Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest

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Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest Page 12

by G. Harvey Ralphson



  "Look, Harry," Arnold cried as they rowed along. "See the palm leaf fansall growing in bunches on shore there."

  "Those must be what they call 'Palmettos,'" answered Harry.

  "Are they good to eat?" was Arnold's query.

  "Not that I know of," Harry replied, "unless some native animal herewants to commit suicide. They are rough and have barbs growing on theleaf stems. They do resemble palm leaf fans with streamers on the edge.We won't bother them, though."

  "Surely not," responded Arnold. "But look at that tree with all the graywashing hanging on it. Looks for all the world like all the kitchenmechanics and pot wrestlers in the world had hung their dirty dishcloths on it to dry. And there's another--and another--and another," heexclaimed.

  "I know what that is," announced Harry. "That's the Spanish moss we'veheard about! At last, we're getting closer to the Treasure Chest. Atleast we've found something Spanish."

  "Pull in toward the shore," requested Arnold. "I see a spot I thinkwould be ideal for a fishes park. I can almost imagine I see numbers ofyoung fish sitting around on the benches in the shady spots right now.They look so cool and comfortable!"

  "I wonder if any of them are hungry enough to take a little lunch,"mused Harry, pulling as close to the bank as he could.

  "Try and see," advised Arnold. "I'm going to drop a line to a big youngfellow I've heard about and see if he will answer."

  Both boys laughed quietly at the conceit. Their day started finely andaugured well. Preparing their tackle they lost no time in lowering analluring bait to the finny denizens of the water.

  Evidently the fish were hungry for not many minutes passed before Harryfelt a tug at his line. He began reeling in rapidly.

  "Oh, what a whopper," exclaimed Arnold peering over the side of theboat. "It's as long as my arm and big as a good sized stove pipe, Ibelieve. One or two like that will be enough."

  "Thanks," panted Harry. "Wait till I get this one."

  Skillfully the lad drew the fish to a point where he could be sure oflanding it without danger. Then he waited for his chum to assist withthe landing net. The fish was a beauty.

  "What shall we call it?" proudly questioned the lad.

  "Well, I should call that No. 1," gravely replied Arnold. "He looks likea fellow I used to know by the name of 'A. No. 1.'"

  "Good," cried the delighted Harry. "Now you go after his cousin. Get Mr.No. 2, and do it quickly."

  "Here he comes," declared Arnold. "I knew I spit, no, spat--what shouldI say, spitted or spatted?--on that bait just right."

  "You watch out or he'll walk away with the bait and all."

  "Bingo," yelled Arnold. "I got him."

  Harry laughed to see the way Arnold was struggling to keep the fish. Fora short time it looked as if the fish had Arnold. At last after a longbattle the fish was exhausted and gave up.

  "That's a better one than mine," was Harry's generous comment.

  "They're just about as nearly twins as it's possible to get them,"asserted Arnold. "And they're both beauties. It's nearly noon by mywatch, so I vote we go ashore and build a fire. Some fish for dinnerwouldn't go bad at all. What are these, Bass?"

  "I don't think so," objected Harry. "See that red spot just at the rootof their tail? Well, the natives a call that redfish."

  "All right," agreed Arnold, "fresh redfish will go mighty fine. And I'mhungry enough to eat a big one myself."

  "You're always hungry, Arnold," declared his chum.

  "No more often than the rest of the crew. I notice they all eat when theeating is good. And I'd pity the chicken that had to live off the tablescraps from our festive board," declared the boy with emphasis. "We'renoted for being table finishers."

  "I notice we all brought our appetites along," admitted Harry.

  "Lets land near that oak tree that leans out over the water," suggestedArnold. There are three tall pines growing a short distance from the oakand that'll make a good landmark if we walk about."

  "The very thing! You haven't forgotten your instructions in scouting,have you? That idea is a good one."

  "Then we'll go up from the river a ways, make a little camp and eatdinner. Maybe we can see some of the wild creatures of this country. Itwould be interesting to watch them at play."

  "I'm agreeable. We've got the whole day before us. Isn't it fine to knowthat you don't have to get back at any certain time, but can just loafalong if you wish or work hard if you like?"

  "Glorious," agreed Arnold. "Just now, however, you'll want to work hard,I know, for we're going to have a grand feed on redfish. That meansyou'll please get the wood while I clean the 'piece de resistance' ofour dinner. The boys put up a nice lunch."

  Not far from the tree where they landed the boys found a suitable spotfor their camp. A fire was soon blazing merrily over which the fishcooked with an appetizing odor.

  "The boys laughed when I brought this pan along," remarked Arnold. "Theyevidently didn't believe I would have need for it."

  "They'll like that fine big fish we take home, I'll wager."

  "After dinner, let's gather some of that Spanish Moss and take it to theFortuna. I wonder if it wouldn't make good mattresses."

  "They say the negroes and some of the whites down here do just that.They bury it in the ground a while then pack it into a mattress and havea fine bed. It must be buried in the earth for a time, though, they say.It is funny looking stuff isn't it?"

  "It surely is. But what is that green plant up there? It looks as if theoak tree were all dead except that one sprig of green. Strange that itshould keep only one twig alive."

  "I believe that's mistletoe growing on a limb of the oak."

  "I guess you're right. And down there at the foot of the tree I see aquail. He's humped over and seems to be trying to make himself smallerall the time."

  "Hush, man," Harry protested. "Quails don't grow down South as far asthis! They're a Northern bird."

  "Then maybe I don't know what a quail is," retorted Arnold.

  "I don't mean that," replied Harry, "but it seems strange to think ofquail being here. I always had an idea that quail humped themselvesunder the shelter of a corn shock with snow blowing around their toesand nearly freezing them to death."

  "Maybe you're right. They tell me the natives call these birdspartridges. Just the same, I'll venture to say that I can call them outof cover. Want to see me try it?"

  "Sure. Go as far as you like. We won't shoot them, though."

  "Certainly not. We have all we need for food except maybe a rabbit.Watch me toll them on."

  Both boys were very quiet for a few minutes, then Arnold sent out aplaintive "Bob White" call. In a few minutes he repeated the cry. Thistime an answer came and directly both boys were delighted to observe thelittle bright eyed bird that had responded stepping out from the shelterof a clump of grass.

  "Too bad to disappoint him," declared Arnold, "but it is getting ontowards the shank of the afternoon, so let's take a walk around and thenget back to the town. The Fortuna is probably on the railway by now. Iwish the others could have been with us this glorious afternoon. It hasbeen fine so far."

  Leaving the river the boys walked slowly along scanning closely thevegetation on all sides and keeping an alert eye open for the featheredand furry denizens of the forest.

  A rabbit scurried across their path and hastened with great leaps downthe path. The boys laughed to see the patch of white tail go boundingdown the old trail along which they were walking.

  "I'll choose the next one," declared Harry. "Rabbit stew for supperwouldn't go so bad! It would help out on canned goods."

  "All right, Harry," responded Arnold. "We'll make the limit one rabbitapiece if you don't mind. We'll have a good supper at that. There's nouse taking home more than we can eat soon."

  "Here's mine, then," announced Harry taking quick aim at a fleeingcotton-tail. "I'll choose this one right here."

  As a tribute to Harr
y's excellent aim the rabbit bounded high in the airand then rolled over and over lying quite still after falling to theearth. His career had been stopped instantly.

  "I hope I can do as well," was Arnold's pleased comment.

  "There's your chance," announced Harry. "See him?"

  "Come here, rabbit," cried Arnold taking quick aim.

  At his shot the rabbit bounded into the air, falling as had Harry's. Butinstead of lying quietly where he had fallen the rabbit struggled andran limping away. It seemed impossible for him to go rapidly, however.He managed to get away just too quickly to be caught. The boys hastenedafter their quarry in an effort to end its struggles as much as tosecure the game.

  Their chase led them to a low spot where rank grass was growing. Thedead stalks of the previous year's growth were fallen to the earth,making a dense mat of dried stubble.

  "Small chance of finding him in here, Harry," was Arnold's comment. "Wemight as well give it up and go on back to the boat."

  "I don't like to do that," protested Harry. "He might be right underfoot for all we know. Let's kick around a little. Why, what's this?" hecontinued stooping to pick an object from the ground. The next momentwith a scream he jumped backward.

  A great snake had lain directly under his feet but now was coiled in amass. Its tail was whirring angrily while the great triangular headwaved slowly from side to side.

  Fascinated the boy stood as if rooted to the spot.

  Arnold was in direct line with Harry between himself and the snake, sodared not shoot. Harry's automatic had dropped from his nervelessfingers at the first alarming whir of the vibrating rattles. Unable tomake a sound or move a muscle the lad stood entirely unnerved while thegreat reptile prepared to strike.

  Arnold fired two quick shots from his automatic, hoping to attract theattention of the snake from its intended victim. His hope was not invain. At the sound the snake seemed to hesitate a moment as if undecidedwhat to do. Evidently its attention had been attracted from Harry.

  Elated at his success, Arnold fired twice more, but this time the angrybuzzing recommenced. It seemed as if there was no hope whatever for thelad who stood with the sweat now pouring from his face. To this day hesays that he can distinctly remember a little drop of sweat tricklingdown his nose and pausing at the tip before it splashed to the earth. Hedeclares that it seemed a lifetime while he stood there expectingmomentarily to feel the deadly fangs dart into his body and leave theirfatal poison.

  He protests that so fascinated was he by the awful horror of thesituation that he can describe accurately every marking and every detailof the great snake as it lay there coiled for the blow that would provefatal to himself.

  Almost fainting, Harry heard the two shots that caused the snake tomomentarily lower its head and cease its buzzing rattles from sounding.

  Hope rose within his breast as he noted this action, yet he could notmove from the spot. His feet seemed leaden.

  The next instant the snake again raised its head and the second shotfired by Arnold seemed to increase its anger for it recommenced withmore vigor than before the sharp buzzing of its rattles. In desperation,Arnold emptied his automatic into the ground at his feet, but withouteffect upon the snake.

  A rifle shot echoed through the forest. The rattler lunged forward.


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