King and I: A Royal Love Affair

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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 6

by Mz. Lady P

  “I wish I could stop worrying, but right now I have no clue what I’m going to do. There is no way in hell I can go back home. Everything I own is in that house.”

  “Look don’t worry about all of that shit. Your ass needs a drink. I’m about to run to the liquor store to grab some Patron and some Swishers. The other night Legs came over drunk as fuck, he left his whole bag of weed and I’m smoking all that shit.” I left and headed to the store with nothing but thoughts in my mind about Siyah and this damn King situation. That nigga is a beast and Luca is the prey. It’s about to be bloodshed, I can tell. Siyah is going to have to Boss up for real or her ass gone become a victim of circumstance.

  Chapter 11-Siyah

  After a couple of shots of Patron I was feeling no pain and I was ready to turn up. The fact that Luca was after my ass was no longer on my mind at the moment. Star was at the lounge as usual, kicking it, so Rika and I decided to go up there. I was glad I had never removed my suitcases from my trunk, or I would be up shit’s creek without a paddle. I was able to change into something decent before heading out. Lord knows I couldn’t wear the shit I had on. The first thing in the morning I was going to go to the bank, so I could put a down payment on a house of my own. If there was nothing else I did while I’ve been married to Luca, I’ve managed to save money and open up my own bank accounts he knows nothing about.

  I can’t believe Luca knows about this shit with me and Kingston. On one hand, I feel so guilty because he’s my husband, but on the other hand I don’t care about the shit. Maybe all of this is a blessing in disguise. This chain of events has made me see Luca differently. How could he say that he loved me if he didn’t respect where I came from. I’ve never judged him or his lifestyle. I guess it boils down to the fact that we really didn’t know each other anyway. At this point it is what it is.


  “When we get in here your ass bet not drink shit. Your ass is wasted, Siyah.” Rika said, as we walked into Club Dreams. The Patron had me gone and I was feeling no pain. I was dressed in an all-black body con dress with a pair of black and gold wedges.

  “Bitch, please. I’m good.” I said, as I headed towards the bar. In midstride I had to blink a couple of times to make sure I wasn’t seeing shit. This nigga King and his crew were sitting in the V.I.P. section with a bunch of bitches.

  “Can I get a Patron on the rocks please?” I slowly sipped my drink until it was all gone. I reached inside my clutch and made sure my makeup was flawless and my lip-gloss was popping before I walked over to the table. What you thought I was about to sit on the sidelines and watch this shit? I don’t fucking think so. Here it is my life is in jeopardy and this nigga acting like it ain’t shit, not to mention he is all in these hoes’ faces. This shit had me on one.

  “I swear your ass better not have us in here fighting, bitch. I just got my sew-in done and I refused to fuck it up.” Star said, as she knocked back her shot. Star is such a diva. She was just talking shit because if push comes to shove I know she rocking with me. I looked over at Rika as I was walking, and I knew she was mad. Although she was my best friend we went about things differently. She never wears her feelings on her sleeve. She be on some fuck these niggas type of shit. She’s always been that way. Meanwhile, here I am got my feelings all out on display. I feel like I have every right to confront him about our situation.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute, Kingston?” I yelled over the music that was playing. Everyone at the table looked up accept Kingston. He continued to feel all over the bitch that he was talking to. He grabbed a bottle of champagne and drank straight from the bottle.

  “Not right now, Siyah.” He continued what he was doing as if I wasn’t even standing there trying to talk to him.

  “What you mean not right now? Really, Kingston?” The bitches that were sitting there with him were laughing like some shit was funny. I was a second away from snatching one of them hoes up. My anger was getting the best of me, and I felt myself getting ready to pop the fuck off. Legs were staring at me like he had an attitude. I just rolled my eyes at his ass because he had me fucked up too. I could feel Rika burning a whole through his forehead. He definitely had fucked up with my girl, and they hadn’t even gotten started yet.

  “We’ll talk later, Siyah, as a matter of fact what the fuck you doing up in here anyway?” I let out the loudest laugh ever at his ass. I knew that I looked like a fool all staggering and shit, but I didn’t give a fuck.

  “The same thing you doing here. Fuck you mean?”

  “Watch your mouth, Siyah!” Kingston’s voice elevated. Had I have been sober I probably would have been scared, but the Patron had given me so much courage.

  “Come on, girl, let’s go.” Star tried to grab me, but I yanked away from her.

  “Move, Star, I’m not ready to go, plus, I need to talk to Kingston and I’m not leaving until he talks to me.” At this point I had gotten so angry that I pushed the girl that was on his lap off of him, which caused her to bump into the table and knock all the drinks over. Kingston jumped up and roughly pulled me close to him. He spoke in the harshest tone I had ever heard him speak in since the first time I ever heard his voice.

  “Stop fucking with me, Siyah. Get the fuck out of here. You in here all drunk and shit acting all ratchet. I never took you for a hood rat ass bitch. Move around with that clown ass shit. I’m not your bitch ass husband, and I don’t play these types of ghetto ass games with no bitch, especially one that ain’t even mine. I move when the fuck I get ready to. You need to tighten up, ma. This shit here is a big ass turn off. Now, like I said I’ll talk ya ass later.” He sat back down as if it was nothing.

  I went from drunk to sober in a matter of minutes. For a short time I continued to stand there and look stupid. I finally just walked away with Star and Rika beside me. Neither one of us spoke a word. I knew Star felt sorry for me while Rika was pissed off at me. I really didn’t know how to feel because so many emotions were going on inside of me, but the one emotion that was all over my face, was hurt. I was hurt big time at his behavior and the way he spoke to me.

  The ride back from the club was silent. Rika hadn’t said a word as she drove. Star wasn’t ready to leave so she stayed behind. My head was hurting me so bad. The day’s events were so overwhelming and just too much for me. I just wanted to lay my ass down and go to sleep. When we pulled up to the building I just got out without saying anything to Rika. At this point, I was to a point of saying fuck everybody. I’m having a hard time understanding why everybody all in their feelings about my actions. These motherfuckers have forgotten that my life is in danger.

  I’m not blaming them because I have no one to blame, but myself however, it would b nice for people to act as if they cared. Who the fuck am I kidding? Rika definitely cares about me; she’s just pissed about how I behaved back at the club. I’m all in my feelings about the way King has handled me. I don’t care what anybody says he should have gone about the shit better. The worse part of it all was him mistreating the fuck out of me in front of them bitches. I shook my head at myself because I had to be the dumbest bitch in the book. There was no need for me to sit up and blame everybody else for how this shit had turned out. I brought all this shit on myself.

  “Mrs. Gianni!” I jumped at the sound of my name being called from behind me. I turned around and there was two plain clothed officers showing me their badges.

  “Oh shit! Y’all scared me. How can I help you?” I held my hand across my chest trying to calm myself down. I stared at the officers because something was off about them, but I just couldn’t but my finger on it.

  “You need to come with us immediately.” The officer reached out and grabbed me by the elbow and proceeded to walk me out of the building.

  “Am I under arrest or something?” The officer never spoke; they just walked me to their car and placed me in the backseat. They stood outside talking before they got in and that’s when I knew something was definitely off. I pulled my phone ou
t and tried my best to send a group text to my mother, my friends, and of course King, but before I could do it the men got inside of the car. I was getting ready to say something but the officer that was in the passenger side turned around and lunged at me. I tried to ball up but he placed a cloth over my mouth with a strong scent on it. I tried to fight him off, but I became limp. Not long after everything went black.

  My eyes fluttered open and I tried to focus them. I felt my body swinging around and I was cold as ever. I looked down and realized I was dangling from the ceiling by chains.

  “Helppppp!” I screamed out as I thrashed back and forth hoping to unloosen the chains, but that made my body hurt far worse than it already did.

  “Stop screaming, no one can hear you.” I closed my eyes and I began to silently cry hearing Luca’s voice.

  “Actually motherfucker I can! Now be a good husband and let her down!” My eyes shot opened hearing King’s powerful voice. King had his entire crew were filing into the warehouse with their guns drawn. I swear this nigga had me falling in love with him more now than ever. This shit is crazy. My side nigga is rescuing me from my husband. Boy, I tell you. These damn Urban Fiction novels be having all types of shit going on.

  Chapter 12-Kingston

  The minute I snapped at Siyah I felt bad. She had never saw me in rare form. Fucking with a nigga like me she will have to get used to it. I’m the type of nigga that say what I mean and mean what the fuck I say. When I say something that’s what the fuck it is. I said we would talk later and that’s what the fuck I meant. I hate for a person to try to make me do something like I’m a little ass boy. I’m a grown ass man, and I’ve never had to answer to anyone.

  I have a hard time with women who feel the need to make me do something when they want me to do it. That shit won’t do anything but make me stop fucking with a bitch, period. What bitches fail to understand about fucking with a nigga like me is that I’ve never had a mother tell me what to do, as a matter of fact, I’ve never had an authority figure in my life, so the last thing I want is for my bitch to be trying to tell me what the fuck to do. I’m a boss ass nigga. What the fuck I look like letting a bitch tell me what to do and when to do it? Fuck outta here. I’m a King and I run shit. Plus, Siyah pissed me off acting all drunk and unladylike. Siyah is a bad ass bitch with some good ass pussy. It’s something about her that makes me want to keep fucking with her; however, I will cut off the dick supply with no hesitation if she ever bosses up to me again after I’ve said something to her. She has to remember who slangs the cock and who rides the motherfucker.

  At first I wasn’t going to go after Siyah, but she was too drunk and off of her square. One would think her ass would be in the house laying low; instead she’s out with Rika and Star being a fucking thot. I didn’t know what that nigga Luca had been doing to her up in that big ass mansion. Whatever it was he wasn’t doing that shit right. Her ass done got some of this dick and a taste of the hood again and her ass done gone crazy. I got something for that ass, though.

  A fucked up feeling came over me as I watched Siyah and Rika get into the car. I hit up my crew, and I decided to follow them just to make sure the nigga Luca wasn’t on any bullshit. Something inside of me was telling me he was. As I trailed behind them all I could do was think about Luca and how he tried to play me like I was a lame ass nigga. That alone had me plotting on ways to kill this nigga.

  I had every intention on getting at that nigga accordingly, but all that shit went out of the window as I watched these fake ass cops basically kidnap Siyah. They never paid attention to their surroundings. I couldn’t believe these motherfuckers were supposed to be henchmen. They looked like bumbling idiots to me as I watched them lead me straight to Luca’s bitch ass.

  “Man, bro. It’s been about an hour. You ain’t ready to go in there and see what the fuck is going on with Siyah?” Legs had been on edge since he saw them put Siyah in the back of the car. I was trying my best to get him to chill, but his ass was about to go into panic mode. It was understandable because they were like brother and sister. I just hoped he knew I don’t trust that brother and sister shit. Motherfuckers be fucking on low too much. I’ll fuck both of their asses up if I find some shit like that out about them.

  “That bitch ass nigga Luca ain’t on shit. He not gon’ hurt Siyah. If he was he would have killed her ass when he first found out about me nailing her ass.” I looked in my rearview and saw the rest of my people pull up. I got out of the car and Legs followed. We didn’t need to speak any words. The sound of our guns being cocked back was all the conversation that was needed at moment.


  “Don’t make me repeat myself, mothafucker!” Luca looked at me as if he wasn’t fazed by the situation at hand. I looked around and all his men had their guns trained on us as well. He sat down and lit a Cuban cigar like it was nothing.

  “It looks like we both have something the other wants. You can have this adulterous whore, all I want in return is the East End territory.” I smirked a little as I watched Luca feel like he was the big man on campus and in charge of this shit. I decided to fuck him up in the head a little. Let him think shit was sweet, he would surely regret fucking with me later on down the line.

  “Oh that’s all you want? You got it, now let her down like I said before!” His men and my men were all still pointing our guns at one another. Luca put the cigar in the ashtray on the table that he was sitting at. He gestured for his men to let Siyah down. I got a good look at her as she was being lowered to the cement floor. She looked scared, but relieved at the same time. As soon as she was down and free she ran full speed ahead and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hurriedly pushed her behind me to shield her.

  “Now get the fuck out of my warehouse! Oh yeah, Siyah, I want a divorce and bitch I guarantee you your ass is leaving with what you came with and that’s that ghetto ass name.”

  “Thank you, Luca. I’ll take that any day. There is nothing in this world you gave me that can’t be replaced. Have a nice life.” Siyah walked out of the warehouse and we all backed out slowly. I could tell my men were shocked at what I had just done, but in the end them motherfuckers would thank me too. Sometimes you don’t have to a kill a person with a bullet, you let them hang their own ass. I’ve just given this nigga Luca the rope he needs to carry out the deed.

  Chapter 13-Siyah

  I had been soaking in the bathtub for about two hours. The water was cold as fuck and I was all shriveled up. For some odd reason I couldn’t bring myself to get out of the tub. My life had gone from sugar to shit in a matter of days. It’s crazy that one minute I was living in a sprawling mansion and now I’m in my mother’s house in the projects. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, this is the same apartment I grew up in and it would always be home to me. As a matter of fact I actually missed being here with my mom.

  At the same time I was asking myself if getting that dick from King was worth me losing my husband and all the luxuries that came with being his wife. Despite my ill feelings towards Luca and his treatment of me, I could look in his eyes and tell that he was hurt by my actions. At the same time I was hurt because he looked down on me and felt the need to change who I was as a woman, not to mention our sex life was horrible, and I wasn’t attracted to him. I can admit that I should have been a better woman and talked to him about the way I was feeling.

  Instead I went out and got some good dick from a bad ass nigga. Now my ass sitting up sprung over a nigga that don’t mean a bitch no good, but still I want to be in his world. This nigga got me smoking blunt after blunt drinking shot after shot trying to come down off that high of that good dope dick he put on me. Yeah, I’m fiending for that nigga. Damn! A bitch got it bad like Usher. How could I be so fucking stupid? Something is telling me that this man is going to break my heart and have me busting the windows out of his car. I know I sound crazy especially since he ain’t even my nigga. As a matter of fact I know nothing about Kingston.

crazy how I want to know his favorite food, color, or the type of cologne he wears. I swear women are so damn backwards. I should have found that shit out prior to riding his dick. As I continued to sit in the cold bath water I thought about my momma. I was so happy she had no idea about Luca kidnapping me or King rescuing my ass. Right about now I don’t have it in me to hear her mouth.

  I wanted to call Rika, but I decided against it. I was still feeling a certain type of way about how she was acting when she dropped me off. I couldn’t think about that right now. I needed to focus on what was more important in my life at this very minute. The first thing I needed to do was find an apartment. There was no way in hell I was living with Nita. I loved my momma to death, but I couldn’t deal with her drunken antics and starting shit all the time. It’s been so long since I physically lived in my mother’s house. I could barely deal with her when I was child. There is no way in hell I’m going to be able to deal with her as an adult. We have too many ways alike, plus, it’s best I get out and show her and everybody else that I can make it on my own.


  It had been a week since I heard from King and I was feeling a certain type of way. Like really nigga? You fuck the soul out of me, rescue me, and disappear on my ass all in a matter of weeks. This nigga had my head so gone. I didn’t know if I were coming or going. I had been calling him for the first couple of days, but it was going straight to his voicemail. For a minute I thought that he had put a bitch on the block list, so I had my momma call him from her phone. He was so lucky because her calls went to voicemail too.

  I knew I had no business doing it but I decided to drive over to his house. I knew that I was taking a chance, but I just wanted to talk to him. I guess I wanted to know where we stood. I also wanted to thank him for helping me out because he really didn’t have to. I was nervous as hell standing outside of his door. I exhaled and let out a deep breath. As soon as I was getting ready to knock the door swung open. I immediately regretted coming over here because standing in front of me was none other than this bitch Vita. I was not in the mood for her shit today, but I was more than willing to kick her ass again. I had some shit going on in my head, and I might fuck around and kill this bitch if she jumped stupid with me.


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