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Ruthless Bastard

Page 22

by Kennedy, Stacey

  She grabbed his arms, stopping him. “Rhett. Today was traumatic. Horrible for the both of us, but I won’t let myself change because of what they did.” She cupped his face. “I want this. I want you. Show me that what you’re telling me, that I have all of you, is real. I don’t want to be sad. Make me feel better in the way that only you do.”

  His warm smile was like a hot bath washing over her. “All right, Kinsley.” He stroked her tears away. “And this, does this feel real?”

  “Definitely too sweet for Rhett West,” she whispered. “I’m still not convinced.”

  A sexy smile crossed his face. “Hmm, is that so? Then how about this?” He closed the distance between them, and with his hands on her face, he sealed his mouth across hers in a kiss that seemed to never end. “Does that feel real?” he asked when he broke away.

  She saw the glint in his eyes. “Too damn good…I’ve got to still be dreaming, better keep trying.”

  “I better do better then.” He scooped her up in his arms. In seconds, he had them in his truck, sliding her against the bench seating in the back. Standing by the door, he grabbed her boots and yanked them off, careful of her hip and the bruise already there. In the next moment, her maternity jeggings were also off. His coat followed, and he quickly unzipped his jeans. With that sexy grin in place, he climbed in while she scooted to the other side. He shut the door behind him and locked it before hovering over her. “How about now? You’re half naked in the back seat with your teenage crush. Real enough?”

  “No,” she managed, wildfire spreading through her veins. “You’re far too hot. I must be dreaming.”

  He chuckled then dropped his head to hers. He kissed her long and slow, savoring every part of her mouth. Nothing lay between them; she felt that now. The barriers separating them had blown apart. Something had changed when she was missing. Something in Rhett. The very thing she’d hoped would happen…he let her in, past the guarded soldier to the young guy she remembered. And for the very first time, Rhett kissed her without restraint and with pure love. His hand slowly dipped between her legs and he groaned when he found her wet and ready for him.

  His head lifted to watch her as the tip of his cock found her slick heat. “How about now, Kinsley?” he asked huskily, his pupils dark with lust.

  Before she could answer him, he entered her in one swift stroke. Her chin angled as hot pleasure swept over her. “Real,” she rasped. “God, yes, so real.” She slid her hands over his corded neck as he began pumping his hips, slow and long, just how she liked it.

  “Look at me.”

  She hadn’t realized she’d shut her eyes. When she opened them and gazed into his eyes, she instantly lost herself in their depths. Once dark and guarded, his eyes were now soft and welcoming, showing her something he’d never shown anyone. His vulnerable spots.

  His hand slid down to her uninjured hip, pinning her, while he rocked harder into her, never looking away. He gave her something he hadn’t given anyone—intimacy—and she felt every wall she’d put up to protect herself suddenly fall.

  She loved him. He loved her. End of story.

  But their story would continue, and she relished that knowledge. Dreams came true with Rhett, and as his throaty moans brushed over her, with every thrust, the pleasure grew higher and higher until there was no controlling where he took her.

  She came in a powerful hot rush of pleasure, and he followed her.

  A long moment passed while she slowly returned to her body and her mind, feeling like, tonight, they’d won. When she opened her eyes, she found Rhett staring at her openly, adoringly. “I love you, Kinsley. Will you marry me?”

  “I love you, too.” The words she’d longed to say left her mouth in a hurried whisper. She cupped his face, breathless. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  And the smile he gave her, that smile right there, so blinding and true, was better than any fantasy she’d ever had.

  Chapter 19

  A week later, Rhett held Kinsley’s mitten-covered hand as they strolled down Main Street, the snow blessedly giving the town a break. The last three days they’d gotten more than three feet, and most businesses had been closed, with everything reopening only today. Except for one. Kinsley’s hand tightened around his as they walked toward her bar, where wood boarded up the door and the windows. While Josh had been located yesterday a couple towns over and arrested, with no one having any doubt the charges would stick, Rhett knew that news wouldn’t give Kinsley closure. She needed her bar to reopen to put all this behind her. He’d seen the reports. Fortunately, the fire department had managed get the fire under control quickly. The only damage had been to the interior of the main bar. The building had been deemed structurally sound, allowing for Remy’s magic shop and Peyton’s lingerie store to reopen. “We’ll rebuild,” he said to her.

  Kinsley offered him a warm smile, her big blue eyes standing out against her white beanie and dark hair. “We will.” She stopped by the door and glanced up at the half-burned sign. “Do you believe in fate?”

  “You know I don’t,” he said. “I make my own fate.”

  “I wondered if your opinion on that changed after all this,” she said, finally setting those gorgeous eyes on him.

  “Because we’re together, you mean?”

  She slowly nodded her head, stepping closer until her sweet belly pressed against him. “It’s like the universe gave us absolutely no choice but to be together.” Her smile warmed her eyes further and melted something hard in his chest. “Have a one-night stand? No, still not together. Okay, here throw in a baby. Still fighting it? Bring danger, make you face what you feel. Do you think we had any choice at all in any of this?”

  He brushed his leather-covered finger across her rosy cheek. “Do I think I had any choice in this once you set your sights on me?” His mouth twitched. “No. You are a force, Kinsley, warm as you are bold. If you really wanted me, I don’t think there was a damn thing I could have done to stop that or you.”

  She laughed, leaning into his touch. “You think I have more control over my life than fate?”

  “Absolutely,” he said immediately. “Fate would look you in the eye and run away with its tail tucked between its legs.”

  “I’m that powerful, huh?”

  Cars drove by on the road, splashing up slush. Luckily the snowbanks kept them clean. “Your soul is your superpower.” He dipped his chin and brushed his mouth across hers. “And I’d die to protect it.”

  She reached up to finish the kiss, and he cupped her face, knowing that whatever life was before Kinsley told him she was pregnant, it wouldn’t be the same life going forward now. It’d be better. She had even brought him back closer to his family. Mom called every day now to check in. Somehow, she’d broken through those walls Rhett didn’t even know were there. And most important, she reminded him what happiness felt like.

  He liked it. He refused to ever let her go.

  With a final press of his lips, he backed away, “Thank you for being here with me today.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” She smiled. “And say it again, you know…those three little words.”

  He chuckled. “I love you.”

  “Yep, that’s them.” She laughed and he took her hand again as they continued walking down the road, away from the past and moving into the future. One he’d get right. No more excuses. No more uncertainty.

  When they reached the white-steepled church, he looked up the steps and exhaled deeply.

  “Oh, there’s the girls.”

  Rhett glanced across the street at the coffee shop, finding Peyton and Remy waving at them from the doorway. He turned to Kinsley again as she said, “I’m going to go stuff my face with hot chocolate and cookies.” She leaned in to give him a quick kiss. “Meet me there, okay?”

  He nodded.

  She took a couple of steps before he snatched her hand again, pulling her back to him. “Hey!” she squealed. “Missing me already?”

  “Always.” H
e placed a harder kiss on her lips, and he knew it would be his life’s mission to put that smile she gave him on her face every day. “I’ll see you soon,” he told her.

  “You will.” She walked away, finding a space in the snowbanks, then quickly crossing the street between cars. She hugged Remy and Peyton before she gave Rhett a final wave and entered the coffee shop.

  Rhett turned to the church and trotted up the steps. When he went inside, he found the sanctuary quiet, all the pews empty except for one woman sitting in the front row. He turned left, heading down the stairs and into the basement, where he stopped in front of the first door.

  “Dr. Adams? I’m Rhett West.”

  Standing in the doorway of the small meeting room, Rhett took in the group of five men and two women sitting in chairs in a circle. A man with salt-and-pepper hair nodded and waved him forward. “Rhett, we’re glad to have you.” Dr. Adams gestured to the one empty chair across from him. “Please, come sit.”

  His heart thundered as he took his seat, unable to look anyone in the face. Maybe he knew some of them. Maybe he didn’t. But right now, he couldn’t do more than sit down and keep his gaze fixated on the doctor.

  Dr. Adams said, “Everyone, this is Rhett. Let’s welcome him.”

  “Welcome, Rhett,” the group said.

  Rhett swallowed and his gaze unwillingly shifted around the room to the strangers he found. He looked from face to face, recognizing the unrest he once saw in his own eyes. A pain that slowly had begun to fade. Because of Kinsley. She had made that happen, and he would never forget that. “Good to be here,” he told the group.

  Dr. Adams smiled, his warm brown eyes creasing. “Listen, Rhett, we’re not going to ask anything of you. You don’t need to talk, unless you want to and you’re ready. You’re in good company here with people who aren’t great at talking about the shit going on in their heads. Isn’t he?” he asked the crowd.

  Soft laughter and nods followed.

  Dr. Adams turned back to Rhett. “The military gives you the tools to stay alive, to protect and defend, but they don’t train you to return to civilian life. And that’s what we’re all trying to do here. We’re figuring out how in the hell we go from being trained killers to people with everyday jobs and family that aren’t constantly at the ready for a firefight. All right?”

  “Yeah,” Rhett said. “Thank you.”

  He unzipped his coat and took off his gloves as Dr. Adams said, “Gerry, why don’t you get us started. Anything new you want to talk about?”

  Gerry was a big guy. All muscle. Rhett was pretty sure he’d seen him at Theo’s a few times. “The nightmares are back. They’re…drowning me.” His voice lowered and his shoulders curled, making him look small. “Just so goddamn real.”

  Dr. Adams smiled gently. “Nightmares are sometimes the brain reliving trauma, trying to heal through that pain.”

  Gerry nodded, and his voice cracked when he added, “My wife won’t sleep with me anymore.” He lifted his head, tears in his eyes. “The screaming. She can’t take it.”

  Rhett released a breath and stared at Gerry, feeling like they had once been the same man. He understood that pain in Gerry’s face. And for the first time, in a very long time, Rhett felt like he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

  One day at a time. And eventually, he’d finally talk about those nightmares, not simply survive them. For Kinsley. For their child. And for himself. Because he had only one mission now—to love her right. Forever.


  One year later…

  The crowd on the dance floor had their hands up, moving to the beat of the rock song that the live band played. Behind the bar, Kinsley looked around at the new Whiskey Blues. It took two months to get the place reopened, and as much as she missed the old bar, she loved this new one too. Besides, all she had to do was glance over her shoulder at the photograph of her inner circle all sitting at the bar to remember what this placed used to look like. This time, she’d redesigned the bar with more of a rustic sexy feel, with big wooden beams running across the roof, wrought iron fixtures, and soft lighting.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” the singer called as the crowd applauded. “Let’s get the bride and groom out here for their first dance.”

  Kinsley smiled, sensing Rhett watching her. She found him near the doorway, looking damn near mouthwatering in his suit and a black tie. Her heart still fluttered when he smiled at her. After months of therapy, his nightmares had gone away and something else had replaced them…peace. An obvious weight had slowly dropped off Rhett’s shoulders. And the rest, well most of that had disappeared the moment that both their lives changed forever. Leo, their little boy, bounced in Rhett’s arms, waving his chubby arms up and down, smiling from ear to ear. Baby blue noise-canceling headphones covered his ears. He looked nearly identical to his father, same dark hair, same nose, but he had the Knights’ signature blue eyes.

  The commotion on the dance floor caught her eye as everyone moved off to the side. Her father, dressed in a dark gray suit and smoky blue tie, held his hand out to his new wife, who wore a gorgeous vintage wedding dress. Dad and Maria had just gotten married outside Boone’s lake house. Tonight, they were celebrating their love, and Kinsley’s heart nearly exploded with happiness.

  She replaced the vodka bottle behind the bar then smiled at Benji, touching his arm. “Thanks again for holding down the fort tonight.”

  He grinned. “You know I wouldn’t have missed this celebration.”

  “Of course he wouldn’t have—I’m here,” Lola joked, grabbing a couple beers then heading back toward the end of the bar.

  Kinsley laughed. Just another day at Whiskey Blues. She made her way around the bar and approached Rhett. He was talking to Boone, but his eyes followed her with every step, warming as she got closer. The rings around her finger were a weight she enjoyed, a reminder that three months before Leo came into his world, they were married on the beach at Rhett’s house. The party had been there too. Nothing fancy, but beautiful under a blanket of stars. All the important people were there. Friends, family, everyone who mattered. Her heart warmed as Leo bounced faster, and all but leapt into her arms when she closed in on him. “I missed you too, sweetie,” she told him before attacking his little neck with kisses.

  His laughter washed over her, the best sound she’d ever heard.

  When she leaned away, Rhett caught her chin. “My turn.” His smile heated before he dropped his mouth to hers.

  “Not only is your kid here, but so are others.”

  Rhett chuckled against her lips, before pulling away and saying to Boone, “My son is gonna know how to love a woman right.”

  Boone returned the smile and cupped Rhett’s shoulder. “Ah, Rhett West lessons. Never thought that’d actually be a good thing.”

  Rhett barked a loud laugh. “You and me both, brother.”

  Peyton and Remy came over then, a wineglass in Peyton’s hand. She gave it to Kinsley as Asher offered Rhett a beer. Peyton wobbled into Boone’s arms, and his hand went to her round belly. She was due any day now. Asher threw an arm around Remy, kissing her forehead. Remy still had five months to go. Kinsley inhaled deeply, nearly smelling the beauty of all the love in this room. She slid her arm around Rhett’s waist, leaning her head into him, watching her father smiling down at his new wife. “I’ve never seen him look this happy,” she said.

  “Me neither.” Boone smiled. “It’s a good day.”

  “So what now?” Remy asked.

  “With what?” Peyton asked.

  “With all of us,” Remy explained, glancing between everyone. “It’s been a wild ride to get us here.”

  Asher added with a knowing look, “That might be the understatement of the decade.”

  Rhett chuckled. “I, for one, am good with the current adventure. Less danger. More visits to the park. Quiet days and nights.”

  Remy barked a laugh and said, “God, look at you, Rhett West, being all domesticated.”

>   Rhett winked at her. “I like it too.”

  “Well,” Remy said. “I guess this should just prove to all of you how much my nana’s spells really do work. Look how happy everyone is.”

  Asher kissed her forehead. “No one doubts you, Remy. Not ever.”

  Everyone gave her that. Remy’s smile spoke of love and happiness, and sometimes that’s all that mattered.

  Kinsley glanced around at her family, her found family, and everyone in the town that had come out to share in the happiness of her father. “You know what I want?” Everyone looked at her. “Just this. Us. Happy like this forever.”

  Soft smiles greeted hers.

  Rhett’s being the gentlest, as he turned her into his arms, keeping Leo between them. “If anyone can make that happen, Kinsley, it’s you.”

  Boone raised his glass. “To this. To us. Forever.”

  Rhett’s eyes bore into hers, his mouth dropping to hers. “To this. To us. Forever.”

  She reached for the kiss. “To this. To us. Forever.”

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  Did you miss the first book in the Dangerous Love series? Read on to see how it all started with Peyton and Boone’s story in Naughty Stranger.

  Chapter 1

  Detective Boone Knight was an ass man.

  Or he had been until Peyton Kerr—the woman currently standing by the window of her lingerie shop, Uptown Girl—rolled into town a month ago and kissed the hell out of him. After that, he’d become an entire body man. Every inch of Peyton drew his attention and brought him to full attention.

  A surprise, even to him.

  Ever since his marriage ended two years ago, he’d preferred his relationships be fleeting. He had no intention of getting married again. He’d tried the marriage thing and failed epically, no need for a repeat. But he wanted this five-foot-five woman with the soulful hazel eyes, long blond hair, and perfectly curved body in his bed—and he’d already figured that one time probably wouldn’t be enough. But since that one hot kiss, she’d done her best to stay clear of him, when all he wanted to do was re-create that moment.


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