The Rogue Sorcerer: The Caldronian Guild : Book 2

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The Rogue Sorcerer: The Caldronian Guild : Book 2 Page 19

by Andrew G. Wood

  Alec was clearly excited by all the old manuscripts, parchments and scrolls he had read in the library vaults, and although it was clear he did not understand the meaning of much of it, he did tell Leo about the few bits he did. Not sure whether he was allowed to tell his friend anything he had learned, Alec leaned in closer and whispered his words. Leo listened in, as his friend described an old paper he found stuffed behind a load of scrolls.

  The paper was clearly centuries old, and the ink faded slightly over time meaning some of the words had been lost. However, Alec had managed to get the general gist of what was being described. “So sorcerers used to be able to move from one place to another using their magic?” Leo enquired just checking he had understood correctly. Alec leaned back smiling as he straightened his specs, nodding slowly.

  Naturally being a sorcerer Leo wanted to know if it were still possible to learn such a thing. The mere thought of being able to stand in one place and with the wave of your hand reappear somewhere else seemed nothing more than fantasy. Then again, had someone told him several months ago he would be one of the strongest sorcerers in Caldronia, he would have thought them completely insane. “I’ll see if I can find anything else out about it,” Alec said clearly as excited as Leo was at the idea. “Oh, can I meet up with you for evening the meal? I might have something more about that feeling you got with Mia…I just need to check something in a book I know,” he added. Leo was obviously delighted his friend wanted to help, and having him sitting with the sorcerers again would be nice. “Alec shook his head…Just me and you…I’ll be in trouble if I am caught telling you something I should not,” he added cautiously. Leo nodded, “Okay, shall we say later on then when the others have all eaten?” Alec nodded, before standing and explaining he needed to get back to what he was doing.

  Chapter 24.

  Leo stood in the doorway of the classroom as he waited for Chad to finish his current lesson. The youngster had thus far been treated a little differently from the other new recruits, much like Leo had when he had arrived at the guild. However, over the past few days Chad had started taking some of his lessons with the other apprentices.

  Leo watched on approvingly as Chad stood at the front of the classroom showing off a small ball of light in the palm of his hand. Not only was the lad receiving praise from the Master taking the lesson, but he also had a small round of applause from his fellow students.

  The Master taking the class was Ayleen, the very same whom had taught Leo his first lesson in magic. On noticing a king’s sorcerer standing at the half-open doorway the Master waved him in. At first Leo just put up a hand as if to say he was fine waiting outside, but unfortunately for him, Ayleen seemed intent on inviting him in to the classroom.

  Ayleen waited for Leo to slowly make his way in to the front of the class. Chad was asked to retake his seat as the Master waited for her guest to stand beside her. “Now then,” she said, “Apart from Chad does anybody know who this is?” Any pretences that Leo may have had of being a well-known, well-respected member of the guild quickly went out of the window as the room fell completely silent.

  With seven pupils in the class aside from Chad, none of whom Leo recognised, he was somewhat relieved when one girl tentatively raised a hand to speak. “Yes Dara who do you think this is?” Ayleen asked.

  “Is it Chad’s brother?” The girl asked.

  Leo felt a little embarrassed by the answer, and the fact he was quite clearly not as recognisable as he maybe thought. After Ayleen politely told Dara she was wrong, and offering the chance for anybody else to have a try the Guild Master eventually turned to Chad to explain.

  Leo watched as the young apprentice stood, and spoke unfazed by the eyes of his fellow students all upon him. “Well Ma’am, as you can tell he is wearing a different robe to any of us and the Masters,” Chad started explaining to his classmates. Before he could add any more Ayleen stopped him there, and asked the others if they knew what those markings meant. Once more it was down to Dara to make a guess, and once more it was completely wrong. “Chad,” Ayleen said gesturing for the youngster to continue.

  “The markings on the robe indicate the person wearing them is a King’s Sorcerer,” Chad said proudly clearly pleased he was the one in the know. Again Ayleen through the question open to the other students, “Does anybody know what that means?”

  “I do…I do…” Came a rather squeaky voice from a young lad sat next to Chad. Ayleen gestured for him to answer, “It means he is owned by the King.” Leo rolled his eyes back wondering how these people knew so little.

  Ayleen clearly had more patience than Leo, as she smiled, “Not quite right Thomas. Perhaps I’ll leave it for Chad to explain in full.” Chad nodded his head as the Master once more signalled for him to speak. “The King’s Sorcerers are very powerful magicians who are under the direct control of the king,” he said looking over to Leo and the Master to check he was correct. Although not entirely right, Ayleen nodded it was near enough and let him continue.

  Leo felt a little embarrassed as Chad explained to his class just who he was. All eyes turned to him, and although some in the room were probably the same age as himself, he tried not to appear too smug. He looked at the faces of the apprentices trying to judge their individual reactions. However, Leo was unsure whether some looked in awe of him or just bored with their lesson being about him.

  After Chad had explained it had been Leo, more than any other person, that had saved the city of Surmont from the attacking Belarians just several weeks ago, Ayleen thanked her student before requesting he sit back down. “More importantly Leo here is Chad’s mentor,” the Master explained to her class. Leo was not sure why she was making a big deal of that particular fact and was a little surprised by her next announcement. “The Guild has decided that all new apprentices be appointed a Mentor, and over the next few days you will all be paired up.”

  The words certainly got those sitting in the room excitable as the level of chatter suddenly got very loud. Ayleen though quickly silenced them with a clap of her hands and order was soon restored. With Leo still standing there like a spare part, the Master continued her explanations.

  Ayleen eventually wound up her lesson and dismissed the class, although Chad remained waiting for Leo. Ayleen turned to him and smiled. The Master told Leo how pleased the guild was with how he had been mentoring Chad. “He is by far the best in the class, despite being one of the newer ones” she said looking over to the lad stood waiting patiently by the doorway. “So we thought to try the entire process out on a larger scale. The problem we have is pairing the right people together,” she said suggesting they make their way out of the classroom.

  Chad obediently fell in behind the Master and his mentor, as they headed off down a busy corridor. Leo was not sure he should be taking credit for Chad’s success, that surely belonging to the lad himself. After all, it was Chad that had made the effort, knuckling down and working hard. What this development did show though was that you should not judge people by the first impression they give. Everyone including Leo had thought Chad a complete waste of time, and someone who would be more trouble than he was worth. To his credit Chad had proved, and was still proving everybody wrong.

  Despite Leo actually being far from capable when it came to the finer arts of sorcery, Daron had given him a list of things that he and Chad could practice together. Unsurprisingly most of those things involved attacks and the variation that was needed. This of course was an area where Leo had shown some ability, although control was still an area he needed to practice.

  Apprentices were not usually permitted to practice offensive skills without the presence of a Guild Master. However, Leo was not considered the norm, and hence the rules had been relaxed for him. As a result, when Daron was not available he and Chad would practice their skills in the area set aside for such activities around the back of the main guild building.

  With Leo supposedly playing the part of the teacher, being much younger than the Mas
ters, his methods could only be described as different at best. Being as both he and Chad were young and quite agile, he was trying to work on the principle of moving and firing at the same time. He had often wondered why sorcerers always stood still and fired, clearly making them an easy target. Leo had deduced that any ranger lurking in the background of a fight could easily strike down a sorcerer intent on standing still, preoccupied with another target.

  As the pair were both trying something new, neither really had any success to begin with. Chad after all was still very much a novice at even mustering any kind of magical force even whilst stood still. As a result of their lack of progress Leo decided to call a halt to the day’s proceedings much earlier than usual. He did not put the lack of any progress down to not trying but he felt his mind at the moment was preoccupied with other matters.

  After suggesting Chad go head off to get freshened up before going to the dining hall for evening meal, Leo had plans to go elsewhere. Chad, although clearly unsure about why his mentor seemed intent of getting rid of him, did as was asked, which left Leo to head for the building he knew Mia was being held.

  With so many questions he wanted to ask, none of which he had thought of on his previous visit, he picked up the pace. However, any thoughts he might have had of merely strolling into the specially designed jail were quickly and abruptly put to an end. The guards on duty would not even let him pass through the outside door, despite him explaining who he was. “Sorry, we are not permitting anybody to enter, by order of the King,” the man told him firmly. Leo tried in vain, and after arguing for several minutes, he realised he was not going to get in.

  Rather solemnly, he eventually turned about and trudged his way back to the guild. His meeting with Alec was still another hour or so away, and with little else to do in the meantime Leo decided to take a seat in the guild gardens. After finding what he thought to be a nice secluded spot, he pondered over the reasons for him being barred from seeing Mia. He wondered why he had only been allowed a single solitary visit and why he had been barred access again. Surely if she had been drained of power she posed little threat to anybody.

  He recalled the strange feeling he had felt when scanning Mia’s body for her power and more so Daron’s reaction. The more he thought on, the more he was convinced he had sensed something significant. As to what it was though, Leo had absolutely no idea, and hoped that Alec might have unearthed an explanation from one of the thousands of books in the library.

  His attention was drawn to his left where he heard the voices of two other guild members. Both wore the blue robes of the alchemist faction, and he watched as the pair found a seat a little further down from him. Not wanting to sit and have to watch the couple sharing a kiss, just as he and Mia had once done in that very same part of the garden, Leo decided to stand and slowly make his way to the dining hall.

  Despite knowing he would probably be too early for Alec, he made his way there nonetheless. Feeling as though events of late were getting the better of him, he yawned loudly as he walked slowly back into the guild building and turning left down the corridor which led to the dining hall. He could hear the noise, the clattering of plates and cutlery on top of the chatter of voices long before he reached the doors.

  To his surprise Alec was already there waiting, albeit not alone. His friend was stood chatting to a young girl, also from the literary faction. “Oh Hi Leo, I didn’t think you’d be here yet. This is Eliza,” he added noticing his friend looking her way. Although he did not feel in the mood for meeting new people he tried to be polite and greeted Eliza. “Alec is always talking about you,” she said in a voice that sounded far too high pitched for Leo’s liking.

  After an awkward moment or two, Leo was thankful Alec suggested he and Eliza meet up again later. The girl smiled and nodded, “Nice to meet you at last Leo,” she added as she turned and slowly walked away, just turning back briefly to give a small wave with her hand. Leo watched on as Alec returned both by imitating the gestures.

  The dining hall was still quite busy, meaning that finding a table to themselves was not possible. The best they could manage was to share a table being used by a few older apprentices from the healer’s faction. Leo had dozens of questions he needed answers to, but thought he should wait, at least until their food was served.

  After choosing a fish dish, and Alec deciding he would have the same, Leo thought he would make small talk whilst they waited. The young girl Eliza immediately came to mind, and thought he would ask Alec about her. The literary apprentice blushed, and Leo could see his friend was clearly embarrassed about being asked. “We may have shared a little kiss,” Alec said turning an even brighter shade of red. Leo smiled and thought it best to leave the subject alone, glad that his friend had found someone.

  No sooner was his plate of food placed before him, Leo started asking the first of the questions plaguing his mind. After pausing only briefly to put food in his mouth, he needed to know if Alec had discovered anything about the strange feeling he had felt when in contact with Mia. He looked up hopefully from his dinner, only to see his friend grimace, “Sorry Leo, I didn’t have time. I know the section of books where I would probably find the answer, but I’m so busy at the moment.” Leo, although clearly disappointed just nodded, doubting Alec would likely be able to answer any of his other questions then.

  Despite Leo considering Alec as probably his closest friend, the meal had a certain awkwardness to it. Much of the time the two merely sat in silence and ate, with only an occasion exchange of dialect between them. Without knowing any more than he did before the meal, Leo could tell Alec was edging to get away. Although disappointed, he knew his friend was keen to get back to seeing Eliza, and decided to make it easy for him, by making an excuse that he needed to go. “I promise I’ll find out for you tonight,” Alec said as he quickly stood and almost ran for the doors of the dining hall.

  With little else to do but go for a stroll, Leo headed back outside once more. With it now getting dark, he trod carefully watching where he placed each step. The first of the lamps and lights around the garden were being lit, although until it was completely dark they would not be yet fully effective.

  Leo was unsure as to why he wandered towards the building where he knew Mia was being held. Whatever the reason he stood and stared some distance away, debating whether he should perhaps try once more to gain access. He was quite sure the answer would be the same as before, and after standing there for some considerable time decided it was probably best to call it a night.

  He was just about to turn and head back to the main guild building when he noticed several figures exiting the building in question. Despite the darkness, he was all but certain the man leading the small procession out was Daron. However, that was not what had grasped his attention. Following behind he could see two other large figures carrying what looked like a stretcher. Leo could feel his heart pounding, thumping like a drum, as he quickly realised what they were carrying.

  Not wanting to believe the worst, he quickly turned away all but denying the possibility of what he might have just seen. Instead he walked with pace and tried to think of something else as he made his back to the main entrance of the guild building.

  Chapter 25.

  After what had seemed a long restless night, Leo was sat alone in the dorms. With so many emotions going on he was unsure as to what he should be feeling. News that Mia had been executed the previous evening had hit him like rock. The image of a stretchered body being carried out was now fixed in his mind. Had that been Mia he had seen? So many questions ran though his mind, none more so than as to the reason why. Mia was sick that was all, why would an organisation like the guild have her put to death? Surely one of the healers could have helped her?

  Daron had at least had the decency to tell him the news himself, although had simply turned around and walked off after delivering the hammer blow. Leo was struggling to come to terms with the reasoning behind it all, and as such just sat there numb. He
felt as if part of him was missing, and although Mia had truly committed terrible crimes, it was due to her not being well.

  He felt a tear roll freely down his cheek, and let it drop on the floor by his feet. He wiped his nose and eyes with his sleeve as he heard footsteps approaching, and glanced up just slightly to see who it was. “Alec,” he said quickly trying to regain a little composure. “What are you doing in the sorcery dorms?” he sniffled. Alec smiled, “I heard the news. Sorry Leo,” he added not sure what else to say that might make things better.

  After looking around the dorm, Alec pulled out a small book from inside his robe. “After what we discussed yesterday I managed to find what I was looking for,” he said flicking through the pages. Leo snorted as he watched on. “I’m afraid I think I know the reasons behind Mia’s sudden execution, and things don’t get any better,” he said looking far more serious.

  Leo listened on as Alec pointed out several paragraphs and pictures he had marked in the book, although he did not understand as to what his friend was getting at. “Sorcerers used to be able to help the healers in certain areas,” he said.


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