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The Hunted

Page 9

by Heather McAlendin

  “Lizette? Where did you come from? You’re alive?” I asked as I lifted my head off the floor and wiped my bloody lips on my sleeve. Lizette’s face was beaming as she helped me to my feet. I swayed as I tried to steady myself. She may have been petite but she had strength beyond many men. “How long have I been here?”

  Lizette’s eyes flickered around the room as if seeking out a presence. “A day or so, but we don’t have time for any more questions right now. There is a small band of us gathered outside the city. Those of us who escaped. Many are dead now and many will die soon if we don’t stop Set. At least three quarters of the city are now fledglings and it will spread throughout the country side if we don’t stop him soon!”

  I nodded in understanding and gave Lizette a quick hug. “You saved my life. That is something I will never forget.”

  Lizette tossed a bag at my feet and turned around to keep an eye on the door. “I brought you some fresh clothes. So far we have time on our side, as well as the fact that Set thinks you are dying, if not dead. We can catch him off guard if we hurry,” she said.

  “The one thing I have learned is never to think I understand that creature,” I replied while I stripped out of my red leathers and dressed in the black stretch pants and sweater Lizette had provided. “I underestimated his mind and I almost died because of it. He is not quite as demented as I first thought and he is even more dangerous.”

  “We know and before you ask, yes, both Marie and Drake are with us. Drake has been instrumental in shielding us from Set.”

  I sighed with relief at the knowledge that my friends were with Lizette’s band of rogue vampires. “Thank you,” I replied. “Thank you very much.”

  “Are you ready?” she asked.

  I nodded as I pulled my boots back on.

  “Here,” Lizette said as she tossed me a familiar looking weapon.

  I held my dagger in my hand, its familiar weight felt comfortable as I clenched it tight within my fist. I looked at Lizette, blinking hard so as not to cry. “How?”

  “I returned to the compound to see if anyone was alive after we had escaped. I found this on the ground near the far wall. I knew it was your weapon my Queen. I am pleased I could return it to you.”

  I looked down at the dagger and back at Lizette. “You will be rewarded once this is all said and done my friend. I owe you a lot.”

  “You owe me nothing, it my pleasure to serve. Now let’s get you back to your people. They need you.”

  I nodded solemnly and then followed close behind Lizette as she led me out the door. No guards stood watch; no one made noise in the halls above us. Set had truly assumed I was doomed to die. I swore at that moment that it would be his undoing.

  We hurried through the familiar halls until we once again came out through the back garden entrance. I stopped as the smell of burned wood and flesh assaulted my nostrils. Piles of burning embers and scorched tree limbs littered the ground.

  “Some of us came back to burn the bodies, we had to, some were still half alive and we had to make sure...” Lizette’s voice trailed off into a thin whisper.

  I knew what she was going to say. At least they had done the poor unfortunates a service by ensuring they took care of their remains. “It’s alright Lizette, I understand. Let’s leave this place. It’s nothing but a reminder of death now. This is no longer my home,” I said sadly as we continued out of the garden and down a darkened path toward the city limits.

  As we walked, I glanced upward at the midnight sky. The stars were incredibly bright. It was a sight that used to bring be comfort and solace, now I could not even take the time to enjoy their magnificence. Maybe one day soon, but not today.

  “Where are we going?” I asked quietly.

  Lizette stopped and pointed in a northeast direction. “Are you familiar with an old theater building on the north side?” she asked.

  I knew the building she meant. It was almost one hundred years old and had shown old vaudevillian acts and then some of the first talkies and black and white movies. The old Pine Ridge Theater was long since a derelict building. Perfect for vampires as most of the structure was without windows and its facade was in ruins, which kept most humans at bay.

  “Are you sure that Set does not know of this place?” I asked.

  Lizette nodded. “No guarantees, but for now he seems to be too consumed with world domination. He’s left us alone for the last two days but I do not know how much longer that will last. We need your help to draw him back to us. If he is allowed to continue creating fledglings we will soon run out of willing hosts and the thought of starving vampires is just too horrifying,” she shuddered noticeably at the thought of half-starved, crazed vampires prowling the countryside.

  “I’ll be the bait,” I said. “As long as Set is destroyed I will do what needs to be done.”

  Even if it requires the loss of my own life.

  The two of us hurried the remainder of the way to the Pine Ridge Theater; seemingly undetected or unnoticed by Set and his half-blood Clan. The theater was dark as we approached, if not for my vampire senses, I would not have noticed the guard Lizette had placed high upon the peaked roof of the building.

  Once inside, the rag-tag army of remaining Clan members and a few Ancients revealed themselves. It was less than I had hoped for, but I was glad there were still a few loyal members willing to fight Set for their own continuation as a species.

  I was surprised to see a few living humans amongst us. They had chosen to remain bonded to their vampire hosts and were allowing members to take turns feeding only when necessary to remain focused and alive. It was something Andrew would have done if he had chosen to remain human.

  I had to catch my breath before the guilt I was again feeling over Andrew’s death caught up on me.

  “Silver!” I recognized the young, excited voice as Marie. My heart soared as I watched her run through the crowd and wrap her arms around my waist, grateful to see me alive. I was just as grateful to see her and I cried as we embraced. “I am so glad you were not lost to Set. Lizette knew you would survive, even Drake believed.”

  I raised one eyebrow at the mention of Drake’s name. “Where is he?” I asked.

  Marie looked up at me with her bright, shining eyes and smiled. “He’s out scouting. I think he wants to hunt Set more than you do. He was devastated when you could not be found.”

  I had to admit to myself that it was not disagreeable to know that Drake was concerned. Right now however, I had to focus on gathering the remainder of the Clan together and defeating Set.

  I gently drew Marie into my side and motioned to Lizette to join us as the vampires and humans gathered around us. I took a deep breath and straightened up to my full height before attempting to speak. I had to prepare myself for the fact that no one may want to listen to me or even want me there among them.

  “Members of the Clan, I respectfully request your attention.” The tension was apparent in my voice as I spoke. “This has been a tenuous time for all of us and in part due to my error in trusting an unworthy first blood. My apologies cannot undo what has been done. We have a common enemy among us and we must unite and put aside old wounds and assumptions to deal with him. Set has threatened our very existence and the existence of humanity. I may no longer deserve to lead you but I will pledge my life to ensure we deal with Set swiftly and according to the Vampire Code. I demand vengeance for the loss of the man I made King and for those of you who have lost members of the Clan and your own families.” I stopped for a moment and waited to see if there would be any reaction in response to my speech. Silence greeted me.

  “Our symbiotic relationship with humans has served us well until now. What Hannah started and what Set threatens to continue will ensure the extinction of both our civilizations. It has already begun. Can we work together to end this?” I asked.

  I shifted nervously and held my breath.

  “We will work with you, for now,” replied a voice from the back of the room.r />
  “Show yourself!” I demanded.

  “You demand nothing from me as I no longer recognize you as my Queen. However, we do indeed have a common enemy in Set. I want to regain our way of life as it was, at least partially. We can discuss loyalties later.” A tall, thin, male vampire made his way from the back of the theater. He was one I recognized as an elder among us. He had a scarred face and was once one of the warrior clan of vampires from long ago. He was outspoken as to how modern vampires should conduct and lead themselves but loyal to the code and ethics of vampire life.

  “Our loyalties are to one another right now, my friend. I welcome your help.” I reached forward my hand and was pleased when the elder vampire grasped it with his own. It was more a show of solidarity as his face revealed nothing but disdain for the vampire monarchy. At this point, I would take what I could get. “Thank you,” I repeated. “Thank you.”

  The vampire released my hand and nodded curtly, then made his way back among the throng. There were hushed whispers but no one came forward in negativity. I was glad for small miracles.

  A shout startled me as an explosion shook the floor and walls of the old theater. “Everyone out! He’s here! Set has returned! Be ready and kill anyone who gets in your way!”

  Drake’s voice was strong and loud, a force in itself to be reckoned with. I suddenly felt his familiar warmth behind me as the vampire’s and humans scattered out of the theater and into the shadows surrounding it.

  “I am pleased to see you again, Silver,” he whispered low into my ear. “Let’s get you to safety.”

  “I am here to fight with and for my people, Drake. If I am to die today I want you know that...” Drake’s lips against mine silenced my voice. His kiss was hard and fast but enough to let me know the intention.

  “Fight we shall, my Queen. Follow me!” Drake grasped my hand as I watched Lizette lead Marie out a side door. I knew she would protect the fledgling. We ended up outside with the stars as our only witness to the fight ahead. Set’s minions were already confronting the remaining humans and trying to either kill or feed on them.

  “I will not allow another slaughter,” I shouted in anger.

  “Do I hear a whisper on the wind?” Set’s voice mocked me from behind the dust and shadows of the fallen theater.

  “I only hear the voice of a coward!” I shrieked. I steeled myself against an attack and Drake took position by my side, fangs bared and weapons drawn.

  “A coward does not take over the world,” Set replied.

  “There will be no world left, Set. Have you learned nothing from the Toltecs?” I asked. I knew the dialogue was pointless but I had to try to draw him out.

  “The Toltecs were as insignificant as the humans who remain here. I survived for this purpose. I am God now!” Before I could move, Marie raced out from within the mob, screaming fiercely.

  “There is no God! Even if there was, He would certainly not be you!” She moved with such blinding speed that Set did not seem to be able to focus on what was happening before the fledgling bared down on him and drove her fangs into his neck. From within her dress, we could see a flash of a blade before she thrust it upward into Set’s chest. A slick, wet sound punctuated the air as Marie repeatability removed and drove the dagger in a dozen times.

  “Marie! No!” I yelled as I lunged toward them. Drake restrained me by the wrist and struggled to break free. “She’s only a fledgling!”

  “It is done, Silver,” Drake replied calmly. “Look.”

  Set’s body turned almost translucent as Marie continued to drain his blood. His heart had burst upon the first strike to his chest. He was dead. Once again, Marie had proven herself. She had accomplished what I could not and saved us all because of it.

  I broke free and hurried to Marie’s side, tearing her from Set’s cooling body. “You can’t drink once the heart stops Marie, you’ll kill yourself too!”

  Marie fell against me, quivering from the effort, the blood and from the rush of adrenaline.

  “Silver!” Drake shouted. “It’s incredible.”

  I looked up to see a mass of fledglings quickly stop what they were doing and stare off into the night sky. Looks of confusion and fear spread across their faces as the psychic bond they had with Set was broken and they realized for the first time in days that they were truly alone.

  Drake directed the remaining Clan members to herd the confused fledglings into a group until we could decide what to do with them all. The sun would soon rise and as we could not return to the compound or the theater, we needed to get to a place of hiding.

  “Sacred Heart,” Marie whispered. “We will all be safe there for now.”

  I gathered Marie up into my arms and carried her to where Drake and Lizette stood, watching as the Clan and fledglings alike traveled cautiously together into the night. I smiled down at Marie who had passed out from exhaustion. “You have done Andrew proud little one.”

  In the distance, a screaming eagle flew over the tops of the trees, guiding us forward into the dawn.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It took months to repair what had been so severely broken in just a few days of Set’s appearance. We tore down the compound, slowly rebuilding it as neither human nor Vampire wanted any reminders of the blood spilled in that place.

  After some convincing, everyone decided to allow the fledglings to stay and become a part of the Clan if they desired, and as long as they pledged to adhere to the Code. Drake and the remaining elders slaughtered those who remained defiant, burning their bodies and scattering their ashes into the wind. They did this to set an example as well as to remind the Clan that the Vampire Code remained law.

  I watched over and guided Marie as she recovered. In such a short time, she had served justice on both Hannah and Set. I do not know of any fledgling now or in the past who was ever as strong as she proved herself to be.

  Lizette never left her side and there were whispers that they had chosen to bond and become lovers as well as the best of friends. I silently gave my approval, as I knew no one better to protect and stand by Marie than Lizette.

  After so many months of upheaval, the Clans were still as united as could be expected but the Ancients had not yet made a decision as to whether they would continue with a monarchy-type rule. If they did, I was not aware of whether they would accept me back as Queen or whether the Ancients would chose another, which was their right.

  “Drake...” I sighed as I curled up next to his naked body. We had spent a glorious hour reveling in one another, giving and taking pleasure and blood. Our bonding was unmistakable to any who chose to pay attention. “I have yet to hear anything regarding the ceremony of ascension. The next full moon is due and the Ancients remain silent.”

  Drake wrapped one large, strong arm around my waist and drew me tight against him as he used his free hand to stroke my long, silver-colored hair. “Trust that they will do what is best. If it is you then you will prove them right and if they chose another, I know you will be gracious. Please know I am by your side forever.” With that said, he kissed me behind my ear and growled low causing a shiver down to the base of my spine.

  “Enough of that now!” I chided.

  “Never,” he said. “I can never get enough of you.”

  I broke out in peals of laughter. It felt so good to be normal again, as normal as a vampire can get. A loud knock on our bedchamber door broke the moment and brought us back to reality.

  “Just a moment,” I called out as I grabbed a sheer, flesh-colored wrap and closed it tight around my body. When I opened the door, I saw Lizette standing there with an envelope in her hand.

  “I believe you are waiting for this?” Lizette said quietly as she handed me the document. She knew it was the decision made by the Council Clan and the Ancients. I physically shook as I took it from her.

  “Thank you, Lizette,” I said.

  The messenger bowed and nodded, and left the room without another word. I closed the door and turned back t
o Drake who was sitting up in bed, the sheets draped over his narrow waist and long legs. He smiled and patted the side of the bed. “Come here, or would you rather be alone to read this?” he asked.

  I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. “No, I want you here. This will affect you as well.”

  I turned the envelope over and over in my hands, trying to will the decision to come forth because I was too afraid to actually read it.

  “Shall I?” Drake offered, with his hand extended to take the envelope from me.

  “No,” I replied quietly. “I have to see for myself.”

  After one more turn of the envelope, I drew my nail across the top and slit the thin paper sheath open to reveal a small piece of parchment. I slowly drew the document out of the envelope and unfolded it flat, then placed it on my lap.

  I read the contents, then placed the parchment back into the envelope, and carefully placed it in the fireplace where it quickly burned to ashes.

  Drake looked up at me expectantly as I returned to our bed and wrapped my arms around him.

  “It has been decided.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Covenant or Ascension Ceremony took place on the evening of the full moon in the newly created compound courtyard. At midnight, the night blossoms would be at their most beautiful and release a scent that was as sweet and as close to scent of blood that nature could provide.

  I walked the garden perimeter and recalled my first Covenant Ceremony after Queen Akita had called me to become her first blood.

  “I choose you to carry on the blood line of the Ancients,” she had said. It was an awesome responsibility and one I had not taken lightly. The vampire world was so different than it had been hundreds of years ago.

  “Do I truly fit in here anymore?” I asked myself. I was having doubts but I needed to put them aside so I could put on my best face for this evening and for the remaining members of the Clan.


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