The Forgotten

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The Forgotten Page 8

by K. A Knight

  “Look, whatever you two are fighting about, you will figure it out,” he grunts out as I squint, something catching my eye.

  “Uh, Jago?” I question, and he carries on, completely ignoring me.

  “Like, I see the way you two are. You will sort it.” I nod and poke his arm. He brushes me off and carries on. “Did you two used to be a thing, is that why?” His rambling is cute but I really need him to listen to me.

  “I’m touching myself!” I shout and he swerves before righting the car. When he does, he glares over at me.

  “What the fuck, Brawler?” he shouts, but his eyes drop to my lap.

  “Sorry, needed your attention and it worked, didn't it?”

  “I almost crashed, what the fuck is so important?” he says, exasperated.

  “Oh, you know. Nothing apart from the gang of bikes speeding towards us,” I comment sweetly.

  He stares out my window, his eyes widening as he searches around us. He obviously spots what he’s searching for before he yanks the wheel to the side, speeding up. “They are too far out, hopefully they won't see us with all the sand kicking up from the bikes,” he mutters, talking to himself as I keep an eye on the bikes out the back window.

  He swerves again and again until I lose track, my eyes locked on the last spot I saw the bikes.

  “Still see them?” he asks, and I look back to see his face tight and his hands clenched on the wheel.

  “No, we lost them,” I say and he nods.

  “Good, we need to lay low and let them pass,” he instructs as he races through what looks like it used to be a town.

  Broken buildings, including a church with overgrown nature surrounding them, line the once road, which is now covered in holes. I don’t get long to look around before he pulls into what looks like it used to be a building of some sort, a tight one room attached to an old crumbling cottage. He gets out the car and I slip out, having to squeeze since the walls are that close. He throws out the bags and weapons onto the road, and grabs a tarp from inside. He throws one side to me and I catch it, working wordlessly and feeling his growing panic. I wonder if he is panicking because I am here and he feels the need to protect me. He yanks the tarp over the top and I follow until it’s tucked all around the car. Hiding it.

  He steps back with a frown, and I realise what he’s trying to do. Wanting to help, I scurry outside and grab armfuls of broken debris, signs, wood, and sand. He glares when I come back in and fling it haphazardly on the car. His smile starts small but breaks into a full grin when he sees where I am going. We work silently and quickly. Covering the car until it blends in with the building. Stepping back, I nod and he grabs a bag, while I grab the others and turn to the cottage, guessing that is where we are staying.

  “Nope. We don't want to be caught too close to the car if they find it,” he grunts and I nod, following him across the road. His head is constantly swivelling, his eyes searching for threats. He looks like he belongs out here and as dangerous as it is, he seems more. Like he is more confident out here in the Wastes and the forgotten than he ever was in Paradise, and I must admit my heart thumps with the excitement and danger.

  We make it across the road and around the back of what looks like an old shop when I hear the rumbling of bikes. I flatten my back against the wall and Jago positions himself in front of me, dropping the bag on the floor and grabbing two knives. I eye them and him.

  “Don’t I get a weapon?” I whisper and he grunts. Rolling his eyes he reaches down and passes me a thin looking sword. It’s small, tinier than the others, and I eye it. It fits in my hand perfectly and is curved up at the end.

  “What is it?” I whisper and he looks down at me.

  “A katana, I thought it would be easier for you to use. Smaller grip but still deadly, takes some training to be able to use properly though.” I grin as he keeps his eyes searching around us. He thought about me when grabbing weapons, so much so that he picked out a weapon for me. For a man like Jago, that is practically a gift, and it might be smaller but size isn’t everything...

  He turns to face me as the rumbling gets louder, shaking the broken building against my back. I should be scared, but I can’t seem to stop the excitement and adrenaline pumping through my blood. He stares down at me, a grin dancing on his face and that same excitement is there in his eyes. He might not admit it, but he likes the fight. He likes the excitement and danger out here. He puts his hand to his lips in a shush gesture, the knife glinting against the soft flesh of his mouth. I nod and lean back, he shuffles closer, not leaving an inch between our bodies.

  Licking my lips, I try to drag my eyes away from his mouth, but all that excitement is morphing to lust with nothing to fight. He must be feeling the same because he lets out a silent groan, his body shaking against mine, and I meet his eyes I see the lust dancing there. Those fiery eyes are burning me up and making me pant as his hips push against mine, pinning me there.

  I open my mouth, but I don’t know what to say when the rumbling stops right behind us. They obviously stopped their bikes in the middle of the road. I hear them talking, even as Jago smashes his lips to mine obviously trying to keep me quiet, but when I tangle my tongue with his he pushes closer, grabbing my face, the cool steel of the knife against my overheated cheek as he devours me.

  I reach up, placing my hands around his neck, as the katana hangs down his back. His hips push against me and I groan into his mouth. He pulls back and nips my lip as punishment. I keep an ear out for the people on the bikes, but I can hear them chattering amongst themselves as they search the buildings.

  To my disappointment, he pulls away and buries his face in my neck, breathing heavily. “You are distracting me,” he mutters and I grin.

  I lean into him, whispering against his skin so we don’t draw any attention. “Keep your eyes and ears out for them,” I warn, licking along his sweaty skin. He shivers against me.

  “What?” he questions, his voice thick with lust.

  “Keep watch,” I reply, snaking my hand down his rock-hard stomach until I flick open the button of his jeans. He freezes but doesn't stop me. He loves this as much as I do, the thought of being caught, the danger lurking around the corner.

  I bury my hand in his pants, curling around his already hard cock, and grinning when I feel the pre-cum at the tip.

  “Brawler,” he growls in warning, and I squeeze his cock in reply, he thrusts into my hand. I lick along his neck again as he pants into my skin.

  Pumping up and down I work him hard and fast. He fucks himself into my hand, grunting into my neck. Needing better access, I reach down with other hand, trusting him to watch my back as I push down his jeans. He helps me, wiggling out of them until they rest around his ankles. Stilling pumping his length I reach down and cup his balls, squeezing his cock at the same time as we hear a man's voice drawing closer. He thrusts hard, his body shaking as he bites into my neck to stifle his roar as he comes.

  We both freeze as the voice moves closer, all the man needs to do is round the corner and he will find us. Pulling back, Jago swears, his mind instantly back on business. He reaches down and pulls up his jeans, but he doesn't get time to button them before we hear the voice, closer than ever before. He flattens his back against the wall in front of me, his hands holding both knives as he waits like a cobra, his cock still hanging from his pants.

  We wait for what seems like forever. Sweat drips down my face and in between my breasts, and I dare not even breathe. Eventually we hear the footsteps moving away and Jago lets out a breath. Looking at me he raises his eyebrow. Determined to wipe that worried look off his face, I bring my hand covered in his cum to my mouth and lick. His eyes widen and lust bursts to life in his eyes as he watches me clean my hand. I spot his cock hardening out of the corner of my eye and he doesn't look away from me.

  “Yum,” I whisper, bending down and grabbing my sword once again as we hear the bikes restart as they pull away, leaving the town, obviously getting what they were searchi
ng for.

  “You are going to pay for that,” he warns, spinning towards me.

  “Can’t wait,” I tease, as he slams me into the wall and smashes his lips back to mine. I groan and hold on as he fucks my mouth with his tongue. He pulls away as fast as it started. “We need to get inside, wait them out until we are sure they aren't coming back.”

  I nod in a daze and he grins, he grabs our stuff and I follow him back around the building. Fuck, if this is what patrol is like then sign me up every fucking day.

  We don’t venture too far from the car, just into an abandoned building opposite. We take the second floor of what looks like abandoned flats, as the first floor has a massive hole in the front of the building. The stairs are rickety, have holes, and are covered in debris, but Jago points out we will hear someone coming.

  When we reach the second floor I cover my nose at the smell, it stinks of decay and rot, and it’s almost pitch-black up here apart from the light streaming through the window. Walking down the dusty hallway, Jago picks a door at the end. The bloody wood with a wonky 2A on the front. He twists the handle and it opens without needing a key or to be kicked in. When he swings it open we both wait and I almost scream as a rat scurries out. Jago grins over at me and walks inside, flicking the light switch. Not surprisingly it doesn't work. I keep the door open to let the light in and squint, but I can't see anything. Jago makes his way around the room and I lose sight of him. Shifting on my feet I start to get nervous without him by my side. I keep looking over my shoulder until I hear a bang from inside the flat.

  “Jago?” I whisper and I hear a grunt before light streams in, making my eyes water from straining hard in the dark. He coughs as he throws the dirty curtain to the floor.

  Looking around, sadness blooms in my chest. This was someone's home. Pictures of two men with a small child adorn the walls and the mantel above the fireplace. It was perfectly decorated before the world ended, now it’s run down and left behind. The pictures are cracked and dusty, with some falling to the floor. The coffee table is overturned and the sofa is covered in a layer of dust and mould. The room is a long rectangle with a living room to the left and a divider to the right, with a counter where you can see into a kitchen. Walking in, I shut the door softly behind me and explore the kitchen. Running my hand across the marble countertop I leave a clean smear in my wake. The stainless steel fridge stands closed and I know better than to open that with the power being out for so long. Cupboards run under the worktop and above it, screwed to the ceiling. The once white doors are dirty and decayed, and some are hanging from their hinges. It's obvious this place has been ransacked.

  Poking my head around the corridor leading to the rest of the flat, I hesitate before forcing myself down it. More pictures line the walls with three doors leading off at the end. The first is a bathroom, and apart from being a bit dirty and the stale air, it’s not bad. The second is a child’s room and I quickly shut that, not wanting to see it. The last is a master bedroom. A huge king-sized bed sits in the middle of the room with the bedding perfectly made. This room looks untouched but a waft of stale air hits me when I open the door. I shut it quietly and go back to the living room to see Jago unpacking.

  He grabs a blanket and lays it on the floor, and grabs two canteens next. He also adds some rations and a few weapons before pushing the sofa up against the front door. I watch him the whole time, but he doesn’t even seem to realise I am here. It is apparent he has done this a lot, his natural routine and confidence telling me all I need to know. Next he positions a chair under the window with what looks like a sniper rifle.

  Once done he looks around and spots me in the hallway, and he watches me, obviously wondering why I am just staring at him.

  “You are like one of those old-style housewives, all you need is an apron,” I tease, and he shakes his head and I grin. Sometimes I think he has got the hang of the whole talking thing, and then sometimes he retreats to being a wild animal.

  Still smiling, I plop myself down on the blanket and stare at the mouldy ceiling. “Who were they?” I ask as I hear him settle into the chair by the window, keeping watch.

  “From one of the clans,” he says, and I lift my head to see him staring out the window.

  “Clans?” I ask, confused.

  “There are four that I know of, spread around the Wastes. They band together for safety and survival. The Worshippers, some crazy bastards, are closer to us than I like. The Seekers, pray you never run into them. Reeves, they tend to be dumb but good fighters, probably who was out there.”

  “The last?” I press, rolling to my side to see him.

  “Berserkers, I only ran into them once and it was enough to leave an impression. Cruel fucking warriors.”

  If they are enough to freak out even Jago then I need to stay clear from them. “Do they know about us?” I ask, trying to work through all this new information. If Jago knows, surely the leaders of Paradise do as well. So why didn't they tell us?

  He hesitates, and for the first time since I met him, lies to me. “No,” he grunts but I see his eye twitch.

  “You are a shitty liar. If you can't tell me the truth then don't tell me at all. At least give me that decency.” I roll back to face the ceiling when I hear him sigh.

  “It’s to protect you,” he admits and I feel his eyes on me.

  “That's okay, but don't lie. I am not a child that needs that.” I start to get angry, chafing at the treatment. I thought he saw me as an equal, maybe I was wrong.

  “Brawler,” he says softly and I ignore him to stare at the ceiling. I hear him moving before he appears above me, making me yelp.

  “Damn it, you need a fucking bell or something!” I shout, slapping his solid chest as he lays on top of me. “I’m serious, I’m going to make you a collar with one if you want to act like a…” I sputter and he grins, those eyes sparkling.

  “Beast?” he finishes, winking at me, and making me smile. I sigh and lean my head back. “Why don’t I show you how much of a beast I am?” His voice is low and rumbly, making things clench low in my body.

  “Shouldn’t you be on watch?” I ask, but my hands are already wandering up his chest to wrap around his neck.

  “I will hear them coming,” he says cockily. “Just like I plan on hearing you coming.”

  I groan at the pun. “Leave the jokes to me. Well then, better put your mouth where your thigh is.” I grin when he laughs, pushing his thigh harder into my pussy. Spreading my legs I let him have access, needing him as much as he needs me. We were interrupted the other day and it's all I keep thinking about. Every touch, every flirty word or look has been driving me to a fever point, until all I want is his cock buried in me, fucking me like the beast he is.

  He doesn’t waste any more time or words, he leans his head down and locks our lips together. Teasing me with little bites and soft kisses before I open and he slips his tongue inside, dominating my mouth as we tangle for control.

  Holding himself above me with one hand, he uses the other to pull my top down, baring my breasts to the air. I groan as he covers one with his big hand, tweaking my nipple. He pulls away from my mouth to whisper against me. “I nearly threw you over my knee and fucked you in the car when you showed me these earlier,” he admits, nudging my face to the side and kissing down my neck.

  His lips wrap around one nipple and I arch into his mouth, he moves to the other and lavishes the same treatment before licking down my stomach. “Didn’t I say I’d make you pay?” he whispers against my skin, making goosebumps raise in his wake.

  “Nope, definitely not. I think what you said was, ‘oh Piper, you are a goddess who I will bestow lots and lots of orgasms on.’”

  He lifts his head, his eyebrow arched as he watches me.

  “Totally did, now get to it. Orgasm please,” I order, and he grins before leaning down and licking me. Dropping my head back to the blanket I grip it at my sides as he goes to town on my pussy. Licking around my nub before dipping insi
de my tight channel. Moans slip from my lips but he doesn’t speed up, just keeps me on edge.

  “Fucking prick,” I gasp as he sucks on my nub.

  He moves over me again, his face hard and brutal. Fuck, why does it turn me on so much when he is like this?

  “Punishment, Brawler,” he whispers. I gulp at the intensity in his eyes.

  He grabs both of my legs, spreading them before pushing my knees back to my chest. “Hold them there, and don’t fucking move,” he orders.

  He drops his head back to my pussy and slips two fingers into me, stretching me as his tongue circles my clit. He pulls them out of me fast, curling them on his stroke back in. I moan, my legs shaking and dropping gently and he nips at my thigh in punishment. Gripping my knees so tightly my fingers whiten. I writhe, trying to push closer to his mouth as the orgasm starts to build. He sucks my clit into his mouth and I scream, but he withdraws his fingers and I am left panting, on the verge of coming.

  “Jago,” I moan.

  “Punishment, Brawler,” he repeats.

  Opening my eyes I glare at him, his beard is wet with my juices and he looks mighty fucking proud of himself.

  “Fine,” I grumble, dropping my knees and flicking my clit with my own fingers. Running my other hand to my chest I tweak my nipple, my eyes on him as he watches me hungrily.

  Running my fingers down my wet pussy, I watch him bite his lip before he leans forward and grabs my thighs, pushing them wide open so he can see. Slipping two fingers inside myself I moan as I arch into my own touch.

  “Let me see you come,” he demands.

  “Happy to oblige,” I say, breathless as I tweak my nipple and groan as I come, my channel tightening on my fingers as my legs shake. Pulling my fingers out, I gasp when he drops himself between my legs and rams inside of me.

  He pulls out before slamming back in, gripping my thighs and throwing them over his shoulders before grabbing my arse and dragging me closer. Pushing back, I grip the blanket as I meet him thrust for thrust, our eyes locked on each other before he bends down and kisses me hard. Dropping my legs to around his waist I kick his arse, pushing him harder, faster.


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