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Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1)

Page 19

by Caitlyn Dare

  I tense at her words.

  She needs to know the truth.

  I turn to look at her.

  She looks happy. Really fucking happy.

  "Shouldn't you two be at college or something?"

  "We're both at Colton U. Cole is a Colt."

  Of course he is. Cole Jagger is a killer running back, so it’s not surprising a team like Colton picked him up for college football.

  "We just came back for the weekend for James' birthday."

  "About the Jaggers," I start, knowing there are some pieces of the puzzle I’m still missing. "Where do they all fit into this?"



  By the time we get back to campus, all the relief I felt confiding in Annabel melts away, and I can’t help but wonder if I did the right thing or not.

  But in that split second, I needed to tell someone. All the secrets and lies are slowly killing me, and since it appears Bexley is ignoring me, I turned to the only other person I could.

  Of course, I swore her to secrecy. But after my emotional breakdown as I confessed to her, I think she knows how important it is that she doesn’t breathe of word of it. To anyone.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow?” Annabel pauses as we arrive outside my dorm.


  “And I’m here, Mia. If you need anything.”

  Her eyes say everything she doesn’t, and I reach for her hand, squeezing it.

  “Thank you, for everything.”

  “Of course.”

  I slip inside and close my door, breathing a sigh of relief. For as much as I’ve enjoyed Annabel’s company, I’m glad to have some space.

  Kicking off my sneakers, I flop down on the bed and grab my cell from my pocket, bringing up my messages to Bexley. They all show the little read sign, so I know he’s seen them.

  So why hasn’t he texted me back?

  The obvious reason is that he’s realized I’m not worth it.

  It shouldn’t hurt so much, but it does. Even though I know it’ll save us both a lot of inevitable heartache if we walk away now, I can’t get his words out of my head.

  “You’re mine, Mia. Mine.”

  Why would he say that and then ghost me?

  Tears prick the corners of my eyes, but they’re ones of frustration and anger. I could go to his dorm room and demand answers, but I can’t risk being seen. It’s bad enough that Bexley sneaks in and out of my room.

  Soon he’ll no longer be initium. He’ll be Electi. I can’t imagine him and Alex part of Cade’s group. But that’s what being initiated means—it means becoming one of them. Sasha explained that once they pass the final test, they’ll have to move to the Electi house on the outskirts of campus. I can’t imagine Bexley ever living under the same roof as Cade. Perhaps he has a plan, an escape plan to avoid a life of being Cade’s lapdog.

  Who I am kidding?

  You don’t ever escape the Electi or Quinctus. They’d rather kill you than let you walk away. There are too many secrets, too much at stake.

  Why me?

  Why did my name have to be called that fateful night?

  It still doesn’t make sense.

  I’m no one.

  Cade never looked twice at me before. But now his attention is set firmly on me, and it worries me. I know I’m a game, a conquest… but I can’t help but wonder what happens when he finally wins. When he finally makes me his.

  I’m just about to send Bexley another text message when my cell phone pings. For a second, excitement fills my chest, thinking it’s probably him, at last.

  But it isn’t.

  I read Cade’s text with a sense of dread. He wants to see me tonight. I quickly text him back that I have to study, hoping that he’ll let me off the hook. But his reply is instant, and it chills me to the bone.

  Cade: I’ve missed you, Mia. Wear something sexy. I’ll pick you up at seven.

  The Cibus is one of Gravestone’s most exclusive restaurants, reserved only for the elite families of the town and their associates. Of course, Cade breezes into the place as if he owns it, and the host almost falls over himself to accommodate us.

  “We have your table waiting, sir.”

  I smother a chuckle. Cade is barely twenty-one. To call him sir seems so inappropriate when he’s nothing more than a man-child with more money and power than sense.

  The host pulls out a chair for me and I fold myself into it, placing my purse on the table. I settled on a modest navy dress for this evening. It has a collared neckline and cinches in at my waist before flaring over my hips. Most girls would have spent hours primping and preening themselves for a date with the infamous Cade Kingsley. But not me. I wield my makeup like it’s armor. From the way Cade hungrily eyes me across the table, I know my efforts at demure have backfired.

  “You seem nervous,” he says.

  “I’m not.” The lie rolls off my tongue.

  “Good to know.” He takes it upon himself to order us a bottle of champagne.

  “Are we celebrating?” I ask, impressed by how together my voice sounds.

  “I guess you could call it an early celebration of sorts.” He cocks a brow at me, giving me a wolfish grin. “Did you enjoy your weekend?”

  “Did you?” I retort, and he chuckles.

  “It’s just dinner, Mia. I promise. No ulterior motives.” Cade smooths a hand through his perfectly styled hair. There’s no denying he looks good in the black dress shirt and charcoal slacks. People watch us discreetly over their menus and meals. News has spread across town about Cade and his new girlfriend. Those of verus bloodline understand what it means, while outsiders just think the infamous playboy has finally decided to settle down. Tonight, we’re in verus territory. The Cibus is as exclusive as it comes.

  I feel their stares of curiosity, their judgement. In high school I blended with the shadows. I didn’t occupy the limelight or hang with the most popular kids. I was a wallflower, and I was happy being there. But now, everything is different. The light shines too brightly on me, and I feel like every flaw, every imperfection and doubt I have, is on display for all to see.

  Especially Cade.

  “Everyone is staring,” I hiss after it’s apparent we’re not going to get to eat in private tonight.

  “Welcome to my world.” Cade winks. He actually winks. Conceited asshole. “You know, most girls would pay, maybe even kill, to be where you’re sitting, Mia.” His dark eyes study me, making my heart race. And not in a good way. “And yet, I can’t help but feel like you want to be anywhere but here.”

  I grab my glass of champagne and bring it to my lips. Before all this, being in the Eligere and Bexley’s initiation, I would have turned down the offer of alcohol. But now, I need it. I need something to tamp down the constant anger and betrayal I feel at my dire situation.

  “It was a mistake, and you know it.”

  “Q don’t make mistakes, Mia. Every thought, every action is carefully planned and considered. You think they didn’t know exactly whose name was going to be called that night?”

  “But that’s not—"

  “Isn’t it? You verus are always so happy to believe everything we tell you. Do you really think Quinctus would leave the Eligere to mere chance?”

  “Well, no. I didn’t…” He’s right. I guess I hadn’t given it tons of thought. We’re brought up to believe that the calix produces the name of the chosen prosapia. Of course we all know that someone has to physically put the name in the calix, but we don’t question it. Just like we don’t question any of the traditions of our town.

  But maybe we should.

  Brook’s name should have been called that night. Everyone knows it, including Cade.

  So why am I sitting here in her place?

  It’s the question that refuses to leave me. The question I fear I may never have an answer to.

  “There’s a reason they want us to be together, Mia. And I am all about giving Q what they want.” He smirks, and I find nothing but sarcas
m in his words.

  “Where were you this weekend?” I change the subject.

  “Always so inquisitive. For someone who claims not to like me, you seem to care a lot about my whereabouts.”

  “It’s just a question,” I quip. “Don’t read too much into it.”

  “You’re not the only pawn in this game, Mia.” He levels me with a hard look. “Don’t forget that.”

  “So you were on official business?”

  “Something like that.” He takes a big gulp of his drink. “It’s the full moon next weekend. There’s a lot to plan.”

  My stomach drops. “Already?” Of course I should know this, but it’s been a crazy couple of weeks. “The Transitus,” I whisper, and Cade nods.

  “Our initiums’ final test.” Something glints in his eyes, but the server arrives to take our order.

  “What do they have to do?” I try to disguise the tremor in my voice.

  “If I tell you, where would the surprise in that be? Just know, it’s going to be one hell of a weekend.”

  Oh God.

  Whatever they’re planning, it isn’t good. But how much worse can it be than the pit?

  From the wicked glint in Cade’s eyes, I’m guessing a lot.

  “You’ll need something to wear for the dinner. I’ll have Sasha take you shopping.”

  “I’m quite capable of choosing a dress, Cade.”

  He stiffens, no doubt growing tired with my defiance. But I can’t do it, I can’t be the meek and submissive girl he expects.

  His jaw works overtime as he runs a hand down his face. “And I’m telling you to go with Sasha, and since you belong to me, you’ll do what I say.”

  His hand grips my thigh under the table, squeezing hard. For a second, I’m so overcome with fear and surprise that I’m paralyzed. His hand slides higher, grazing the soft skin of my thighs.

  Without thinking, I thrust my hand under the table and wrench his fingers back. “Don’t ever touch me like that again in public,” I seethe through gritted teeth.

  Cade explodes with laughter, bringing his hand above the table and flexing his fingers.

  “I underestimated you, Mia.” He doesn’t look pissed. In fact, he looks… impressed.

  He curves his hand around the back of my neck and draws me closer. “You want to play hard to get, baby, just say the word.” His warm breath fans my face. “But rest assured, Mia. I will have you. And when I do, you’ll be screaming my name while I fuck your virginal pussy hard and fast until you know exactly who you belong to.”

  I suck in a harsh breath, my entire body shuddering from his threatening words. Because that’s what they are—a threat.

  A promise.

  Cade is counting the days until he can make me his. I see it every time he looks at me. For as unnerving as his words are, I can’t help but feel a lick of smug satisfaction. Because Cade will never get to take my first time from me. That belongs to Bexley.

  And when Cade finds out I’m no longer his virginal prize, maybe he’ll drop this charade and finally cut me loose.

  At least, that’s what I tell myself…

  Because the alternative is simply too terrifying to consider.



  I keep my head down as I walk toward my first class Monday morning.

  I arrived back in Gravestone late last night, having spent the morning discussing the place with Hadley while Cole looked on, totally bemused by the whole setup.

  It was nice to see someone else's mind blown by the reality that is now my life, even if it was Cole Jagger.

  I guess it could have been worse. It could have been Ace.

  I'd wanted to stop by the Jagger house to see if I could talk to Remi while I was in town. I still need to apologize to her. Ace and his brothers kept her so well protected at the wedding I attended a few months ago that I couldn't even breathe near her, let alone talk to her.

  I need her to know how much I regret my actions back then. I need her to know how sorry I am for ruining everything that was between us.

  Students gossip as I pass them by, but I ignore them. I'm beginning to get used to being the center of attention once again, even if it is very different from my time in Sterling Prep.

  I wanted it back then. I wanted to be both the king of the school and the football field. Now, I'm happy for someone else to wear the crown. Granted, it could be someone better than Cade fucking Kingsley who reigns supreme, but as long as it's not me, I guess I'll take it.

  I don't talk to anyone—I don't even look at anyone—as I make my way into the empty auditorium and take my seat.

  Pulling out my cell, I once again stare at Mia’s messages.

  I've tapped out a few replies to her since I received them, but all of them have gone unsent. This thing between us. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

  My dad fell for the wrong woman and she ended up fleeing town to restart her life, while his tragically ended a few years later along with the woman who'd been promised to him.

  I have no idea if he even loved her.

  Then there's Hadley.

  At only sixteen, she was practically banished from this place for falling for the wrong guy.

  Love is meant to conquer all. I think Quinctus maybe forgot that when they decided on their stupid fucking rules.

  I twist my pen around in my hand as students begin filling the space around me. The sound of chairs moving and their excited chatter about what they got up to on the weekend filters up to me where I'm hiding at the back.

  I feel the burning stare of more than a few of them, but I don't give them any of my attention in return. I refuse to feed the gossip in any way.

  The atmosphere changes the second she steps into the room. Maybe no one else notices it, but suddenly, the air around me becomes hard to breathe and every nerve in my body is on full alert.

  I'm desperate to torture myself further and look up to see if he’s delivered her to class like he seems to enjoy—any chance to lord it over everyone—but I keep my eyes glued to my desk, telling myself that I don't need to know.

  What either of them do shouldn't have anything to do with me. Thoughts of them being together also shouldn't tear me up inside like this.

  The seats on either side of me might be empty, but I already know Mia won't take either of them. She's not stupid and knows that even if Cade doesn't see it with his own eyes, he's got enough minions roaming Gravestone U halls to ensure all information gets straight back to him. Hell, he's probably got access to the entire campus CCTV.

  When my need to see her becomes too much to bear, I lift my eyes. But before I manage to find her, a body drops into the seat beside me.

  "No one's sitting here, right?" a sickly sweet voice says. One that I recognize but don't want to hear.

  "It's taken," I growl, spinning to look at Brook, Cade's old plaything.

  "It is now." She gets herself comfortable and pulls her books out, ready for our professor to begin his lecture.

  "What do you want, Brook?" I snap, deciding that I've probably got more chance of getting rid of her if I allow her to say what she's got to say.

  I have no time for anyone who's connected to any of the Electi—even Alex right now, seeing as I left the dorms without knocking for him this morning—and I certainly don't want to talk to Ashton's little sister.

  "Did you hear about their little date last night?"

  My teeth grind. If she's just come over here to push my buttons, then she's going to be bitterly disappointed because she's going to get nothing out of me. It doesn't matter how painfully I might be shattering on the inside; she's never going to witness it on the outside. I've got a better game face than that.

  "Is there a point to this?" I grit out.

  "Cade took her to the most exclusive restaurant in town, bought her the most expensive bottle of champagne they sell."

  "Right? Was there also gold leaf on their dessert?"

  She shrugs, completely missing my sarcasm. "Pro

  "Brook," I warn as the professor begins and every other student in the room focuses their attention on him, just like I should be doing.

  "Okay, fine," she huffs as if I'm the one wasting her time. "I think… if we team up, maybe we both get what we want."

  "And what is it that you think I want, Brook? Other than for you to leave me alone."

  "Bexley, Bexley," she sighs. "Always so quick to judge." My lips press into a thin line as I stare at her.

  Her makeup is thick and flawless, her hair styled within an inch of its life. While she's beautiful—any hot-blooded guy can see that—she doesn't hold a candle to Mia.

  Mia's natural beauty brings me to my knees, and it's not just her outer beauty. What she's hiding beneath is even more breathtaking.

  "Cut to the chase. I need to listen. I'm in college for a reason, and it's not just to spread my legs for Electi." I pin her with a look, but if she's shocked by my words then she doesn't show it. That, or she's just well aware of her rep and happy to own it. I don't know whether to feel sorry for her or be impressed.

  "You want her." She tilts her chin in Mia's direction.

  "Do I?" I ask, keeping all emotion and desire out of my voice.

  "You do. You might think I'm a dumb blonde, but I see things. I've seen how you watch her, how you stare at her with longing in your eyes.

  "I get it, because I watch him like that. Let's work together, and maybe we can both come out of it happier."

  "She's his prosapia, Brook. You understand what that means, right?"

  A smile curls at her lips at my comment, and I regret it instantly. I might as well have just told her I was falling for Mia faster than I can control.

  "I understand more than you know, Bexley. But I'm not one to back down from a challenge, and we all know that my name should have been drawn that night."

  "Yeah, about that… why wasn't it?"

  "Fuck if I know. Someone screwed up. She's not the one for him. Everything about them as a couple is just wrong. She'll never be able to give him what he needs."


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