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All of Me (A Prophecy Series Short Story)

Page 3

by Lea Kirk

  Her lips parted, but she didn’t say anything.

  “I don’t want you to do it alone, either.” He was setting himself up for a galaxy’s worth of grief, but he couldn’t leave without knowing. “And I don’t want to be on the outside looking in. April, I have loved these past eight months. I love David, and I love you. I want to be part of both of your lives—a permanent part.”

  A single tear rolled down her cheek. He was about to be torpedoed, but he had to finish.

  “I’m not trying to take Dave’s place. I’m not asking you to shove him in a drawer for my sake. I honor him, and what he meant to you. And in some weird, roundabout way, I love Dave too, because he gave me you and David.”

  The look on her face was one of incredulity, but he held up his hand to stop her from interrupting. Come hell or high water, he would say his piece.

  “I’ve tried hard not to expect or even ask anything of you, April, but my orders from the UDF arrived last night. Before I respond, I have to ask, do we have a chance?”

  And with that the deed was done. All he could do now was brace his heart for her rejection.


  Garrison’s words wrapped themselves around April’s heart, melding with Dave’s final words to her.

  “Don’t be afraid to love again.”

  She inhaled a short, sharp breath through her nose. How had Garrison done it? He had patiently woven his way into her life—into every fiber of her being—without her realizing. He’d given her space to grieve Dave, and still stayed close enough to catch her when she stumbled. This whole time she hadn’t recognized the signs. You love him, April. You know you do. To tell him no now would leave another deep gouge through her heart, deep enough to rival the one left by Dave’s death. No way would she lose another man she loved. Not if she could help it.

  “I am not afraid, Garrison. I...I want to give us a chance.” There. She had said it, and there was no stab of guilt that she was betraying Dave. In fact, everything about this felt right.

  His gaze darted from her eyes to her lips, then back. He raised his large, square hand to cup her cheek, and it trembled slightly. “April, I very much want to kiss you.”

  Heat spread through her chest, and her pulse beat in her ears. He wanted to kiss her. Her! “I very much want you to kiss me, too.” Oh, so badly.

  Wonder filled his eyes, as if he couldn’t believe he’d heard her right. But you did, Garrison. You did! And to prove it, she leaned toward him. The light brush of his lips against hers sent tingles cascading through her body, even to the tips of her fingers and toes. Oh! Her eyes fluttered closed. His mouth opened against hers, and their tongues met and caressed. As the kiss deepened, an aching need that had been absent for so long filled her. A moan built at the back of her throat as his arms slipped around her and drew her to him.

  The painful tenderness of her full breasts pressed against his hard chest intruded. She’d need to nurse before she and Garrison went any further. And, God, she wanted to go further. Like all-the-way further. She’d been numb for so long and she wanted to feel again, body and soul.

  As she pulled away from him, he gave her a questioning look. She stood up cupping her hands over her towel-covered breasts. “I’m sorry, Garrison. I need to wake up David. It won’t take long, I promise.”

  She turned toward the door, but Garrison’s fingers closed gently around her wrist—the same wrist Dave had held. A sense of destiny filled her, as if this was meant to be, and she let him pull her to stand between his knees.

  “David’s asleep.” His voice was rough and desire burned in his eyes. “Let me care for you this time, April.”

  Her lips parted, and her body seemed to forget how to breathe. Does he really mean….? Garrison slipped the towel from her loose grip and lowered it to rest on the swell of her hips. He lifted one heavy breast in his palm. Oh, God, he’s going to…. His mouth closed over her areole and sucked her deeply.

  The letdown hit hard, drawing a ragged gasp from her. White hot bolts of lightning shot from her nipple straight down between her legs. If a person could die from pleasure, then she was almost gone. A long, low groan born from relief and ecstasy welled up from her soul. She arched into him, gripping his shoulders as his tongue stroked her nipple, taking just enough to bring relief to one breast before moving to the other. This is heavenly. He really was caring for her; seeing to her needs ahead of his own. She’d been the caretaker of others for so long, she’d almost forgotten how it felt to be on the receiving end.

  Garrison’s hand slid behind her neck, drawing her mouth back down to his. She tasted herself on his lips. A moan rolled in her throat, and the towel slithered off her hips as she straddled his lap. His hands glided down her back and over her bottom, pulling her snug against him. Against the hardness inside his camo pants. She rocked forward, thrusting her tongue as deep into his mouth as she could. This is what I want you to do to me.

  The rumble of his growl seeped into her, flowed through her veins and became part of her very essence. God, she wanted him in every way a woman could have a man. He broke the kiss, his breath warm against her skin as he buried his face at the hollow between her neck and shoulder.

  “If we don’t stop now, April, I don’t know if I’ll be able to later,” he rasped.

  She leaned back to meet his heavy-lidded gaze. “I don’t want you to stop, Garrison. I want all of you, completely. Permanently, like you said. If you can honestly give me that, then we’re not stopping.”

  The heat in his blue-gray eyes warmed her. “You’ve had all of me, April, from the moment we met.”

  “Then let me give you all of me.”

  “For the rest of our lives?”

  “Yes. God, yes, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he murmured. His hands gripped under her thighs then he lifted her and carried her into the bedroom.


  David’s little hands clung to Gunner’s fingers. The towhead soon-to-be-toddler stood knee-deep in the ice plant, bouncing up and down on his wobbly legs. His squeals of delight were music to Gunner’s ears. The little guy was barely nine months old, but it wouldn’t be too much longer before he took his first steps.

  “Atta boy, buddy.” Gunner couldn’t hide his own silly grin. David’s love of discovery touched his heart, letting Gunner see the world as if for the first time. Life through a child’s eyes.

  He cast a glance across the bluff overlooking the sparkling blue Pacific. April stood near the cliff, gazing over the rolling waves. This was her moment, her time to make peace with Dave’s memory. When she came back, they would go to the local minister to be married and become the family they were meant to be.

  Life had taken an unexpected turn that day in her bathroom a month ago. Not that he was complaining. Giving up his post with the Unified Defense Fleet hadn’t been difficult at all. In fact, it had turned out better than he’d imagined when Admiral Gryf Helyg offered him a permanent position at the newly-built Terr Base One.

  And home—home was at the orphanage with April, David, and all the kids. Li-Min too. Talk about an instant family.

  The brisk sea breeze tapered into stillness. Silence descended, and the sunlight seemed to intensify.

  “Dat?” David queried into the sudden calm.

  Swinging the little boy into his arms, Gunner gave his chubby cheek a kiss. “Mama will be back soon, buddy.”

  David turned his head to his right then smiled brilliantly. “Dat?”

  Gunner followed his gaze, all his senses shifting to full alert. What the hell? A bleach-blond stranger stood no more than ten feet from them, his crystal-blue eyes riveted on David. How had this guy approached them unawares? It was as though he’d just suddenly appeared.

  Gunner narrowed his eyes, alert for any threatening moves. “Good morning.”

  The younger man’s gaze shifted to meet his. Whoa. Gunner fought the urge to step back. The stranger’s eyes were...eternal. As if he saw n
ot only the past and the present, but also the future.

  The man’s hair was the exact shade as David’s. And the color of his eyes…. I’ll be damned.

  “Dave?” The whispered name came easily from Gunner’s lips. April had once mentioned how much David resembled his biological father. Could this...apparition standing before him be proof of her words?

  Little hands touched Gunner’s cheeks, drawing his attention back to David. The boy held his gaze, grinning wide enough to display all four of his newly-cut front teeth.

  “Dada,” David squealed. Then, God above, the boy flung his short arms around Gunner’s neck.

  David had called him Dada. He blinked several times in rapid succession. Damn if he wasn’t about to cry. Gunner tightened his arms around David, pressing him close to inhale the scent of toddlerhood.

  The scent of his son.

  “I love you, son.” He flicked his gaze in Dave’s direction. There wasn’t much that scared Gunner, but going up against a ghost would probably not end well for him.

  Dave’s spirit seemed to laugh with joy, raising his hands skyward. His essence spun into a miniature whirlwind. The gentle whirling enveloped Gunner and David, wrapping them in a warm cocoon. How is this even possible?

  Little David pushed up-right, raising his own arms in the air with a gleeful laugh. Gunner couldn’t help but laugh with him, as if tender family moments with ghosts were a normal occurrence.

  Thank you. The words were more felt in Gunner’s soul than heard with his ears. He inhaled a ragged breath, unable to stop the tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.

  The whirlwind moved away, not even disturbing the thick layer of ice plant as it approached the bluff toward April. There was no time to shout a warning before Dave’s essence swirled around her, playfully buffeting her honey-color hair in all directions.

  April’s lovely face registered surprise. Her eyes fluttered closed as she stood with apparent calm in the midst of something rare and special. A moment later, Dave moved on, across the bluff and out over the diamond studded Pacific.

  To my dear readers:

  I hope you enjoyed All of Me. Garrison and April caught me by surprise, and were adamant that I share their story. How could I resist such a sweet family?

  Rest assured that I am working like a mad woman to finish Salvation, Book Two of the Prophecy Series. Aiming to have it out by late summer 2016. If you’re looking for some truly stellar sci-fi romances to fill the months as you wait, keep scrolling to see some of my favorites from authors who have inspired and entertained me along the way. The links will take you to each author’s website and purchase links. I hope you’ll check them out and let them fill your universe with love from the stars.

  Happy reading!

  ~Lea Kirk

  About the Author

  Lea Kirk loves to transport her readers to other worlds with her romances of science fiction and time travel. Her fascination with science fiction began at six years old when her dad introduced her to the original Star Trek TV series. She fell in love with the show, and was even known to run through her parents’ house wearing the tunic top of her red knit pantsuit and her white go-go boots pretending to be Lieutenant Uhura. By nine years old she knew she wanted to be a writer, and in her teens she read her first romance and was hooked.

  Ms. Kirk lives in Northern California with her wonderful hubby of twenty-five years and their five kids (aka, the nerd herd). She’s also proud of her seven times great grandson. Apparently her stories will serve as the inspiration for James T. to join Star Fleet Academy. She learned this in the 1980’s when James sought out her counsel on where to find a pair of humpback whales.

  Keep in touch with Lea Kirk


  Facebook: LeaKirkAuthor

  Goodreads Author Page

  Twitter: @LeaKirkWrites

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  Susan’s star-crossed lovers and their legacy can be found on her website, SusanGrant,com

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  Check out Sabine’s Alien Attachments series on her website, SabinePriestly,com


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  Book One of the Redemption series and part of the Travellers Universe.

  A science fiction romance novel previously released by Lyrical Press Inc. 7th May 2012,

  Keir has received the following awards:

  Readers Favorite Contest Awards Finalist 2012, HOD RWA Aspen Gold finalist (3rd place), The Kindle Book Review’s 2013 Best Indie Book Awards semi-finalist, and a 2012 SFR Galaxy Award Best May to December Romance winner.

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ut A’yen’s Legacy series can be found on her website

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  1000 years after Earth has been devastated by a viral plague, the few survivors turn to genetic engineering and advanced robotics to ensure the future of the human race. But not everyone is happy with artificial life living amongst humans, least of all Peyton Chase, a doctor with a harrowing past.

  When he’s ‘gifted’ with a state-of-the-art companion that he can’t send back, Peyton is far from pleased. She’s sentient. She’s sexy. She’s everything he doesn’t want complicating his life. He nicknames her Hell. She nicknames him lots of unladylike things, at least in her mind. Because there are rules to a relationship like theirs. Master and Slave. She’s supposed to obey him in all things. But if that’s true, why can’t she stop meddling in his life?

  Unfortunately, time is running out for Hell. Her own desperate past is about to catch up to her with deadly results.

  Part 2, coming February 10th, 2016!

  This series of books are scheduled to be published on a monthly basis

  beginning January 2016.

  Each part of the story should be read in sequence.

  For information and updates about this exciting new series, please visit Felicity's website.

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