King and I: A Royal Love Affair

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King and I: A Royal Love Affair Page 7

by Mz. Lady P

  “What the fuck are you doing at my house?”

  “I had no idea this was your house. I didn’t come over here to get into with you, Vita. I’m actually looking for Kingston.” This bitch was squeezing her nose like she was trying to calm down or something. Like she really was about to pop off. I knew she didn’t want no more smoke from me, so I was glad she was thinking long and hard before she made her next move.

  “Listen I’m going to break this shit down to you because I know he hasn’t. This is my motherfucking house that he brought for me. I’m well aware that you fucked him in my bed. I’m going to let you down gently. Kingston is a dog ass nigga, and he ain’t got a faithful bone in his fucking body. I’ve been in this shit with him for years. Don’t think because he gave you some of his time or some of that good ass dick it means something.

  “You ain’t nothing but another notch in his belt. I’m going to tell you like I’ve told the rest of these dizzy ass bitches. Don’t come looking for a fucking fairytale fucking with a nigga like Kingston. The only thing you will get out of pursuing him is a wet ass pussy, hurt ass feelings, and a broken heart. From the looks of it you’re feeling the effects of fucking with Kingston Banks. Now get off my fucking property. Trespassers will be shot!!”

  I was getting ready to say something, but the bitch slammed the door in my fucking face. I wanted to kick that door in just to say something to her, however, I knew that I couldn’t do that. I was on private property. For some reason I believed her when she said it was her house. I was just mad that he had fucked me in this girl’s house. I walked back to my car and headed back to my mother’s house. As I drove a text came through from Kingston telling me to meet him at The Cheesecake Factory. I couldn’t do shit but laugh. Here it is I have been calling this dude all week, and he hasn’t answered not one call or text. I show up at this bitch’s house looking for him and now he reaches out to me. That shit made me mad on one hand and on the other hand I was happy he at least reached out to me.

  It took me about an hour to make it over to the restaurant. As soon as I walked in and gave the greeter my name she ushered me over to a booth where he was sitting. He looked up and saw me. He stood up and gave me a hug, and I could have died and went to heaven as I inhaled his Armani Code cologne. The scent was so intoxicating and I couldn’t help but hold onto the embrace just a little bit longer. When we broke our embrace I could smell him all over me.

  I took a good look at him and he was dressed in Lacoste from head to toe. He had that preppy look going on and it looked damn good on him. The khaki shorts he was rocking had his dick sitting up real nice. I couldn’t help but to lick my lips and the thought of it in all of its hard glory. I hurried up and shook the thoughts from my mind, and I focused on his facial expression. I couldn’t really read him at the moment, but I could tell that he was in deep thought by the way the veins were pulsating in his temples.

  “Can I start you guys off with anything?” The waitress asked, as she pulled her notepad and pen from the front pocket of her apron.

  “We’ll both have water with lemon and Chicken with Shrimp Alfredo.” He ordered for both of us as if I couldn’t order for myself. I wasn’t surprised, though, just being around him the times that I had been, I knew he liked to be in control of everything. That’s one of the things that turned me on about him. He was a take charge ass nigga, and I loved how he carried himself like the boss he was. The waitress came back a short time later with our water.

  “I’ve been trying to get in contact with you. Why haven’t you been answering the phone?” I took a huge sip from my lemon water at the same time I looked at him in the eyes waiting for a response to my question.

  “I’ve been busy.” He spoke so nonchalantly and it irritated me that he was acting like it was nothing.

  “I just wanted to thank you and tell you how much I appreciated what you did for me. I had been trying my best to get in contact with you.”

  “So you couldn’t get in contact with me so you just popped up at my house? That shit ain’t cool, ma. Don’t ever come to a nigga’s house without permission.” The words he spoke had me speechless. I stared at him for a minute before I found the words to say back to him.

  “Is it your house or Vita’s house?”

  “Whomever house it is, is none of your concern, but because you feel like you’re entitled to an answer, I’ll go out on a limb and give you what you want. At one point it was my home away from home, but I moved out and gave it to Vita. Is that all you need to know, Siyah? Are we done playing the question and answer game?” I was taken aback by the way he was sarcastically speaking to me. I felt stupid for the next question I was about to ask, but I might as well get it out of the way while I have a chance.

  “I was wondering where do we stand with one another?”

  “We’re friends, Siyah. All I need is a friend right now. I’m not looking for a relationship at the moment. I have so much shit going on in these streets that I just don’t have what it takes to be in a committed relationship. My heart and soul is dedicated to getting this motherfucking money. Now don’t get me wrong, a nigga enjoys the fuck out of you, and I want nothing more than for us to keep our little thing going.

  “I’m gone keep it trill with you, though, getting pussy is all fine and dandy but nothing makes a nigga like me come more than money. Just so you know cash rules everything around me and the money is the motive. Nothing comes before my money, not even that sweet ass pussy you have between your legs. If it’s too much on you I understand. Do you think you can handle fucking with a nigga without a commitment attached?” Kingston roughly pushed my legs apart, and I could feel his hand glide up my leather skirt that I was rocking. Without hesitation I scooted to the edge of my seat so that I can open my legs wider. The feeling of his fingers penetrating me made me wince in pain and pleasure due to being dry. Seconds later I was dripping wet as his slowly murdered my pussy with just the strokes of his fingers. With his free hand he grabbed my chin roughly and made me stare into his eyes. At the same time he sped up the rotation of his fingers. My mouth formed in the O shape as I tried to hold in the moan that was threatening to escape my mouth.

  “Talk to me, Siyah, and don’t lie either. Can you handle fucking with a nigga with no strings attached?”

  “Yasss!” I said louder than I intended to which caused the entire restaurant to cease and look in our direction. I jumped back, but he clamped on to my insides so that I wouldn’t move. I became embarrassed as I watched the disgust on the other patron’s faces. They were well aware of what we were doing.

  “Don’t move! Fuck these people. Tell me that’s my pussy, Siyah.” He said low enough that only I could hear him.

  “It’s yours, oh fuck it’s all yours, King!” I squirted at the same time and the shit felt good as fuck. Once I was finished making it rain all over him. I fell back in my chair and watched as he licked my juices off of his fingers. This nigga was bad fucking news and I knew it. This nigga done put some dick voodoo on my ass. I have got to be out of my mind to agree to some shit like this. Knowing in my heart of hearts, I want more than he’s willing to give me, then again, maybe I should just go with the flow. Quiet as it’s kept I don’t even have my own shit in order. Here it is, I’m technically still married to Luca and trying to start a relationship with a nigga that don’t want that from me right now.

  I was soaking wet and the leather skirt that I was wearing didn’t make it any better. I got up and rushed to the bathroom with my juices running down my legs. I was so damn wet my legs were sticking together. Once I cleaned myself up I stared into the mirror and I didn’t notice the person that was staring back at me. It was already bad that I had let Luca take me away from the person I was, but here I was willing to give this nigga all of me who made it crystal fucking clear that he didn’t even want to give me half.

  I closed my eyes and I tried to rationalize my behavior and my actions. I’m a beautiful woman who’s smart, intelligent, and loving, so why
would I ever settle for less when I was worthy of so much more? Then again I thought to myself that maybe I was just overthinking everything and eventually he would come around, but why was I even attracted to such a cocky, arrogant ass nigga like Kingston. I was all fucked up in the head at the moment. I was feeling the effects of Kingston “King” Banks and I had no idea how I was going to deal with what he was asking of me.

  After I gathered my thoughts I headed back to our table. Kingston was on his phone in a heated argument. As soon as I sat down he quickly ended the call and grabbed my hands across the table.

  “Are you okay, ma?”

  “I’m fine. Is everything okay with you?”

  “Yeah and no. Something came up and I have to go handle it. Here I called you over here to give you this. I feel bad about you not living in your own spot. I know that being with that nigga you lived a certain lifestyle. I can do all of that and more, plus, I know that you deserve it.” Kingston slid a huge manila envelope across the table and I opened it up. There were five big stacks of money with two sets of keys. I looked up at him like he was crazy.

  “What is all of this for, Kingston?”

  “Those are the keys to the new house and truck I purchased for you. The money is for you to go clothes and furniture shopping. I have some shit I need to handle. Give me the keys to the car ya bitch ass husband brought you. As a matter of fact take that nigga’s ring off. If memory serves me right you no longer want him, right? There’s no need for you to be walking around rocking shit he brought. I’ll get you whatever the fuck your heart desires just be patient with a nigga.” I shook my head yes as I removed my huge wedding ring from my finger and slid it across the table to him along with my car keys.” Kingston stood up and towered over me with his large frame.

  “The address and everything is inside. Call me if you need anything. I’ll be in touch. Give daddy a kiss.” He reached down and kissed me on the lips and walked out of the restaurant. He left me sitting there speechless and alone with my thoughts. I immediately called Rika and gave her the address so that she could meet me at the address he had given me. I was in need of wine and girl talk.

  Chapter 14-Kingston

  I hated that I had to be so blunt with Siyah but it was for her own good. I wasn’t the type of nigga to sit in front of her and feed her lies about us being in a relationship. Granted I was feeling the fuck out of her, but I wasn’t ready to completely be in a committed relationship, as a matter of fact, I had no idea when I would want that. I had too much respect for her to string her along like a fuck nigga. I wasn’t cut from that type of cloth. I would always keep it one hundred with her. She might not understand this shit now, but she’ll thank a nigga later. It wasn’t my intention to run out on her like that, but I had shit that needed to be handled immediately. I’ll get up with her as soon as I was finished, though. I could still smell her pussy juices all over my fingers and it had me wanting to fuck the shit out of her.

  It had been about an hour since I got the call from my nigga Legs telling me he had the package that I had been waiting on. I gave strict instructions to leave it alone, and I’d be there to handle it accordingly. This shit was personal for me so I really didn’t want my crew around when I handled this shit.


  I had been sitting in front of one the most beautiful Italian women I had ever seen. Luca’s mother was sitting in one of my warehouses tied to a chair with a blindfold over her eyes. The one thing Luca forgot about when he was coming at me reckless was that I’m a motherfucking goon, and I have no sympathy for anybody. It’s easy for me to feel that way because I grew up a screw up and never had anyone to love me, so I give less than a fuck about killing the next man’s mother. Feel free to judge me, I give zero fucks either way.

  Luca had me fucked up if he thought it was going to be that easy to just set up shop on one of my blocks. He has no idea how hard I was coming, as a matter of fact, it’s not even about the block, money, or his wife’s good ass pussy, it’s the principle of it all. He tried to come at me like I was a sucka ass nigga and I can’t let that shit ride. I already have his wife and now I want that nigga’s soul. Just call me the Grim Reaper; I’m coming for his life and every motherfucking thing he owns.


  “My son and my husband will pay you whatever you want, just please don’t kill me.” I could smell the fear radiating off of her as she sat shaking in the chair, not to mention the puddle of piss that had formed underneath her was confirmation enough of the fear inside of her. I flamed up my Black and Mild and pulled up a chair in front of her.

  “I won’t kill you under one condition.” I blew the smoke in her face and knocked back a shot of Dusse.

  “What’s that?”

  “I want all of your husband’s bank account numbers even the ones overseas. I’ll know if you’re lying too, so don’t fuck with me.”

  “Please let me go! I don’t know anything. Him and my son keeps me out of that part of the family business. You have to believe me!”

  “You must think I’m stupid. Your old sexy ass knows something. Your son has you sitting in on important business meeting’s with drug dealers, but you don’t know nothing.” I stood up and started grabbing different tools to torture her ass with. I was not about to play with this bitch. I cut the blowtorch on as high as it would go and the bitch started to squirm all around to get free.

  “Okay! Okay! All of the accounts are in my name. The account and routing numbers are all stored in my cellphone in a private folder. My code is 2529! Please let me go, I promise I won’t tell anyone what happened.” I grabbed her purse and in one swift motion I turned around and snapped her neck. Afterwards I commenced to cutting her tongue out of her mouth. The bitch talked way too much, telling family secrets and shit.

  She was supposed to take her demise like a ride or die bitch. It was best I took her out of her misery before she brought down every damn body, plus, the bitch knew who I was. There was no way in hell I would have ever let her live. She was a dead bitch walking the moment Legs kidnapped her ass. After cleaning up the mess I made I headed over to the crib I had got for Siyah. I knew she was going crazy at how I hooked it up for her. We might not officially be together, but she was my baby.

  Chapter 15-Siyah

  I was in awe as I walked through the house looking at everything. It was completely furnished from top to bottom. The black marble floors were so shiny that I could see my reflection in them. The house had black and gold everything. I loved the high ceilings and all of the expensive paintings that hung along the walls. I died and went to heaven when I entered the master bedroom. It was Marilyn Monroe everything. The vanity set was beautiful sitting caddy corner in the room.

  There were quotes all over the walls. Even the adjoining bathroom was Marilyn Monroe as well. I had no idea how Kingston knew about my love for Marilyn Monroe, but this was making me fall even deeper for his ass. The king size bed was all leather with diamonds studs all over the head and footboard. I fell across it and placed a pillow over my face and screamed in excitement. I looked up and that’s when I opened the door to the huge walk in closet.

  It was filled to the brim with everything I needed. I sat down on the floor and looked at all of the shoes that were lined up and still in the boxes. I closed my eyes and thought that all of this shit was a dream. At any moment I was going to wake up, and I would be back at my mom’s house. I opened my eyes and I was still sitting in the massive closet. This house was huge and I had no idea how I was going to live in it by myself. At the same time I felt like it was history repeating itself all over again.

  Here I was putting my life in the hands of another man. The luxurious life was once again being given to me. I had to get off of my ass and pull my own weight. Kingston was not my man so he wasn’t obligated to pay all of my bills. At any moment he could stop fucking with me. I wasn’t about to be assed out, because he decides that he no longer wanted to fuck with me. I’m going out and getting my ass a job. Al
l this nice shit Kingston has done for me is all fine and dandy, however, I’m not no fool and anything can happen. I needed to get on my shit; I refused to depend on another nigga to take care of me.


  “I can’t believe that nigga Kingston did all of this shit for you.” Rika said as she walked around the house taking in all of its beautiful glory.

  “Me either, friend. Everything is happening so fast. It’s like one minute I was a married woman and the next I was lusting over Kingston, so I went after him. We had what was supposed to be one night of sex, but now it’s like this thing has taken on a whole new form. I’m not even sure how I’m able to handle it. It’s like I want to be in Kingston’s world, but I have this feeling inside of me that let’s me know he’s going to hurt me. I swear I can’t handle my heart being broke, friend.” Everything I was telling Rika was how I truly felt about the situation. Kingston was too good to be true and usually men like that are heartbreakers.

  “I told you from the jump that Kingston was not the nigga to fuck around with, but now ain’t no going back. Kingston got his damn hooks in your ass and it’s going to be hard for you to walk away from him. Regardless of my personal feelings about the situation I do think Kingston is a great guy. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the nigga has a soft spot for you. Niggas like Kingston don’t just walk around and buy bitches brand new homes or luxury vehicles. My only concern is you and how he treats you. So tell me have you guys made it official?” That was the question I was dreading. I wasn’t ready to tell her about that part of things. In my heart I felt ashamed because I lost my husband for a nigga that didn’t want to be in a relationship with me. For some reason I felt fucked up about that.


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