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The Forgotten

Page 15

by K. A Knight

  He laughs, throwing his head back, sending crows perched on the trees flying. “Sands, no. That would be Trev. He came to see you while you were out of it, he would be happy to meet you. I’m just the medic here.”

  We break through the trees and my jaw drops. I guess every time we came near here I buried my head, not wanting to see anyone, but I don’t how I ignored all of this. This isn't a camp—it’s a community. A town set at the base of the mountains. An oasis surviving the end of the world.

  Huts of all sizes surround a cleared section of ground, the trees lining the clearing and blocking us from the rest of the world. A massive firepit sits in the middle with something roasting above it. Logs fashioned into benches a circle around it, and just before the trees are some mismatched tables and chairs. Each hut is a different colour and made from different materials, but mainly wood and what looks like metal and stone.

  We carry on walking, and Simon smiles and nods at a few women and men milling about the fire. They smile and wave, even at me, and I find myself smiling back.

  We walk around the clearing and onto a small dirt road, with huts lining each side like the old-school streets you saw before the end. One even has a mailbox with what looks like hand painted flowers on it.

  At the end of the road and sitting on a hill leading up to the mountain, is what looks like a huge tent. White and imposing, and covered here and there with sand obviously from the wind, it stands like a beacon to the rest of the community. Two large firepits are placed on either side of an open entrance, guiding the way even when not lit.

  “What is that?” I ask as I start to slow, tired from only walking this far. Archel, obviously noticing, wraps his arm around my waist and keeps us moving.

  “We call it City Hall, but it’s where we hold our meeting, sometimes where we meet, where we’s our center. Where our community gathers,” Simon answers. “As our tribe gets bigger, the more we need it.”

  “You keep getting bigger?” I press for information, leaning more heavily on Archel, not that he seems to mind.

  “Yup, your shadow there sometimes directs people he trusts here or people find us by themselves.”

  I look up at Archel with an arched eyebrow and he winks at my expression. “I don’t do it for them, Princess, so don't think I'm some kind of hero. It just keeps them in my debt.”

  “Sure thing Shadow, you tell yourself that,” I tease.

  “Don’t let him fool you girl, he keeps our secret and not just because he likes being a know it all,” Simon adds.

  “So why do you do it?” I address Archel.

  He shrugs, watching the huts as we pass. “They want to live in peace. I might not believe that it can happen in this world, but it doesn't mean I should throw them to wolves out there. Plus, it's a nice place to get some down time when I need it.”

  I can't help the grin that splits my face. “You’re such a softie,” I whisper loudly.

  He rolls his eyes. “Not really, Princess. Keep poking and I’ll show you how not soft I am.”

  I choke on a laugh before it tumbles free. I can't help it, I laugh until tears stream down my face. Everything bursting out in the desperate, hysterical sound.

  They both stop and stare at me in awe. “Told you.” Simon grins at me before turning back to the tent as my chuckles finally die off.

  We walk in silence the rest of the way, letting me take in the views. When we reach the tent a smaller man steps out. When he spots us, he grins. Simon nods and makes his way over and embraces the man. Archel drags me closer and I wait as Simon steps to the man's side to introduce us.

  “Piper, meet Trev. Trev, meet our latest survivor.” My eyes widen and I swing them back to the smaller man.

  This man runs this place? He’s skinny, really skinny, but the type that you can tell is just naturally like that. He’s older than me and even Simon, probably in his sixties. Long grey and silver hair hangs over his shoulder in a braid, with feathers and beads threaded throughout. His skin is tanned and wrinkled, and his face is kind and open with big brown eyes and small thin lips. He’s clean-shaven though and his clothes are loose fitting, like he doesn’t care what he looks like. It’s so opposite of the leaders of Paradise that I do a double take.

  His eyes dance with amusement but he doesn't extend his hand, I’m guessing Simon warned him. “Nice to meet you Piper. I saw you when you first came in.” My back stiffens but he carries on, “You are one hell of a fighter, I’m glad you could come here. Archel, nice to see you as always.” He greets the man at my side, and to my shock, Archel smiles and lowers his head in submission.

  “Trev, good to see you old man,” he jokes and I elbow his side, which only makes them all laugh.

  “Don’t fret, Piper. He’s always been like this, even when he was younger. I am used to it. Come in, let's get you sitting down, and I'm sure you have questions.” He waves us inside and I hesitate. “Your shadow can come too, I have heard you don’t go anywhere without him.”

  “Thank you, and thank you for letting me stay. You didn't have to,” I reply kindly as I start past him, Archel by my side and Simon at my back.

  “Of course I did, all lost souls are welcome here with The Forgotten,” he responds as the tent door closes behind us, and once again my jaw drops at the view before me. They continue to surprise me and the Hall is no different than the rest of the community. They might be forgotten, but they sure as hell haven’t disappeared.

  The tent, which I guess you can't really call a tent considering the inside looks like something out of a magazine mixed with a medieval castle, is amazing. Rugs in all different colours lay across the larger space. Crossed swords stand at the very back, above a wooden chair with carved arms. More chairs are scattered throughout. As is what looks like a bar to the right with homemade brews and liquor. To the left are cushions lying everywhere for people to relax.

  “Take a seat, let’s talk,” Trev says and strides past us. I figured he would pick the big chair in the center, but he chooses one at random and sits down. Simon grabs three others and makes a circle with him included.

  Archel helps me sit in one before grabbing another and spinning it, straddling the seat and resting his chin on the back of it.

  “So, Piper. You are from Paradise, correct?” Trev asks and I nod.

  “Yes, sir,” I reply automatically.

  “No sir here, just Trev.” He grins, his eyes dancing. “I heard of your attack, please take all the time you need to heal and know we are here for you when you need it. I would also like to have a chat with you tomorrow if we could? I shall bring some tea and we can discuss things further?” He offers, watching me kindly.

  “Sounds good,” I agree and he smiles wide.

  “Brilliant! Now, I can almost hear the questions turning around in your brain. Fire away.”

  “How are you left alone out here? From other clans and such?” I start and he nods, his face turning thoughtful.

  “Honestly, luck. None of them know we are here. The clans don’t venture this way for fear of the cannibals that live below the mountain, and the ferals that live on the other side. We have had the odd one or two wander in, but nothing we couldn't take care of.”

  “Simon said you are all from clans or Paradise, where are you from?”

  He smiles at me again. “I was part of a clan called the Seekers, the very one your shadow is from. Have you heard of it?”

  I look over at Archel in shock, but he just stares blankly back at me. “Jag- I mean my friend told me bits,” I admit.

  “Ah, probably all bad?”

  I nod and he shakes his head sadly. “It wasn't all bad, but the old leader went off his rails a bit. When he killed my Sarah, my wife, I left. It wasn't until I saw Archel years later that he informed me the leadership had changed.”

  “I’m sorry,” I reply honestly. “Changed to who?”

  “I think your shadow could answer your question better,” he redirects and I turn my attention to Arche

  Tilting his head to face me, he presses his cheek to the top of the chair. “Dray, my brother in arms. He’s a good man.”

  I ponder that—a good man? Jago didn’t describe it this way, but I guess if he came to Paradise at thirteen then he has been out of the loop for a while. “You are part of the Seekers?” I ask, shifting nervously.

  “I am, I’m his right-hand man. His assassin,” he discloses freely, holding my eyes without shame. I knew what he was though, he must have forgotten I saw him fight that day.

  “Okay.” I turn back Trev to see him watching the interaction with a small, strange smile. “I’m sure I have more, but honestly I can’t seem to remember,” I admit, a bit embarrassed.

  “Not to worry, join me for tea tomorrow and you can ask then.” He stands and I struggle to my feet. “For now, I must see to the rounds.” He nods at us all before striding away, faster than I thought possible for such an older man. “Tomorrow,” he reminds me, before ducking out of the tent and leaving me with Archel and Simon.

  “You should rest now, this will have taken a lot out of you,” Simon orders and leaves as well.

  “Come on,” Archel says, but I am determined to walk so I squeal when he lifts me into his arms, holding me effortlessly against his chest.

  “What the hell, dude?” I yelp.

  “You heard him, you need to rest.” He grins, looking down at me.

  “I could have walked,” I protest and he rolls his eyes.

  “Maybe I wanted to carry you,” he murmurs and that shuts me up.

  Snuggling against his chest I let his movements comfort me, and before I know it my eyes are sliding shut.

  I woke the next morning, still in Archel’s shirt and fully rested, and feeling itchy. I want to move, now that I’ve been out I don’t want to be cramped up in here.

  “Can we go to the water?” I ask, my eyes seeking out Archel who I know will be watching somewhere close by.

  “Whatever you wish, Princess.” He flourishes a bow and steps forward.

  I slide from the bed before he can carry me and he grabs my arm. “No point putting on your trousers, they will only get wet. Come on.” He leads me out the door and I follow.

  When we get to the water he holds my arm as I wade through to the middle, and when I sit down he sits behind me, pulling me back to his chest as his legs spread on either side of mine.

  We sit in silence for a while, just watching the world until I break the stillness. “I know how to fight, I was in training before...but you know how to. I’ve seen it. You move faster than I can blink and no one manages to land a hit. Will you teach me?”

  I feel him suck in a breath. “You want me to teach you to be an assassin?”

  “No, I want you to teach me to never be weak again. I want you to teach me to be a true warrior,” I clarify, swishing my fingers through the water next to us.

  “Are you sure?” he inquires, his breath stirring my hair.

  “Yes, I think it will help. I know the basics, but I didn't have time to learn much more,” I admit and it sends a throb through my heart, along with a sense of deja vu of me asking Jago to train me. I wonder if he has stopped searching yet? It would be for the best. He might not love the Wastes, but he doesn't belong out here—not again. No, he was happy in Paradise before I came along, and he will be happy again.

  “Okay, Princess,” Archel whispers, before dropping his chin on my shoulder.

  A true, real smile covers my face and I feel something in me click back into place. I might not be healed, I might not be okay anytime soon, but for the first time since the attack I start to feel more like myself, like I am taking charge of my life again and I have my shadow to thank for that.

  Who knew such tragedy could lead to such belonging?

  “How come your trees aren't dead?” I ask curiously. Trev came by the hut just after I had finished dressing, and he escorted me back down to the clearing where he had set up a blanket and some pillows with a log to lean on. Archel followed us, he didn't think I noticed but I saw him dash into the trees, and my eyes were drawn to the shadows where he is currently watching us from. What a stalker, the thought makes me grin.

  Trev has been answering my questions for the last hour or so, but I am content to just enjoy his company and I think he feels the same way. Something about him soothes me, he reminds me of my dad in a comforting way.

  “They are getting there, we are trying to save them even as the Wastes tries to reclaim them,” Trev answers, reclining back next to me. For someone in charge of a whole settlement, or tribe as they call it, he sure is relaxed. Just being with him sets me at ease, like with Simon. Odd that I would find that with strange males, but whatever works.

  “Will you go back?” he questions suddenly, and I mull over his questions.

  “No. That is my past, plus they would kill me. I just wish I could speak to my friends, to let them know I’m okay.”

  “Are you?” he presses, turning to look me in the eyes, his are all seeing and filled with knowledge beyond my years.

  “I will be,” I promise as I look back at the trees.

  “I do not doubt it. Stay, stay here with us. See if you like it, we could always do with more able bodies and you love the land like we do. I see it in your eyes.”

  “You’d let me stay?” I ask quietly. It’s what I want more than anything, at least for now.

  “Yes Piper, I see something in you, something you yourself don't see,” he explains, turning to me once again.

  “What's that?” I inquire curiously.

  “Your future. You are destined for great things, and I hope that includes you being here with us,” he finishes, and he sighs as he stands. “I better get back. Lots to do.” He starts to walk away and I bite my lip before standing as well, I see Archel break away from the shadows in the trees where he was hiding.

  “Thank you, Trev. For giving me a chance, I won't let you down,” I vow.

  “I know you won’t, when you are ready for that greatness, come and see me again. Until then, I enjoyed our little chat, maybe we could make it a daily thing?” he suggests and I nod eagerly. He smiles before turning and wandering away as Archel steps in front of me.

  “You wanted me to train you?” he challenges and I groan, leaning my head back. Why do I get myself into these situations? I am betting Archel doesn’t give orgasms for rewards like Jago. Bloody men. He grins wickedly, making me narrow my eyes.

  “We will go easy at first, you are still recovering, but then all bets are off.” He grabs my hand and starts to pull me away from mine and Trev’s little nest, which I eye sadly. Me and my stupid bright ideas, I just know he is going to kick my ass and not in a good way. I wonder if I can distract him with boobs? Probably not, he will just laugh and carry on. Crazy bastard.

  Huffing, I lie on the ground and curse the crazy bastard standing over me, grinning. They are creative insults as well, I need to remember them to use later on.

  “Get up, Princess,” he mocks and steps back.

  He is taking a sick sort of enjoyment out of this. I bet it's payback for me smacking him in my sleep last night. Fuck nugget—oooh another one. Groaning, I roll to my feet. My thigh protests with a small twinge but I ignore it. The Wastes are not going to wait for me to heal, and who knows how long Archel will be here? He doesn't seem like the type to stick around, so I need to get the most out of him while I can.

  He watches me as I run through the moves he taught me with the knife. I almost screamed in happiness when he gave it to me. He didn't seem to have any worries about starting with hand-to-hand, and when I asked him he got all serious and told me that out here, my opponents and attackers aren't going to wait for me to punch them, and using weapons will give me an advantage. I didn't ask any more questions after that and it feels nasty to even admit, but he’s right. Not that I will tell him that, his head would get too big and he would probably float into the sky like a fucking balloon.

  “Good, now let’s see which
weapons you are best with,” he orders, sliding over to me and opening a bag I didn’t notice before.

  “Huh?” I ask dumbly.

  “I need to see which ones you have natural talent with, we don’t have a lot of time so it makes sense for us to narrow your skill set just to what you can use for now. Later we can add more,” he mutters, as he flings weapons out on the ground next to the bag. My eyes widen with each one, there is everything you could imagine in there and it makes me a tiny bit worried that he carries this around with him, but it also makes me feel safe.

  A mace, sword, whip, knives, throwing stars, crossbow, katanas, chains, bow, guns, and others which I don’t even know what the hell they are.

  “Er… overkill much?” I joke, and he looks up at me from his crouched position next to the bag.

  “You never know out there, plus I like to collect.” He winks.

  “You collect weapons?” I question, astonished, but of course he does.

  “Yup, you’ve got to have hobbies.” He laughs as he adds more to the growing pile.

  Hobbies. That makes me think of fucking knitting or some shit, not collecting an armory and toting it around with you like a unicorn backpack. Just when I think I have him all figured out, he does some crazy shit like this.

  “Okay, I think that is all,” he mutters seriously, digging through the bag.

  “Sure, didn’t bring your machine gun?” I tease, propping my hands on my hips. It feels weird to be joking and laughing, like I shouldn't, but Archel throws me a look and that feeling disappears. His eyes laugh at me, filled with naughty things that I shouldn’t be looking too closely at, not after what happened.

  “Nah, I left that behind. I’ll bring it next time, might be too big for you though.” He stands and claps his hands as I gawk at him.

  “You have a machine gun?” I drawl slowly, blinking at him.


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