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HUGE X2: A Twin Stepbrother Romance (With Bonus Book 'ESCAPE')

Page 18

by Stephanie Brother

  Gloriously smooth tan skin and the little happy trail leading down from his navel to areas I’ve tried never to think about before. I mean, we have a pool in our back yard so it’s not like I’ve never seen him in swimwear, but baggy board shorts still cover a lot.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have been looking into his room as I passed. I guess I’m guilty of that. He deserves his privacy, I suppose. But if he valued it that much he wouldn’t have been toweling himself dry where anyone could walk passed and see his cock in all its glory, would he? And glorious it was too.

  I’m no virgin but I’ve never seen a dick like that before. Even hanging like it was it looked like it had a life of its own. Long and straight and thick as my forearm. Perfectly smooth and tan like the skin on the rest of his body. And everything so neatly trimmed too.

  Fuck, I’m salivating just thinking about it and my poor neglected fuffie is all hot and bothered. It’s been a few couple of months since I decided that my ex, Bradley, wasn’t doing anything for me that I couldn’t do for myself. All that boring talk about football killed any feelings I had for him. On our last date I got close to stuffing my ears with chunks of bread roll to block out his drone.

  But Harrison’s not like that. We’ve only been living in the same house for a year, since our parents finally decided that their three years of dating was indeed true love and tied the knot. It was strange at first to be waking up in the same household as such a gorgeous slice of manhood, but I was with Bradley at the time so I tried not to feel attracted to my new stepbrother. The trouble is, in addition to being a total hottie, Harrison is also really funny, and interesting, and caring, and now that I’m single I can admit to having a total crush on him.

  Does it count as a crush when you think about someone all the time and wish like hell they weren’t related to you by marriage? Does it count as a crush when your heart hurts a little bit each time you see them with another girl, even when they aren’t dating?

  I think it might be more than a crush.

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  Perfect – A Stepbrother Romance


  The first time I met Billy Taylor, we came this close to having sex in the parking lot of a bar.

  I was upset, okay? I’d just dumped my lying, cheating boyfriend.

  I had my perfect life with him all planned out, and then he ruined it when he put his hands on another woman.

  Billy isn’t like him, or any other man I’ve known … but I can’t let myself think about Billy.

  Or his amazing, sculpted, gorgeous Greek-god body.

  No. I can’t.

  And I absolutely, positively mustn’t fantasize about finishing what we started.

  We could never work. Ever.

  I’m all about the city.

  He’s country down to the bone.

  And if that’s not enough … he’s also my soon-to-be stepbrother.

  So I can’t think about the way he keeps teasing me, flirting with me, driving me crazy.

  Or remember the way his body felt against mine in that parking lot, all heat and hard muscle.

  And the times he’s been nice when I really needed it.

  I have a plan for my life, dammit.

  And Billy Taylor is not part of it.

  If I keep telling myself that, maybe I’ll even believe it.

  PERFECT is a stepbrother romance novella with no cliffhangers, and a very happy ending.


  My eyes go back to him as if pulled by a magnet. I’m pretty sure my two hands wouldn’t be able to meet if I circled them around his upper arm, and something in me suddenly wants to try. I risk a downward glance and see strong thigh muscles straining against tight jeans. He’s wearing heavy boots with mud on them. I’ve never considered myself a fan of the country boy type, but then again, I’ve never been this close to one. My heart picks up pace the more I look at him.

  I pull my eyes back to his face, not wanting to get caught checking him out. He’s got fine stubble creating a sexy shadow along his jaw, and somehow it looks natural, not like the highly manicured facial hair I’m used to seeing on men in the city. This man next to me doesn’t look anything like men in the city.

  I picture Clay, his lean frame clothed in a perfect suit and expensive tie; his overly groomed hair. Maybe a little attention from a rough and tumble country boy is just what I need to push my lying, cheating ex-boyfriend out of my head.

  I take the final gulp of my whiskey and Coke and then put a hand on the man’s broad shoulder. “I really do need to go,” I say. “Would you be a gentleman and walk me to my car?”

  His eyes widen and I smile at his surprised response to my invitation. I start to pull out my wallet but he stops me. “I’ve got it,” he says. He tosses two bills on the counter and then backs up just enough to give me space to slip off the stool.

  As I walk towards the exit, he escorts me with his warm hand gently resting on the small of my back. The heat of his touch radiates throughout my body. He moves ahead of me and holds the door open. He is a gentleman, or maybe not, I think, as his eyes hungrily scan my body when I move past him. Once we’re outside, he places his hand on my back again, though this time the position is lower.

  “Where are you parked?” he says, in a voice that’s deeper and more serious-sounding than it was in the bar.

  “Around this way.” I gesture to the left.

  As soon as we pass the side of the building and are out of view of the entrance, I stop and turn toward him, and his arms circle around me. We look into each other’s eyes for the briefest of moments before our mouths are drawn together. I reach up around his neck and pull him closer.

  I can taste beer on his lips, and the unfamiliarity of the flavor almost jolts me to my senses, but then he’s pressing against me, and the feel of his massive, hard body makes me melt into him. I’ve always been attracted to intellectual or professional types, men with more developed minds than physiques. This man’s body feels like a science lesson in muscle anatomy. He must work out for hours every day to maintain such well-defined bulk.

  While I’m marveling at the sheer size and density of him, he seems to be enjoying my body as well. He slides his hands over my silky blouse and then lower to my skirt, where he pulls my hips against him. He could easily crush me, but his touch is tender yet firm as he caresses my body.

  Our kisses deepen, and I feel a jolt of pure desire when he runs his tongue along my lower lip. Then he nips at it gently and I purr involuntarily before meeting his tongue with mine.

  “You taste good,” he murmurs when we pause to catch our breath. He backs me up against the side of the building and slips a hand under my blouse. Though his touch is warm, I shiver as he grasps the bare skin at my waist. “You feel good too,” he says in a low, gravelly voice that does funny things to my body. Funny, tingly things that threaten to melt me into a puddle at his feet.

  I curl my fingers into the hair at the back of his neck and dig my nails into his flesh as I pull his mouth back to mine. With my other hand, I blindly explore all those muscles I’d been admiring in the bar. His chest is so hard, and his massive arms are now surrounding me as I’m trapped between him and the wall.

  Our kisses grow desperate and I can feel his breathing change. His hand snakes further up my torso and brushes over my bra. He nips again at my swollen lip as his fingers find my nipple and pull at it through the thin fabric. My legs go weak as dizzying impulses fire throughout my body.

  “Where’s your car?” he breathes against my ear before he pulls my earlobe into his mouth and tugs. Before I answer, he continues, “Never mind. My truck’s around back.”

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