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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 61

by Vella Day

  She lifted her chin. “I like the kind of spanking that is a sign of affection; the kind with the goal to get me hot and needy. You seem to want me in pain. Why should I agree to that if I’ve already apologized?”

  His slight cheer disappeared. “Because you were bad. You put yourself in an unsafe situation.”

  He wasn’t going to budge. “Fine. You can spank me.” She truly didn’t believe he’d be mean or hit her hard. Deep inside, Sam Crenshaw was a very good man.

  “Good. After which, you’ll suck my cock.”

  She liked that. Mac held out the package. “I want to try this.”

  Sam took it and tossed it on the bed. His expression didn’t change. “We’ll see. That will be your reward. If you deserve it.”

  “Oh, I’ll deserve it all right.” She grabbed his crotch and squeezed his erection.

  The moment she’d walked in the room, she could almost see the hairs growing on his hands. His teeth had slightly elongated, and his voice was becoming deeper. He was in heat, and she loved it.

  “Better take off your clothes and show me how much you deserve it.” Sam crossed his arms.

  “You don’t want to take them off me?” She was pushing his limits, but she believed it was the only way to get him out of his pissy mood.

  “If I wanted to take them off, I’d take them off. Now strip.”

  Uncertain whether to get upset at his barbaric attitude, she kicked off her shoes. Ah, the relief was divine. While being three inches taller had been nice, she wasn’t used to heels. She carefully removed the amazing necklace and placed it on the dresser. Next came the dress. Unfortunately, with the zipper in back, she only managed to undo the top half. Asking for Sam’s help would defeat the purpose of her stripping.

  “Here. Let me,” he said. “I want to get to sleep sometime tonight.”

  That did it. His attitude irritated the hell out of her. Mac spun around and planted her hands on his chest. “If you don’t want to make love to me, just say so. I don’t need your attitude.”

  Sam dropped back his head and laughed. He toed off his shoes, and stepped out of his dress pants. This time he had on briefs. “You think I don’t want to make love with you?”

  “You want to punish me.”

  He shrugged. “Turn around.”

  She did, allowing him to unzip her. In one tug, the dress was on the floor. She stepped out of it and turned back to face him.

  Sam clasped her shoulders and turned her away from him. “I didn’t say you could move.” He walked her over to the edge of the room. “Brace yourself.”

  Seriously? She did as he asked and planted her palms on the wall.

  Sam dragged her panties off and unceremoniously tossed them to the side but left her bra on. “Open your legs. I want you to feel the sting.”

  He was really going to spank her? When she didn’t move, he tapped her butt. It was a warning. “Fine.”

  Mac widened her legs. The action of being so vulnerable made her hot. He lifted her bra above her tits and lightly pinched one nipple.

  “Maybe next time, you’ll do what I say.”

  She was about to argue that neither man had said to stay by their side, but she thought it better to obey. The first smack stung, but it wasn’t any harder than the usual pussy gushing spanks he had delivered before.

  “These are warm ups. I’m mad, and you must learn to obey.”

  She rolled her eyes only because she knew he couldn’t see her. “Have at me, if it’ll make you feel better.”

  “This isn’t about me, baby.”

  She’d had enough and turned around once more. She unhooked her bra herself, dropped it, and reached out to undo his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. “I’m not finished punishing you.”

  “I’m getting you ready. I want to feel your skin on mine. Lick it, knead it, enjoy those animal muscles of yours.”

  “You don’t get to decide.”

  Yes, she did. Mac lowered his hands. “You had your chance, big boy. Now it’s my turn. Can you handle me?”

  A wide grin spread across his face. “Bring it on.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Mac needed Sam naked now. As if the house were on fire, she undid his shirt buttons as quickly as her fingers could move, her werewolf blood helping with the speed. She rolled the material down his arms and tossed the clean, crisp shirt on the floor. One more piece of clothing to go. “Briefs. Ugh. I like when you go commando better.”

  He laughed. “Dress slacks are uncomfortable without them.” This time, Sam took them off. “Didn’t you say something about sucking on my cock?”

  “I can’t remember.”

  He backed her up until she bumped into the wall. He bent down and nibbled on her neck. “What can I do to refresh your memory?”

  “Touch me, tease me, desire me.” Telling him what to do often set him off, but he had asked.

  His lips found hers, and he kissed her as if he’d never done so before. He finally leaned back. “You scared me, you know. When I couldn’t find you at Medlock’s, I almost shifted. That wouldn’t have been good.” His voice cracked.

  She grabbed his ass and squeezed his hard cheeks. Sam was all power. All sex. “I’m sorry I caused you to worry.” She meant that.

  He reached between then and cupped her pussy. “Then show me just how sorry you are.”

  Mac smiled and dropped to her knees. “Okay, but I say when we stop.” Dang it. Why did she have to issue another command?

  “Baby, you have so much to learn about being with a real man. I’ll forgive you this time. Go.”

  Why did men always think they had the upper hand? She was the one with the magic fingers and the hot mouth. She grabbed his cock, drew it to her lips, and scraped her teeth down his shaft. He must have grown, or else his anger had made him bigger.

  He hissed, and when he clasped her shoulder, she spotted his sprouted hair. He was close to erupting. Brandon was right. Sam desired her. Her whole body quivered in delight. Perhaps he’d channeled his anger into lust. To further torment him, Mac pressed her breasts against his thighs.

  He moaned and grabbed a chunk of her hair. “Suck. Harder.”

  She had him now. Relaxing, she drew him into her mouth and tightened her lips. Sam widened his stance and then stepped back.

  Mac looked up and smiled. He couldn’t handle her teasing. “Gotcha.”

  “I’ll show you, gotcha.” He pulled her to a stand. “Don’t move if you know what’s good for you.”

  “Yes, masta.” Damn. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?

  He leveled her with a stare. Faster than a man should be able to move, he rushed to the bed and retrieved the package she’d brought. He ripped open the casing as if were made of tissue paper, and pulled out the two clamps that were attached to a metal chain. “This here will drive you wild. Are you ready?”

  “Are you?”

  He huffed out a breath. “You plan on sassing me for the rest of my life?”

  “You plan on being a dominant, sullen man the rest of my life?”

  She could tell he was working hard not to smile. “Depends on you.”

  He opened the clamp, lifted one breast, and placed the plastic end on one tip.

  “Holy shit.” The tightness took her breath away. She gazed down at her reddening nipple.

  “Let me help make it more comfortable.” Instead of opening the clamp to relieve the pressure, he added the second one to the other side.

  A spike of pain sliced through her. She was about to ask him to take them off because the sensation was too intense, when the strangest thing happened. The ache traveled down her belly and lit up her pussy. Holy hell! Suddenly, what had been pain was now amazing bliss. She smiled.

  “I see you now understand the virtue of nipple clamps.”

  Her pussy was throbbing more fiercely than it ever had before. “Yes. If its purpose is to desire your cock, these have succeeded.” Her arousal perfumed the air.

  Sam dropped to his knees. “It is. If you know what’s good for you, though, don’t climax until my cock claims you. Hands on your head.”

  Don’t climax? He couldn’t be for real. If the spasms banging her pussy were any indication, she was already close.

  “Hands?” he said.

  Crap. This time Mac didn’t sass him back. She threaded her fingers together and placed them on top of her head. Her tits stretched tight, sending more spikes of joy between her legs.

  Sam pulled her ankles far apart. With one hand, he thumbed open her folds. She waited for the lick, but it never came. Instead, with one finger, he drew circles up and down her inner thighs. With each pass, she had to clamp down on her walls, pretending his cock was inside her.

  She didn’t want to beg. It was a sign of weakness. Clearly, this was the real punishment—not the spanking. Mac sucked at waiting. Her groan came out loud.

  Sam reached up and tugged on the chain, forcing her to let out a rather loud eek as another round of electric sparks burst across her skin. What was he waiting for? Right now, she was so desperate she’d do just about anything for some friction. Fine. She’d beg. “Sam. Please. I need your cock.”

  He acted as if he hadn’t heard her and stood. “Enough of these.”

  She was finally getting used to them, and even liking them, but she didn’t complain when he removed them. He then sauntered over to the side table where he retrieved a condom. Just as she was about to ask if she could put on the protection, blood rushed to the tips, and it was as if a thousand needles poked at the ends. Seconds later, her pussy went wild—pulsating and gushing.

  “How about if I put that on you?” she choked out, wanting to take her mind off the incredible sensations coursing through her.

  He closed the gap between them. “Okay, but remember—the longer you take, the longer I’ll keep you hanging on the precipice.” He held the condom up in the air. “But first, I want to suck on your luscious tits. They’ve been driving me wild all evening.”

  She was thrilled he was so turned on. As soon as Mac arched her back to give him better access, she realized her mistake. The nipples were swollen and already too sensitive. The second his lips closed around the tip and drew one deep into his mouth, she gasped for air.

  “Oh. Oh.” The rest of the words disappeared in one big pant.

  Sam twisted the other nipple between his fingers and her pussy went wild, the bliss nearly melting her insides. There must have been some invisible wire between those two erogenous zones.

  Hurry. Mac tugged on Sam’s arm and snagged the condom. She stepped back, needing some time to regain her composure.

  He leaned closer. “Did I say you could lower your arms?”

  “You said I could put this on you. Kind of hard without moving. Right?”

  “You will pay for that, woman.” He winked.

  Mac laughed. Sam’s anger had finally dissipated. Let the loving begin!

  Using her teeth, she tore open the foil package, and extracted the rubber. When she placed the condom on the tip, Sam took it away from her.

  “You have it upside down, baby. I can’t wait any longer.” He flipped it over, and stretched the rubber down his big dick.

  She probably wouldn’t have done such a good job anyway. Now that he was fully sheathed, she licked her lips. “Where were we?”

  “Here.” Sam slammed her against his chest and devoured her lips, his hands roaming up and down her back. Since she no longer had any restrictions, she scraped her nails from his shoulder blades to his waist. Lust, passion, and raw desire ran rampant through her blood.

  She leaned back. “Take me, now.”

  His eyelids were half closed and his lips swollen. He spun her around. As soon as she planted her hands on the wall and widened her legs, he drove his cock into her. It was as if a volcano had erupted inside her. She waited until the first wave of stretching passed, before releasing her inner walls that had a vise-like grip on his cock. God, but the man was thick.

  He slid his palms up her belly, cupped her breasts, and squeezed them together. She’d never felt more feminine in her life.

  “You feel so fucking good, baby.” Sam withdrew his cock and plowed right back in again.

  He lowered his arms and hugged her tight, pressing his face against her back. He dragged his lips from ear to ear, and the sharp points of his teeth scraped across her tender skin.

  Her world spun. No matter how many times he returned, she wanted more. Mac pressed her hips back, eliciting more groans and moans from Sam. Blood pounded in her ears, blocking out her sounds of ecstasy.

  Sam lowered his hand and pressed on her clit. That was it. She lost it. Nothing could stop the waves of passion from descending, nor could she prevent her screams as her orgasm took over.

  “I’m coming, too!” he half shouted, half growled.

  Sam shot his hot cum deep into the condom, and the pressure nearly tossed her over the edge again. Even after his pulsating ebbed, he still held her tight.

  “Don’t ever scare me again.” Sam slipped out of her and twisted her around. “Promise me, you’ll stay safe.”

  She tossed him an exaggerated frown. “I thought you liked makeup sex.”

  He tapped her nose. “I like sex. With you. But I can do without the fear. Okay?”


  “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Promise.” His definition of careful and her definition just might not match.

  * * *

  Mac had spent most of the next day doing research on William Daniels. Unless she could find another home for Roger Medlock where he might be hiding Cheryl, she’d cross his name off the list. Damn. He had such potential. The men had called and said they’d checked out his yacht. No Cheryl.

  Mac had to dig hard to find much on Daniels. While she’d read he’d been arrested for drugs, and that Statler had gotten him off, she didn’t know the details. Then by chance, she stumbled across his arrest report. “Bingo.”

  She’d known he’d been charged with transporting drugs across the Mexican border, but that was all. She read the details. She had to hand it to him. His method of delivery had been quite ingenious. According to the arresting officer, William Daniels had made a solution out of the drugs, dipped his clothes in the drug-filled liquid, and then dried the clothes. No bricks or bags of drugs showed up on the X-Ray because the material was the carrier. He and his wife might have gotten away with it had it not been for bad luck. That day, drug-sniffing dogs had been at the airport because of a tip about some cartel members smuggling heroin.

  Mac continued to delve into the man’s story. Once his wife was diagnosed with stage four cancer, his trips stopped. However, a week ago, Daniels made another trip to Mexico with a female companion. Mac couldn’t help but wonder if he’d taken Cheryl. Did he think a man and his wife were less suspicious than him going solo? Probably so.

  She pulled up photos of Mrs. Daniels and Mac’s heart sank. While Cheryl was taller by an inch and much thinner, they both had long, dark hair and brown eyes. Damn. In order for Cheryl not to scream bloody murder at the airport, he either would have had to drug her or threatened to harm her family. Mac debated calling Aunt Hannah and Uncle Andrew to warn them, but then stopped herself. Why cause them more worry on pure speculation?

  Mac investigated Mr. Daniel’s car dealership again. From the online financial statements, the number of cars sold had been dwindling over the last few years. If his wife’s condition was deteriorating, he might need more funds to cover the cost of her care. That would be a good motive for returning to Mexico and purchase drugs.

  Brandon came out of the hallway. They’d had a nice dinner and some wonderful sex. The three of them had decided to spend a relaxing evening watching a movie, but when she looked up, Brandon’s usual cheery demeanor had changed. “Something wrong?” she asked.

  “Just got a call from one of our lookouts. Carl Hampton just left for the evening, an
d his wife and kids left an hour before that. Our sources tell us he’s attending some kind of investment seminar and should be gone for a few hours. This is our chance to check out his place.”

  He was the one with the gate around his house. Mac had been about to ask how they intended to get over the gate, when she realized they could shift. Lucky them. “When will you be back?”

  “We shouldn’t be gone longer than two hours.”

  “You going to try to get into his house and look around?”

  Brandon laughed. “That, darlin’, is none of your business. You keep working on hacking into everyone’s affairs, and we’ll do the dirty work.” Brandon leaned over and kissed her.

  Sam rolled in behind Brandon and kissed her, too. “We won’t be long.”

  “Be careful.”


  As soon as their engine started, Mac shut down her computer. It was time to do a little investigating. First, she placed the tracking device under the seat cushion on the porch. She didn’t need the men checking on her whereabouts. If they realized she was gone, they’d search for her instead of doing their job.

  Once she scoped out Daniels’ home, she might have to return and place a few listening devices on his windows, but she’d worry about that later.

  With the GPS in her phone set to William Daniel’s address, finding his house was easy. Being able to work under the cover of night made her job of investigating the area safer. She drove around the block a few times not only to make sure that no one had followed her, but also to find a good spot to park. At first, she thought she’d take photos from the comfort of her car, but the hedges and trees blocked her view. Her only choice was to go by foot and get close.

  With camera in hand, she checked to make certain that no one was watching before she ducked behind a tree. The living room blinds were open, giving her hope she could catch the man doing something that would implicate him. She didn’t get her hopes up that he’d parade Cheryl around in plain view.

  A man of medium height with a slight paunch and short hair walked up to the window and peered out. Her heart hammered in her chest. Mac made herself as small as possible, praying he couldn’t see her. Werewolves had excellent vision, especially at night, and that worried her. Thankfully, she was dressed in all black. A light over the front porch, along with two streetlights, and the half moon, illuminated his front yard fairly well, but it also created a lot of shadows. She hid behind one now.


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