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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 84

by Vella Day

  While he kept his hair short, the top had some length, allowing her to run her fingers over his head. She grabbed hold and tugged.

  He lifted his head. “You like it rough, little girl?”

  She should have been offended by the nickname, but she wasn’t. It made her feel more carefree—an emotion she longed for, given the circumstances.

  Realizing Ford was serious, she decided to stop playing coy. “I don’t know.”

  He licked his lips. “I’ll help you decide.”

  Ford slid lower and placed his whole mouth over her pussy. The first lick had her grabbing the bedspread. He nabbed her clit and drew it into his mouth. Holy hell. Her sensitive bud spasmed under his ministrations, and every nerve shot to overload.

  “Ah, ah, ah.”

  Ford rose to his haunches. “I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you. You’re so tiny.”

  She wasn’t tiny. She’d proved that with Tyson. “You better not consider stopping. I think the problem is that you’re too big.”

  His eyes half closed and his mouth gapped open. “The result is the same, little girl. I want to spend hours kissing and loving you, but I fear it might be too much for you.”

  She had to convince him. “Try.”

  He grinned and her heart sputtered. “I gotta be honest. If I don’t take you right now, I’m going to explode.”

  “Me, too.” If she didn’t know better, she’d say she’d swallowed some kind of sex pill, because her libido had never been this out of control before.

  Ford crawled next to her and dropped onto his back. He then pulled her on top of him. “Ride me like a cowgirl on a stallion.”

  She had to laugh at that analogy. While she was no virgin, she’d never ridden a man. She wasn’t going to tell him that though. How hard could it be? “Okay.”

  Bailey straddled his legs, deciding how she wanted to proceed. Tempting fate was not her style, but she’d tossed caution away a few days ago when she decided to trust these two.

  Curious to see what he’d do, she lifted his thick cock, lowered her head, and dragged a tongue up his length. Slightly salty, but fresh tasting nonetheless. He was pure male, or should she say, pure animal?

  He latched onto her hips and squeezed tight. “Careful there.”

  She looked up and watched the hair on his face grow. Holy fuck. He wouldn’t dare turn into a wolf right in front of her, would he? That would be… There were no words to describe it. Her friends claimed she was open-minded, but making love to an animal overstepped her boundaries.

  “You aren’t going to like, uh, change on me, are you?” She scrunched up her face to make sure he understood that wouldn’t be cool.

  “I will if you keep driving me crazy.”

  His tone implied it was a compliment, but she wasn’t positive. Tyson had been able to control himself. Ford should be able to, too.

  Not wanting to think about it anymore, she leaned over again and drew his cock into her mouth. Uh-oh. He was so wide. No way he’d fit inside her. Now what?

  I have to try.

  As long as he continued to taste like a man, she’d suck on him. She grabbed his shaft with one hand while she bobbed her head. It was hard to keep the suction because his meaty shaft was so thick.

  Ford grabbed her air. “Put your pussy on him.”

  His crude words startled her, but there was no threat or malice involved—just a strong yearning. She lifted off him. This was it! She prayed it would fit.

  She scooted forward, lifted up on her knees, and pulled back his cock. As she placed the head at her wet entrance, anticipation soared through her and pulses of excitement raced across her belly.

  She’d had sex with Tyson yesterday, so why was she so needy right now? It was all bad boy Ford’s fault. He was the type she’d always wanted to tame. Tyson was the type of man she needed, though.

  “Hurry, little one.” Ford sucked in his bottom lip, closed his eyes, and held onto her hips. A thrilling growl vibrated from deep inside his chest.

  He gently guided her downward. Holy fuck. The invasion stretched her wide. His cock entered about an inch before it got stuck.

  “Lean over and let me have at your tits again. I didn’t get my fill before.”

  She couldn’t believe he wanted her so much. If she couldn’t have his cock, she wanted his mouth on her breasts. Happy to oblige, she leaned forward. That change in angle helped him edge in farther.

  Before he suckled her tits, he caught the back of her head and drew her face down. The moment their lips touched, stars burst behind her lids. The kiss was so carnal she heated from the inside out. Crimeny, but this man could kiss the paint off a wall. She forgot about the slight ache between her legs and delved into his mouth. They dueled as if they each wanted to prove that they needed the other more.

  She moaned. He groaned. He lowered his hand again to her hip, held on tight, and eased out of her. She clamped down on the air, wanting him again. With one thrust he drove up into her. Her eyes bugged out. Holy crap.

  “I thought I was supposed to ride you,” she said, sounding like a strangled bird. She wanted to be the one to decide how fast to go.

  “I guess I forgot to tell you that I’m a bucking horse—temperamental and hard to control.”

  He shot her a quick smile and nabbed her right tit. The tugging caused sparks to streak to her core, dipping her in a whirlpool of ecstasy. Nothing was left unaffected. The man—or the beast in the man—dominated her whole being. The excruciating pleasure turned into jagged shards of lust.

  She leaned back, lifted up, and then drove down on him, determined to take in all of him. The tightness and the intensity drove her wild. She needed him. Her fingers clenched his large pecs, and she loved how the dark hair spread thickly across the top half. Tyson and he were the first real men she’d been with. The rest were puny boys. She could see that now.

  “You aren’t paying attention,” he said.


  In one quick flip, he was on top of her. Instead of thrusting his cock deep into her, he rolled her over and lifted her onto her elbows and knees. “I’ll show you how to ride.”

  Thrills warmed her skin, as he leaned over her back. When he guided his cock straight to the end, deliciously wicked flames licked her spine. She was in heaven. Without meaning to, she clamped down on his cock.

  “You have no idea what you’re doing to me. I’m about to lose it.”

  Her stomach clenched at his deep, seductive words. “So am I.”

  He grabbed her breasts and pressed them together, his thumbs stroking the tips. They swelled with desire, making her feel like a beautiful woman.

  Ford nuzzled her neck. He withdrew, stilled for a moment, and then plowed into her with abandoned. With each stroke, she entered a world of passionate oblivion, blood pounding in her ears. Each thrust took her higher and higher. He kneaded her breasts, and with each twist and pinch, bolts of electricity shot to her clit and turned her into a pool of lustful desire.

  Her womb coiled into a tight spring ready to explode. Ford slid his palm down her belly and pressed on her clit. As his teeth pressed against her neck, she screamed her release. She felt no pain—only the highest level of ecstasy. Her climax stormed in, taking her to a place she could never describe. Her body convulsed around his cock as he exploded, sending heat straight down her pussy walls.

  After that, she remembered little. Just the glory and the sated peace. She dropped onto her belly and Ford slid out.

  He patted her butt. “Be right back.”

  He returned with a towel and cleaned her up. She wanted to get dressed. Wanted to talk about what happened, but she couldn’t. Her muscles had melted and her brain had fogged.

  Ford sat on the bed and stroked her face and hair. He lifted off her glasses and set them aside. “I didn’t mean you had to wear them all the time.”

  Whoops. “I didn’t even realize I had them on.”

  He smiled. “I guess we got a little carried away,” he said. That w
as an understatement.

  His cell vibrated on the table. “I need to get it. It can only be Ty.”

  Ford walked over to the table and she couldn’t help but admire his fine ass. She lifted up on her elbows to get a better look when a drop of blood dripped down her neck. What the hell? She swiped a finger over her wound. She’d felt his fang-like teeth scrape her skin but hadn’t realized he’d actually bit her. She sat up, and grabbed the towel he’d just used. With a clean corner, she held it over the puncture mark. By the time she checked it, the hole had stopped bleeding.

  Ford returned and sat next to her on the bed. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

  She was a bit pissed. “Do you always bite your dates?”

  He pressed his lips together. “You’re not my date. You’re my mate. It’s what we do. It’s inbred in us to want to mark you as ours.”

  He really believed in this mating thing. Right now, she decided not to mention that Tyson hadn’t bitten her. “Just how did you know I was the one?”

  “My body told me. As soon as I was around you, I became a bit disoriented.”

  That didn’t sound good. “Like you were sick or something?” How romantic. Not.

  “Overwhelmed is a better word. My body usually shifts only when I’m in fight mode, but as soon as I was near you, I lost control. Only by thinking bad thoughts, did I calm down.”

  “Was it the same for Tyson?” She waved a hand. “Never mind. I saw what happened to him.”

  “Yeah. He had it bad. We’ve been told by those in the know that it’ll get better the longer we’re around you.”

  Better? Did that mean he wouldn’t be driven to possess her? She liked that he desperately wanted her. Only now she wasn’t sure how she felt about Tyson. Damn, but she was a mess.

  Ford cleared his throat. “How about putting on a blouse and your glasses, so I can take your passport picture?”

  Picture? “I look a mess.” She had on no makeup.

  “Not to me you don’t.”

  Ford crawled back on the bed, looking like he wanted to eat her. She should be scared, but all she wanted to do was make love to him all over again. What was wrong with her?

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next two days were hectic. Both men were supposed to be at work, but because they didn’t want to leave Bailey alone, one would spend a few hours watching her while the other went to work doing double duty. They never stayed longer than three hours at a time because they didn’t want Statler to learn about their odd comings and goings.

  Neither man slept much, and it seemed to be taking a toll on them. Lack of sleep caused not only some grouchy behavior but she feared it could cause carelessness, too. Because Bailey worried about Brad and Tom, or rather Tony and Dram showing up, she hadn’t slept much either.

  On the third morning, she was asleep in bed when there was a knock on the motel door. At first, she thought she was dreaming until she heard loud male voices. Blood pounding in her ears, she sat straight up, her nerves a jangled mess. She looked around. Oh, shit. Tyson was gone. Why would he leave her alone? When had he left?

  Was it Brad and Tom outside? Sweat popped out on her forehead as her chest constricted.

  She grabbed the sheet and clutched it tight. She needed to hide, but where? Only then did the running water register and she sagged against the wall. Tyson was in the shower, thank God. Bailey debated yelling for him, but it would be bad if those people outside heard her. Maybe they’d go away if she didn’t answer. The drapes were closed, so they couldn’t peek in, but this was a cheap motel. How hard would it be to break down the door or smash the window?

  Another knock sounded, and every part of her freaked. She jumped out of bed, raced to the bathroom, and threw open the curtain. “Someone’s here!”

  “Hey, baby.” He opened his arms for an embrace, but she didn’t need a hug—she needed him to do something. “It’s only my cousins. They texted me while you were asleep.”

  “Are you sure? It could be Tom and Brad.”

  “I’m sure.” He tapped his temple. “I can sense these things. Go grab some clothes and get dressed while I ask them in.” He rinsed, turned off the shower, and wrapped a towel around his waist.

  She glanced down at her pointed nipples through her thin shirt. She definitely needed to change. If the enemy was at the door, Tyson could protect her—even wrapped in a towel.

  She ran to her duffle that she kept next to the bed and brought it into the steamy bathroom. Tyson suggested she have her stuff readily accessible in case they had to leave at a moment’s notice. She thought that was a good idea. With the bathroom door closed, though, she couldn’t hear what they were saying. It wasn’t until Tyson laughed, that she relaxed.

  Ford had told her that Spence and Cam Summerville had offered to fly up to Canada from North Carolina to babysit her so that he and Tyson could go to work. Ford said they needed to maintain their cover if they had any hope of saving Tatum. Not only would the cousins be responsible for much of Bailey’s safety, they might be called upon to help rescue her sister. That kind of family was hard to come by.

  Bailey finished dressing and stepped out of the bathroom to greet her new bodyguards.

  Tyson motioned she join him. “Hey, there she is.”

  Whoa. Bailey couldn’t even take a step. She’d never seen so many large men in the same room before. Like Tyson and Ford, they were huge, broad chested, and looked powerful. They also had the same short dark hair and brownish-yellow eyes. Being fortunate to have the Summerville straight nose and strong chin, the two cousins were almost as handsome as her men.

  “Come on. They don’t bite,” Tyson said.

  Her hand absently went to her neck, as she remembered Ford’s claiming act. Bailey finally moved and held out her hand. “Hi.”

  Tyson introduced them, and then put on his clothes. He didn’t seem at all embarrassed about being naked in front of them. They must be close.

  “So how was the trip?” Tyson asked to no one in particular.

  “It was a long ass trip up to nowhere,” Cam said as he dropped onto the rumpled sheets and placed his hands behind his head. Get comfy, why don’t you. He didn’t seem anything like Ford or Tyson, especially with his easy smile.

  “Before I forget.” Cam dug his hand in his pocket and tossed some documents next to him. “Two passports. For you and your sister. Keep them safe.”

  Bailey opened the first one. It was Tatum’s. As she ran her fingers across the photo, her chin trembled. “I remember when this was taken. My sister looks so young and carefree in this picture.” Bailey prayed she’d see that look again soon.

  She checked to make sure her photo was the new one. It was. She then set both on the night table next to the bed.

  After picking up her new glasses from the table, she modeled them, hoping Cam and Spence thought she looked different. “Ford got me these to help with the disguise.”

  Tyson whistled. She must not have shown them to him. “Nice, hon. You look studious.”

  Spence nodded. “Good addition. What about a cute hat? That would go a long way to changing your appearance.”

  She appreciated they were helping her stay out of harm’s way. “That would be cool. Ford suggested I get some dark makeup. I also thought I’d see about a fake tattoo or two.” She glanced at Tyson, and he smiled.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Cam said. “Whatever you want, we’ll do.”

  Why couldn’t these cheerful men have saved her? Actually, she was happy with who’d rescued her. She couldn’t have asked for two better protectors than Ford and Tyson. The mate stuff she wasn’t sure about, but they were unbelievable in bed. That turned out to be an added bonus.

  Spence’s cell phone rang. He lifted it from his pocket and checked the caller ID. He turned to Tyson. “It’s General Armand. I left a message for him to call me if he wants to be in contact with you or your brother.” He answered. “Yes, sir. Yes.” He walked across the room and faced the wall, a
lmost as if he didn’t need any distractions. “We’ll check it out. Thank you, sir.”

  Spence disconnected and faced them. “Interesting. Apparently, those photos Bailey sent to The Pack produced some results. A woman by the name of Mackenzie Wagner has been working non-stop investigating every face she could identify. From what the General said, she found some good stuff. Give me a sec to check my mail for the file he just sent.” He moved back across the room, pulled out one of the chairs, and sat at the table.

  Cam jumped up from the bed. “Bailey, you should be sitting here. Sorry.”

  He probably had been up for a full day, but she didn’t want to embarrass him by arguing.

  Eyes on the email, Spence whistled. “Listen to this. Apparently, there’s a nurse at the lab by the name of Clare Steegal.”

  Clare? “She tended to me.” Though tended might not be the right word. She poked, prodded, and tied her down.

  “I’ve spoken with her,” Tyson said. “She always seemed troubled. Reserved. Scared, even. That’s why I was glad that Bailey got a picture of her. I’m hoping she can help us.”

  Spence shrugged. “She might. Her history is a bit suspect. She was living in Greenville, South Carolina, when she suddenly quit her job, stating family matters as the reason for her quick departure. The notes are a little sketchy, but apparently, her family’s detached garage in Falling Pines was burned to the ground a few days before Clare’s resignation and subsequent arrival home. While no one was arrested, one of our local men up here heard rumors that the destruction was a warning to the Steegal family by none other than Paul Statler. A few days later, Clare started working in the lab.” Spence looked up.

  Tyson dropped down onto the other chair. “Interesting. That sounds like something Statler would do. He has no boundaries when it comes to making people do what he wants.”

  “That’s terrible,” Bailey said. Clare’s actions made sense now. “Why do you think she’ll help us get Tatum out? That would put her family in even greater danger, as well as her own life.”


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