spot. It was a small clearing on the large spread of land his family owned by the Guadalupe River. He’d gone earlier to set up a small tent. He’d bought flowers, packed a cooler full of goodies in the back seat for them, and a box of condoms, just in case. The last one was probably wishful thinking on his part but he was keeping his fingers crossed and wanted to be prepared for anything.

  Her long dark hair flew around her face from the wind through her open window as he drove. She was mesmerizing. He kept taking peeks at her from across the cab as she tilted her nose up in the air and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. God, she was beautiful. Her golden eyes sparkled as she smiled widely at him and licked her lips. “Try keeping those eyes on the road, cowboy.” Sawyer laughed. “So where is it you’re taking me, anyway?”

  “You’ll see soon enough,” he teased. “We’re almost there.”

  “Fair enough.” Sawyer sighed and looked out the window at the landscape passing by. “Thank you, by the way. I’m pretty sure I’ve never said so, and I want you to know how much I appreciate what you do for me. It’s peaceful when we’re together, refreshing from my kind of normal, considering who my parents are.”

  He was taken off-guard by her statement at first, but then understood where it was coming from. The two Maddox girls were legendary, it seemed, but not in the way you’d think. There were always rumors floating around about them. Rumors about their lifestyle and their family mostly, but Jagger never paid any attention to the gossip. Rumors were just that, not fact and just because you came from bad stock didn’t mean that you were bad.

  Her sister Carley was older and from what he could tell, took the brunt of the family problems onto herself. She took care of Sawyer and had gotten into trouble with the law a few times while doing it too. Money was tight, he assumed, their house was falling apart, and Sawyer kept to herself until recently. He showed an interest and the quiet girl with the pretty dark hair, slim figure, and hand-me-down clothes wasn’t so inconspicuous anymore. It had taken him a bit to get through to her though, but eventually, he had worn her down and she had finally agreed to go out with him. They had been a couple ever since.

  “Then I need to thank you for the same because you’re amazing, Sawyer, and I’m lucky as hell to have you with me.” He winked and she blushed.

  Dirt from the road flew up from the tires, making a small cloud of debris on each side of them and the river flowed up ahead. One right turn and they’d be t
here, nothing but nature, water, and appreciation for his girl. It was going to be awesome.

  He pulled up to the clearing and watched her take it all in as he parked the truck not far from where he’d set up the tent. Her entire face lit up and before he knew what hit him, she leaped into his arms from across the seat. “It’s beautiful, Jag. I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

  He chuckled and she squeezed him tighter. This girl deserved everything but he knew she wasn’t used to being cared for by anyone other than her sister. Jagger sobered his expression and lifted her chin when she leaned back so she’d look into his eyes. “I did this because I wanted to give you an escape, although brief. I also brought you here because I love this spot and I wanted to share it with my favorite girl.” He opened the door, slipped out of his seat, and gathered her into his arms. She squealed with delight as he carried her to the blanket he had laid there just before he’d left to pick her up and put her down in front of it. He set her on her feet and then started walking backward. “Stay there. I’ll be right back.”

  He jogged to the truck again, leaned in, and grabbed the cooler of food and drinks along with the bouquet of yellow roses and jogged back to her again. “I figured you might be hungry, so I thought we could eat first then maybe take a swim later.” Her eyes locked onto the roses, so he handed them to her. “These are for you.”

  “Wow,” she whispered as she brought them up to her nose to smell. “They’re beautiful.”

  He nodded and before he could respond, the cooler dropped so he could catch her. Her legs wrapped around his waist, the flowers were suddenly behind his head, her right hand was in his hair, and her lips plastered against his in appreciation. Sawyer hadn’t wasted any time probing the slit of his mouth with her tongue and the kiss turned heated in an instant. She squirmed against him and the chubby he sported ached to be set free from the confines of his pants.

  They were both breathless when they pulled apart. Jagger held on to her tighter as he dropped to his knees and gently sat her down beside him. “As much as I love kissing you, sweetheart, I think we should slow down a bit before we hit the point of no return.” He adjusted himself and Sawyer turned a nice shade of pink again. “I don’t want there to be any regrets later on if we get carried away.” The zipper imprint against the head of his cock and the blue balls he’d surely have to battle be damned.

  As if on cue, her stomach growled and it made them both laugh. “Okay, we’ll put the kissing on hold, so you can at least feed me,” she teased and he smiled wider. “So, what have you got?”

  “That’s my girl.” He smirked. “We’ve got pulled pork sandwiches, salsa and chips, some of mom’s chili for later, and pecan pie.” Jagger handed her a bottle of water and let her help herself to the food. They ate in comfortable silence and twenty minutes later, he was packing the cooler back into the truck again, so they didn’t attract any unwanted wildlife.

  “So, you mentioned swimming.” Sawyer wrapped her arms around him from behind and squeezed.

  “I sure did.” He loosened her grip, so he could turn around to face her and was blinded for a second by the hot afternoon sun that shone brightly behind her. It sort of looked like she had a halo, his angel. Jagger caressed the side of her face. “You ready to go take a dip, baby?”

  Sawyer nodded. “It’s hotter than blue blazes out here.” She stepped back and smiled as she took off her shirt. “Funny thing, but it seems I don’t have a suit.”

  Jagger was stunned while rooted to the spot. He couldn’t take his eyes off her and he groaned when the shorts came off too. Well, hell. That was totally unexpected, yet a very welcome sight to behold. Just as he’d gotten his dick tamed through lunch, it now saluted them both proudly once again.

  Sawyer stood in nothing but her simple bra and underwear for only a second longer before she ran ahead yelling, “Last one in is a rotten egg!”

  “Oh, you asked for it.” He laughed and nearly fell over as he quickly tried to rid himself of his Wranglers. Her head start beat him to it, but he wasn’t far behind when jumping in. The cool water was refreshing and he dove under so he could come up on her other side. She squealed again, splashed him, and laughed so hard his heart felt like it expanded just by watching her. She was happy and it was a good look on her. He splashed back and then swam closer. Jagger wrapped her in his arms and rubbed his nose against hers right there in the middle of the river. “You look happy as a hog in mud right now.”

  “All thanks to you,” she whispered and tilted her head to give him a quick kiss. One peck turned into two before she nibbled on his bottom lip. “I need you, Jag.”

  “I’m right here, darlin’.”

  “I’m grateful.” She tilted her head. “But what I meant to tell you was that I’m ready. So, let’s get carried away past the point of no return. Love me with that sexy body.”

  She didn’t have to tell him twice. They quickly swam to shore and he carried her caveman-style once they were on dry land again. Sawyer now hung over his shoulder upside down. He couldn’t wait to get her naked. She giggled the whole way to the tent and he squeezed her ass once he let her upright.

  Sawyer moaned.

  “You sure about this?” he asked. He’d been dreaming about this moment for so damn long but for her, he’d wait as long as it took for their first time together. No regrets.

  “Very,” Sawyer answered and it was all the confirmation he needed. They crawled inside and he zipped up the flap to keep the bugs out. His girl was already ready for him to close the distance between them but he took a moment to admire her lying on his sleeping bag. Her brown hair spread against his pillow and the wet bra and panties set she wore left nothing to the imagination. Her rosy nipples puckered for him and he couldn’t take the wait any longer, so he joined her.

  Jagger slowly crawled on top of her and captured her lips hungrily. She was his addiction, his drug, and as young as he was, he knew he’d never tire of her taste. Their tongues caressed, mouths pressed together, and the skin on skin contact was their undoing. He sucked on her bottom lip before trailing his own across her jaw. He slowly moved lower and lower with his mouth, down her neck, and didn’t stop until he came face to chest with her delectable tits. On instinct, he pushed the cups of her bra aside and licked around her hardened nipple. Sawyer arched her back to get closer and encouraged the action by holding on to the back of his head.

  “Oh, God Jag. Please don’t stop.”

  He loved how responsive she was to his touch. Her hips moved across his thigh, humping him and he could feel the warm dampness from between her legs. Fuck, his dick ached. “I won’t baby, but I need to get you ready, so it won’t hurt as much.”

  “Please…” She thrashed her head to the side and writhed while he paid attention to the other boob. Sawyer gasped and the noise made him smile against her. He continued his pursuit lower, kissing his way down her stomach to her panty line. He slid the undergarment off and tossed them into the corner.

  “Take off your bra.” He grunted and then spread her legs wider to admire her fully. She was so moist her pussy glistened. “You are so beautiful.”

  Her breathing turned rapid while his fingers explored her body. He slid through her slippery pink folds and inserted his index finger inside. There was a wet spot now on his boxer briefs from his own pre-cum and his fingers were slick with Sawyer’s juices. It was time to stop fucking around and make her come. He inserted another finger to stretch her and furiously pumped them in and out. She was so fucking tight. Jagger shifted so that he was beside her now. He wanted both access to her breasts and pretty little cunt at the same time. His thumb circled her clit, Sawyer’s breath hitched, and she was moaning like crazy for him. He felt like he was ten feet tall. She deserved to feel good and he wanted to make her feel that way, but it was the moment his lips touched her again that she exploded. He kissed his way across her chest, paying extra close attention to her breasts until the orgasm drifted and she was a boneless heap.

>   “That was amazing,” she moaned. “Just give me a minute and it’ll be your turn, okay?

  “I’m cocked and loaded, sweetheart. Play too much and I’ll be sure to explode before we get started.” He reached over to grab the box of condoms he’d gotten earlier. “You can explore me all you want the next time I swear it, but right now I just need to be inside you.”

  She nodded and he rushed to get fully naked and sheathed with protection. Jagger crawled on top of her, the head of his cock nudged her opening and his teeth clenched when his dick slowly slipped inside. He stopped when he reached her virginal barrier and looked into her eyes. God, but it was bittersweet torture to hold himself back. “You still okay?”

  “More than ever,” Sawyer whispered. “I want all of you.”

  He surged forward in one smooth stroke to the hilt, it was uncomfortable for a minute and then it was pure bliss.

  Later that night, they sat by the fire pit and ate chili from the thermos he’d brought. Sawyer was dressed in his shirt that looked way better on her than it did him and a pair of shorts you could barely see from beneath the hem. Sexy. Jagger sat on the log beside her half-dressed and never happier.

  “Jag, you out here buddy!”

  Sawyer stiffened and he cursed. A few buddies from football and their girlfriends came through the trees to the clearing with beers in tow.

  “There you are,” Dylan said and laughed when his gaze clashed with Sawyer’s.

  Jagger held her hand and squeezed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Give you my truck and that’s the thanks I get?” His friend feigned a wounded look and staggered back while the girls around him giggled.

  “Figured I wouldn’t be interrupting much.” Dylan leered. “Have you met Stacy?” He dragged a cute little blond from behind him and Jag wasn’t having any of it.

  “Look.” He narrowed his eyes. “I appreciate the help with the truck but if you don’t mind I’d like to spend some time with my girl alone.”


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