The Rogue Sorcerer: The Caldronian Guild : Book 2

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The Rogue Sorcerer: The Caldronian Guild : Book 2 Page 20

by Andrew G. Wood

  “Yes I know, we are taught that,” Leo said slowly.

  “No, not this,” Alec said moving to another page further back. “Here…Look!” he said turning it round for Leo to see more clearly.

  The sketch on the page showed a sorcerer’s hand placed on the abdomen of a young woman, “Sorry I don’t understand,” he admitted after staring at the page for several moments. Alec took a deep breath, knowing he was only guessing, but quite sure it was an educated one. Not wanting to confuse his friend any further Alec decided to just come straight out with his theory. “I think Mia was pregnant,” he said looking for a reaction. “What?” Leo replied instantly thinking the idea completely preposterous.

  Leo listened as Alec explained his theory. Powerful sorcerers used to be able to detect such things as early pregnancy long before the woman actually started displaying any signs. Such services were only usually reserved for royalty, queens and princesses and the like but they did exist. “I think that’s what you detected in Mia,” he said although it was clear Leo was not convinced.

  A thought occurred to Leo, something which turned the grief he was feeling to anger. “If that was the case, do you think Daron must have sensed it too?” He asked looking to Alec for answers he couldn’t possibly answer for sure. The youngster shrugged, but sensing his friend was becoming agitated he placed a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t even know if I’m right Leo. We can’t go around accusing people of things we are only guessing about,” he said. Alec actually thought he was probably correct in his assumptions, but knowing how unpredictable Leo could be, thought it best to cast a doubt over them.

  King Haldar sat in his study listening to the latest reports from his advisors. Daron, his sorcerer and friend stood just behind him, listening to the news. Caldronia’s neighbours it seemed were not willing to aid them in their conflict with Belaria. Despite long ties with both Farasavia and Arandor neither were willing to risk a war with the much larger country to the south.

  Haldar was at a loss as to why Farasavia especially, had chosen to stand by and let Belaria ravage Caldronian lands. The two nations had always had what Haldar described as a ‘Special relationship’, although for reasons unknown that appeared no longer to be the case. Arandor also, had always been a long standing ally, although in more recent times, the relationship with the current queen had been somewhat tarnished. Haldar had tried to get on with the Queen, but he was sure she was not completely compos mentis, and was getting steadily worse with age.

  After dismissing the bearers of the bad news from his office, Haldar turned to his sorcerer for advice. However, it was clear Daron had nothing of any note to add, and only added to the king’s burden explaining that the prisoner had been executed as requested. “You think Leo will cope?” he asked wandering over to his drinks decanter on the sideboard. “I’ve sent one of his friends just to keep an eye on him and make sure he does nothing stupid,” Daron replied gesturing with his hands he did not want a drink.

  “You assured me he would be fine Daron. Of all the people in the guild he is one we can never afford to turn against us,” Haldar said returning to his seat with his half-filled glass in hand. Daron explained he was confident Leo would get over the loss of Mia, “We could not let the fact she was pregnant get out. If people thought we were executing expectant mothers, we would have uproar in the city.”

  “Yet you think Leo detected that she was?”

  “I suspect that is what he sensed, although I doubt he knows what he felt.”

  “What if he asks and finds someone who does?” Haldar asked sipping from his glass.

  There was a short pause, before Daron answered, as if thinking for a suitable answer. “He has some clever friends, perhaps he will work it out. However, Leo knew that Mia would have to be executed sooner or later. I just think the suddenness of it all has just caught him by surprise. I should have let him see her earlier, rather than later,” he added trailing off. Haldar took a large swig from his glass before gently placing it down on his desk, “Just keep an eye on him Daron. We are hanging on here by the skin of our teeth, we lose him, we likely lose everything,” the king said knowing just how important Leo would be in defending any further attacks.

  Daron nodded his agreement before excusing himself and heading off out of the door. With a purpose in his walk he headed down the corridor and steps that linked the guild and palace together. Knowing the air needed to be cleared between himself and Leo, he thought now was a good as time as any to do so. Barely acknowledging the guards on duty who stood to attention as he passed, he made his way to the sorcerer’s dorms.

  As expected he found the very person he was looking for stood talking to the friend Daron had sent to check up on him. As he walked towards them, both boys stopped talking and turned their attention towards him. “Can we talk Leo? Alone,” he added suggesting the lad from the literary guild leave them be. “Anything you have to say can be said in front of Alec,” Leo replied in a less than friendly manner.

  Daron looked at the two youngsters a moment before nodding, “If that is what you wish,” he finally said accepting it was not that important. Daron spoke first, enquiring as to how Leo was holding up, and that although he was sorry for what had happened, it was something that was always going to happen. “You knew didn’t you?” Leo asked feeling his temper rising again. “Knew what Leo?” Daron asked playing dumb.

  The two stared at each other, and Daron knew exactly as to what he was being asked, and decided to come clean. He sighed heavily, “I didn’t until you suggested to me she might be. I went back and checked for myself,” he added surprised that Leo had been able to detect such a thing in the first place. “So she was pregnant?” Alec interrupted pleased with himself that he had deduced matters correctly, although after receiving a stern glare from Daron, he quickly apologised and said nothing further.

  “So you killed her and the baby?” Leo snapped angrily. Had any other person, apprentice or Master spoken to him in such a manner they would have regretted doing so. However, Leo was not just anybody, and with the words of his king still ringing in ears, Daron knew he needed to take a far more lenient approach. “From what I detected it could not be called a baby. Mia was barely a few weeks gone…”

  “And that makes a difference how?” Leo interrupted pointing his finger aggressively.

  Daron remained calm and despite the youngster’s apparent desire to want to pick a fight, he answered without the need for any antics. “Surely you knew her time was limited Leo. There was no way her body could have survived being drugged and drained every day for any length of time. The unborn child would not have survived more than a few weeks…ask your friend to research that if you don’t believe me,” he added pointing to Alec. Leo clearly did not want to listen to the facts, and after another outburst about Mia needing help Daron thought it best he should leave to allow the lad to calm down. “See he does nothing stupid,” he told Alec turning away to make his way back to the palace.

  Leo watched as his mentor merely walked away, angry at the injustice of the entire situation. Alec remained beside him, although stayed quiet. After letting out a loud sigh Leo felt the tension go from his body as his shoulders dropped. He turned to his friend and reiterated the words Mia had spoken to him about the guild being the true killers. Alec merely nodded knowing now was probably not the best time to begin a debate on the morality of the guild.

  As to what he could or should do, Leo was unsure. At least with him being tasked to mentor Chad it gave him something to fill most of his spare time. The youngster was once more in lessons and so Leo decided to make his way down to the lad’s class and wait for him to finish. “Are you okay Leo?” Alec asked shuffling along behind struggling to keep up with the pace being set. “I’m fine,” he replied in a tone that clearly told his friend that was not actually the case.

  After waiting several minutes in silence Alec thought he would risk mentioning something to Leo that perhaps he had not considered. “You know,” he
said looking at his friend trying to judge for any adverse reaction. There was a glance his way and a look that suggested he didn’t really want to hear Alec’s point of view, but also a resignation that such a thing was coming anyway.

  Alec, as calmly and plainly as he could, explained that even if Mia’s mental state had improved, she would never be trusted again. After no reaction from that part Alec thought he would continue on. “She could have turned again,” he added. “Think about it from their point of view Leo. Could you trust somebody that could turn around and murder one of their own?” he asked. Leo turned to look at him, and after a few seconds just shrugged his shoulders. “Ewan died because he cared for Mia. If she could do that to him, I doubt she would have had any qualms about doing the same to someone else.”

  Leo nodded, knowing his friend made sense, although that did not detract from the injustice he felt. Alec thought he might at last be getting through to his friend, and decided to add a little more. “Daron was right about the baby not surviving,” he added hoping not to upset Leo any further as the door to the class room swung open and several apprentices started walking out, effectively ending any further points he wished to make.

  Chapter 26.

  Several days had passed since Mia’s untimely execution, and although everybody made valid points as to why it needed to be done, none made Leo feel any better. His early morning lessons with Daron had been put on hold, as his mentor had deemed him in an unfit state of mind to make the sessions worthwhile.

  Sasha had even made an appearance, seeking him out to see if she could pull Leo from this spiralling decline of pity. The young ranger had all but ignored him since their return, clearly wanting an end to their very brief relationship. At first Leo had felt a little hurt by her sudden rebuke, but had since put it down to part of growing up. Sasha had clearly moved on and as a result he thought it best to do likewise.

  Despite their being a little awkwardness between the two, Sasha and Leo had managed to speak quite candidly. However, once Leo had worked out that she had only called to visit him on the instruction of Daron, any chance of her talking sense into him ceased. At first those around him thought Leo was heading for self-destruction and there were fears of him following Mia’s footsteps. Despite his friend’s concerns over his welfare, thankfully Leo had not shown any signs of that actually happening.

  Leo was feeling hurt and betrayed by the people and the organisation he was supposed to respect. As a teenager, little more than a child himself he was now beginning to feel the pressures that had been piling up on him. Such was the king’s concern, he had even invited Leo to the palace for a private chat, although even that had failed to change his current mindset.

  Leo had not been wasting his time completely, and had continued in his mentoring of Chad; a job he actually quite enjoyed. Despite them all thinking the lad would be nothing but trouble, since leaving home he had actually turned out to be a model apprentice. The rude, loud and obnoxious youth Leo had picked was no longer there, replaced by a young man that his parents would no doubt be proud of.

  Realising just how well Leo had actually done in turning around the life of the apprentice, Kian had sought permission to try his hand at having a chat with him. The two had always gotten on well, since the Master was far younger than most of his kind he obviously found it easier to relate to the new apprentices. With Leo having been one of the apprentices he had selected, Kian always liked to see them do well and often kept an eye on how they were doing. Leo of course had exceeded everybody’s expectations, and had been quite a discovery, and a feather in the Master’s cap for being the one to find him.

  Rather than lecture Leo as everybody else seemed intent on doing, Kian had decided on a different approach. As the pair walked and chatted around the guild gardens, the young Master pointed out different apprentices. Leo did not know many of the faces he was being asked to look at, but each had a story and background similar to his own; something he could relate too.

  As the pair walked around the narrow path that led around the immaculately kept lawns and gardens of the main guild building, Kian suggested they take a seat. The benches placed around the perimeter were not particularly comfortable, but gave the person sitting there a chance to relax. Leo was a little surprised as he watched Kian pull out a silver hip flask from a pocket within his robe. After removing the cap, he took a long swig of whatever liquid was within, before pulling a face, indicating to Leo it was probably some kind of strong alcoholic drink. “You want some?” Kian said offering the flask his direction. Leo was unsure as to whether Master’s should be giving their apprentices alcohol, and although he was not a fan decided to accept anyway.

  Kian chuckled as Leo took a bigger gulp than he intended, and after imitating the face pulled, he inevitably started coughing. “Whoa! What is that?” Leo asked trying to get his breath. Kian grinned, “Let us just say that some in the alchemist faction have a little side line.” Leo was offered another swig, but he quickly put his hands out, “No thanks, I can still feel the last lot burning my insides.”

  The brief moment of light hearted banter was a good sign, and Kian thought now was as good a time as any to turn the discussion to more serious matters. Leo instantly redrew back into his shell, “Daron has sent you hasn’t he? Why won’t that man leave me be?” he asked not giving chance for Kian to reply to the first question. “Actually Daron didn’t want me to have a chat with you, so I went and asked the king directly.”

  “You went over his head?” Leo asked with a flicker of a smile returning.

  “Of course,” Kian grinned taking another small swig from his flask before replacing the cap and returning it into his pocket.

  Leo was a little surprised when the Master explained that he also felt guilty for Mia’s demise. “Do not forget it was I who selected her. Believe me I never pictured anything like this happening,” he added sounding genuinely affected by what had happened. “Perhaps if I had never picked her, she would still be alive and living with her family.” Leo actually realised that perhaps he was not the only one who was feeling the after effects of Mia’s demise.

  “I know you think the guild is some terrible organisation, and it is true we are sometimes forced to do some pretty bad things.” Leo nodded, that was exactly what he was thinking. Did this mean Kian was feeling the same way, or was he just saying what Leo wanted to hear? He listened further as the young Master continued explaining some of the darker secrets of the guild. “Unfortunately there are rules which need to be abided by. Having rogue magicians running amok is something we are ordered to deal with, and I’m sorry to say as much as it pains me, Mia put herself in that category.”

  Leo was about to reply, jumping to the defence of a poor girl who could no longer defend herself, but Kian raised a hand, “Please… just hear me out.” Leo nodded his acceptance, before gesturing with his own hand for Kian to continue. The Master looked out across the neatly cut grass, staring out into nothingness as he spoke. He firstly told Leo of a young man he had been asked to track and kill not long after he had become a Master. “We were like a pack of wolves, relentless in our quest. When we finally found him I thought I would be pleased, but when I saw the lad was no older than you are now, I actually felt sorry for him.”

  Kian continued the story, explaining they had shielded and drained the prisoner of any power. After just two day’s incarceration he had been called down to the cells thinking he was going to be questioning the man further. However, when he got there he was instructed to execute him. “Technically it wasn’t actually me that killed him, it was the poison, but it was me that gave him the drink.”

  “What had he done wrong?” Leo asked quite intrigued by the story.

  “Nothing of any note as far as I could make out. He was not a member of the guild, yet had been spotted using magic.”

  Kian explained he had no idea where the man had come from, or even how he had learned to utilise his magic. When the guild had learned about him, the hunt had s
tarted, and although the man in question had succeeded in giving them the slip for a while, they closed in around him. “The look on his face will haunt me forever, as I watched the life ebb from his body,” Kian added sadly. Leo wasn’t sure why Kian was telling him something that was quite clearly official guild business and probably not supposed to be talked about.

  Realising he was probably waffling on a little, Kian explained what he was trying to get at. “You see we have all done things we regret, and yes the guild can be seen as cruel at times.” Leo scoffed thinking that was somewhat an understatement. “But think about it. The guild does far more good than bad. Without it we would have sorcerers running amok across the land, unchecked causing misery to everyday folk,” Kian said slowly getting to his feet.

  Leo also stood as he listened to Kian telling him of all the positive things the guild achieved. A sense of order, safety, protection for its citizens, were but a few things it offered. “Without the guild in place, Caldronia would not exist. Our neighbours would have wiped us from the map years ago,” Kian added as they started to once more slowly stroll around the gardens.

  The most important thing Kian thought the guild gave, was opportunity. A chance for people like Leo to make something of their lives. “Without the guild Leo you would still be living at home with your stepmother and her children,” he said stopping to look for Leo’s reaction. “Look how you alone have changed Chad. From what I hear he is a different person from the one you selected.” Leo nodded and had to admit that Kian made a lot of very good points. “You think I’m being stupid then?” he eventually replied. Kian shook his nod, “Not at all Leo. I think deep down you knew Mia had to be dealt with, and you, like me, feel some guilt at playing a part in making it happen.” Leo nodded once more, “I know,” he said sounding rather sorry for himself.


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