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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 55

by Vella Day

  “Yes.” He brought both sandwiches over to the kitchen table and sat down. She joined him.

  “I kind of lied.”

  He didn’t act too concerned and bit into the meal. “Go on.”

  She explained how affected she was by Brandon and when he asked her back to his place, she went.

  Jay burst out laughing. “So you’re telling me you found your mate?”

  “Yes. If you must know, this morning I slept with his cousin. He’s also my mate.”

  Jay finished chewing. “This is getting better and better. Next you’ll be telling me that you’re moving in with them. Does this mean poor Cheryl is left to her own?”

  He turned serious on the last few words. “No. I’m still going to look for her.”

  Jay placed a hand on her wrist. “You’re a grown woman, and I’m fine with it, but I’d like to check them out. What are their names?”

  The hairs on her neck bristled. She probably should have told Jay to mind his own business, but he might think it was his duty to protect her, especially since her dad was no longer around. Her men would have no hidden skeletons, so even if Jay snooped, he wouldn’t find anything. Besides, Jay wouldn’t know how to search for information like she did. He would never uncover they were members of this quasi-vigilante squad of Pack members.

  “Sam and Brandon Crenshaw.”

  “Sam and Brandon, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.”

  Mac took a big bite of her sandwich. “That’s right, Jaybird. Sam and Brandon. They’re wonderful men. Sam works for the sheriff’s department, and Brandon works for the telephone company. They’re upstanding citizens.”

  “What do you think your mom will say?”

  Shit. She didn’t want to think about that. “If I find Cheryl, I don’t think she’ll care.”

  “Uh-huh. Just be careful, okay?”

  “You bet.” She prayed she wasn’t making a mistake by not confiding in Jay.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mac waited until Jay left for work before packing up. She then penned a note of thanks, saying it wasn’t fair to him to have to get involved in her family affairs. She told herself it had nothing to do with the concept that Jay might be a Colter.

  Sam and Brandon had asked her to move in, making that her best option. Both of them seemed focused on locating Cheryl, which meant she wouldn’t have to tiptoe around them, or make up stories about where she was headed. With her expertise, Mac was confident they’d find her cousin.

  Once she waved goodbye to Jay’s house, she dialed Brandon. According to him, leaving work to come home was easier for him than Sam.

  He answered right away, giving her hope he wasn’t in the middle of a job. “Hey, darlin’. Where are you headed?”

  That was an odd comment, but she brushed it off. “Can you hear the engine noise or something?” The rental seemed rather quiet to her.

  “Ah, sure. What’s up?”

  She inhaled. “I’ve decided it would be better for everyone if I moved in with you and Sam. Would that be okay?” Even though they’d asked her to, she held her breath nonetheless.

  “You know we want you with us. Forever.”

  Whoa. The forever word sunk in her stomach like a stone. Mac believed they were destined to be together, but she hadn’t thought past finding Cheryl. Mac wasn’t ready to settle down, and she sure as hell wasn’t ready to deal with babies learning to shift. Yikes. She had no idea when males learned that talent. If only she’d questioned her dad more.

  “Thank you. I’m kind of on my way over there now.”

  “I’ll head home, too.”

  She didn’t like inconveniencing either of them. “I can always go to a coffee shop until you get off work. I need to do more computer searching anyway.”

  “Not sure that’s smart. Any good Colter can snoop into what you’re doing.”

  She knew that better than anyone. She’d often piggybacked on a person-of-interest’s Wi-Fi, able to see what they were investigating. Snooping software, especially on unsecured networks, was as easy as hitting a target from three feet away. “I understand. My ETA is fifteen minutes.”

  “You’re doing the right thing.”

  She hoped so. At some point she needed to call her mom and let her know her status—that she’d moved out of Jay’s house and into a house with two men she’d just met. She was fairly confident Jay wouldn’t contact her mom unless something bad happened, but she could only delay the inevitable for so long.

  When she turned onto their street, Mac spotted Brandon’s car in the drive. He must not have been far from home when she called. As soon as she cut the engine, he was out the door and by her side.

  “Need help?”

  Her body immediately reacted to his presence. It was as if someone had dumped a bucket of lust on her. Would she always be overwhelmed every time either one of them neared? That would be a bit embarrassing at the wrong time.

  “I’m good.” She’d brought only one suitcase from Indiana, not thinking she’d be in Florida for long.

  From the trunk, she grabbed her case, but Brandon slipped it from her fingers. “Let’s get you settled.”

  Their home had three bedrooms, but she wondered where he’d suggest she sleep. She didn’t need the men bickering in case Brandon insisted she stay with him. She followed him to the last room on the right. It had a queen-sized bed, a nightstand, and a dresser. While the room was small, it was clean. The colorful pillows on the bed made the room rather cozy.

  “In case you’re wondering, Mom picked out the décor.”

  She smiled. “It’s perfect. Does she live around here?”

  “About forty-five minutes away.”

  “Cool.” She had so much to learn about him and his family.

  “This room doesn’t have an attached bath, but you can use mine anytime.”

  Mac chuckled. “But only when you’re naked in the shower, right?”

  Brandon set down her case and stalked toward her, his golden gaze focused on her face. She wanted to share the information she’d found out about the men, but her body’s reaction to him seemed to seal her lips shut.

  “You have a problem with that?” He lifted a strand of her long hair and twirled it in his finger. “How about a welcome to our home party?”

  “You mean a romp in the hay?” She laughed, forgetting how much fun this man could be.

  He was easier to be around than Sam, but regardless which man she was near, she couldn’t get enough of him. It was as if an external force took over her mind and body.

  “I do, darlin’. You have any objection to that?” He let go of her lock of hair and trailed his finger over her breast.

  Her breath whooshed out. “No. None.”

  Her thoughts raced. With the way Brandon’s bulge seemed to be growing every second, along with the faint patch of hair that had sprouted on the back of his hands, he was more than ready to ravish her.

  The last time they’d made love, Brandon had her stand while he undressed her. Now it was her turn. “Since this is a welcoming home party for me, how about I start?”

  “You going to git naked for me?” He cocked a brow.

  “Eventually.” Mac moved closer and brushed her lips against his, not making full contact. She wanted to tease him and drive him crazy like he’d done to her. Brandon clasped her waist and drew her near. She leaned back. “Hey, this is my show, my party—at least for the first few minutes. Just stand there and be good.”

  “Anything you say, darlin’.” He let go of her.

  Brandon wasn’t the type to let a woman take over, so she had to move fast. “Let’s both take off our shoes. We’ll be more comfortable.”

  “I’ll be more comfortable naked with you lying underneath me.”

  She laughed. “Shush. Do as I say.”

  “Always, dar-lin’.”

  There was something about the way he elongated that word that fired up her pussy. They both discarded their shoes, but then Brandon went one step furt
her; he took off his jeans.

  “No fair,” she said.

  “What are you going to do about it? Take off yours?” His lids half closed as he dragged a finger across the waistband of her jeans. That simple action had her hormones zinging through her body.

  “You just wait and see. How about sitting on the bed and watch me do my thing?”

  He moved closer, if that was possible. Their lips almost touched. “How about I stand here while you take off your clothes?”

  He didn’t seem willing to do what she’d asked. “Fine.” She was more determined than ever to make his mouth dry and his cock harder than a cement post.

  She stepped back for some room, lifted her shirt over her head, and let the material float to the floor.

  Brandon licked his lips. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  She shook her head at his trite phrase. He tore off his shirt. “Hey. You said you’d be good.” She’d wanted to take off his clothes.

  “I am good.” He grinned then grabbed his cock. Thankfully, he still wore briefs or she’d have a harder time concentrating.

  Mac laughed. “Then be serious. I’m trying to be sexy, here.”

  “You don’t need to try. You’re sexier than any woman on earth.”

  He was hopeless. Instead of unhooking her bra in back, she lowered the straps and let the cups fall until they hung on the pointed tips. Brandon’s eyes turned hazy and lust-filled. She could detect the moisture on his lips and the darkened growth on his cheeks. The more ready he was to shift, the more excited she became.

  Keeping her gaze on his face, she unbuttoned then unzipped her pants. She turned around and bent over, lowering the material over her ass. Brandon growled.

  In a flash, she was in the air and tossed on the bed. “You tempt me too much.”

  “I’m not finished.” She’d planned to step out of her jeans, and slowly ease off her panties. If she’d dared, she might have pressed a finger inside her pussy just to torture him. But now, he’d taken over, and she had no control about what was to happen.

  Her pants flew over the edge of the bed, and with a quick pinch and a toss, her bra followed.

  Footsteps sounded down the hallway. “Well, well.”

  Uh-oh. It was Sam. “Hi, there.” She had no idea what he’d do.

  He stalked closer to the bed. “Why did you start without me?”

  Instead of him glancing at Brandon, he looked straight at her. She scooted back on her elbows. “I thought you were at work.” She twisted toward Brandon. “Didn’t you tell me that?”

  “I don’t remember.”


  Sam’s lips tilted up, dimpling his cheeks. “Only kidding with you. I was at the station when Brandon called. I got here as fast as I could.”

  “Better late than never. Come here and get naked.” Her voice shook. She’d never been with two men before, but since she was already undressed—or almost undressed—Sam might as well join them. Her body needed them both.

  “Sassy today, aren’t you? Brandon, I think our woman needs to understand what it’s like to be with two werewolves. It’s not the same as with ordinary men.”

  That sounded ominous. “I’ve never been with two guys before, ordinary or otherwise.” The way his gaze raked over her body, he meant for both of them to impale her at the same time. Having a cock in her ass wasn’t something she’d contemplated. Making love with one then the other was more her style.

  Sam sat on the bed and tapped his lap. “You need to learn it’s not your place to tell me what to do. Come here and take your punishment.” His tone was light, but she didn’t dare laugh.

  Mac had found the spanking Sam had given her rather nice—or rather, the aftermath of the heat it generated had been quite exciting. It made her clit swell and her pussy drip.

  The need to sass took over, and she lifted her chin. “Why should I? I’ve done nothing wrong. I merely invited you to join us.” Unfortunately, she spoke before she thought.

  “No, baby. You told me what to do.”

  “Asking you over to the bed and get naked was merely a suggestion.”

  “No, baby. It was a command.”

  Seriously? Okay, it might have been. Damn. Brandon moved back, and he nodded for her to climb face down onto Sam’s lap. From his amused expression, if she didn’t do as Sam requested, Brandon would help her onto his cousin’s lap. Damn men.

  Once she was settled into position, he rubbed her rear. “I like the lace, but I want to experience flesh against flesh.”

  The roughness of his voice settled between her legs. “Me, too.” Damn. How had that slipped out?

  Sam laughed. “Brandon. Take off her panties and hold her legs open so she doesn’t try to get away. If she’s good and doesn’t cry out, lick her hard and fast. I want her little clit throbbing and her body desperate and needy by the time I impale her.”

  Holy fuck. She could smell her arousal from those words. She’d never been this turned on in her life. Brandon eased down her panties. The second air hit her pussy, her belly clenched with need.

  “Ready?” Sam asked.

  “Yes.” Warning her made her clench her cheeks.

  The first slap wasn’t very hard, but it had the desired effect of heating her up. Sam gently massaged her rear, acting as if he’d spanked her with too much force. “You okay?”

  She thought about her answer, not wanting to upset him. “I’m good.”

  From the way Brandon’s hands shifted on her ankles, he was leaning forward. “She’s only a little pink, Cuz. You can do better than that, or do you think we should get out the leather flogger?”

  “No!” She liked a bit of pain every now and then, because when the ache receded, the resulting relief was divine. “I mean, I’ve never had a flogger. Would I like it?” She didn’t believe they would do anything that would cause her any real discomfort.

  “If it’s in my hands, baby, you will love it; crave it in fact.”

  Maybe. Before she could decide if she wanted something like that, Sam’s hand came down on her bare cheeks again. Only this time, it was ten times harder. The sting raced across her ass and around to her middle.

  “That’s for trying to take control in the bedroom.”

  Just as air began to trickle back into her chest, Brandon wedged his shoulders between her legs and plunged two fingers into her wet pussy. Streaks of pleasure jolted her. Without thinking, she tried to bring her legs together, but he stopped her.

  “None of that, darlin’. Sam, I don’t think she understands what not moving means.”

  She expected Sam, or even Brandon, to spank her again, but neither one did.

  “Hmm. I have a solution for that,” Sam said.

  In a flash, Sam rolled her onto her back. He strode across the room and stepped into the closet, returning with a handful of ties. If they planned to blindfold her, they didn’t need more than one.

  “Hope you don’t mind if we use these,” he said to Brandon as he handed him a few.

  “That’s what they’re for—that and attending funerals.”

  “I’ll take the top,” Sam said. “Our woman needs some severe discipline. Let’s hope she doesn’t climax too soon or we’ll have to put her on the rack.”

  Brandon shook her head. “Mackenzie would never lose control. Right, darlin’?”

  How could she answer that honestly? She could barely keep it together with one man, let alone two. “I’ll try.” And what was the rack? Shivers of delight sped up her spine.

  Brandon grabbed one leg, and gently tied a knot around her ankle before securing it to the bedpost. While he repeated the process on the other side, Sam lashed her wrists to each post. Spread eagle, her stomach fluttered in anticipation. She tugged on the silky ties, but found her actions only tightened the knots. She expected some trepidation to be slogging through her veins, but instead quivering anticipation filled her.

  Brandon climbed onto the bed, while Sam stripped. She couldn’t take her
gaze off his huge erection. She was doubly sore from yesterday, so she wasn’t sure if she could handle both men today.

  Gloriously naked, Sam joined them. He dragged a hand down her face and grinned. “I hope you’re ready for a few hours of loving.”

  A few hours? She’d be a whimpering pool of lust if she had to hold back her climax for that long. “Sure, but don’t you want me to suck on your cock before you torture me?” Not only did she enjoy loving him, it would give her respite from the constant stimulation.

  Sam shook his head. “Brandon. We might have to toss this one back and demand a new mate. What part of us being in charge doesn’t she get?”

  He was being unfair, though she suspected he might be kidding. “If you’re looking to meet a woman who will do everything you ask, you better untie me now, because I’m not her. I figured the wolf gods picked me to be your mate for a reason. You needed someone to stand up to you; to be your equal.”

  Sam guffawed, but Brandon looked at her with love. “That’s true, but being equal is a two-way street, darlin’. Sometimes we’ll do what you want, but at other times you have to do what we ask. It’s a dangerous world out there.”

  Aw. Damn. “Can we table the philosophical discussion for another time? I thought you two promised me some loving. I’m not exactly in the position to tease you.”

  Sam leaned over and drew a taut nipple into his mouth. The wet warmth spread over her body and down her belly.

  “Ah. Pure sweetness.”

  Wanting to touch him, she tugged on her arms, only to remember she was tied to the bed.

  Brandon placed a hand on her belly. “Easy there. Don’t get too riled up. We need you to last.”

  She didn’t believe him. Men’s egos were stroked when a woman climaxed so many times she became a complete pile of goo. They also wanted a woman to be desperate and needy so that she’d clamber after them, begging them to fuck her hard and often. At that thought, contractions rippled down her pussy.

  Brandon slipped off his briefs. Only then did she see the error of her decision to love both men. She wouldn’t be able to handle two dicks at once.

  Sam pinched one nipple and sucked hard on the other one, distracting her. Need raced through her fast. She might have been able to keep somewhat calm had Brandon not spread her pussy lips and blew over her opening. The combination of warm air and his rough fingers sent her spiraling. She wasn’t this weak. Needing to prove to them she could resist their allure, she closed her eyes and grit her teeth. She tried to picture Cheryl in some cage, but the image disappeared the second Brandon licked her clit.


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