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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 34

by Vella Day

  She sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. “Better.” She exhaled and lay back down. This time when she closed her eyes, she could picture the men escorting her out of that terrible room and into this fine house.

  She smiled thinking about Dirk’s lips on her hand and how tenderly he’d kissed her palm. As much as she wanted to stay awake in case he came in, she couldn’t keep from dozing off.

  A hand rubbing her shoulder woke her. Her pulse raced at the thought it was that terrible guard, but once the lamp on the table registered, her muscles relaxed.

  She rolled over to face Dirk. His penetrating gaze turned her mouth dry. Her fogged brain told her she wanted him.

  It’s wrong.

  She refused to listen. Lying in bed made her realize that this nightmare could return. Those men could steal her once more, and she could really be sold to bad people.

  One of Mahatma Gandhi’s quotes flashed in her brain. He said to live as if you were to die tomorrow. That rang so true.

  Dirk said nothing as he stroked her arm, his gentle touch soothing. She expected her heart to race being this close to a virile man, but his hooded eyes brought her inner peace. When he ran a knuckle down her cheek and looked deep into her eyes, a powerful urge to kiss him took over.

  While she’d made out with quite a few men, and yes, even sucked on their penises, her guilt never allowed her to be intimate. Her last boyfriend had been patient up to a point. Eventually, he told her he couldn’t handle being so close to her and not have sex. Now she understood his frustration.

  Something about these men triggered a need deep inside her. It was as if they truly were destined to be together.

  She cupped his face. “Thank you.”

  His brows furrowed. “For what?”

  “For being honest with me about who you really are and for saving me.” She glanced to the bed. “I could go on.” But that wasn’t her nature.

  His face took on a whole new dimension—his jaw sagged and his eyes turned a swirling shade of amber and brown. He looked lost or perhaps he was a man who longed for something.

  “I wanted you to know all about us.”

  Dirk pulled her close and the hard planes of his chest pressed against her breasts. Her nipples hardened and her vagina dampened as streaks of pleasure rippled through her. Her mom’s stern face appeared, but she shoved it away. Dirk and Clay both said they were destined to be with her and she believed them. Dirk was gentle and good. Never before had her body reacted in such a carnal way. She tried to push the yearning aside but failed.

  Freedom wasn’t a guarantee. She’d waited for the right man, and Dirk was the one. Yes, he saved her from something terrible, but she refused to think of her desires exploding because she thought of him as her savior. Perhaps she was telling herself things she wanted to hear, but she believed she deserved a night of guilt free pleasure.

  I want a lifetime worth. Admit it.

  Elena was the one to lean forward and kiss Dirk. When he didn’t deepen the kiss or press his hips against hers, she broke the connection believing she’d done something wrong. Shifting her gaze away from his face, she leaned back.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  She shrugged. “I guess I’m not very good at this.”

  “At what?”


  “Now there you’re wrong.”

  He took her hand and lowered it between them. When he placed her fingers on his hard shaft, her breath caught. Yes, he was wearing soft flannel pajamas, but even through the fabric, his erection filled his pants out well. “Oh.”

  “Does this feel like the kiss didn’t affect me?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

  “I guess not. I’m not very experienced.”

  The right side of his mouth tilted upward. “Most virgins aren’t, but if you’ll let me love you, you might learn to enjoy it.”

  She was torn. His words were so contradictory to what she’d been taught. Then again, she’d been told werewolves didn’t exist, so maybe it was time to examine more of her core beliefs.

  Desire won, but she’d stop if anything seemed wrong. “What do you want me to do?” Her stomach fluttered in anticipation.

  Dirk dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “It’s not a step-by-step procedure. It’s about feeling and moving and doing. Nothing is wrong and everything is right.”

  “I want to, but—”

  He covered her eyes then removed his hand. “Don’t think. Just do. Keep your eyes closed and let your body respond. Focus on what my hands and mouth are doing to you. Let go. Be free.”

  Those words were a balm to her, but would she regret this in the morning? Most likely, but her mom’s generation was into waiting. She’d lasted long enough. Once she turned twenty-one, she should have had complete say so about what she wanted to do.

  “I’ll try.”

  “If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell me.”

  He kissed her cheek, and his firm lips warmed her from the inside.

  He placed a hand on her shoulder. “How about lying on your stomach?”

  That request wasn’t what she expected, but she was pleased he wasn’t the kind to yank down her pants and enter her. That would have hurt physically as well as emotionally. She rolled over and grabbed the pillow under her head.

  “It might be better if you rest your forehead on the back of your hands.” He removed the pillow from under her head and placed it beneath her hips. He then placed her hands in the desired position and lifted her hair, sliding the mass off to the side. So far, he’d almost been too much of a gentleman.

  “Are you comfy?”

  “Yes.” This was the first time her anxiety wasn’t rushing through her. She completely believed Dirk wanted her first time to be wonderful.

  This was the moment she’d thought about forever. She was going to have sex. She prayed she wasn’t making a mistake. At this moment, it didn’t feel like one.

  His palm made small circles on her back, starting at her shoulders and working his way along her spine. The pressure slowly increased, and by the time he reached her rear, the tension in her body had eased.

  When his lips traced a path across her shoulder blade and down her back, she wanted his skin to touch hers.

  “Can I take off my top?”

  He chuckled and the sound resonated deep within her. “Sweetheart, you never have to ask if you can get naked.”

  Well, she hadn’t asked to get naked, just to take off her top, but once she decided she wanted to lose her virginity to Dirk, she might as well go all the way. “Can you help me?”

  He groaned. “You’re testing my control.”

  That made her smile. “Sorry.”

  He laughed and she swore her tits pebbled from the delightful rumble. The bed dipped and he slid her pants over her hips.

  “I said my top.”

  He hands stopped. “Are you sure? Once the top goes, I’ll want to love every inch of you.”

  She wanted that, too. “Okay.” She squeezed her eyes shut hoping she wasn’t making a mistake.

  He tugged on her pants again and the cool air kissed her rear. She clenched her cheeks, not because of the chill but because the potential act of making love to him excited her. This was a new path she’d chosen to go down.

  “Lift your hips.”

  She obliged and the bottoms slipped off. He maneuvered his way to the side, and his callused fingers captured the bottom of her shirt. The material bunched when the T-shirt hit her tits, and she lifted on her elbows to give him more room.

  He tugged the shirt over her head and removed it. She was about to lie back down when his palm cupped her breast. Streaks of sizzling pleasure cascaded down the sides. Heat raced up her face at the intimate act.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Those words seeped deep within her and helped settle any remaining nerves. His fingers worked her nipples and caused her pulse to jack up again. All sorts of explosions ignited different parts of he
r body. So many spots blazed, she found it hard to concentrate on just one sensation. He’d said to let go and feel, and she wanted to, but it wasn’t easy to forget everything her parents had preached.

  She needed to stop changing her mind and just go for it.

  Elena rolled onto her back and opened her eyes. Dirk looked down at her and smiled. Before she could think of something pithy to say, his mouth captured a nipple. She sucked in a breath and arched her back at the incredible intensity.

  This has to be wrong.

  But it feels so right.

  “Shut up.”

  Dirk stopped. “I didn’t say anything.”

  Oh, God. Had she? “It was nothing.”

  He dipped his head again and she slowly eased out a breath. His rough tongue almost tickled, and yet she yearned for that tongue to explore so much more of her. How her vagina got in the act, she didn’t know, but right now, she didn’t care.

  One palm rubbed her stomach while the other kneaded her breast. She should have turned off the light so he wouldn’t see her slight belly bulge. Too late. Even blind, his fingers would discover all her flaws.

  He circled the nipple then sucked on the tip, acting as if he loved every bit of her. His touch wasn’t enough to hurt but enough to show her what his loving could do. As he worked the tip, the nipple swelled, and the pressure turned painful. She was about to ask him to stop when the strangest sensation coursed through her. Spikes of need warmed her and headed down her belly, landing between her legs.

  “That feels good.” She wished she could have done a better job at articulating exactly how his actions affected her body, but she’d never talked about sex with a man.

  As much as she loved being the recipient, she wanted to touch Dirk like he was touching her. Men loved blow jobs. She slid her fingers down his face. The bristles seemed harder than a normal man’s—more manly. He leaned into her palm and kissed it, and her heart thrilled. He lifted his head and captured her mouth. The connection between them intensified, pulling her so close that their chests molded together, and their breaths matched in speed.

  All reason vanished. She had to have him. He swiped his tongue against the seam of her lips, and she gave him entrance. Tentative at first, she dipped her tongue into his mouth, and he let her lead. He tasted of tomatoes and beer, a combination that was so masculine she delved in for more. As she became the aggressor, Dirk groaned. His lids closed and the fire in his kiss nearly undid her.

  He leaned back. “What you do to me. I’m not sure how long I can last.”

  The next kiss barely made a seal. When he pulled back, their lips remained connected as if he never wanted them to part.

  His desperate words finally registered. If touching her overwhelmed him, maybe he wanted her to enjoy him. “Do you want me to lick your member?” She didn’t feel comfortable calling it a cock.

  He jerked. “Have you ever done that before?”

  He didn’t have to look that shocked. “Yes, but the last man I was with thrust it in my mouth, and it wasn’t very nice.” That was the man she dated after her boyfriend dumped her.

  Dirk ran his thumb over her lips. “I would never do that. In fact, I promise not to move, but I can only grant you a few licks.”

  She smiled. “Then I’ll make them good ones.” She thought she heard bones crack like the sound Clay’s body had made before he turned into a wolf. “You aren’t going to shift on me, are you?” Trepidation raced up her spine.

  “I hope not.”

  She glanced to his attire. “You need to get out of those pajama bottoms.”

  He cocked a brow. “Do you want to help?”

  She swallowed. Undressing a man was an intimate act. Whether she took off his pajamas or he removed them himself, the result would be the same. He’d be naked. “Yes.”

  It took a few seconds to decide what worked best. “Get on your back.”

  “You’re the boss.”

  She liked having the control for a change. For leverage, she straddled him and her vagina immediately reacted. Impure thoughts slammed into her hard, but she refused to back down now. She wanted this.

  After hooking her thumbs into his waistband, she tugged the material over his hips, but the stupid pants caught on his big shaft.

  He chuckled. “We have a problem, I see.”

  He wrapped his hands behind his head.

  Be that way. She reached in to lift the material over the obstacle and her knuckles brushed his hot skin. Her sex sizzled. Getting excited this quickly might cause some frustration on her part. As fast as she could, she jerked the material down, only to realize his rear prevented her from removing them.

  She turned her head before she took in all of his assets, not ready to see his big erection.

  “Don’t be frightened.”

  Now why did he have to say that? She refused to let her nerves sabotage her. She tapped his hip. “Lift.”

  He did and the pajamas slid down. “Here. Let me.”

  So now he helps? She moved to the side, and when he tossed them off, her curiosity won out. The gasp automatically slipped out. Sweet Jesus. His rigid shaft lay flat against his stomach, and second thoughts bombarded her. “Maybe we should take this sex stuff in stages.”

  He laughed. “Sweetheart, you do my soul good.”

  She was uncertain what that meant. Here goes. “Remember, you promised you wouldn’t move.”

  “Not a muscle.” His lips twitched as if he were fighting a smile.

  He lay on his back and closed his eyes. It might be safe to touch him now. With her index finger she poked him. Quicker than she could blink he had her wrist in his hand.

  “He’s not a toy.” The small lift to his lips implied he wasn’t mad.

  If a finger didn’t work then maybe her tongue would do the trick. She straddled him again, scooted lower, and bent over. She licked his length from the base to the tip then licked her lips. She couldn’t detect any flavor other than a slight hint of salt. His jaw tensed and the muscles in his pectorals flexed. This was kind of fun.

  After a few more licks, she spotted semen in his slit. She ran her tongue along the top and let his cum settle on her taste buds. His flavor was different from the other men’s she’d tasted. Dirk’s was spicier and not bitter like theirs.

  Using a bit more caution this time, she grabbed his erection and squeezed lightly. His chest expanded as if he had to work hard to let her continue.

  “Tell me if I’m hurting you.”

  A combination of a grunt, grumble, and huff escaped. “You can’t hurt him. Only torture him.”

  His voice cracked and she hid her smile.

  Go for it.

  She inhaled and slid her mouth over the huge tip. Tightening her lips, she lowered her mouth only to realize she couldn’t take in but a fraction of him. She dipped a little lower and gagged. Immediately, she pulled up, a bit angry at herself for being so wimpy.

  Dirk must have realized her dilemma because he lowered one arm and rubbed her shoulder. “It’s okay.”

  Determined to please him, she tried again. To prevent his member from hitting the back of her throat, she swirled her tongue around his length, a sensation she found highly pleasurable. “Mmm.”

  “You’re doing great, sweetheart.”

  Encouraged, she pumped her hand up and down as she sucked on him. By mistake, she let her teeth touch the underside of the lip of the head and he squeezed her shoulder.

  “That’s enough.”

  Uh-oh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt—”

  “Shh.” He pulled her shoulders forward until her belly landed on his chest. “It’s all good. You did nothing wrong. I was about to explode.”

  “Oh.” She had so much to learn about intimacy. The men she’d tasted hadn’t been so sensitive.

  He cupped her face. “I’m going to love teaching you.”

  He drew her bottom lip into his mouth. She relaxed and found the motion tender and endearing. When he let go, she arched u
p. “I want to touch you all over.”

  He dropped his head back. “Okay but only if you stay away from my cock.” He held up a finger. “And, if you see hair grow or my fangs extend, slow down.”

  That didn’t sound good. “Is that because you’re excited?”

  “More than you can ever know.”

  No man had acted like it took so much effort to stay in control. The compliment did wonders for her self-esteem. She sat up and admired his sculpted shoulders, muscled chest, and the perfect amount of hair across his pecs.

  She ran a palm across his chest. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Men aren’t beautiful. We’re manly.”

  She giggled at the way his chin tucked under. Bolder now, she ran her hands over his rippled abs making sure to avoid the erection that was now purpled and bouncing. “Avoiding the danger zone.” She explored lower. “Do you think you could roll over for me?”

  “You plan on spanking me?”

  She never would have thought the taciturn man could be this much fun. “Maybe if you misbehave.”

  “I can be bad. Very, very bad.”

  He sat up so that their faces were inches from each other. He stole a quick kiss and turned over forcing her to get on her knees in the process. Each cheek was perfectly symmetrical and tight. “Nice.”

  From being on his back, his ass was a little pink. She tapped it.

  “You’ll have to put more force into it if you want see it get red. But note that turnabout is fair play.”

  That was the second reference to spanking. The concept intrigued her, but she thought it was better to take one step at a time. She cupped his ass and tightened her fingers.

  “Are men’s butts hard because they work out a lot or is yours super hard because you’re a wolf?”

  “If you think I go around feeling other men’s asses, you’re seriously misinformed.”

  She slapped one cheek hard. “Ouch.” Her palm stung.

  His laugh came out as a rumble. In one twist, he flipped over. “I think it’s time I took over.”

  Chapter Five

  Before Elena could react, Dirk flipped her on her back and kissed her forehead.


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