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The Forgotten

Page 6

by K. A Knight

  His voice rumbles through me as he breathes onto my neck. Shivering against him I freeze as his teeth grip my earlobe and tug. His cock is pressed against my arse cheek and I can feel his pre-cum on my skin, the thought makes me wild. I push back against him, needing him inside me.

  "Fuck me and I might," I taunt and he thrusts against me, but we both freeze when we hear talking outside the gym.

  "Shitasourusrex." I roll to the side, quickly shimmying out of the bindings on my hands, luckily he didn’t do them to tight, and grabbing my bra. Jago jumps up and pulls up his trousers, passing mine to me. Our little bubble bursts. I quickly get dressed, feeling sticky and still needy as hell. When I am dressed and panting, he steps closer, blocking my view of the door. Leaning down he kisses me hard before saying, "We will finish this later, this whole training session I am going to be thinking of you riding my cock." With that he turns, and I quickly grab my bottle of water and down it.

  Not a moment later, the recruits come into the room, a few throw us narrowed eyed looks but I grin and Jago just grunts, back to being the emotionless instructor. Hiding all that passion and intensity behind his wall.

  "Warm up, I want you split into partners in the next ten minutes. It's test day, let's see who fails."

  Shit, I forgot about the test. Not only am I going to have to fight these fuckers with my own cum dripping down my leg, but I also have to get tested on my moves. Fuck it, I can do it.

  Giving myself a pep talk, I watch as all the other recruits stream in, the one who I attacked a couple of days ago purposely standing next to me, so close I can feel him and smell his sweat. Crinkling my nose, I stare forward, ignoring him the best I can.

  "Hey, slut," he murmurs, glancing at me and then down at my body.

  "Really, slut? That's the best insult you could come up with? What about assbandit, turdburglar, shitface mcgee? The list is endless, and you go with slut?" I ask, shaking my head at him in disappointment. His eyes narrow on me in anger as his cheeks heat, I guess that wasn't the reaction he was after.

  "Yeah, well you are one. Think you can fuck your way to patrol, why don't you get on your knees and show me how you made it this far," he sneers, grabbing his crotch.

  I mean really, why is that the go-to thing? "Why don't you get on yours sweetie, put your mouth to good use instead of talking shit?" I wink and run my eyes over him as I lick my lips.

  He blinks at me in astonishment and I laugh, turning back around to see everyone looking between us. I wink at Jago and he grunts, a smile dancing on his lips before he clears his face and claps his hands.

  "Shut the fuck up recruits. Today is test day. I am going to push you to your limit until you are crying in a corner pissing in your pants. The person I think did the least shittiest will be going on patrol with C Team tonight!" he shouts, stalking down the front line and making eye contact with everyone.

  Two guys in front of me start nudging each other and whispering, I watch in amusement as Jago catches them and stalks towards them, towering over them when he stops toe to toe. "Feel like sharing whatever the fuck you pussies are whispering about?" he demands, eyeing them in disgust.

  "N- no, sir," the one on the left stutters out, and Jago glares at them before turning and walking back to the front. I watch as the one on the right nudges him again, obviously laughing at his friend.

  "First up, hand-to-hand!" Jago shouts. "Mat clear, one-on-one, wait for your name to be called." Everyone jumps into action and I stroll to the edge of the mat and sit my ass down, ready to watch him kick some ass.

  "Bad Hair and Cry Baby, you are up." He points out two guys and I snigger at the nicknames, I wonder if he has one for me.

  The two jump up and face each other on the mat. Jago signals for them to start, and everyone begins chanting and throwing out helpful hints as they circle each other. They look evenly matched, both are skinny and about the same height. They usually pair up as well, so they know how the other would move.

  The fight is over pretty quickly, Bad Hair, as Beast calls him, darts in with a weak looking punch and they start fighting for real. Each hit is held back, you can tell they are afraid of hurting each other something, and Jago must spot that.

  "Oh, I'm sorry, would you like me to give you some kid gloves and padding? Do you think the creatures out there will take it easy on you? Fucking hit each other!" he shouts, watching them, his face blank. My eyes keep getting drawn back to him. He is standing opposite me, the fighting happening between us, but he dominates my whole attention. His feet are bare, he has those joggers still on and he's shirtless. His big arms are crossed, showing off his muscles and he looks like a ruthless bastard. I glance back to the fight, but my gaze flits back to him in time to see him roll his eyes. He catches me staring at him and arches his eyebrow, amusement dancing in the fiery depths of his eyes.

  Not the least bit embarrassed to be caught staring, I wink and look back at the fight. The guy with the Bad Hair lets out an embarrassing yell and punches the other in the face. The Bad Hair goes down with a squeak as the Cry Baby shakes out his hand. I cringe, really? They want to be patrol. Jago will rip them to shreds. As if my thoughts called him, he stalks to the mat and looks between the two.

  "Get the fuck out of my gym," he growls, and the bad haired kid grabs his friend’s arm and drags him away, both of them red faced and looking over their shoulder as they leave. Jago pinches the bridge of his nose and points at two random men.

  It goes like this for a while. I make sure to catalogue who did good and who did bad. I also make sure to watch their moves, to see their triggers or if they throw off signals when they are going to move. Any of it can help me and I plan to be the best.

  There are only three of us left now and I am not sure how it's going to work. The guy who I faced last time gets paired up with a big bastard, but he seems confident. I had to laugh when Jago called the slimy fucker ‘Eel.’ I watch their fight closely, I know at some point I will have to face him again and I need to be ready. He moves fast and hits hard, he obviously knows how to fight and what his weaknesses are. The other guy is a hard hitter, but he moves too slow. The fight is over quickly, since Eel obviously comes to the same conclusion and takes him down before the big guy can land a hit.

  He jumps on the spot, sweat beading on his forehead, and he smirks at me. Gritting my teeth, I watch as he struts off the mat and stops in front of me. "Room is L corridor, feel free to stop by later to fuck a real man." He steps to the side when Jago whistles.

  "Good job, okay, last up is Brawler over there." Brawler, really? That's my nickname? I suppose it could have been worse. Standing slowly, I shake out my muscles from sitting too long. Looking around in confusion I open my mouth, when Jago steps on the mat and faces me with an expectant expression. Shit, really. I am so going to get my ass whooped.

  Unwilling to show them my annoyance, I step onto the mat and face him, throwing him a cocky smile. I am going to go down swinging, that's for sure.

  "Don't worry about landing a hit, just show me what you can do," he says loudly enough for everyone to hear, and annoyance blooms in my chest. He grins and I know he did it on purpose, he knows I will need to land a hit now and it will make me work harder. Cocky little shit, I am going to get my own back later.

  He doesn't give me any warning and I know he isn't holding back anymore. In our training sessions, he takes the time to show me how to avoid a move, he doesn't hesitate to put me on my arse, but this feels like our first fight all over again. He is actively trying to attack me, and I guess I will have to react.

  He goes to kick out my feet and I jump back, already swinging my fist like he taught me, my other hand coming up. He blocks both and twists my wrists. I follow with the movement and manage to break the block, darting out of hitting range.

  Breathing heavily, I wait for him to move next, and he darts in. His movements are so fast I can barely see him, as he rains down punches and kicks until I’m stumbling back trying to block them, but I manage to
. I know he won't slow down easily, so there is no point waiting for that. I duck under his arm and he spins to follow me, showing me his unprotected side. I punch and he grunts, making me grin as I dance backwards. I see the appreciation in his eyes even as he comes at me again. We go on like that, the room silent apart from our breathing and gasps as we land hits. I manage to land a kick on his thigh, which makes him stumble, and I quickly follow it up with a knee to his groin but he twists at the last moment, and I dart backwards as he shows me he was holding back. A kick to my thigh, mocking me, has my leg going dead, and he jabs at my middle. He grabs my arm and throws me over his head and follows me down, pinning me, but I wrap my legs around his head like he taught me and twist until I am on top.

  Tightening my thighs around his neck, I grunt as he hammers into my legs with his fists. Shit, this will hurt tomorrow. I tighten my legs and he grunts, his face turning red. His legs come up and wrap around my head, his ankles locked behind me, and he drags me down to the mat. He quickly cuts off my breathing and I gasp. Fuck, he has so much more power than me.

  My vision starts to dot as I struggle for breath. I enjoy choking as much as the next girl, but damn. When I just think I am about to pass out he lets go and I roll to my side, sucking in air. Motherfucker, I am so not touching his cock tonight...

  "You dead, Brawler?" he asks and I can hear the amusement in his voice. Ballsacklicker.

  I throw a thumbs up and I hear him snigger, before he grabs my hand and yanks me to my feet. He stands in front of me and I ignore everyone else as he gently strokes my throat. "Best get that checked, Brawler," he says softly, making the nickname sweet coming from his lips. He seems to remember everyone else is there then because he clears his throat and steps back, his face going blank once more and I realise how much emotion he just let me see. Okay, I might have to touch his cock a little bit, because even though I nearly passed out, my panties are soaked once again. Fighting with Jago really shouldn't turn me on this much. I guess Evan was right, I am weird.

  "Next up is endurance," he shouts and I groan.

  We spend the next hour testing our limits, we run laps until people collapse, and we use weights until people can’t feel their arms. After each mini test someone is dismissed, and they go and sit on the benches at the side just watching us. We are down to ten people now and it’s getting competitive.

  Dropping the last weight, I bend over with my jelly arms and pant.

  "Next up, problem-solving," Jago yells and I flip him off.

  He truly is evil, he seems to be getting off on watching us all struggle. The others groan as we all make our way back to the mats, where we see that while we were busy he set up some obstacles.

  Luckily, I am the last to go again, and I watch as they try to figure out the problems, taking note on what doesn’t work and what does. One of them is a removable wall that you have to move to get around, but you can't touch it. That one is easy, but nobody seems to notice. The next is a net on the ground, which you can't touch, again easy. The last is harder. Blocks and obstacles are set everywhere in the space with some guards patrolling. We have to use the cover and not get spotted before reaching the flag at the other end. When my turn is up, I grunt, I need to beat the time or I am fucked. I sucked at strength and was okay at endurance, so I need to be smarter.

  When he tells me to start I sprint to the wall, even as the other recruits laugh, and press the button that retracts into the wall. Not waiting to see, knowing I am right, I swerve around it and lay down, before wiggling under the net, my smaller stature coming in handy here. I hear the others moaning as I face the last obstacle. The men move around, pretending that they can't see me. Looking around I form a plan. I need to get past them without being seen, which means I need a distraction.

  Ducking behind a low training block, I wait until they walk past as their back is to me. Grabbing the wooden slat from the top of the box I chuck it, and when it bangs down on the floor near them they jump, and look around that side of the course. I don't waste any time pushing off and sprinting behind the next obstacle, having to go through the opening to it.

  When I get there, I quickly look around the corner to see them heading my way. Shit. I can't go around this and they are coming right at me. Banging my head back I look at the ceiling while I think, suddenly I grin. Turning, I tuck my fingers into the cracks on the block and start to climb. I reach the top as quickly as I can and lay down just as they round it, and look around. I listen carefully, and when I hear their boots tapping away I roll over and look over the side. One has stopped in front of the obstacle I am laying on, while the other prowls the other side of the course. Shit. Looking round I spot the last obstacle before I can reach the flag. I won't make it if I climb down, since I will have to round the front to get around it and they will spot me and it's game over. Unless…

  It's stupid and might get me hurt, but it just might work. I silently get to my knees and into a crouching position, freezing when I see the guy move but he doesn't look at me. Judging the distance between the boxes I take a deep breath and I push off using my toes. I land on the top with a thump and almost roll off the side. It's probably the only thing that stops me from being noticed because I hear the other guy move to investigate as I am hanging off the side of the box, closest to the flag. I listen hard, and I can hear them murmuring from the other side of the box. It's now or never. I fling myself backwards and roll to my feet, sprinting as quietly as I can to the flag. I grab it just as they round the box to check the other side.

  I hear the recruits clap, only three people managed to get to the flag and I was one of them. Whooping, I jump up and down. When I glance to the side, I see Jago’s eyes have heated with desire, and I grin before I meet the gaze of the slimy recruit who I am totally just going to call eel eyes. He is glaring at me, time for some payback.

  Sauntering his way I hand him the flag. "Don't worry, I won't leave you behind out there."

  I swagger away to get a drink as I hear him cursing, and the other recruits laughing and whistling. They gather round me congratulating me and talking as Jago calls a break to clean up the gym. It seems I have earned some respect today, hard won, but worth it.

  We shut up when Jago steps into the middle of the room, commanding everyone’s attention without even uttering a word.

  "Results are in, two of you are tied so I will be sending you both on patrol." He looks everyone over, they are all worse for the wear but seem excited. "Brawler and Eel," he shouts and I groan, of course it’s the arsehole. He steps forward and winks at me.

  "Dismissed, both of you meet in the door bay at seven PM." With that, Jago strides away and starts packing away equipment.

  Everyone jokes and laughs, congratulating me and Eel and feeling sorry for themselves as they leave, but I hang back, packing up my bag so no one questions me. When it's just Jago and me, I trot to the mats and sit my tired ass down. He glances over his shoulder as he picks up two punching bags, I watch the muscles play in his shoulders and back as he takes them to the storeroom and packs them away. When he is done, he walks towards me and gracefully sits opposite me. Sitting on the mat, I sip my water as he watches me.

  “I will teach you how to spot someone's weakness, even your own. It will help you understand them and then you can use that against them.” His words have me blinking in confusion, most people would make small talk, but not Jago.

  “What if they don’t have one?” I ask, spinning my ring.

  He turns to me, his face blank and cold. “Everyone has a weakness.”

  I tilt my head, considering him. “Even you?”

  He breathes deep, his sweaty chest moving and drawing my eyes. He is like a predator. So still, but can burst into movement at any time. He’s unpredictable, he’s angry, and he’s deadly. Yet I can’t seem to stop the fire that is burning in my belly for him. He does things to me. His confidence, and when I see him stalking across the mats, knowing he could kill anyone who got in his way… Yep.

I have serious lady blue balls, like he got me off earlier but I just keep wondering if we would have fucked if we didn't hear them approaching. Looking at him now, as he tries to keep his eyes on my face, I think we would have. It seems Beast wants me as much as I want him.

  "What should I expect from tonight?" I ask, excited but also a little bit nervous about the thought of going on patrol.

  He shrugs and leans back onto his arms. "It's hard to explain, but you will not be going out with the normal patrol."

  Tilting my head I watch him closely. "Why? That's what you promised the recruit..." I start to get mad, is he seriously going to take it back? Why, because I am a woman? I am just riling myself up when he cuts through the chaos in my head.

  "You will be going with me," he says it like that explains everything, and I am just left staring at him stupidly.

  "With you? I thought you worked alone?" I question curiously, even as a smile dances on my lips.

  He just grunts and I have to bite my lip to hold in my smile. "Don't trust me to behave?" I tease and I can see his lips turn up in a smile.

  "That too."

  Bloody man, sometimes he speaks less than Evan. Crawling closer I nudge his legs but his hand darts out and catches my foot before I can kick him again, and he holds it to him. Huffing, I lean back and stare at the ceiling. "You really not going to tell me? Is it because you don't think I can do it, or is it because I am a woman?" I ask, my words like a whip.

  "Shut the fuck up, I don't give a shit if you are a woman and I do trust you." He blows out a breath and his hand clenches around my foot. "It's them I don't trust," he mutters, and I open my mouth to ask more questions when he lets go and jumps up.

  "I have some shit to do. Meet me at the bunker door at seven sharp," he demands, gathering his stuff. Blinking at his change in mood I just nod, and then he is gone. Men.

  I vagina up and go and get my med check, knowing Jago won't let me go if I don't. I linger outside the corridor before knocking on the door. I hear him swear before he swings it open, anger on his face when he freezes and stares at me. He just stares and I do the same. He looks tired, there are bags under his eyes, and his face is tight. His hair is more of a mess than normal, and stains cover his shirt and medical coat. It looks like he has been sleeping here.


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