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Page 18

by R. C. Ryan

  When she came up for air, she touched a hand to his cheek. “That’s nice. I do like kissing you, Luke.”

  “That’s good to know. Because I intend to do a whole lot more of it.”

  He dipped his head and took her mouth. The kiss spun on and on until their breathing grew strained and their hearts were pumping.

  He reached for the ends of her damp shirt. When his fingers fumbled, she surprised him by slipping her hands beneath his and quickly tugging it over her head.

  He stared down at her with a look of pure male appreciation. “Oh, lady. Now you’ve done it. If a kiss is an invitation, getting half naked is a royal command.”

  He gathered her close and kissed her with a depth of passion that had them both struggling for every breath. “You know I want you, Ingrid,” he said with a raw voice. “But you need to tell me if I’m misreading…”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “Yes.”

  He went very still.

  She smiled then. A sly, woman’s smile. “Yes, Luke. I want the same thing you want.”

  “Oh, God.” On a moan he scooped her up and strode to the shore, laying her down in the grass and stretching out beside her.

  There were no words between them as he dragged her close and nearly devoured her in a kiss so hot, so hungry, it rocked them both.

  She responded, pouring herself into every kiss, every touch, with a passion that had them rolling in the cool grass together, hands clutching, mouths seeking as they kicked off their boots and shed their jeans.

  Seeing her reaching for the fasteners of her bra, he whispered, “Let me help you out of—” In his haste he tore it from her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to…” He shook his head. “I want to be gentle, but…”

  “I’m not some delicate flower, Luke.” She framed his face with her hands and smiled. “I’m just a woman.”

  “Never call yourself just a woman. You’re the most beautiful”—he closed his hands over hers and leaned in to kiss her—“most dazzling woman I’ve ever known. And you’ve got me so tied up in knots…”

  Against his lips she murmured, “I think we should untie those knots.”

  His look was fierce. “Oh, the things I want to do with you.”

  She touched a finger to his lips. “Stop talking and show me, cowboy.”

  It was all the invitation he needed.

  His big hands moved over her, touching her with a reverence he hadn’t even known was possible. He moved calloused palms along the smooth trail of her back, the flare of her hips, and then up her sides until his thumbs found the swell of her breasts.

  When she sighed with pleasure, he lowered his mouth to nibble and tease until she writhed and nearly sobbed from the exquisite pleasure.

  On a growl, he showered her with deep, wet kisses and frantic touches. He explored every inch of her body with lips and tongue and fingertips, hungry to show her all that he was feeling.

  No longer hesitant, Ingrid followed his lead, moving her hands over his muscled torso, pausing to follow the line of corded muscles. Her fingertips trailed the flat planes of his stomach, causing him to tremble. But when she moved her hands lower, he sucked in a breath before stilling her movements. “Oh, baby. I thought I could wait. But I’m so hot…”

  Aware that she’d gone still, he froze. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ll wait as long as you need me to. Just tell me you want this, too.” For a moment he couldn’t breathe. His heart forgot to beat. “I don’t want to hurt—”

  She stopped his words with a long kiss that had all his breath backing up in his throat. Against his mouth she whispered, “You’re doing it again, Luke. Talking. Just show me.”

  They came together in an explosion of passion that staggered him.

  Ingrid reared up, her aroused body taut as a bowstring, her arms circling his neck, as he felt himself sinking fully into her. He tried to slow the storm inside him, but he had no control left.

  He began moving with her, climbing, his heart pumping, body slick with sheen.

  The world around him had narrowed to this place, this moment, this all-consuming need. If the skies had opened up, if the herd had stampeded and threatened to crush them beneath their hooves, he couldn’t have stopped.

  A desperate need inside him, like a beast fighting for release, had been waging a terrible war, and now free, it took over his will. He was helpless to do more than ride the passion.

  “Ingrid. God, Ingrid!”

  The words were torn from Luke’s throat as he began racing, climbing, frantic to reach the very pinnacle of the mountain. As the climax slammed into him, he could feel himself touching the very center of the sun before shattering into thousands of hot, blistering fragments.

  They lay in the cool grass, waiting for the world to settle.

  Luke’s face was buried in the hollow of Ingrid’s throat. His breathing was as ragged as her pulse beat.

  “You okay?”

  She responded by touching her palm to his cheek and a murmured, “Mmm.”

  “I was rough.”


  He lifted his head to stare down at her. “I hurt you.”

  “No.” She smiled.

  “Ah. She speaks.” That had him relaxing. He nibbled the corner of her lips. “You don’t have to say a word. I’ll do all the talking.”


  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted this? Just this. With only you.”

  Her eyes snapped open and she focused on him. “Since you first saw me?”

  “Wait. How could you know? Have I already told you?”

  She moved her head languidly from side to side. “I just know. It was the same for me.”

  He looked thunderstruck. “Are you kidding? I thought you could barely tolerate me.”

  “Yeah. Barely. I spent a lot of time fighting it. But honestly? First glance, and I was gone.”

  She saw the look of pure male pleasure on his face before glancing skyward, where the sun was already beginning to dip behind the hills. “We’d better go. Mick will be waiting.”

  “Wait. I want to talk about this.”

  “We can do it later.”

  “Later? Like later tonight?”

  She merely smiled, like a woman harboring secrets.

  Luke got slowly to his feet before helping her to stand. He drew her into the circle of his arms and kissed her. “I hope you’ll agree to round two tonight.”

  “You make it sound like fight night.”

  “More like wrestling. You’re strong for a woman. I like that. Round two later?”

  She tried for a cool look before breaking into a laugh. “How can I resist such a sexy request? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “Oh, thank you, God.” He kissed her again before handing her the soaked clothes that lay in a heap on the banks of the stream. “And maybe tomorrow we can try actually skinny-dipping instead of water war.”

  “We can try. But I think I know how it will end.” She had to struggle into the wet clothes that now fit her like a second skin.

  She sat in the grass to put on her boots before pulling herself into the saddle. Then, with Luke beside her, they headed down the hill and toward the barn.

  Inside, as they unsaddled their horses and turned them into a corral, Luke gave her a long, knowing smile. “I hope Mick can have dinner ready as soon as we’ve showered. I can’t wait to get you upstairs and see what other moves you know.”

  “I’m betting you have a lot more than I do.”

  In his best imitation of an old codger he muttered, “Just so you know. I’m more than happy to share whatever knowledge I have with you, little lady.”

  “And I’m more than happy to take you up on that, cowboy.”

  They were both laughing as they made their way inside, where the kitchen was perfumed with the most amazing fragrances. Then they hurried upstairs to shower and change, eager to get through the evening so they could continue their newly discovered love fest.

pter Twenty-Two

  That was amazing, Mick.” Luke sat back, sipping coffee, feeling on top of the world.

  “Thanks to Yancy.” The old man helped himself to a second slice of Yancy’s chocolate layer cake and topped it with ice cream. He looked at Ingrid and Luke, who had spent the entire meal smiling and darting glances. “Want seconds?”

  They both shook their heads.

  “Then I may have to eat your share, too.” With a satisfied grin, Mick began to eat slowly, savoring every bite. “Girl, your pa loved chocolate cake more than any man I’ve ever known.”

  Ingrid’s smile grew. “Probably because nobody ever baked him one. The only chocolate cake he ever had came from that little grocery in Wayside.”

  Mick nodded. “And it never tasted like this.”

  Luke circled the table, topping off their cups. “That’s because those things are full of preservatives.”

  Ingrid shot him a look. “Well, listen to you. How would you know about such things?”

  He gave her a wicked smile. “Lady, there are so many things you don’t know about me.”

  “I’ll bet you can’t wait to fill us in on the real Luke Malloy.” She turned to Mick. “Get ready for the big reveal.”

  Luke replaced the coffeepot and sat down beside her, stretching out his long legs. “The fact is, most of what little I know about such things I learned from my brother Reed. Ever since he was a teen he’s been obsessing about all the harmful foods we ingest. Right now he’s raising a herd of cattle that’s been, from birth, completely hormone and steroid free.”

  Mick paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. “How can he keep an entire herd healthy without drugs?”

  “It’s a lot of work. He has to be really vigilant. One virus could wipe out his herd in a single season. But he figures it’s worth the effort. An Italian beef supplier has given him a limited contract, to test the market. If they like the numbers, it could become a huge success for our ranch.”

  Mick turned to Ingrid. “You remember when your pa thought about that very thing?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t remember. How long ago was that?”

  He thought a minute. “I guess it was just about the time you were getting ready to leave for college. He was moping around, missing you even before you left. Then he sat me down one evening and started laying out his plans for a new breed of cattle.”

  Ingrid watched the old cowboy’s eyes. “Was it a solid plan?”

  Mick nodded. “It was a good idea, but like so many of Lars’s plans, there was no follow-through. He got sidetracked by having to deal with Nadine’s wild side, and the fact that without you, he’d have to be both ma and pa to Lily. After a while, it was like everything else he ever planned. Life got in the way, and his plans fell flat. And then, without warning, Lars was gone.”

  “Sounds like he was a man ahead of his time,” Luke remarked.

  Beside him, Ingrid had gone strangely silent at the mention of her father’s passing.

  “Reminds me of another time, when Lars and I were riding across the southern ridge of his land and he mentioned that a mining company had approached him about taking some soil samples.” Mick grew thoughtful. “They were pretty sure there were valuable minerals on his land.”

  Luke smiled. “Lots of ranchers make more on mineral rights than they do on cattle. Did Lars pursue it?”

  The old man shook his head, remembering. “Lars always figured he’d take care of things tomorrow.”

  “We all do.” Ingrid’s voice was subdued. “We think we’ll live forever, and if we’re good enough, and work hard enough, we’ll see all our dreams come true.”

  Hearing the thread of pain in her words, Luke caught her hand. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  She stared at their joined hands. “You don’t strike me as being a fool, Luke.”

  “You think it’s foolish to believe in happily-ever-after?”

  “That’s for Lily’s storybooks.” She tugged her hand free. “I’m a realist. If life has taught me anything, it’s this. The selfish takers of this world walk all over the good and kind and decent people who believe in playing by the rules.”

  He leaned over and planted a kiss on the corner of her mouth. “You’re a hard-hearted woman, Ms. Larsen. Someday Prince Charming will come along and force you to admit how wrong you’ve been.” He stood and walked to the sink. “In the meantime, I’ll let you use your amazing talent to dry the dishes I’m about to wash. It’s the least we can do to thank Mick for this meal.”

  Mick grinned as he picked up his cup of coffee and started toward his room. “I’m hoping to watch another rerun of Perry Mason. Good night, you two. After all this food, I’ll be lucky to stay awake past the first commercial.”

  When his door closed, Luke winked at Ingrid as she stepped up beside him, towel in hand. “I thought we’d never be alone. How fast can you dry?”

  She shrugged. “I guess that depends on how fast you can wash.”

  He wiggled his brows. “Five minutes tops. Then I’m getting you upstairs, all to myself.”

  After turning out the lights, Luke followed Ingrid up the stairs. Once there he pressed her against the wall, kissing her like a man starved for the taste of her. She responded with a hunger of her own.

  “I thought dinner would never end.” He ran wet, nibbling kisses down her throat.

  She sighed and angled her head, giving him easier access. “I thought you were fascinated by all Mick had to say.”

  “Honestly?” He fumbled with the buttons of her shirt. “I can’t remember a thing he told us.”

  She started to laugh, but it turned into a little gasp as his mouth trailed the swell of her breast, covered by the merest wisp of silk.

  When he tried to tug it free, she whispered, “Luke Malloy, if you rip another bra, I’ll soon run out of underthings.”

  “That wouldn’t be the worst thing.”

  “You’re impossible.” She put her hands to his chest, but instead of pushing him away she found herself tangling her fingers in the front of his shirt to drag him closer.

  Against her throat he muttered, “I want you out of these clothes.”

  “You’re also impatient.”

  “I am when it comes to you, woman.” He picked her up and started down the hallway. “Your room or mine?”

  Before she could say a word, he strolled past her door and continued to the room at the end of the hall. Instead of setting her down, he merely nudged the door open with his foot, then kicked it shut behind them.

  He lowered her to her feet and slid her shirt from her shoulders before reaching a hand to the snaps at her waist. She did the same for him, tugging his shirt over his head before unsnapping his jeans. Then he unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor with the rest of their clothes.

  “That’s better.” He ran his hands across her shoulders, then down her arms, gathering her close enough to feel her flesh against his. A smile warmed his voice. “Oh yeah. Much better.”

  She moved one booted foot up his leg. “I need to get out of these.”

  “Yeah. Leave it to me.” He eased her down on the edge of the bed and sat beside her, nudging off his own boots and slipping out of his denims. Then he surprised her by kneeling before her to slide off her boots and jeans.

  In the darkened room, illuminated only by a spill of moonlight through the window, he ran his rough, calloused palm along her leg to her thigh before bending close to press a trail of kisses.


  When she put a hand to his shoulder, he stopped her. “Earlier today, I promised you I’d make up for being too hot and frantic. Now that we have all night, this is for you, Ingrid. For both of us. Long and slow and easy.”

  He took his time, exploring her body with lips and tongue and fingertips, until her body shuddered, and they were both mad with need. He lifted her to the center of the bed and lay down beside her. His rough hands moved over her, surprisingly gentle, like a whisper of silk
. His kisses followed. Soft, gentle kisses that had her sighing with pure pleasure.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  “I’m not.” The words spilled from her lips before she could think.

  “Why would you say that? If you’ve ever looked in a mirror, you have to know how you look.”

  “I don’t bother much with a mirror. I’ve no use for one.”

  “Then you’ve never seen what I’m seeing.”

  “What do you see, Luke?”

  “A beautiful woman who tries so hard to hide that beauty so she won’t become like her mother. It’s why you cut off all your hair. Why you try to hide your body.” He kissed her mouth when she started to protest. “But you can never be like Nadine. She’s a selfish child. And you’re a woman. A beautiful, generous woman who puts her own needs aside to care for those who matter to her.”

  He ran a trail of kisses down her throat. “I want to be one of those who matter to you, Ingrid.”

  “You are.” Her words were muffled against his temple.

  He gathered her so close he could feel her heartbeat inside his own chest. And though his passion threatened to overtake him, he’d do anything to give her all the pleasure she deserved.

  Once again, his caresses slowed. His kisses gentled as the never-ending chores were put aside. For this night, the danger that threatened was also forgotten.

  Now there were only the long midnight hours of leisure that lay ahead. And the knowledge that they could uncover all the hidden pleasures they’d so long anticipated.

  As their kisses deepened, and their touches grew more demanding, they lay steeped in glorious feelings that lifted them above anything they’d known. Not just pleasure, but need. A quiet, desperate need that had their bodies slick with sheen, their hearts pumping in anticipation.

  “Luke. Please. Now.”

  At her soft plea, he moved over her with deliberate care, entering her and holding back as she welcomed him. Every movement, every thrust was slow, deep, measured.


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