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Plain Christmas (Plain Fame Book 6)

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by Sarah Price

  Humid days like this one in December sometimes made her long for the snow-covered fields of Lancaster County. She often called to mind the stillness of the Pennsylvania mornings and the feel of the frigid air against her skin as she slipped out of her warm bed. She would make her way to the bedroom window and take a minute to savor the beautiful sight of snowflakes falling outside before getting ready to tackle the day’s endless chores.

  A soft noise next to her jarred her out of her thoughts and made her smile. She had sensed his presence long before she had felt him begin to stir.

  Pulling the white sheet over her shoulder, she pressed her back against his side. The warmth of his skin seemed to burn through her sheer white lace nightgown, but she didn’t mind. She could hear his gentle breathing and lightly feel his breath on the nape of her neck.

  He was finally home, and she was utterly content.

  She instinctively blushed, calling to mind the night before. She had found Alejandro sitting in a lounge chair on their outdoor patio, nursing a drink. He was patiently waiting for her to return from her charity event. Apparently, he had remembered their midnight swim as vividly as she had and wished to recreate the evening. When she walked slowly toward him, his eyes drank her in from head to toe. Her spine tingled with the intensity of his stare as he stood up and extended his arms toward her. She nestled into his chest and breathed in his scent. At that moment, nothing mattered but having her husband home.

  Now they were together, in their bed, enjoying the warmth of each other, as they had done so many mornings since they were married.

  Just a few weeks ago, they had celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary and, shortly after that, Sofia’s eighth birthday and then Nicolas’s seventh. Time seemed to know no mercy when it came to how fast it passed by.

  Sometimes when Alejandro was touring and traveling, Amanda would wander through the beautifully landscaped gardens in the rear yard, reflecting on how much her life had changed in such a short time. It seemed like just yesterday that she was a young Amish girl, living a plain life on her family’s farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Now, she was famous in her own right, as not only the wife of Viper, an international superstar-rap-singer-turned-music-producer, but a woman adored by millions of people in countries that she had had no idea even existed when she was a child.

  In fact, she had never heard of Viper or rap music or the multitude of tiny Latin American and European countries she now visited frequently with Alejandro. Knowing what she knew today, she better understood why the public was so fascinated with their relationship. What were the odds of the biggest rap star in the world falling for a sheltered Amish girl? The story had been in the tabloids for months on end, with daily headlines that claimed all sorts of details about their whirlwind courtship. She remembered one article in particular that made her blush with embarrassment. “The Odd Couple” read the headline. “Plain Amish Girl and Latino Lover, Viper—One of Rap’s Sexiest Stars—Find Love!” it continued, while inside it featured a multitude of photographs that showed Amanda in her simple clothes and white prayer kapp, doing her daily chores on the farm. Next to those pictures was a series of photos of Alejandro dancing on the stage as hundreds of his young female fans screamed his name and held up signs professing their undying love for him.

  It wasn’t often that plain fame happened.

  Fate, Amanda thought as she slowly opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling, the blades of the fan moving so fast that she couldn’t pick an individual one unless she concentrated intently while trying to follow them. Like the fan blades, fate was a moving target. She understood that few moments in time could be pinpointed as the single moment that could change the the trajectory of one’s life. That Manhattan day when they had collided on the busy city street was one, a moment in time that instantaneously changed the course of both her and Alejandro’s lives.

  For the better.

  Amanda took a few moments to lie in her bed, snuggled into the warmth of Alejandro, and thought about quietly getting out of the bed to close the slats to the plantation shutters, which were now allowing a stream of sunshine into the room. She decided against it. Along with her habit of constantly opening windows, she also hated to close the plantation shutters. The large backyard and tall fence that surrounded the property, along with the tall bushes and trees that protected them from prying eyes, not to mention the room-cooling film on all of the windows, made her feel safe enough.

  Alejandro, however, preferred the shutters closed when the sun set, for security reasons as well as for privacy. When he was away, she left them open. Last night she’d forgotten to close them.

  Just as she started to move about, hoping that she wouldn’t disturb him, he slid his arm over her shoulder, gently pulling her toward him. She shut her eyes and smiled, enjoying the moment: the two of them alone, the warmth of his skin through her nightgown, the pressure of his arm against her chest.

  “Morning,” he mumbled into her hair.

  “Good morning,” she whispered back. “You didn’t come to bed last night.”

  After their unforgettable reunion, Alejandro had gently carried her into their bed like a bride on her wedding night and softly kissed her forehead as Amanda quickly drifted into a dreamless sleep. But several times throughout the night, she awoke to find the pillow beside her untouched and the bed beside her empty.

  He exhaled softly. “I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you, Princesa.” He paused. “By the way, the house looks magnifica!”

  She smiled to herself. He noticed. He always noticed. Even the small things. When she put out fresh-cut flowers, he always commented on the arrangement. If she wore a new dress, he would compliment her on how it flattered her figure. His attention to detail, especially when it came to his wife, was just one of the many things that she adored about him.

  “What time did you finally come to bed?” she asked as she placed her hand on his wrist, gently stroking his skin with her fingers.

  He gave a soft groan. “Late. Three o’clock, I think.” He paused. “Maybe four.”

  “Oh, Alejandro!” Abruptly, she twisted herself around so that she faced him. That was one thing that had not changed over the years—his propensity for pushing himself. “It’s too much!”

  While he had cut back, just as he had promised her on that cold day when he found her standing alone beside her father’s grave, his idea of cutting back was not typical of most people. The way that he pushed himself always worried her. “You should go back to sleep! It’s not even six thirty!”

  He responded by pulling her even closer and resting his chin atop her head. “Umm, no, Princesa.” She nestled against him, his arms encircling her tightly so that she had no option but to stay where she was. As if she would have made any other decision. “This is what I want. You. Here. Just like this in my arms.”

  She relaxed a little, her fingers tracing the fading blue tattoo on his bicep. “Isadora,” it read. He had tattooed Sofia’s name on his other arm shortly after her birth. His girls, he always called the three of them, even though Amanda wasn’t so thrilled about his tendency to mark up his body. Ink, he called it. She felt personal graffiti was a much more fitting name for it. Yet, it was his way of expressing his love for them, a permanent mark on his body as well as in his heart.

  For a few minutes they remained like that, their bodies nestled together as morning became a reality. She could hear his breathing slow once again, and while he fell into another light sleep, she lay there and listened to him. Each breath matched the beating of her heart. They were connected in more ways than just marriage, a bond that extended beyond the physical.

  He had never been much of a sleeper, and she knew that soon he would awake for the day. He often slept just a few hours, going to bed long after she retired and rising with her in the early hours of the morning. While she was eager to ask him about Los Angeles and the recording sessions, as well as the concerts, she knew that his sleep was much more import
ant. She also craved just a few moments without any mention of contracts or music or recording stars and tours. If he wasn’t traveling for concerts, he was in meetings. Since their first year together, not much had changed in that regard. Everyone was still seeking a piece of Alejandro. The only difference now was that he had scaled back his travel schedule and tour dates. He wanted to spend more time with his family while Amanda wanted time alone as a family without the all-too-familiar entourage that seemed to accompany Alejandro whenever they traveled or the inner circle of people who frequently hung around their house whenever he was home. Even worse, of course, were the constant prying eyes of strangers whenever they went out in public.

  He had, in fact, settled down quite a bit—as much as a world-renowned celebrity could without retiring completely from the constant scrutiny of the public eye. Retiring was something she knew he’d never do. Performing was as much a part of him as breathing.

  From another room, the sound of the coffee grinder broke the silence. Probably Señora Perez starting breakfast, she thought. Since long before Amanda had married Alejandro, the housekeeper rose with the sun so she could prepare for her day in the silence of early morning. It wasn’t unusual, though, for Amanda to join her, the two women working quietly, side by side. Despite the fact that Señora Perez worked for Alejandro and Amanda, she had given up resisting Amanda’s efforts to help her. She knew how much Amanda enjoyed doing things for her family. But not today.

  Today, Amanda didn’t want to rush into her regular morning routine. Instead, she wanted to enjoy the warmth of her husband’s body beside her as the sun filtered through the open slats of the plantation shutters that covered the windows that looked out onto their lush backyard.

  After a few minutes, the whir of a lawnmower caused Alejandro to stir. There seemed to be quite a few landscapers rushing about to get the grounds in perfect order for their upcoming Christmas Eve celebration. After all, hosting a winter extravaganza wasn’t easy. He tightened his hold on her and sighed. “The calm before the storm, eh?”

  She gave a soft laugh. “You don’t know the half of it,” she muttered, remembering the poor worker hanging by a garland in the living room. He chuckled as his lips nuzzled into her neck.

  When Alejandro was home, there was always a different energy level in the house.

  “The trip was good?” she asked with interest.

  She felt him nod as he answered her with a drawn-out “Sí, claro. Just long.” His thumb caressed her bare shoulder as he held her. “And the children?”

  “Fine,” she answered unconvincingly.

  “Just fine?”

  “Well, you know how they are . . .”

  “Ah sí.” He chuckled softly. “I should have known the answer before I asked the question.” He kissed her shoulder. “You need a break, Princesa. You and me. Alone.”

  “Hmm,” she replied noncommittally, thinking of her mother’s letter. She had decided that she would speak to him, perhaps even ask him for his thoughts about returning home for Christmas. But she knew this was not the right moment. He had just returned from a grueling trip and was clearly tired. No doubt, he had a million decisions to make, and she didn’t want to add one more. At least not today.

  When she felt the intensity of his touch increase, she shut her eyes and smiled. His absence had seemed especially long. Even with their three children in school, Amanda found juggling schedules, after-school activities, and her own appointments stressful, despite all of the household staff that she had come to depend on.

  It felt good to have him home.

  It felt even better to know that she had nothing scheduled for the day but to spend time with her own family.

  “Perhaps after a few days,” she answered at last. “The children have missed you, Alejandro.”

  “And I have missed you.”

  Her skin heated from his touch and the soft purr in his voice, but the sound of running feet down the hallway suddenly interrupted them. The door to the master bedroom suite flew open and, within seconds, their privacy was invaded.


  The little voice that cried out his name didn’t startle Amanda. Alejandro, however, hadn’t been prepared for the soft body that scaled the bed like a monkey and, with a delighted shout, jumped on top of him. “You’re home!” Sofia excitedly shouted with her sleepyhead curls flying in different directions.

  Amanda held back a smile as Alejandro made an oomph sound from the sudden weight of Sofia landing atop him.

  “Who’s this?” he said sleepily but good-naturedly. He removed his arm from around Amanda and reached out for Sofia. “A Sofia? I don’t recall ordering a Sofia for breakfast!” She giggled as he wrapped his arms around her and planted soft kisses on her cheeks and neck. “Umm . . . Sofia kisses for breakfast, sí? What a treat!”

  More giggles followed as Sofia tickled him.

  Alejandro glanced at Amanda over Sofia’s dark curls and mouthed the words, “Door locks?”

  Amanda shrugged, still smiling as she watched her husband with their daughter in his arms.

  “Papi! Papi!”

  Alejandro looked up in time to see seven-year-old Nicolas charging across the room. With his thick, wavy hair and vibrant blue eyes, he was a miniature version of his father. And his intense energy was often too much for Amanda. He loved wrestling and climbing, often scaling the wall that surrounded their property. On more than one occasion, a security guard had knocked at the front door, a sheepish-looking Nicolas standing beside him, his eyes on the ground.

  As Nicolas took a leap, Amanda moved away from Alejandro in time to escape the small tank of a boy who landed on the bed next to his father. When the boy sat up, he tried to shove his sister away, but, as usual, Sofia fought back, claiming the spot right by her father’s side. Alejandro laughed, putting his arms around the both of them and giving them a big hug.

  “Looks like it’s time to get up,” Amanda said as she slid out from beneath the covers while Alejandro dealt with the two overly energetic children, both of them fighting for his undivided attention. She took advantage of their focus being diverted on to Alejandro—usually they were clamoring for her attention—and hurried into her walk-in closet and dressing room.

  Let’s hope he can keep them occupied for a few minutes more, she thought as she hastily got dressed before her two children started wrestling at her feet, which was the general course of her mornings.

  In Florida, although early December days tended to be a little cooler in the mornings and evenings, the midday sun still felt like August. Amanda quickly selected a pale-blue sundress and pair of matching leather thong sandals, making certain to grab a light white cotton knit cardigan just in case she was chilly later in the day when the sun went down. As she finished getting ready, she could hear the giggles and laughter of Sofia and Nicolas coming from the bed. While it wasn’t a conventional family, Amanda convinced herself that she wouldn’t have changed one thing about their lifestyle. After all, this was her life, and she thanked God for it every day. She knew that she had to take the good with the not-so-good. To lament otherwise would be to question God’s plan for her, and that was something Amanda wasn’t willing to do.

  She glanced in the mirror and smoothed her hair back before twisting it into a bun.

  Well, one thing she might change, she thought as she remembered her mother’s unexpected request. Some time over the next few days, she would need to broach the subject of the holidays with Alejandro. Her mother would need a response one way or another.


  At the sound of Nicolas’s voice and the patter of his bare feet running across the bedroom floor, Amanda braced herself for what she knew was heading her way: a very happy—and physical!—good morning greeting.

  He wrapped his arms around her legs and squeezed as tight as he could. Amanda held on to the dressing table to avoid stumbling backward.

  “Oh help!” she said in a teasing tone. “Such a greeting!”

“Papi’s home! Papi’s home!” he squealed in excitement.

  “I know!” She laughed. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

  Nicolas tilted his head and grinned up at her. “He said we don’t have to go to school today.”

  “It’s Sunday,” Sofia’s voice called from the doorway. “We don’t have school on Sunday, silly goose!”

  Amanda gave her daughter a look of reproach. Despite her young age, Sofia was the bossiest of the children and lately had taken to name-calling. Amanda was more than certain that she’d picked it up from watching videos on YouTube.

  “Alright, both of you.” Alejandro stood behind Sofia and clapped his hands twice. “Give your mother some space, sí? Go get changed and ready for breakfast. And no electronics at the table, eh?”

  Without questioning him outright but with a slight groan, both Sofia and Nicolas scampered out of the bedroom. Amanda couldn’t help but smile.

  “If only I could bottle up their energy . . . ,” Alejandro said wistfully with a grin.

  Amanda laughed. “Oh, please! You have just as much energy on your own. I’d hate to think of what would happen if you had more!”

  “Simple, mi princesa. We’d have many more nights like the one we had last night,” he teased in a low voice, arching his eyebrow in mischief.

  Amanda blushed on cue and shook her head. “You must have been incorrigible as a child,” she observed.

  “Of course I was. Why do you think I give my mother the world? She’s a saint to have put up with all of my antics.”

  “Well, I believe the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the tree. Your children are a bundle of energy. They certainly keep me on my toes.”

  “And what lovely toes you have,” he playfully observed.

  As Amanda finished pinning her hair, she looked in the reflection of the mirror as Alejandro leaned against the doorframe. He wore black gym pants and no shirt. With his arms crossed over his chest, he looked especially muscular, something that had not changed over the years, although he complained he had to spend more and more time at the gym in order to maintain his physique.


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