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The Encircling Sea

Page 34

by Adrian Goldsworthy

  tiro (pl. tirones): a new recruit to the army.

  tribune: each legion had six tribunes. The most senior was the broad-stripe tribune (tribunus laticlavius), who was a young aristocrat at an early stage of a senatorial career. Such men were usually in their late teens or very early twenties. There were also five narrow-stripe or junior tribunes (tribuni angusticlavii).

  tubicen: a straight trumpet.

  Tungrians: a tribe from the Rhineland. Many Tungrians were recruited into the army. By AD 98 a unit with the title of Tungrians was likely to include many men from other ethnic backgrounds, including Britons. In most cases, the Roman army drew recruits from the closest and most convenient source. The Batavians at this period may have been an exception to this.

  venator (pl. venatores): A type of gladiator who specialised in fighting animals in the arena.

  vexillum: a square flag suspended from a cross pole. Detachments were known as vexillations because in theory each was given its own flag as a standard.

  via praetoria: one of the two main roads in a Roman fort. It ran from the main gate to join the other road at a right angle. On the far side of the other road, the via principalis, lay the main buildings of the fort, including the praetorium and principia.

  viaticum: a new recruit to the Roman army was issued travel money (usually three gold aurei or their equivalent), which was both a bounty and to cover their expenses while they travelled to their unit. Similar in many ways to the King’s shilling.

  About Adrian Goldsworthy

  ADRIAN GOLDSWORTHY studied at Oxford and became an acclaimed historian of Ancient Rome. He is the author of several books, including Anthony and Cleopatra, Caesar, and The Fall of the West.

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  First published in the UK in 2018 by Head of Zeus Ltd

  Copyright © Adrian Goldsworthy, 2018

  The moral right of Adrian Goldsworthy to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

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  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN (HB): 9781784978167

  ISBN (XTPB): 9781784978174

  ISBN (E): 9781788541879

  Design: Estuary English

  Images: Shutterstock

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