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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

Page 87

by Vella Day

  As soon as he stepped inside, his body sizzled with wild desire and rampant need. He’d hope the few days of separation would have dampened his out-of-control reaction to being near Bailey, but it seemed to have made it worse.

  She stepped from the bathroom looking different yet still amazing. “Ford? You’re here!”

  “Like the pink hat, little girl.”

  She grinned. Her gaze shot to his cousins. From the desperate look in her eyes, she wanted privacy. “We’ll let them stay until Ty gets here. Before he does, come here, woman, and give me a proper welcome.”

  Bailey rushed across the room. The second she was in his arms, his hormones coursed through him, and he hugged her tightly. “Missed you,” he said against her hair that smelled of peaches.

  “Missed you more.”

  As much as he promised himself he’d be good until Ty arrived, he couldn’t help but taste her sweetness. The moment her mouth opened in invitation, his cock turned to granite. Their tangling tongues thrilled him to no end. Too bad the desperate kiss satisfied only a small portion of his sizzling urges.

  His cousin cleared his throat just as Ford’s hand reached her butt. “Did you forget you have company?” Cam asked.

  Ford broke the kiss. “Sorry. When I’m near my mate, I can’t help myself.”

  His two cousins took a seat at the table that sat close to the window. “We know,” Spence said with a satisfied look.

  Ford had never seen that kind of cheeky grin before. “What do you mean, you know?”

  Spence glanced toward Bailey. Is it cool if we speak in front of her?

  Yes. Mates don’t keep secrets. Except how he failed his uncle in his time of need.

  “Seems Clare’s our mate.”

  If he’d had coffee in his mouth, he would have sprayed it everywhere. “What?” He wasn’t sure how he felt about this, but he thought they might be mistaken.

  Bailey stiffened. “How is that possible?”

  Spence shrugged. “We can’t explain it. All I know is when I got near her, some kind of dizziness came over me. I, however, remained strong despite it. Cam, here, had to run into the woods to do God knows what.”

  Cam looked indignant. “I was taking a leak.”

  “You suck. No need to lie. Ford’s family.”

  “Fine. Just as I yanked the key from Clare’s ignition, I inhaled her flowery scent. Then when our fingers brushed, and I thought I was going to shift right there in her car. I became disoriented and overwhelmed. If I hadn’t gotten away, I would have changed for sure, and that might have ruined everything.”

  Bailey grabbed Ford’s hand and turned her back to the cousins. “Does this mess things up?” she whispered. “Are they still capable of saving Tatum and getting Clare out?”

  Cam came over to her. She must have forgotten how well werewolves could hear. “Bailey, there is nothing in the world that will stop us from freeing Tatum and making sure Clare stays safe—even more so now that she’s our mate. I promise you we will do everything in our power to get your sister out safely.”

  Her shoulders lowered. “Thank you.”

  Someone rapped on the door. “That’s Ty.” He didn’t want Bailey to freak.

  Spence jumped up and let him in. “That’s our cue to leave. When you three are ready, we can go over the plan again.”

  “Will do.”

  Cam and Spence stepped through the adjoining door to their room, and Ford locked it for privacy. He loved his cousins, but what he, Ty, and Bailey were about to do, didn’t need an audience. He let his brother in.

  Ty only had eyes for Bailey. He opened his arms in welcome. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  Bailey ran to him. “I was so worried about you two. I kept thinking that Statler had found out you were Pack members and that he was holding you hostage.”

  Ty kissed her forehead. “Never. We’re too smart for that.” He lifted her chin. “You are cute, but I like the old Bailey better. The dark makeup makes you look so edgy.”

  She stuck out her chest. “I am edgy.”

  Ty laughed. “You know me. I’m a show me type of guy. Does this mean you’re into whips, chains, and blindfolds?”

  She chuckled. “Hardly. Let me wash my face.”

  Ty stepped forward. “Need help?”

  Ford groaned. His brother thought he was such a ladies’ man. Bailey grinned and disappeared into the bathroom.

  “You think she’s ready?” Ford asked as soon as she closed the door.

  “No, but I am.”

  So was he, but that was beside the point. “We need to ask if she wants to be with both of us, but if she says she only wants you, I might have to kill you.”

  Ty laughed. “I think if we take it real slow, we can convince her that two is better than one.”

  He could only hope. The bathroom door opened and Bailey appeared, her face scrubbed clean. “You look beautiful, little girl.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not a little girl.”

  Ford crossed his arms. “Oh, I don’t know. Little girls are coy. Tentative. Reserved.” He was baiting her. It was what he did best.

  “I can see you have a short memory. You’ve forgotten already.”

  He loved egging her on. “Memory of what?”

  She glanced at Ty. “You know.”

  “Of our wild lovemaking?” A cute blush raced up her face. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. Ty and I share everything.”

  She glanced to the side. “I know, but I wouldn’t feel right being shared. I’ve not been with two men, nor do I think it’s for me.”

  In the past, if a woman wasn’t interested in a ménage, he shrugged it off and moved on. But he couldn’t now. Bailey belonged to them. “Tomorrow is going to come early and be quite stressful. Don’t you want to help us release all that pent up sexual energy? We haven’t seen you in days.”

  She ran her palms down her thighs then hugged her arms. Bailey looked so young and vulnerable. “I want you both, I really do, but I don’t think I could handle you at the same time.”

  He liked that she’d considered the idea. “Here’s a thought,” Ford said. “How about if you make love to one of us then switch to the other?” Her brows pinched. “Or maybe just be with one while the other is touching you?” Ford was eager to find a solution.

  He prayed she wanted the first choice. If she opted for the second idea, Ford wasn’t certain he could stand to be the only one touching her. He’d made love to her last, so it probably was Ty’s turn, but he’d be willing to give his brother the title of having more control if he’d let him make love to Bailey tonight.

  “I don’t know. It’s not…right.”

  Ty affectionately nudged Ford out of the way. “We’ll leave everything up to you. How about a full body massage for starters? That will give you time to think about what you want. What you need.”

  She won’t fall for that, bro. I know you. You’ll be inside her at the first moan.

  Fuck you.

  She bit down on her lip, looking so adorable. “If I ask you to stop, will you?”

  Ty glanced over at him. “For sure.”

  She rubbed her neck. “I do have a knot the size of a baseball back here, and my shoulders are really tense. I could use a good rubdown.”

  Thank God. But could he touch her and not make love with her? Ford doubted his own abilities right now.

  Ty pulled down the comforter on one of the two queen-sized beds and fluffed the pillows. He placed two across the middle. “We can help you out with that. Crawl on over here and let Ford and me take care of you.”

  She planted a hand on her hip and shifted her gaze between them. “You’ll behave yourselves, won’t you?”

  “No promises, honey, but we won’t do anything you don’t want,” Ty said.

  “Uh-huh. I know you two.”

  She did indeed. Ford loved her spunk. “Let me help with your shoes.” And your pants and top and bra and panties.

  “I’m a big girl.”

  “Can’t a man pamper his woman?”

  She sat on the edge of the bed and lifted her feet. Her lips tugged up into a smile. “Fine. Have at me.”

  If only she meant it. Take one foot, Ty, and I’ll do the other. She needs to be eased into us both touching her.

  With Ford on her left and Ty on her right, they took off her sneakers. The moment he peeled off Bailey’s socks and touched her bare skin, his fangs sharpened. This had been a mistake promising Bailey she could decide if she wanted to be with them both. If she turned him down, Ford wasn’t certain what he’d do. He’d never experienced this kind of emotional upheaval before.

  “How about getting on your stomach and let us make you more comfortable?” Ford asked with as much innocence as he could muster.

  She did that lip-biting thing again before she did as he suggested.

  “We need to take off your pants.” Ford reached under her belly and undid the button on her jeans and even managed to lower the zipper without his bones cracking, but his imagination had entered the overload stage.

  You remove her pants, Ford telepathed.

  Losing control, huh? Ty smiled.

  He’d eat crow. Yes.

  As soon as Ty tugged her pants over her ass, Ty’s hair pushed through the back of his hands and his eyes lightened. His twin wasn’t any more immune than he was. Boy, were they a pair.

  Ford placed a hip on the bed and ran a hand over her rear, dreaming of the day he could take her back there. “You are so beautiful. I’ve imagined this moment for days.”

  She raised her arms over her head, crossed them, and rested her forehead on her wrists. “Me, too.”

  But did she dream of him? Or of Ty? Or did she secretly want both?

  Don’t do this to yourself. Bailey will come around sooner or later—assuming he could keep his urges under control.

  Ty crawled next to her. “You want to take off your top for me, honey? I need to reach your shoulders so I can rub them.”

  Smart thinking to let her take some control.

  Ty tapped his head and smiled. Bailey rolled to the side. With her back to Ford, she slipped her shirt off then removed her bra. As she lay back down, he caught a glimpse of her perfect breasts. The talons ripped through his fingers.

  Ty scowled at him. Ford! Think bad thoughts.

  I can’t help it.

  Try. For Bailey.

  Ford closed his eyes and inhaled, and as he ran tomorrow’s mission through his mind, his body slowly calmed. Making love with Bailey should be about what she wanted, not about his mating hormones.

  When his pulse slowed, he opened his eyes. How about you take the top and I’ll start with her feet?

  Will you admit that I’m the stronger brother? Ty winked.

  Don’t push it. Ford stood and moved to the end of the bed. “Would you like me to massage your feet?” He lifted one foot.

  “Yes. I love foot massages.”

  He’d guessed correctly. As he ran his thumb along her instep, Ty knelt next to her and rubbed her back and shoulders. The moans started out soft and slow, but within minutes, she was almost purring.

  “That’s it, Ford,” she said. “Right there. Yeah. Oh, yeah.”

  Their woman had no idea what her little moans were doing to him. Once he finished with her feet, he, too, knelt on the bed and went to work on her calves. Spreading her legs wide, he closed his eyes and kneaded the warm flesh for a few minutes before moving to her thighs, but his thoughts remained zeroed in on her sweet pussy.

  “How are you doing, little one?”

  “Good. I’m so relaxed, I might fall asleep.”

  He could rest assured that she wouldn’t be sleeping any time soon.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Bailey shouldn’t be this content. The foot massage and shoulder rub had shut down her defenses. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever pictured herself on a bed with two of the hottest men she’d ever known. Not only that, these men doted on her, thought she was hot shit, pretty, and sexy.

  So why am I so hesitant to make love to both? Is it because I’m a Congressman’s daughter? Or because I’m the sensible one in the family, and sensible women don’t engage in sex with two men unless she’s loose—which I am not.

  Bailey was so confused. Why did something that was touted as being so wrong seem so right? If the world knew about these wonderful men, they’d accept her being with them both.

  Aw, hell. The old phrase, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” seemed to apply. Rome in this case was the world of the werewolf. She was their mate and as such belonged to them. Had the circumstances been different, they would have taken her out to the movies, and then to dinner, or maybe had her go for a spin on their motorcycle—assuming they rode them. They’d go to parties where she’d meet their friends. And then they’d fall in love.

  They were twins and often thought alike. The fact they could communicate telepathically implied they were almost one. So, in essence, even when she was with two, she was kind of with only one. She inwardly smiled at her logic—flawed though it might be.

  The men said they’d stop if she asked, and Bailey believed them. The problem was that Ford was moving dangerously close to her pussy, and she didn’t want him to stop. Even though she still had on her panties, she could smell her arousal.

  To hell with it. Tomorrow was the most critical part of the mission. It was her duty to relax them, right?

  “How about I roll over and you massage the rest of me?”

  “Only if you want to, baby,” Ty said.

  She flipped over and the sight before her stunned her. Both men were naked. “How did you undress without me knowing?”

  “We’re faster than greased lightning,” Ty said.

  Ty always could make her laugh. “Okay, Mr. Greased Lightning, turn me into mush in one second.”

  Their eyes suddenly glowed. She’d been joking, but both men seemed to take her challenge seriously. Ford dropped onto his stomach, slipped off her panties in one tug, and then dragged his velvety tongue across her needy slit. Her whole body exploded with need. It had been so long since she’d made love that she’d underestimated her level of desperation. She lifted her hips for more contact. “That feels so good.”

  Tyson stretched alongside her, turned her face toward him, and captured her mouth. His drugging kiss spiraled her higher. She darted her tongue in, enjoying every crevice. He then went to town on her. All the while Ford was nipping at her clit. The friction and tension was almost too much. Why was she so wanton? Was it because she was destined to be with them?

  Without breaking contact, Tyson dragged his lips sensuously down her chin and over her throat. “I love how you smell, how you taste.”

  If she’d been able to speak, she would have responded. Not only was she overcome with passion by what Tyson was doing, Ford’s licking created a riot of chaos from her toes to her head. The electric pulses pricked every part of her body causing lust to swamp her. She reached down and grabbed his shoulders, kneading the taut muscle, thrilled at his strength.

  Tyson slipped lower and nabbed a pebbled nipple in his mouth. The first tug nearly sent her over the edge. His tongue circled the tip, then twirled and licked it until the peak swelled. His fingers encased her other breast and he rolled it around, pressing it upward and inward.

  One man was torture enough, but two took her to new heights. Then Ford had the nerve to plunge a finger into her hole, clearly wanting to remind her of what she’d been missing.

  Bailey lifted her hips. “Need more.”

  Tyson kissed her forehead. “Want to get on your elbows and knees for me?”

  She didn’t care why or who’d asked her. All she cared about was what would happen next. “Yes.”

  As Bailey assumed the position, Ford slid in front of her. Oh, my. His cock was glistening and she couldn’t wait to suck on him, to drive him crazy like he’d done to her. All thoughts of that evaporated when Tyson climbed behind her. Anticipation sw
elled. He leaned over her back and captured her breasts again, squeezing them for a moment before releasing them.

  “I can’t get enough of these, baby.”

  “Show me.”

  Tyson laughed. He placed his rigid cock against her opening and twirled her nipples. When he didn’t enter, she grabbed Ford’s cock and drew it to her mouth. Touching two men was heady, powerful, and so unimaginable. Bailey banished all doubt that she shouldn’t be doing this. Living in the here and now was the right thing to do.

  Stretching her lips around Ford’s wide cock, she tightened her grip on the bottom half, certain she couldn’t suck on all of him at once. He tasted earthy, just the way she liked it. As she swirled her tongue around his length, Tyson lowered his hands to her hips and drove into her like he was staking his claim. Her mind blanked as arousal licked her veins, and as heat engulfed her, passion swirled.

  “You gonna suck on it, little girl, or what?” Ford’s voice cracked.

  She’d been so enthralled with what Tyson was doing that she’d lost focus. Being with both men was so hard. With renewed concentration, Bailey drew him into her mouth and pumped fast.

  “That’s it, girl. Harder. Faster.”

  As if Tyson was the one to follow Ford’s direction, he plunged into her again and again. His cock hit about a zillion erotic nerves and she had to work not to open her mouth and scream. The pressure built and she clamped down on Tyson’s length.

  He moaned. “Careful there. What did I say about doing that?”

  He hadn’t said anything—at least not today.

  On sensory overload, she tried to keep it together as twisting flames of passion consumed her. Desperate now, she sucked hard on Ford’s dick. Dollops of cum tinged her tongue. He was close, but she was closer.

  Tyson growled as his cock banged against her womb. She might have been able to hold off if he hadn’t slipped his hand down her belly and rubbed her engorged clit. His touch set off an orgasm with a chain reaction. Wave upon wave of delicious desire cascaded over her.

  She reached out for Ford’s sac, and the moment her fingers touched his balls his cock exploded. She had to swallow quickly to take in all of his hot seed. Before she could lick him clean, he pulled out, his breath ragged.


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