Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest

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Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest Page 11

by G. Harvey Ralphson



  "Hey," cried Jack grasping Arnold roughly by the shoulder, "Where isyour prisoner? You're a pretty guard, you are."

  Sheepishly Arnold glanced around, now thoroughly awake.

  "Has he gone?" he asked in a wondering tone. "Where is he?"

  "Yes, indeed, he went hours ago," asserted Frank. "He was lying heresleeping and a big side wheel boat pulled up with a band playing. Theytied up to the Fortuna, fired a salute of twenty-one guns in honor ofroyalty and then the band filed through the cabin, one at a time,playing their instruments as hard as they could blow. The invalid got upand walked away with them and after another salute of twenty-one guns,the steamer pulled away upstream."

  "They did not," protested Arnold stretching himself.

  "Well, if they had, it wouldn't have affected you in the least,"declared Jack. "We were all tired out and none of us heard him get away.Even Rowdy didn't say anything against it and when Rowdy keeps quietthings are pretty still. He's a light sleeper."

  "How about it, Rowdy?" inquired Arnold caressing the bulldog. "You'llstick up for me, won't you, old pal?"

  Rowdy's stumpy tail wagged ecstatically as Arnold lavished affectionupon him. He endeavored to "kiss" all hands, but this was discouraged.The boys dearly loved their pet but objected to "kisses."

  "Anyhow," decided Arnold, "Rowdy never would have let the chap get awayif he had thought he was here for harm. So that means the boy is allright! He may have come here a bad boy, but he went away a good one orRowdy never would have let him go. So there!"

  "There might be something in that, too," admitted Jack.

  "All hands on deck for a bath," sang out Tom. "I feel dirty!"

  "Let's run out of the harbor and get some clean water," Harry proposed."This river looks pretty thick to me."

  All the boys thought the idea a good one and accordingly the anchor waslifted and the Fortuna put out to sea a short distance.

  The morning was a glorious one. Old Sol cast his rays upon the sea whichgave them back broken and shattered into a thousand shafts of shimmeringlight. The air was cool and clear. Here and there in the distance awhite sail like a fleeting gull marked the position of a sailing vessel,while a smudge of smoke from a steamer far away to the west lent a touchof color.

  No time was lost by the boys in starting the pump. Soon a stream ofwater from the hose was playing on the deck. All hands seized brushesand scrubbed the decks industriously until they shone in spotlessness.Then the hose was turned on the crew, each boy in turn enjoying hugely ashower bath of sea-water. After splashing about to their hearts' contentsomeone mentioned breakfast.

  "Let's run out a ways and see what we can catch," cried Arnold. "I'dlike a broiled fish for breakfast."

  Accordingly the lines were made ready and in a short time Tom announceda bite. His catch proved to be a Spanish mackerel of good size. No timewas lost in cleaning the prize.

  "Now, while the cook prepares breakfast," Jack said, "I think we'dbetter get back into harbor. I'm dubious about that plug in theFortune's side and think we'd better have her out on the ways for a newplank if necessary. Let's get back."

  "Right you are, Captain," declared Harry. "I'm cook this morning, whileJack must wash dishes! He said lots of slang yesterday."

  "Now you mention it, I'll plead guilty," laughed Jack.

  With laughter and gay spirits the boys could scarcely wait forbreakfast. Harry was an adept at the kitchen as his friends all werewilling to testify. He threw his whole soul into the task as he did witheverything he undertook. Today was no exception.

  "My only regret," stated Frank as they were seated about the breakfasttable at last, "is that I didn't find you fellows sooner."

  "The pleasure is mutual, I assure you--we assure you," stated Tom."We've enjoyed your society immensely and hope we'll find your chumshortly. He can't be far away."

  "Wyckoff wouldn't be so desperate as to do him harm, would he?" queriedHarry. "I can't believe he would make way with him."

  "I don't know," replied Frank in a dubious tone. "Wyckoff has givenevidence that he's a mighty mean sort of a chap."

  "Speaking of Wyckoff," put in Jack, "I believe that's the schooner thatchased us away from Petit Bois yesterday. Look there."

  All hands looked in the direction indicated by Jack and saw a schoonerjust putting out of the harbor. On her decks stood several roughlydressed men lounging about in attitudes that bespoke anything but thesmart sailor. They were unkempt and untidy in appearance and weregenerally a pretty undesirable looking group.

  "If that's the same vessel," Frank declared, "I'm glad she didn't catchus! They're a hard looking collection of desperadoes."

  "She's tacking so as to come close aboard of us," declared Tom. "Shall Ishift the course, Jack?" he inquired.

  "I don't think so," answered Jack. "Of course under the pilot rules ofthe United States, a power boat under way must keep clear of a sailingvessel. She has the right of way and seems to be taking it. But we caneasily dodge her with our powerful engines."

  Closer and closer came the schooner until it seemed that she wouldsurely collide with the motor-boat. When scarcely more than a lengthAway from the Fortuna, the schooner was brought sharply about on theother tack. As she came about a clear cut whistle sounded shrilly in themorning air:

  "Bob White! Bob, Bob White!"

  "Gracious!" cried Frank springing to his feet. "The Bob White."

  Instantly he was on deck sending ringing across the water his answer tothe challenge of his Patrol:

  "Bob White! Bob, Bob White!"

  The men on the schooner laughed coarsely as the boy waited for an answerto his challenge. The two vessels were drawing farther apart now. Theirvoices were indistinguishable, but once more came the call:

  "Bob White! Bob, Bob--"

  Suddenly the call stopped as if a hand had been placed over the face ofthe one making the cry. The crew of the Fortuna stared at one another inwide eyed wonderment. They all were thinking rapidly and each seemed tohave formed the same conclusion.

  "Shall I follow them, Captain?" asked Tom addressing Jack.

  "I'd like to," Jack replied, "but I don't think it wise. It may be thatCharley Burnett is aboard that, schooner and that the schooner is theone that chased and fired at us yesterday. We are not sure of eithersupposition. If he's aboard, he's still alive. If he was not on boardand one of the crew did the whistling, we would have our trouble for ourpains and be laughed at and perhaps insulted into the bargain. We'dbetter wait a while, I think."

  "But maybe he is there and wants to get off," declared Arnold.

  "Possibly," agreed Jack. "But in that case if we were to attempt torescue him by force, that crew is too powerful for us to overcome unlesswe run alongside and shoot them down mercilessly. We are not prepared todo that just yet, I hope. What's your idea concerning, this, Frank?" hecontinued addressing his friend.

  "It's pretty hard to say it, but I really believe you're right, Jack,"answered Frank holding out his hand. "'You are right."

  "Thank you," said Jack. "I believe this thing will come out all rightwithout any serious harm to your chum or to us."

  If Jack could only have looked into the future he might not have spokenso confidently nor have believed his own words so much.

  The run back to the harbor occupied but little time. Arrived there Jackat once went ashore to arrange for hauling out and repairing theFortuna. He found the marine railway without difficulty but was unableto secure accommodations for his motor boat at once. Every berth wasfull but one would be empty later in the day.

  When Jack reported again aboard the Fortuna the boys agreed that thebest thing to do would be to wait for their chance at the ways.

  All felt that it would be far safer to replace the plank through whichWyckoff had put the auger hole in his dastardly attempt to turn the boysfrom their course.

  "It will give us a chance to examine her bottom," Jack argued, "and wecan see how the bar
nacles like her. I believe that I'll get some copperpaint and give the hull a coat while she's out."

  "Hurray," joyfully cried Arnold. "Then I can say truthfully that I'm amarine painter! Won't that be fine."

  "There are many things you might say truthfully," agreed Harry in atantalizing tone. "Of course I emphasize 'might.'"

  "Boys, boys," cautioned Jack. "Have a joke, but don't let it go too far.We must constantly remember our motto and no one can 'Be Prepared' toresist the many temptations of life unless he is constantly in training.Sunshine and pleasant skies are best."

  "I think those chaps are like a lot of young animals," Frank observed."They must have a certain amount of tussle and wrestle in order todevelop their muscle. They'll need a lot of it later on."

  "No doubt you're right," Jack laughed. "Maybe I'm a little too severe. Ihope not. I love the boys and want them to be men in every sense of theword. They're good boys all of them."

  "When will we get off the ways again, Captain Jack?" asked Harry, aftersurveying the town and shipping through the glasses.

  "We can't get on until late this afternoon, so that means we won't getthe carpenter work done until tomorrow some time," Jack replied."Possibly we'll be able to put her into the water again tomorrow night,if everything goes along well. After the carpenters replace the plank, Iwant the caulkers to search the seams for soft places in the oakum andafter that we'll paint her."

  "Well, then, if it's agreeable to you, Harry and I want to go up theriver for a fishing trip. We haven't had a chance to catch fish for along while and that mackerel this morning gave us the fever. We can't beof any use here today so let us go."

  "I can't see any objection to that at all," replied Jack. "I should bereal glad to have a mess of fresh fish and if you'll promise to returnbefore dark you may go for the day."

  "Captain, we'll vote you a leather medal," declared Arnold.

  "Yes," agreed Harry, "and not only that, but we'll fetch him back a messof fish that'll keep the crew busy for a week."

  "Let's go over and see the ship carpenter. He can tell us where the goodfishing spots are and what bait to use," Harry suggested.

  "While they are over there getting information, let us put up a lunchfor them," Tom said. "I'll pack a lot of sandwiches and put in a can ofcoffee and some pickles. That ought to last them."

  In a short time the boys returned and taking tackle and lunch set off upthe river in the boat found on Petit Bois Island. Gaily they waved theirhands at their comrades as they rounded a bend.

  During the remainder of the day Jack, Tom and Frank were about theshipyard watching the carpenters at work on various vessels of smalltonnage drawn up for repairs. After dinner they went uptown to purchasethe necessary paint and to arrange for an additional supply of cannedgoods with which to stock their larder.

  "Let's get some vegetables for supper," Tom said as they visited one ofthe stores. "It will surprise the boys when they get back all tired andhungry. They'll like that."

  Well loaded the lads returned to the shipyard. As they neared the placewhere their vessel was now lying on the ways, Jack stopped short in histracks. He turned a startled glance toward his companions. Alarmed, theyeagerly crowded closer.

  "What's the matter, now?" inquired Tom in a whisper.

  "I just saw Wyckoff sneaking behind that shed," Jack replied.


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