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Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest

Page 2

by G. Harvey Ralphson



  With a lunge the Fortuna struck a dark object riding the crest of anoncoming wave. Jack stood against the switchboard scarcely daring tolook while Arnold came crowding up the companion-way his face blanchedand eyes staring. Harry and Tom were on the forward deck looking alongeither side of the plunging boat.

  "What did we hit?" queried Arnold in a shaking tone.

  "I don't know," replied Jack. "Whatever it was, we don't seem to be sunkyet, though. Maybe it was just a few floating boards washed adrift fromsome vessel."

  "What did you see, boys?" Arnold called out to his companions on deck."Did we hit something or did it hit us?"

  "Looks to me as if we had run down a row boat and cut her right in two!"declared Tom. "I was sure I saw the stern of a boat just sinking here onthe starboard side."

  Jack reeled against the wheel, covering his face with his hands. Despitehis efforts a groan escaped him. Arnold sprang toward his chum and putan arm about his shoulders with a friendly air.

  "What's the matter, Jack? Are you hurt?" he asked solicitously.

  "Only inside" replied Jack. "I'm sure I saw a man in a row boat loom upout of the fog just before we struck. The shudder that ran through theFortuna told me only too plainly that we had hit something more than amere board or two. I can't bear to think that we've run down a man outhere in the Gulf! It's too bad!"

  "Maybe it was only an empty boat, Jack," comforted Arnold. "Did you hearanyone cry out or see anything of a man overboard?"

  "No," was Jack's answer, "I didn't. I just felt that something was goingto happen and then we struck the boat. I guess it's all right and we'dbetter get the Fortuna with her nose into it or we'll roll the enginesoff their beds. This is surely a choppy sea!"

  Suiting the action to the words Jack reached for the levers on theswitchboard just as Tom and Harry returned to the shelter of the pilothouse dripping from the sheets of spray that had come aboard while thevessel lay rolling in the trough of the sea.

  "Great Wiggling Pollywogs!" exclaimed Tom, "this is sure a nasty pieceof weather! I'm glad I'm on top and not sloshing around in the Gulfright now. Bet that fellow in the boat is wet all right."

  "Hark, Tom!" cautioned Harry. "You mustn't talk like that."

  "I'm going back to finish my cooking," announced Arnold. "We'll all behungry enough to eat a raw dog. And speaking of dogs," he continuedpointing at the white bulldog still holding his position at the pilothouse window, "what's the matter with Rowdy?"

  "Rowdy scents something he doesn't like," explained Tom.

  "I wonder," began Jack and then without finishing his half begunsentence he dashed madly from the pilot house and flung himself into thebow of the yacht now gaining headway under the impetus of the engines.Flat on deck he fell and crawling to the rail peered eagerly over theside. His friends saw him turn an agonized and pleading glance in theirdirection and then reach far over the rail of the vessel. In an instantTom and Harry were by his side eager to be of any possible assistance totheir chum.

  "What is it?" began Tom, but Harry motioned him to silence.

  "Sit on his legs!" he commanded and Tom with a flash of comprehensionobeyed unquestioningly. His weight on Jack's feet enabled the captain tolean far over the rail and grasp the wrists of a clinging figuregripping with the tenacity of despair the links of the cable that stillhung from the hawse pipes.

  Harry, too, leaned far out and in his eagerness to be of help nearlylost his balance and all but plunged into the sea.

  "Steady!" gasped Jack. "Slow and steady now or he's gone!"

  With a mighty heave the two boys dragged the figure to a level with therail and then Tom left his post and came to their help.

  It was now but a short task to get the rescued person on deck, but hewas so chilled and exhausted that he could not stand.

  "Let's put him below as quickly as we can, boys," Jack suggested."Arnold has some hot coffee already cooking and that'll help him as muchas anything we can do. Easy with him, now, maybe he's hurt."

  With tenderness and skill the boys who had been trained to care forinjured persons helped the visitor who had boarded their vessel sostrangely and all unannounced down the companion-way into the cabinwhere he was speedily given a change of clothing followed by a steamingcup of fragrant coffee.

  Jack again assumed command in the pilot house while Arnold took up hisinterrupted preparations for the meal.

  "Be sure you fry an extra big piece of that Red Snapper for the newlad," directed Tom as he prepared to go again to the pilot house. "He'sabout half starved and pretty near used up, I guess!"

  "You know I'll take care of him all right!" replied Arnold. "I'm sorrywe broke his boat up like that but I guess we can all take a knot out ofour neckties today. Wasn't it lucky he caught the cable, though? I'mdelighted that we were able to save him!"

  "Of course, we couldn't be blamed for running into him," said Tom. "I'mglad we rescued him from his awful predicament and now we'll have to beextra good to him to make up for it!"

  So saying he passed up the companion-way and into the pilot housejoining Harry and Jack at their ceaseless vigil.

  Busily engaged with his work in the kitchenette, Arnold was quitesurprised to observe the door leading into the after cabin open softly.It admitted the newly found stranger. He had been given spare clothesbelonging to the boys and looked little the worse for his roughexperience of only a short time before. His eyes were black and piercingand might have been pleasant were it not for his disagreeable habit ofnot looking directly at the one with whom he was talking. His glanceroved about the place taking in every detail yet never resting long inany one place.

  "How do you do?" pleasantly queried Arnold resolving to be congenial inspite of his instant distrust of the other. "I'm sorry we ran you downand ruined your boat, but I'm glad we got you aboard in time to saveyour life. It was a lucky accident."

  Advancing in his frank and friendly manner he held out his hand ingreeting. The stranger at first drew back, then as if thinking better ofhis resolve, he thrust forth his hand for a quick handshake, almostinstantly releasing Arnold's grasp.

  "What is your name, may I ask?" questioned Arnold.

  "Carlos Madero is my right name, but they call me Charley," was thelad's almost surly response. "I live at Pass Christian and work on ashrimping schooner. My boat is gone now."

  Arnold busied himself with the operation of the stove for a moment toregain his composure, for the fellow's manner had angered himimmediately. Presently he turned and said:

  "My name is Arnold Poysor. I am from Chicago and so are my chums. We aredown here for a vacation and pleasure trip. We're sorry we smashed yourboat, but if you'll accept it, we'll give you the one we're towingbehind us. We bought it in Mobile."

  "All right!" replied Carlos. "You ought to do that much."

  Arnold now prepared the table for dinner and calling his companions toeat he introduced them to Carlos as they entered the cabin. Jackremained at the wheel while the others ate.

  All the boys tried to make pleasant conversation for the newcomer but hegreedily devoured the food set before him in a ravenous manner. Hisconversation was little better than monosyllables. At last the boys indespair gave up the effort of entertainment and fell to discussing theirsituation amongst themselves. They recounted the incidents of their tripdown the Great Lakes, through the Erie Canal and down the Hudson River,their pleasant run down the east coast of the United States to theFlorida Keys, past the Dry Tortugas and up to Mobile.

  To all of their conversation Carlos listened intently, eating insilence, but keenly alert to every word that was said. Finally as thetalk lulled to an occasional remark he looked up and said:

  "What are you here for, anyway?"

  "I told you," replied Arnold, "we're here for a pleasant vacation trip.We'll be joined later by the father of the boy at the wheel and then weexpect to go on up the Mississippi to our home at Chicago. Didn't youbelieve me at first?"<
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  "No," bluntly replied Carlos, "I didn't."

  "All right," laughed Arnold, "we'll forgive you this time."

  To relieve the tense situation Tom sprang to his feet saying that hewould go and relieve Jack at the wheel while his friend ate.

  Once in the pilot house he was met with a questioning look from Jack whowas holding the wheel with one hand and Rowdy with the other. The dogwas struggling wildly to free himself.

  "What's the matter with Rowdy?" questioned Tom wonderingly.

  "I'll never tell you," Jack panted, "he's been trying to get down intothe cabin like all possessed ever since dinner was called. I've had myown sweet time to keep him here."

  "Maybe the poor tyke is getting hungry like the rest of us humanbeings," ventured Tom. "Rowdy, are you hungry?" he asked.

  Rowdy's reply was a glance from bloodshot eyes toward his friend, thenhe launched himself against the door leading to the cabin emittinggrowls that were unmistakably vicious.

  "That's pretty near talking, Jack!" Tom stated.

  With a knowing look Jack assented and pointing with his thumb toward thenewcomer's direction nodded his head once or twice. Securing a length ofsmall line Jack made Rowdy fast to a ring bolt in the pilot house floorand then went into the cabin for his dinner.

  He had no better success in his effort at conversation with the strangerthan his chums had met and shortly gave over trying to be pleasant.Making a hurried meal he again hastened to the pilot house where heassumed charge of the craft, for the fog was still thick.

  Arnold in an effort to be friendly asked Carlos to inspect the Fortunafrom the interior, which offer was quickly accepted.

  "Here," explained Arnold, standing near the bulkhead separating thepilot house from the cabin, "is the forward part of the vessel. Isuppose you'd call it the forecastle, but we have the fuel tanks, chainlocker and lazarette here. On occasion we can use this space for extrabunks, but with the Pullman berths in the cabins we don't often need theroom for anything but storage."

  "Where is your gasoline?" asked Carlos displaying some interest.

  "In tanks right up in the eyes of her," replied Arnold glad that he wasinteresting his visitor. "Then you see the engines amidships here with aberth on each side. The switchboard is in the center of the pilot houseso the stairways are on each side of the engines. In the nextcompartment aft are more berths. Then still further aft, you see are thekitchenette on one side and the wash room on the other. Abaft of that isthe after cabin that we use as a dining room. With the folding berths wecan accommodate twelve people easily. It makes a fine home, all right."

  "Can I go to sleep?" inquired Carlos. "I'm right tired."

  "Sure you may," declared Arnold. "Take the after cabin and make yourselfcomfortable. I'll go up forward and let you sleep."

  So saying he joined his companions in the pilot house and reported tothem the result of his effort to placate their visitor.

  For half an hour the Fortuna breasted the waves plunging through thethick fog. Anxiously the boys peered ahead ever alert.

  Directly the vibrations of the motors grew fainter. The boys glanced ateach other wonderingly. Rowdy tugged at the rope that confined him andgrowled savagely. Jack's face went white as he reached for the switch.He looked at the other boys in wonder.

  The Fortuna's engines came to a dead stop!


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