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Blue Moon Magic 3: Never in a Blue Moon

Page 7

by Shari Dare

  Tom took her in his arms and kissed her with the urgency of a teenage lover. “I’m more than sure,” he said when their lips finally parted. “When I thought you were lost to me, I had no desire to continue to live. You are my everything. I want you more than I have ever wanted a woman in my life. What happened to you was beyond your control. In the past few days I have seen what Rowan is capable of. If you had not been captured and told of the capac root, we would have lost my father during the fight with the Betas. I am bound to you for all time, just as our families are now bound one to the other.”

  “Oh Tom, I can hardly wait for the Blue Moon tomorrow night. Once that happens, the mating mark will claim our match for one another throughout time. It will never fade. I wish you could take me now.”

  Again he took her in his arms and kissed her with a passion unmatched in her memory. His tongue did a sensual dance with hers and promised delights beyond compare once the words were said to join them.

  In the distance she heard the grandfather clock strike the hour. Before it struck for the twelfth time, Tom left her. She would not see him again until the mating ceremony.

  Chapter Eight

  Clarity awoke and stretched. As soon as she did, she realized the sheets were not her silk ones. Instead, they felt scratchy, like starched muslin.

  When she opened her eyes, Clarity realized just where she was and why. She was in the bunker in a secured room with no windows. Here the sheets weren’t satin, for it was used only in case of an emergency. Just being here told her that her kidnapping by the Betas had not been a nightmare. It was all too true. She was here for her own protection until it was time for her to be mated with Tom.

  “She is beautiful, Joanna.” Clarity heard a strange woman say. “Our family is lucky to be able to claim her as ours.”

  This is my mating day. This woman must be Tom’s mother.

  “Are you awake, Clarity?” her mother asked.

  “Yes, Mother,” she replied. As she started to sit up, she realized she wore nothing under the sheet. If Tom had been here she wouldn’t have minded, but she certainly didn’t want his mother seeing her and concluding she was a slut for sleeping in the nude. Instinctively, she pulled the sheet up around her neck as she got into a sitting position.

  The two women approached the bed where Clarity had spent the night. “This is my dear friend, Serena, Clarity. She’s Tom’s mother. I’m so pleased she could come for the mating.”

  “It’s a pleasure,” Clarity replied. She clutched the sheet tightly in her left hand so she could extend her right hand in friendship.

  “You poor dear,” Serena cooed, taking Clarity’s hand. “Your mother has told me of the terrible ordeal you’ve been through. Your mother and I have arranged for today to be one of relaxation for you. In that way you can be ready for your mating tonight.” She reached for the sheet and Clarity cringed.

  “Relax,” Serena said, her voice soft and soothing. “Unless young ladies have changed over the past forty years, I doubt you have anything I haven’t seen before. I brought my personal hairdresser, dressmaker, and masseuse with me. My daughter-in-law deserves the best.”

  Clarity looked pleadingly at her mother. “Serena and I have had many long talks about this day. I have three daughters to spoil and Serena has none. Her other daughter-in-laws’ mothers were less than receptive to her suggestions. We agreed to all of this when we first talked about your match to Tom. I’m certain your sisters will be jealous of the treatment you will receive.”

  Clarity shook her head, trying to decipher just what her mother had said. “Do you mean to say that Tom was right, he was chosen for me?”

  The smile on her mother’s face said more than words. “Your father arranged for Chas and Char to marry, but because of your human characteristics, the choice of a mate for you was up to me. I don’t think I could have found a better man than Tom, nor a better family for you to be mated into.”

  Clarity sighed deeply. She hated not being in control, but she had no other options. Her mother and future mother-in-law had completely taken over the situation. Even the man she thought she had seduced had been part of the plan. She wondered if he knew and then decided that he did. He would be like Justin and Lucas. They had both known about the arrangements made by her father. Likewise, he would be aware of the ones made by her mother.

  She couldn’t help but smile. In a way, she liked the fact that the man she had come to love so deeply was the one her mother had chosen especially for her.

  Before getting up, Clarity wrapped the sheet around her body, toga style. As soon as she got to her feet, she knew she’d done the wrong thing. She had no idea that she would be so weak. Before she collapsed, her mother and Serena were on either side of her to catch her before she hit the floor.

  “What you need is to put on this robe and have something to eat,” her mother said. “Yesterday was so intense I doubt you had any food at all.”

  Clarity nodded. The last time she’d eaten anything was two days ago when she’d had half an English muffin and a glass of juice before running out the door. Her usual stop at the coffee shop hadn’t happened since her kidnappers had not been receptive to the idea of getting her the caffeine fix she so desperately needed.

  The table in the dining room of the bunker was set for three. Once Clarity sat down, her parents’ personal chef served her a breakfast of eggs Benedict, crisp bacon, fresh-squeezed orange juice, fresh fruit, and her favorite gourmet coffee. When she started eating, she realized just how ravenous she was. She usually grabbed half an English muffin or a carton of yogurt, but today she ate everything the chef had set in front of her.

  With breakfast finished, Joanna got up and went to the north wall of the bunker. Once there, she touched a hidden panel. As the wall slid open, Clarity gasped to see a full spa. “I didn’t know this was here.”

  Joanna laughed. “There are many things you don’t know. This is where your father and I go when we want to be alone.”

  Seeing the massage table as well as the whirlpool and tub for a leisurely soak, Clarity knew she was going to enjoy her last day as a single woman.

  * * * * *

  Tom awoke in his own bed, his head pounding like someone was working on his brain with a jackhammer . As awareness returned, he remembered the bachelor party that had started at midnight. He recalled drinking, but at this point in time, he couldn’t say exactly what he’d drunk.

  The silence of his apartment was broken by familiar snores. At least he didn’t have to pull on his pants, since he was still dressed in the clothes he’d worn the day before.

  In the living room, he gingerly walked around his brothers and the others who were sleeping on the floor. He wondered where his father had spent the night. Surely he wasn’t well enough to be drinking in the wee hours of the morning?

  “Good morning, cuz,” Rom greeted Tom as he stepped into the kitchen. “Grab some coffee. We’ve got a lot to do today.”


  “You can’t move your stuff as well as Clarity’s all by yourself. Plus, we have to meet with Charles and Uncle Travis at one to get you fitted for your tux ‑‑ that is, unless you plan to be mated in your sweats.”

  Tom nodded as he accepted the coffee mug that Rom held in his hand. This was his mating day. Today he would make Clarity his own and take on the responsibilities of her protector, lover, and mate.

  “So where are you moving us?”

  “To your own wing of the Langford & Langford compound. Of course, you won’t be living there until you get back from your honeymoon in Tahiti. Uncle Travis and Aunt Serena made the arrangements as a mating present.”

  Tom ran his hand through his hair. He respected Charles Langford, but he could see that things happened quickly where he was concerned. Living and working at Langford & Langford would be no different than life at the Morrison compound. Of course, he knew that the precautions were necessary. He certainly didn’t want a repeat performance of what had happened to Clarity j
ust days ago at the hands of the Betas.

  * * * * *

  Clarity sank down into the tub filled with hot water scented with lavender. The warmth of it embraced her body. It had been a wonderful day. She’d had a massage from head to toe, a facial, and as soon as she got out of this tub, she would have her hair done before putting on the dress she’d been fitted for hours earlier.

  Reluctantly she got out of the tub and wrapped herself in the robe before going to where the hairdresser waited for her.

  On the table, along with brushes, curling irons and blow dryers were the most beautiful purple violets and roses she’d ever seen.

  The hairdresser assessed the condition of Clarity’s silver-blonde locks. “I’ll need to cut off the ends but I’ll be able to save the length.”

  Clarity nodded and watched as the damaged ends of her hair began to fall. She wondered when they had become so dry and brittle. Had it been when she’d gone through the time warp or was it the capac root that had damaged them?

  She sat, entranced, as the hairdresser dried her hair and worked it into a soft style that flattered her features. Lastly, he wove a crown of purple and lavender roses with ribbons of violets trailing down the back.

  When he finished, Chastity and Charity came in to do her makeup. By the time they finished she was a vision with lavender eye shadow and pale pink lip-gloss. The silvery lavender body powder they dusted over her chest and shoulders accented it all.

  With everything finished, she stepped into the beautiful wedding dress she’d tried on earlier. The strapless creation was of the sheerest white lace covering a lavender satin dress, with purple roses and rose petals scattered over the skirt. The top of the dress came just below the purple rose and the four scars that were now no more than white lines.

  “Now for the finishing touch,” Serena said as she put an amethyst necklace around her neck and handed her a pair of matching earrings. “These have been passed down through my husband’s family for generations. The mating mark of the Morrison’s is purple.” Serena pulled down the top of her dress to show Clarity the purple intertwined hearts on the top of her breast. They were a new addition, and she realized they had come because of the rising of the Blue Moon. “Wear the purple proudly. It is a sign of the highest of the wolfen clans, the Elites. I am proud to call you daughter.”

  Clarity fought back the tears. If she didn’t think she would have smudged her makeup she would have shed them willingly at Serena’s words.

  * * * * *

  Tom nervously paced the courtyard garden of Langford & Langford. The light of the Blue Moon made the lanterns placed around the area unnecessary, even though they were lit.

  Tym and Tan stood beside him as he waited for Clarity to enter the garden. The music of a string quartet entertained the guests who had arrived to watch his mating to Clarity.

  The music changed and Charity began to walk toward the front of the garden to stand facing those assembled. Her ruby red dress matched the tux that Tan wore. Once she was in place, Chastity came forward wearing a sapphire blue gown. She was met by Tym, whose tux was the same shade.

  Again the music changed as Clarity started her own walk down the aisle. Everyone got to their feet and gasped in awe. To Tom, she looked like a blonde goddess dressed in angel hair and lavender.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” the holy man asked.

  “I, Charles Langford, give my youngest daughter, Clarity, to Tom Morrison, with the permission and blessing of my wife and our entire clan.”

  Charles leaned over and kissed Clarity’s cheek before placing her hand in Tom’s. “Love her, son. She is the most precious of jewels.”

  Tom smiled at the mating mark that appeared a deeper shade of purple than it had been before.

  As the ceremony progressed, Tom repeated the vows that would bind him to Clarity for a lifetime.

  “I, Thomas Morrison, take you, Clarity Langford, to be my mate for life. Until the day of my death, I will love you and make certain the mating mark never fades from your beautiful skin.”

  Clarity smiled and in a strong voice said her vows. “I, Clarity Langford, take you, Thomas Morrison, to be my mate for life. Until the day of my death I will love you and will wear your mating mark with love and pride.”

  The holy man pronounced them mated. Before they went to their wing of the Langford compound, Clarity turned to throw her mating bouquet. The single women clamored to catch the symbol that they would be the next one to be married. To everyone’s surprise, Charles’ secretary, Cordelia, was the one to catch it.

  “So much for tradition,” Cordelia said. “I’m a widow. There will be no Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet. I’ll have to be content to live vicariously through the three Blue Moon Princesses.” Her statement brought laughter from the group of well-wishers.

  “One toast before you go,” Charles said. “I toast those who brought my daughter back to me safely. May she and Tom live a long and prosperous life together. I also toast my son-in-law, Lucas, for being the one who found the herb that saved her life.”

  “Hear, hear,” everyone assembled replied as they raised their glasses of champagne.

  “I would like to make a toast as well,” Clarity said. “To Connor, the Beta who could monitor my thoughts and told me about the capac root. It is because of him that I am alive and able to be mated tonight.” Although the guests’ glasses were raised, her toast was met with silence.

  Tom was still pondering what had happened as he hurried Clarity up to the wing of the compound that would belong to them.

  Once they were in the master bedroom, he took her in his arms. She was his and now he was going about the business of claiming her completely.

  With fumbling fingers, he slid the zipper of her dress down the track so that it could slide over her magnificent body. When she finally stood before him with nothing on but her mating mark, he cupped her breasts in his hands. As he did, the purple rose on her breast began to pulse, causing his own mating mark to do the same.

  Clarity’s urgency matched his as she took off his jacket and shirt and placed a kiss on his pulsing mating mark.

  They took very little time in getting into bed and exploring each other’s bodies and finding more erotic zones than either of them knew they had. He marveled at how perfectly his cock fit her cunt.

  Over and over again he slammed into her body. She matched him move for move, moaning with pleasure as he repeatedly brought her to the brink only to leave her wanting before he began again. He didn’t want this to end. When Tom did climax, it was in unison with Clarity.

  While he lay beside her, exhausted, she rolled him onto his back and began to pay homage to his body in the same way as he had hers. She started by nipping at his nipples and then trailed kissed down to his cock. After a blowjob that rivaled the one she had given him days earlier, she shifted her position and took his balls into her mouth. She sucked on one and then the other until the pleasure was more than he could stand. When she took the both in her mouth at the same time, he begged for mercy.

  “If you don’t stop this, I won’t have the pleasure of coming in your body. I’d hate to waste even one drop of seed that could start our family.”

  As though she was ready to obey him without question, she straddled him and took command of the situation by being on top. As they had days earlier, control passed from one to the other until at last they finally fell asleep as the sun rose on the first day of their mated life together.

  Once dreams overtook Tom’s love-saturated mind, he saw a preview of the wonderful nights of lovemaking that lay ahead for them. There was no doubt in his mind that theirs would be a delightful mating.

  Shari Dare

  Shari Dare started writing erotica as a whim and found her books well received. To date, His Slave and The Pirate's Lady continue to sell very well at, and a new book, Dare To Be Wilder Honey, has come out in trade paperback. It features His Slave By Shari Dare, S.P.A.R. By Debi
Wilder, and The Gift By Honey Jans. Another erotic work, Seducing Sir Gwain, has been requested and should be in print soon.

  * * * * *

  Read on for a tantalizing glimpse of

  Blue Moon Magic, Book 4: Night of the Blue Moon

  by Lynn Crain

  Coming soon from Loose Id®

  Blue Moon Magic, Book 4: Night of the Blue Moon

  He had always been in this cage in one way or another. It was only recently they had decided to make it his permanent room. He did remember a time when the cage hadn’t been necessary, when he had been a younger man, but that had all changed with the appearance of the blonde bitch. Or had it?

  Since Connor Logan Angus had grown to manhood, it was as if the whole clan was afraid of him, of what he could do. They were his family, weren’t they? He shook his head furiously. Of course they were. He had always been with them, had never known anything else. Then why did he feel like he didn’t belong? Why did it feel like he was an outsider? And it just wasn’t the fact of his ice-blue eyes or white-blond hair anymore; there was more to it and he knew it.

  Again, he could trace it back to the time about five years ago when some of the Betas had brought back a prize, claiming it to be an Elite Princess. Being the good son, he stayed in the shadows like his father Rowan had wanted. His father always wanted him in the shadows. He never wanted him to be seen at all and Connor couldn’t understand why. He was one of the best fighters in the clan and it irked him to no end that he was never allowed to go and fight with his brothers. Nevertheless, Father always assured him he was being saved for something special.

  And this night had been no different. Kill and Rufus had brought the woman in, dragging her while she fought the whole time. Connor had always done what he was told but this time it felt wrong. Really wrong. He warred with himself until he could stand it no more. He stepped out of the shadows only to be hit by a psychic wave of energy that nearly dumped him on his ass.


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