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The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2)

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by Kat T. Masen

  Somewhere, in the early hours of the morning, Ashley’s lips touch mine. It is a soft kiss, nothing sexual nor pressing. I stir, unable to open my eyes, my muscles tired and worn out from the hangover.

  “Thank you, Will,” she whispers, caressing the side of my face. “Last night is exactly what I needed. It’s time to move on with my life, so thank you for giving me the confidence to do so.”

  And like a thief in the night, she is gone.

  No number left, no way for me to contact her to express my own thanks. Ashley Stone may have given me what I needed, but in the light of the day, it all comes back, and the nightmare continues to haunt me.

  Beside me, my phone buzzes. I pull the screen away to be able to focus, my eyesight poor and hazy. There are a dozen notifications; emails, text messages, missed calls. Nothing of importance to me until I spot the one I had been waiting for.

  It’s from Richard McGregor—my lawyer.

  Richard: You’ve got your wish. The board has been notified of your intent to return to the States.

  My eyes scan over the message again. I should be happy; I’m going back home. No more dreary London or people whining all the time. Back to regular sports, not this so-called football they claim to play, which indeed—is soccer.

  This is exactly what I want.

  Yet my thoughts torment me—a vicious cycle telling me that I am not the one she wants. Amelia Edwards chose someone else.

  She didn’t call nor did she send a text in the past four years.

  To me, it looks like I meant nothing to her.

  A pain in my chest spreads all over, causing mental distress. Who the fuck is this person? I pride myself on being strong, never letting anyone undermine me or my decisions. I didn’t become this successful by allowing people to walk all over me. I knew people were terrified of me and the power I held, so why the fuck am I doubting myself now?

  Amelia doesn’t love him. She promised me it was only me.

  With my jaw clenched and the heat rising in my cheeks, I respond quickly to Richard and tell him exactly when I’ll be back home.

  There is only one way to find out how Amelia feels, and soon, I will look her in the face and ask her why she is marrying a man she doesn’t love.



  It has been a long while since I’ve visited London.

  A place I once called home, almost a lifetime ago.

  The memories of being here are rather unpleasant. I was addicted to power—the type which drove me to become a billionaire all before the age of thirty. Granted, my grandfather left me at the reins of his company. However, it grew to something unimaginable in a short time, all because I took risks. I was unstoppable with nothing to lose. My ego and self-worth became addicted to the power and authority I held. I was the man everyone wanted, all but the one person who mattered.

  It was a double-edged sword. I was alone with regrets chained around my neck. I had committed the ultimate crime, broke the woman I fell in love with, left her without a goodbye, not a single explanation as to why.

  I was a fucking coward.

  No matter how wealthy I had become or successful, none of it erased the actions I took, hurting Charlotte.

  We were both so young, foolish with our intentions, in love without a care in the world of who we hurt around us. That kind of love, which some may call strong, can also be destructive.

  It tore us apart, the intensity too much for our young hearts to take. Guilt tore me down, as did the expectations placed on me by my father to follow his footsteps and become a doctor. It was years of pain knowing I had done wrong, and the worst part is, I didn’t have the ability to apologize.

  Charlotte had disappeared, untraceable as if she never existed and was a figment of my imagination.

  And so, I used the pain to make myself a mogul. London—my accomplice at the time—had everything to do with it. I was away from the memories, living a different life without my family to remind me of my mistakes.

  My days consisted of people all around me. I was rarely alone, but at night, when darkness fell—I was reminded of my solitary life. A life purposely crafted to numb the pain of losing the woman I love.

  Yet, there was a force much greater than anything I could have ever imagined. Timing had been everything. I resisted the trip back home to the States, but because of that one snap decision to fly last minute—my entire life changed. Seeing Charlotte again made me realize that money is nothing without the woman you love.

  And again—I was unstoppable. She was always meant to be mine, and this time, nothing was going to get in my way.

  I will never regret fighting for Charlotte and spending my days earning back her trust. We have built a life together. Our family, our home—all of it is because of Charlotte. She is the matriarch of our family, the queen who deserves to sit on a throne to which I will forever bow down.

  Down the long corridor, I begin my walk to the boardroom, watching employees scurry around me with fear. The persistent throbbing inside my head refuses to leave, all because I am about to encounter the one man I’ve been avoiding for the last four years.

  Will Romano.

  As I enter the room, I keep my gaze to myself and take a seat at the opposite end of the table. To distract me from being in the same room as him, with the intent of focusing on our agenda, I glance at my phone only for it to ring—Amelia’s name appearing on the screen.

  With reluctance, I answer, dreading the call if this is what I think it is.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Hello, now is not a good time,” I quickly tell her, keeping my tone neutral.

  “I know it must be your daytime, and you’re at work, but Dad,” she hesitates, only confirming my fears. “But please, it’ll only take a moment.”

  I don’t say anything, listening for the words I’d been dreading since the day she was born.

  “Dad, Austin proposed.”

  I close my eyes, torn between my eldest daughter getting married and my approval of the union. I only approved when he asked me for her hand in marriage because the kid will treat her well, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I know just how hard it is to find a person with honorable intentions. He has a strong head on his shoulders, respects my authority, and he’s studying to be a doctor.

  Austin said he would only propose marriage with the blessing from Charlotte and me because he understands the importance of family and would never want to jeopardize Amelia’s relationship with us.

  Unlike others in this very room.

  Yes, Amelia is too young. Austin is young too. However, he promised not to rush the wedding, ensuring that nothing will get in the way of their studying. He loves Amelia and promises her a life full of love. How could I say no to that?

  “Congratulations,” is all I say.

  “I know, Dad. It’s a lot to take in. Do you think we can talk about it when you’re free?”


  I hang up the phone, my eyes lifting to meet Romano. The guy has aged, sporting a beard of all things and wearing reading glasses. His stare is penetrating, full of contempt. I am the one who stopped him from going any further with my daughter, and perhaps I would also act the same if someone tried to get in the way of Charlotte and me. It’s been a while since I’d last seen him, only in passing at events we frequented. We never breathed a word to each other, and I did my best to stay away from him.

  What he did is still unforgivable in my eyes. He took an innocent girl, broke all our trust, and for what? He almost ruined her.

  My mind begs not to remember the night of the accident. The call we received telling us our daughter had been admitted into hospital with a broken arm and concussion. The panic from the unknown and the possibility we could lose her. All of these events stemmed from their forbidden relationship, and frankly, I’m glad she walked away.

  And equally relieved Romano chose his career over her.

  The meeting starts with the same old agenda. Jensen dragged matte
rs longer than necessary, barely giving anyone a chance for input. Romano made a few points, all of which were valid though I did not acknowledge nor converse with him on any matters.

  Time drags, and out of boredom, my eyes lazily fall onto my phone screen, where a notification catches my attention. It’s Ava, which comes as no surprise. The girl will be the death of me. Thank god it wasn’t one of her bikini shots. I believe she learned her lesson from my directive to remove the image since the world did not need to see her posed in such a compromising position.

  But this photo is not of her, for once. It’s a picture of the ring and caption saying she said yes.

  It’s official. It’s gone viral. It would only be a matter of time before everyone found out, including the man sitting across the table from me. I send Charlotte a quick text.

  Me: I got the call. It’s official.

  Charlotte: Yes, it is. How do you feel?

  Me: I don’t know.

  Charlotte: How is the meeting going?

  Me: Uneventful. I’ll call you when I’m back in the hotel room.

  In a single glance, my focus is pulled across the room. The force is strong, like a gust of wind before the storm. Romano’s attention is on his phone. For a moment, his body freezes mid-movement as his upper lip curls back.

  Then, his expression shifts. The vein on his forehead pops, and his muscles tighten around his face and neck. Baring his teeth, his fingers tap fast against his phone with urgency. And suddenly, his eyes shut momentarily, breathing ragged until they snap open.

  “Are we done, gentlemen?” he grits, barely able to control his anger.

  Everyone appears confused by his outburst, remaining silent. Grabbing his phone, he pushes his chair out and rises, storming toward the door until I call his name.

  Romano’s body stiffens, the grip on the doorknob tight. His hand falls off the silver handle, and at a slow and agonizing pace, he turns around with an unblinking stare. There is tension in his jaw. His chin held high with a pinched mouth. He loathed me, this much I knew. And I’m certain his resentment runs deep just as mine does.

  I’d taught this man everything I knew, saved him from the mistakes I made all so he could grow his company into a billion-dollar empire.

  And this is how he repays me.

  “Leave her alone,” I demand, my equally penetrating stare just as hard. “It’s over.”

  Not a single blink, nor flinch. His silence speaks a thousand words.

  As is his exiting the room, a scorned man who just found out the game is officially over.

  The penthouse suite is just as I remembered. Oversized, especially when you’re all alone. Outside the large glass windows is a view of the River Thames.

  I remove my jacket, then yank my tie off and pour myself a much-needed drink. It’s been a long day, one I would rather forget. The familiar taste of luxury brand Scotch should offer me some relief, but my tense muscles refuse to relax despite my efforts.

  With my drink in hand, I sit on the plush white sofa and call Charlotte.

  “Hello there, my British husband.”

  I chuckle softly. “Remind me again how I managed to live here for so long? It’s raining outside.”

  “What’s new?” she retorts, a small laugh following. “I guess you don’t want to hear about the blue skies?”

  “Don’t make me jealous,” I threaten in amusement. Taking a deep breath, I tilt my head to each side, trying to ease the tension in my shoulders. “Speaking of jealousy, we need to talk about something which happened today.”

  “Let me just close the door to my office. You know what Eric is like.” The echo of her heels against the marble floor is all I can hear. “Okay, go ahead.”

  “Romano knows.”

  Charlotte takes a deep breath, a long-winded sigh accompanying it. “It was bound to happen. You can’t hide these things forever. So, how did he take it?”

  “How do you think?”

  “If he’s anything like you, in which he is remarkably like you, I’d say not well.”

  Charlotte was never shy to point out our similarities, often referring to Romano as a “young Lex.” Perhaps, in hindsight, she’d said it enough for it to stick in my head. Ultimately, I judged his motives based on what I would do. I didn’t have the best reputation, known to treat women poorly during my time apart from Charlotte. So, why would he be any different?

  “He stormed out of the meeting,” I say, my voice low.

  “He’s hurt.”

  “It’s been four years, Charlotte.”

  “Lex,” Charlotte breathes, but much like me, we’re both lost for words. “You can’t forget those years without me. I’m sure you remember them.”

  I remain quiet. Of course, I remember them. Impossible to forget no matter how happy our lives are. Living without Charlotte had been pure hell.

  “Feelings so strong, don’t just disappear,” Charlotte maintains, always an advocate for love. “Everyone grieves the end of a relationship differently.”

  “Amelia has moved on?” I quiz, failing to see her point. “So why hasn’t he?”

  “Once upon a time, I thought I had moved on. And maybe, if it weren’t for that day at the restaurant, things would have ended differently. If we had never crossed paths again, Lex, who knows where either one of us would have ended up.” Her cautious tone is no doubt because of my displeasure of discussing anything Charlotte and Julian related. I may have accepted him into our family as Adriana’s husband, but I never forget the past. “I don’t doubt Amelia’s love for Austin, but I also remember what it’s like to force the pain away. If that meant saying yes to another man too, then that’s what I did.”

  “What are you trying to say?” I ask in confusion. “She’s only doing this to forget Romano exists?”

  “No, I’m saying that’s what I did,” Charlotte concurs. “In the end, Amelia will follow her heart. If she said yes to Austin, she must see a future with him.”

  I finish the drink in my hand, letting the ice knock against the glass.

  “And if Romano is anything like me, since you like to point that out, he will come back to the States and fight for what he believes is his,” I argue back.

  “Lex, you have to let her choose who she loves. You cannot make that decision for her,” Charlotte reminds me sternly. “The last time you stepped in, we almost lost her. I will not lose my daughter because you think she deserves better.”

  I know that. Amelia is headstrong and will fight for what she wants. She stood up against me when she wanted to attend Yale. She’s got the argumentative gene just like her mother.

  Four years is a long time. But out of sight, out of mind. Amelia appears happy, her life back together. I don’t believe she would say yes if she didn’t want a future with Austin. That is not how she is.

  My phone pings with a text message.

  “Hold on, Charlotte, let me just read this text.”

  Richard: Romano has scheduled his return to the States. What do you want me to tell him?

  I pull the phone back to my ear as my lips press together in a slight grimace. My eyes shut to allow myself to reflect on our conversation with Amelia, but just when I attempt rationality, my anger comes roaring back to life.

  “Is everything okay?” Charlotte asks, worried.

  “He wants to come home.”

  “Lex, let him come home,” she almost pleads. “Let the chips fall where they may.”

  “He will not touch our daughter again,” I demand, clenching my fist against my knee.

  “My dad said that about you. He hated you for leaving me. But look at you now? He loves you.”

  “I will not change my mind on this.”

  “You’re stubborn,” Charlotte concedes. “Lex, we can’t lose her. She’s going to have to make these choices for herself. Just like I made them.”

  I let out an annoyed huff; Charlotte is always the sensible decision-maker between us. More than I care to admit, I let my temper and feelings get
in the way, especially when my daughters are involved.

  “Why do you have to be so god damn right all the time?”

  “Because I’m your wife,” she admonishes light-heartedly. “And you love me.”

  I’m unable to disguise my grin. “A wife I miss very much since it’s been four miserable days in London. And one who has not had the time to video call me.”

  Charlotte laughs. “Your night is my middle of the day. What exactly would you like me to do with people on the other side of the office?”

  “Hmm, that depends…” I murmur, missing her terribly. “How wet are you?”

  “Well, how hard are you?”

  “Checkmate, baby,” I tell her, adjusting my crotch as I unbutton my pants. “Lock the door, call me on video, and I better see that sweet pussy of yours or else.”

  I can almost hear her move. “Or else what?”

  “Or else, when I come back, you’re going to wish you obeyed me.”

  “Such a tease…”

  “I’m waiting?”

  The call ends, only for the video call to come through. Charlotte is dressed in her sexy black dress with red lipstick and matching heels. Fuck, how long have I been gone? I miss her like crazy. It is still so intense between us. Although I dialed down the traveling, it is hard to be apart from her whenever I am. We resort to video calls, the only thing which keeps me sane when I’m away.

  With the kids a lot older now and not interrupting us in bed, we manage to still fuck every day and often go away on weekends where I devour her body like a fucking temple. I would have thought with age, our libidos would have slowed down, but it’s rather the opposite. We got more creative with our efforts, which only turned me on even more.

  But more than ever, I need her; I’m desperate to be back home.


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