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Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest

Page 14

by G. Harvey Ralphson



  Neither Harry nor Arnold is quite clear as to just what happened afterthe rattlesnake made his leap at the charmed boy.

  They both are agreed on one point, however. Whenever the subject ofmarksmanship is brought up, they invariably agree that the man who firedthe shot from his rifle that afternoon was the best crackshot they eversaw. His skill surely saved Harry's life.

  What really happened was that a stranger, passing through the forest atthe moment of the boys' predicament, heard the shots from Arnold'sautomatic. As the reader knows, the snake, Harry and Arnold were indirect line with Harry between the snake and Arnold. Therefore Arnoldwas unable quickly to shoot the snake. He tried to distract theattention of the reptile by creating a disturbance, but, as we know, inthis he was unsuccessful. The temporary diversion was sufficient,however, to enable the stranger to grasp the situation as he camethrough a clump of palmettos.

  Swinging his rifle to his shoulder he fired, seemingly without takingaim. His bullet sped true to the mark and severed the head of the nowthoroughly angered rattler. He was just in time, for already the musclesof steel had started to launch the death dealing fangs.

  It was not to be wondered at that Harry and Arnold should feel extremelygrateful to the stranger. As he approached they both stepped forward andembarrassed him by the profuse thanks offered.

  "Now, boys, don't say another word," he protested. "I like to kill themvarmints. It pleased me a heap to be able to he'p youall."

  "But we feel that you saved Harry's life, just the same and we want youto understand that we feel under deep obligations," Arnold insisted."Another moment and it would have been too late."

  "Well, I guess it would," acknowledged the stranger. "That's a leetlethe biggest snake of that partic'lar kind I ever seen."

  "He's big enough to be in a show," declared Harry.

  "How'd you like his skin?" inquired their new found friend.

  "No, thank you," protested Harry. "I've seen quite enough of him. Icouldn't enjoy that skin a bit. But you may have it."

  "Thanks. Believe I'll just pull that hide off. I might be able to sellit. Some feller'll be along from up No'th and buy it."

  "Why, we're from up North," was Arnold's rejoinder. "Let me introduce mychum and myself before you handle that snake. Shake hands with HarryHarvey and my name is Arnold Poysor. We're from Chicago down here on apleasure trip in a motor boat."

  "Glad to meet you," replied the fellow. "My name's Lopez. They call mePete when I'm to home. How'd youall like to come over to my house forsupper? I live just a piece from here."

  "Thank you, but we'd better be getting back," replied Harry. "Ourfriends will be expecting us shortly, and it's quite a ways back to theshipyard where our boat is on the ways for repairs."

  "Only a little ways," asserted Lopez. "I know a short cut through abayou that'll take you there in less than half an hour. Youall betterstay. I'm goin' to have mutton for supper, and my nigger shore knows howto cook mutton. He's a fine cook."

  While Lopez urged the boys to stay, he was busy with the carcass of thedead snake and soon had the skin deftly removed. His entreaties for theboys to visit his home were insistent. The boys felt that they owed himsuch a large debt that they could not decline, although they preferredto proceed in the opposite direction. At length they yielded to theurgent invitation. Lopez started away at a good gait through the forest,closely followed by his new guests, who found some difficulty in keepingpace with him.

  "I'm gwine to have mutton for supper," explained Lopez, "and I want toget down to my sheep as they are passin' through a little draw back herea piece. They always go through there about this time."

  After a short time the party came to a draw through which ran a smallstream of clear water. Here they saw a flock of perhaps two hundredsheep feeding slowly along. All were headed in one direction.

  "I see a young wether," Lopez announced as the party drew up beside agiant pine. "Shall I pick him off?"

  "Go as far as you like," replied Harry. "I don't know one from another.They all look alike to me."

  "See those two drinking by that big dead stub," Lopez said. "Which oneshall I take, the one with black on his face or the white?"

  "Take the black faced one," replied Arnold. "He's fatter."

  "Here goes then," stated Lopez seeming hardly to take aim before pullingthe trigger. "The black faced one was what you wanted."

  His shot was successful. The black faced sheep fell in his tracks. Lopezswung quickly forward, picked up the sheep and started away with hisburden over his shoulder.

  "Come on, now," he urged. "The rest of the flock'll go home all rightand I want to get to the cabin right soon and get supper."

  The boys wondered at his haste to leave the spot. Arnold looked quicklyat Harry and exchanged questioning glances, but spoke no word. Harry'shands were busy with the mute language, however.

  "Looks mighty suspicious," he telegraphed to his chum.

  "Just what I was thinking," declared Arnold in reply.

  "We'd better keep our weather eye open," was Harry's next suggestion."Maybe those are his sheep and maybe they are not."

  "You're the wise boy," Arnold agreed. "I mistrust him."

  During this time the three travelers had been making good progress. Atlength they came out into a small clearing in the center of which stooda log cabin surrounded by every evidence of shiftlessness and neglect. Agunnysack did duty as a window and curtain also. The chimney at the endof the building was of sticks and clay while the roof was of "rived"shingles.

  At the approach of Lopez and the boys a large negro stepped out to meetthem. His face was black as ebony while his teeth were pearly white. Hisgrin was expansive.

  "'Deed Boss, I'se powerful glad to see you," he began.

  "Shut up," commanded Lopez. "Take this sheep and get some supper on theway just as quick as you can and not a word out of your head. I want youto get supper and I'll do the talkin'. Hear?"

  "Yaas, sir, Boss. I done hear you. I sure can get supper."

  "Now, boys," stated Lopez with a large, hospitable manner that wasintended to be ingratiating, "help your se'fs to whatever you find.Doright, here, will soon have things goin' for supper. Let's set out onthe gallery while he's fixin' up things."

  Accepting the invitation the boys disposed themselves upon the"gallery," as the veranda is called in that country. They noticed thatLopez continued to hold his rifle. Only glances could be exchanged,however, for Lopez seemed to be watching them.

  In a short time the negro announced supper and all went inside. A roughdeal table contained broiled steaks from the sheep, while sweet potatoesroasted in the embers of the fire were handed around by the servant. Thecrude arrangements led the boys to again glance at one another inwonderment.

  "Take right holt, boys," urged Lopez, setting the example.

  The boys were hungry enough to need no second invitation. Surely themutton was done to a turn and the sweet potatoes were the most deliciousthe boys had ever eaten.

  After supper Lopez swung round to the boys and demanded:

  "What youall here for, anyhow? Give it to me straight."

  "Came here for supper," parried Arnold. "And a mighty good one it was.We'd like to hire that cook of yours for the boat."

  "You won't need no cook on the boat if you Don't tell me the truth,"almost shouted Lopez, with a gleam of hatred in his eye.

  "Why, what's the matter?" cried Harry, springing to his feet.

  "I'll show you what's the matter," gritted the enraged man. "You thinkyou can come down here and steal what rightfully belongs to us and takeit away up North, don't you? I'll show you."

  "Why, what do you mean?" cried Harry. "I don't understand."

  "Don't you lie to me," shouted Lopez, making as if to strike the boy."Don't you lie to me! I know what you want."

  "Well then, what do we want?" questioned Arnold indignantly.

  "Youall want that Spanish Treasure
Chest, but you won't get it,"savagely vociferated Lopez. "That chest belongs to us."

  "Well then," cried Harry with some heat, "why don't you go on and get itinstead of annoying a party of boys who are here for a pleasant outing.You make me tired. You act foolish."

  "Don't you insult me," almost screamed Lopez. "I'll let Wyckoff settlewith you for this. You see if I don't."

  "Wyckoff don't worry me any," boasted Arnold with a great deal morecomposure outwardly than he felt inside. "I don't care a snap of myfinger for Wyckoff. He couldn't lick a postage stamp."

  "We'll see about that!" shouted Lopez. "Doright," to the negro, "fetchthat cord and tie these fellers up. Then you stay here and watch 'emwhile I go see what Wyckoff wants to do with 'em."

  "Yaas, sir, Boss!" replied the negro. "Mah name's Doright 'case Ahalways does de rightest Ah knows how. I sure does, Boss. Ever'body whatknows me says dat! Ah'm a Doright nigger!"

  "Shut up," snapped Lopez. "And stay shut, too. Don't you go talkin' tothese boys while I'm gone, or I'll get Mammy Judy to put a conjure onyou that'll turn half of you white and the other half green. Now youremember that, or I'll fix you!"

  "Yaas, sir, Boss," replied Doright in a shaking tone.

  Quickly he obeyed the commands of his master, securely fastening theboys' arms behind their backs with lengths of cord. He then indicated abed on the floor of the cabin as a place where the boys might rest ifthey chose.

  "Now you stay out here on the gallery and keep your eyes open,"commanded Lopez. "I won't be gone more'n an hour if I can find Wyckoffand we'll see what he wants done with these robbers!"

  After he was gone Doright took up his post on the gallery. Hepersistently refused to reply to the boys' questions, and after a timethey refrained from trying to elicit any information.

  "Looks like that villain Wyckoff was out after us and means business!"Harry ventured. "He seems to have lots of help!"

  "I guess this is one of those Spanish moss beds you were telling about,Arnold," Harry said, walking over and kicking the bed.

  "Looks like it," replied Arnold, "but just now the springs in theFortuna berths would suit me a whole lot better. I'm homesick."

  "And I'm going home," declared Harry with emphasis.

  "How are you going?" queried Arnold. "We can't get away from the negrooutside. He's guarding the very door."

  "I'll show you how we'll get out. I'm going to burn these cords off myarms, and then I'll set fire to the cabin, and when Doright rushes in,we'll rush out. Before he knows what's up, we'll be away in the woods.I'd like another piece of sheep, though!"

  "Funny they brought it in here," commented Arnold. "I'll bet Lopez stoleit. He was in a mighty hurry to get here and then brought it inside thecabin. He should have left it outside."

  "We won't argue about that now," replied Harry kicking the remains ofthe fire about. "I'm going to get loose first thing!"

  Arnold protested vigorously, but to no avail. Harry maintained that Tomhad been kicked and Jack had been shot and therefore a burn or two onhis part should be borne unflinchingly. He found considerable difficultyin getting the fire applied to the cords without also burning his ownflesh. At last he was triumphant.

  Quickly he loosed Arnold. He then threw the remains of the fire into themiddle of the mattress. A burst of flame followed. In an incrediblyshort time the whole end of the cabin was blazing.

  Doright horrified fled to the edge of the clearing where he felt safe.Arnold dashed out of the cabin in terror. Turning to find Harry gone herushed back, entering just as the gallery fell.


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