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The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Kat T. Masen

  After showering and dressing in my tank and shorts, I climb into bed and play catch up on my notifications. Austin has sent a few texts, which I respond too. He apologized for not answering the call earlier and promised to call tomorrow.

  I start to think about my relationship with him, how safe I feel. Austin is my best friend; we’ve gone through so much together. But there is no denying the feelings which still linger toward Will. I’ve become trapped in my own mistakes, unsure what is right or wrong anymore.

  The more I think about us, me and Will, the harder it is to picture without the baggage of our past relationship. We were damaged goods. There’s no other way to explain it. And perhaps all along we had an expiration date. There were too many factors that stopped us from being together.

  My rampant thoughts become too much to bear. I grab my cardigan and throw it on, leaving my room to head toward the kitchen to find something to help me sleep.

  The noise becomes louder as I walk past the dining room. I linger at the entrance to see Rocky dressed in a pair of boxers and sporting a sombrero. Across the table is Jessa, Luna, and toward the ends are Andy and Nash.

  My eyes are drawn to Will, who is sitting beside Rocky.

  “Here’s my favorite girl!” Rocky shouts, “Come sit with us.”

  “Hey!” Luna yells, “You said I was your favorite?”

  “Um, hello, he also said I was his favorite,” Jessa interjects. “You’re such a whore, Rocky.”

  Uncle Rocky nods with a proud grin. “What can I say? I’m a charming old fella.”

  I saunter toward the empty spot, which happens to be across from Will. He ignores me, throwing poker chips in the middle of the table. I take a seat beside Jessa and pour myself a drink but decide to nurse it. I’m not in the mood for a hangover but don’t want to spoil their fun either.

  Surrounding the table are empty bottles of tequila, gin, vodka, and a few other labels I don’t recognize. The more I observe Will’s behavior, not to mention the empty shot glass in front of him, the more it becomes evident he has drunk a fair bit.

  There’s a lot of smack talk, mainly from Rocky and Nash. The two of them are just as bad as each other, the liquor of no help. I laugh along with them, not wanting to dampen the atmosphere even though Will has not said a single word, playing aimlessly with the poker chips in front of him.

  “Who’s up for strip poker?” Uncle Rocky spouts with an obnoxious laugh.

  Jessa shakes her head with disgust. “God, no.”

  I rest my hand on hers reassuringly with a grin.

  “No offense, Uncle Rocky, but some of us like wearing clothes,” I tell him.

  “Really?” Will mocks, raising his eyes to meet mine finally. “It doesn’t stop you taking it off for what’s his face?”

  His eyes are glossy, and his stare is anything but welcoming. There is a supreme confidence and satisfaction within himself, thanks to the shot of tequila he pours and throws back so effortlessly. He lets out a rasp, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

  None of this excuses his rude behavior. Drunk Will is such a god damn asshole.

  But what is the point of exhausting my energy to argue with him. Chances are, he won’t remember a single thing in the morning. This is more Will getting something off his chest. Unfortunately, he is choosing to do so in front of other people.

  “What?” he prods with an arrogant smirk. “Nothing to say? Why don’t you tell everyone at the table why you’re marrying the jerk?”

  “He knows how to eat pussy,” Rocky blurts out.

  Will lets out a growl, almost fist punching his dad. They get into an argument which momentarily distracts Will.

  “Hey, c’mon bud, calm down,” Andy says, patting Will on the shoulder.

  “Will…” I murmur, dropping my gaze, “You’re drunk. So, no matter what answer I give you, it won’t change how you feel inside.”

  “And what is that?” he begs to argue. “Tell me how I feel, Doctor Edwards?”

  Jessa rolls her eyes, quickly stepping in. “Will, leave her alone. If you wanted to marry her, you should have asked first. End of story.”

  Will slams his fist on the table, then rises from his chair. “I would have asked first! If I wasn’t threatened with losing everything I worked hard for. You try loving someone knowing that you will never be enough. You try having Lex Edwards sabotage your career unless you walk away!”

  “Hey, son.” Uncle Rocky places his hands on Will’s chest. “C’mon, you need to calm down.”

  “I won’t fucking calm down. You hurt me, Amelia. You’ve hurt me more than you’ll ever know by saying yes to someone else and forgetting everything we fucking had.”

  Will grabs the bottle and smashes it against the wall, only to walk away, with Uncle Rocky following him.

  I swallow the lump inside my throat as I fall back into the chair and close my eyes. I’m beyond tears, tired of this game we continue to play. The pain inside my chest refuses to subside, and the last thing I want to do is talk about this anymore.

  “Let’s go somewhere and talk?” Jessa suggests with Luna agreeing beside her.

  “You know what, guys? Thanks for the offer, but I really want to be alone.”

  I head toward my room and close the door behind me. It’s one thing to know the pain you feel inside, but another to see the pain you’ve caused someone else. We had a past, a past which carried so much baggage. And despite how Will treated me tonight, I couldn’t entirely blame him. He is the one who must watch me live my life with someone else. If the roles were reversed, chances are—I would be in just as much pain.

  I fall asleep while hugging the pillow and wake in the early morning with the sun barely risen. The phone beside me says it’s five a.m. I barely got any sleep, in and out of dreams, all involving Will.

  Coffee is my only savior right now. I’m forced to take the long walk to the other end of the house, where the kitchen is located. A yawn follows each footstep I take as I drag my weary self.

  The sun begins to filter through the kitchen though not too bright. When I see Will sitting at the table, I move toward the coffee machine, his head is bowed down, and his hair is a beautiful wild mess.

  “Hey.” I purse my lips, trying to keep this civil. Chances are his memory of last night is vague.

  He lifts his head, clearing the rasp in his throat. “Morning.”

  “Pounding head?”

  “You could say that.”

  I pour myself a coffee, then turn and lean against the countertop while my hands wrap around the mug.

  “You had a lot to drink last night,” I remind him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that drunk.”

  Will remains quiet, only for me to notice a bandage around his hand. I move toward him and scrape my finger along it but gently.

  “What happened to your hand?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “I think I punched a wall.”

  I sigh heavily. “You were upset, and you had every right to be.”

  “What did I say?”

  “Nothing which didn’t need to be said,” I tell him, backing away and drinking my coffee.

  I’ve resigned myself to knowing I’m not so innocent in all of this. My actions held consequences, and the moment I chose to accept Austin’s proposal, the ramifications were staring me in the face. I just decided to ignore them because I was in denial.

  “Anyway, I’ll leave you be.” I place two Advil down on the table in front of him. “A wise man once told me to take two of these before bed. But since that wise man wouldn’t have listened last night, here you are.”

  With my mug still in my hand, I take a few steps before he calls my name.

  “I’d still like to have breakfast if you’re up for it?”

  I smile with a nod. “Of course, I’ll be ready soon.”

  The café is only a few minutes away and quiet for this time of the morning. We chose a table outside, welcoming the fresh morning air.

  “I p
ropose we put yesterday behind us for breakfast and talk about something else if that is okay?”

  Will nods, looking relieved. Considering he is still hungover, he scrubbed up well after a shower, dressed in his tanned shorts and a white tee. He left the beard unshaven, but nevertheless, Will still looks incredibly handsome.

  “I wanted to ask you how work is going. I mean, I know you are back, but how was London?”

  “London itself is wet.” He chuckles softly, taking a sip of his espresso. “But I spent a lot of time abroad and in Europe.”

  “I love Europe. Every summer we used to go to our chateau in France. I had such good memories as a kid.”

  “France is beautiful.”

  “I miss traveling. It’s one thing my parents did well. They really opened the world up to my sisters and me.”

  He raises his brows, rubbing his chin. “What’s stopping you?”

  “Studying, I completed my undergraduate in three years. I worked myself hard so I could progress to law school quicker. There was time for nothing else.”

  Will bows his head, running his finger along the rim of the small cup.

  “What?” I ask, curious to his silence.


  “C’mon, Will. It’s not nothing. You’ve got something to say.”

  “You remind me a lot of Charlie, that’s all.”

  I smile, relaxing my shoulders. “That’s not a bad thing? I admire my mother. She is my idol. Do you have one? Someone you’ve idolized?”

  His gaze remains fixed. “I did, before.”

  “Oh, who?”

  A small huff escapes him, only for my exhausted brain to register. I lower my eyes toward the plate in front of me to raise them a moment later.

  “I know deep down inside, he is proud of you,” I say softly. “You’ve come a long way, and my dad is a tough man to break. The truth is, we both broke him. He had no choice but to forgive me but hate me for saying this. For you, it’ll be a long time to heal.”

  “I don’t want his forgiveness,” Will is quick to argue. “Lex isn’t a saint in all this either.”

  “No, he isn’t. But he is my father, and I love him despite all his flaws.”

  There is no chance we will agree on this, so I quickly change the subject to something less controversial.

  We eat the meals served, finish our coffee, then take a walk back home. It’s another beautiful day in the Hamptons with perfect blue skies and not a single cloud seen.

  “So, are you going on this yacht Ava planned?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” he drags, rolling his eyes. “My dad is relentless when it’s his birthday. It’s all about him.”

  “As long as he is not driving the yacht, I think it’ll be a good day.”

  My phone begins to buzz inside my purse, but I choose to ignore it. A few minutes later, it does again. Anyone calling me this early on a Sunday morning has got to be a prank call.

  We reach the house, but Will stops me before we enter.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday,” he begins with, keeping his hands in his pockets while staring at the floor. “The pregnancy thing was a lot to process, but regardless, it was selfish of me to have acted that way last night. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to go through that alone.”

  I place my hand on his arm. “It’s okay, Will. We all make mistakes. None of us are perfect.”

  With a reassuring smile, our gaze locks into a long stare. I’d seen so many sides to Will since the moment I saw him inside Nikki’s office, but nothing will change the fact that behind it all is the man who once owned my heart.

  It is a heart so desperate to remember what it is like to kiss his lips and radiate in his warmth. I find myself inching closer until the door opens abruptly and forces me to take a step back.


  “I tried calling you?” she growls beneath her breath.

  “Why? It’s so early.”

  She yanks me through the doorway and in front of the hazel eyes which belong to the man I’m supposed to marry.

  Austin Carter.



  Austin is standing inside the grand foyer beside a small black suitcase.

  His hands are crossed beneath his muscular chest, wearing his favorite Dodgers shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. The muscles around his face are tight; the color of his eyes a darker shade than the normally warm hazel I’ve always loved. His gaze darts back and forth between Will and me, but his silence is the eerie calm before the storm.


  I purposely stand in the middle, not sure how this will go down. Austin knew of my relationship with Will but never asked for details. I narrowed it down to being a guy thing. The less they knew, the better.

  But Austin isn’t the person I am worried about—it’s Will.

  Will’s ego and confidence led him to become Mr. Billionaire CEO. He is every woman’s erotic fantasy, according to millions of women online who follow his social media page. Yet part of his so-called alpha trait is jealousy.

  I’ve seen it in the past, watched Will react on his heightened emotions because of another man. I remember Liesel mentioning how “hot” it was, only for me to burst her sick bubble. It might be hot to read about in books, but real life is a whole other story.

  On several occasions over the last day, he has brought attention to my engagement ring. But it’s one thing to bring it up in conversation, and another to see the man standing across from you. We’ve come so far this morning to ease the tension between us, and I know Austin being here will push him over the edge.

  Will is not a forgiving man, much like my own father.

  I want nothing more than to click my fingers and disappear, but I have no choice but to own the situation. I am the common dominator; all of this being my fault. I should have told Austin the truth, and I shouldn’t have gone to breakfast with Will either.

  Eric’s annoyingly high-pitched voice replays in my head. “Deja vu. It’s the Lex, Charlie, and Julian love triangle all over again.”

  It’s not a love triangle, I repeat. It’s merely an unfortunate situation I allowed to happen because I make poor decisions.

  Stupid, careless decisions—because I can’t seem to let go.

  I take a deep breath, finding the courage to get this over and done with, yet the more I procrastinate, the more panic overcomes me until I beg with my eyes for Ava to help.

  “Austin, you remember Will, don’t you? He’s our cousin,” Ava assures him, rushing through her words. “It’s his dad’s birthday which is why we’re all here.”

  Neither one extends their hands to greet each other, and I dart my eyes back to Ava for a lifejacket.

  “I believe you are not actually related?” Austin questions in an arctic tone.

  Will’s wide stance is followed with a scoff, yet he keeps his opinion at bay, not entertaining Austin’s comment.

  “Um yeah, I guess if you’re getting technical.” Ava shrugs half-heartedly. “It’s great you’re here, though, last-minute like Will. The more, the merrier. Anyway, Will and I are heading out to the pool because Will and Gigi…well, I guess I’ll keep the gossip to myself.”

  Her comment stirs jealousy, but I control my mannerisms in front of Austin to act calm and collected. Ava grabs Will’s arm, but his expression is less than pleased as he clenches his teeth with a deliberate head tilt. Inside Ava’s grip, he doesn’t move until she coerces him, and he finally leaves the room with her.

  Austin watches me furtively, his arms still crossed with a cold stare creating tension between us. I prepare myself for what he is about to ask, unsure how to untangle myself from the mess I’ve made.

  “You didn’t tell me he was back from London?”

  “I only recently found out.”

  “How recently?” he grits.

  “I dunno, like a few weeks?” I answer flatly before I shift my gaze toward him. “I didn’t feel the need to bring it up. Just because he’s back doesn
’t mean we have anything to do with each other anymore.”

  “Well, you do,” Austin jeers with a pinched expression, his eyes narrowing at me. “He’s here.”

  “As Ava said, he arrived yesterday.”

  “And you didn’t think to mention it to me?”

  “Austin? What exactly is the problem?” My tone is raised, the exhaustion of barely any sleep last night testing my patience. “He’s here. It’s his dad's party. You didn’t return my call yesterday, so there was no conversation between us where I could bring it up.”

  Austin releases an ugly laugh; its intent is not humorous or to lighten the mood. “The problem is that he is your ex-boyfriend. And we haven’t even addressed why the two of you were together just then?”

  “That was years ago, okay,” I remind him, then intake a sharp breath. “We’ve both moved on. I’m engaged to you. I don’t understand why you need to make it a bigger deal than it is?” I say, trying to defuse the situation, and convince myself it’s nothing.

  “Why won’t you answer me?”

  I gaze at Austin, placing my hands in the pocket of my shorts. If he wants an answer, I’ll give him one. But as far as I am concerned, I have done nothing to break his trust nor compromise our relationship.

  Except for that almost kiss.

  “We went to eat breakfast. That’s it. It was early, so we walked to the café not too far from here. If you can’t trust me, then I have no words to make you change your mind.”

  Austin runs his hands through his hair, letting out a sigh.

  “You’re right,” he mumbles, lowering his head. “I’m sorry, it’s been a long flight, and I’ve had a tough week.”

  He reaches his hand out for me, and I touch his fingers for him to pull me into a deep kiss. I don’t pull away, but it doesn’t feel right to be kissing here. I give it a moment before I place my hands on his chest to create some distance between us without offending him.

  “Why don’t we spend time together, just the two of us?” I suggest, playing with the fabric of his shirt.

  “No, we came here to spend time with your family,” he demands, catching me by surprise. “And that’s what we’re going to do.”


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