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Tempted by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 1)

Page 11

by Susan Griscom

  Back at the mansion after a short discussion, a very pissed off Lane threw a half full glass tumbler into the fireplace, Sparks hissed and exploded in the air as the very expensive scotch mixed with the flames. “This is un-fucking-believable,” he shouted. “Are you sure it’s Jewels in the picture?”

  “Positive. I could never forget her face. It’s haunted me for two hundred years.”

  “Me, too,” he admitted.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “What can we do? I’m not going to seek her out.”

  “No. Maybe we should cancel performances for a while. Take a break. A vacation. We could go to Mexico for a bit.”

  “Live our miserable lives running from a phantom presence? No thanks.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Two weeks had passed, and I was completely and utterly certain that Cian would never hurt me. Each time he and I made love, I allowed him to take my blood, which was every night, sometimes three or four times. He never took as much as he had that first encounter, as his control became stronger and greater each time. He had insisted that I take iron supplements three times a day, and he pumped me full of foods rich in protein like red meats and poultry. After each amazing sexual experience, he brought me a huge glass of orange juice and a chocolate chip cookie. At the rate we were going, I’d need to go on a diet soon.

  I didn’t know how I’d once considered sex so amazing before, now that I knew how it felt when he drank from my vein during an orgasm. My panties became wet every time I thought about it.

  Just as I was certain that Cian would never hurt me, I was sure that his brothers would not either. Lane, of course, but I’d come to call Ari and the other two guys in the band his brothers, as well. It was just easier when talking about them. Cian referred to them as his family, so I did too. I still had so many questions about their lifestyle. I found it fascinating, wanting to know how everything felt to them. Their senses of everything, always much more heightened than mine. I was a little jealous, but as much as I grew to admire and trust Cian more and more each day, I didn’t want to be a vampire. I wanted to have kids some day, and I knew that I would never have that with Cian. A sad fact, and one that I struggled with, my heart always winning the battle over the dilemma of ending our relationship. But I feared that I was falling in love with him, which made everything even more difficult, knowing that I would eventually need to end things with him if I wanted to have a normal life.

  I picked up my phone from the table where I’d left it last night. A missed call. I checked to see who’d called and frowned when I saw Kellen’s name appear. He hadn’t left a voicemail. He hadn’t shown up that weekend like he’d said he would either; just one more reason I was glad I had broken up with him. He never followed through. But I supposed I should be happy about that. I hoped he wasn’t calling to say he was coming this weekend.

  It was half past seven when I finished applying my makeup and fixing my hair. I had some time to spare, and before I slipped into the red dress I’d chosen to wear tonight, I decided to pour myself a glass of Chardonnay. I took the wine back into the bedroom with me, and as I sipped the cool liquid, rich with buttery undertones, I studied the red dress that lay on the bed, wondering if Cian would like it. It was my favorite cocktail dress, and one I always felt sexy while wearing. It was perfect for Club Royal.

  I pulled the dress over my head. It was a halter-top—another no bra night. As I smoothed the bottom down, glancing in the mirror to make sure I had it all straight, I realized the dress hugged my rear end a little too snugly. “Crap.” I must have gained weight since the last time I’d worn it. Those cookies were going to need to stop being a part of my after sex routine.

  It was already five minutes to eight, and Cian would be here any minute. I put on my red, strappy, high-heeled sandals and grabbed my purse as the doorbell rang. I smiled. Right on time. He’d get points for that. But I had to imagine that vampires were probably always punctual, considering they could move faster than light. I checked the mirror for any last minute wardrobe faux pas, and couldn’t hide the grin on my face at the thought of another—and probably more exciting—night with Cian.

  I opened the door to find Kellen standing there.

  “Kellen. What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to see you. I told you I was coming.”

  “That was four weeks ago. And I told you not to. It’s over between us.”

  “You can’t mean that. You’re just angry. You’ll get over it.”

  “Kellen, I have a date tonight.”

  “What? A date? Who is he? I’ll kill him.”

  “What are you talking about? You can’t kill someone just because I’m dating them.”

  “Wanna bet? Come on, Mags. I love you. You can’t go out with someone else.”

  “You have a weird sense of what love is, Kellen. Why shouldn’t I go out with someone else? You do it all the time. Listen, I don’t have time for this.” Shoving Kellen back out past the doorjamb, I pulled the door to the apartment closed and locked it behind me. I’d rather take my chances of Kellen and Cian meeting outside in public. I knew Kellen wouldn’t be able to hurt Cian, but just the idea of him wanting to, bothered me.

  I walked down the stairs, Kellen right on my heels. “Mags, come on. I drove all this way. You can’t just leave me hanging. What will I do?”

  “I don’t care what you do. Just don’t be here when I get back.”

  I walked out of the building just as Cian’s limo pulled up to the curb. Cian stepped out of the back.

  “Is this the guy?” Kellen said, pointing at Cian.

  “Please, Kellen. Go back to Sacramento. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Hell if I will. Hey, dude,” he said, shoving his palm against Cian’s shoulder. “This is my girlfriend.”

  “Pardon?” Cian said in a calm voice then placed his hand on my back before opening the car door for me.

  “That’s my girlfriend you have your hand on.” Then he growled. Kellen actually growled, like a wild animal.

  “Get in the car, Magdalena, and don’t open the door.” I looked at Cian. His face contorted and his fangs dropped. Oh my God! What was happening?

  I sat in the back seat of the limo, staring at the unbelievable scene taking place before my eyes. Kellen’s limbs vibrated, and huge, sharp claws extended from his fingertips. Razor-sharp teeth snapped as his nose and jaw extended, then his growl filled the night air again. It was dark and difficult to see, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and Cian as they circled and growled at each other.

  I went for the door handle to get out. I had to try and help Cian and talk Kellen’s rage down.

  “Stay in the car and do as Cian told you,” Ari said. I’d forgotten he was in the front seat.

  “Ari, what’s going on?”

  “Well, it looks like your ex is a werewolf.”

  “A what?” That was impossible.

  “Cian. He’ll hurt Cian.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  I sat in the car, watching helplessly as Cian and the thing that used to be Kellen—which was mind-blowing—circled each other several times, snarling and stalking like animals. They were animals. Then I heard Kellen snarl out something that sounded like, “This isn’t over,” and then he took off, disappearing into the night.

  Cian opened the car door and got in, his fangs gone, his features completely back to normal.

  “Drive,” Cian ordered.

  “Cian, what just happened?”

  “You didn’t know your ex-boyfriend was a werewolf?”

  “No. How would I know that? How is that even possible?”

  “Magdalena. You are talking to a vampire.”

  “Yes, but I’ve known Kellen for two years. He’s never given me any indication that he had that…that…whatever it is he has.”

  “The ability to shift into a wolf. Though, lucky for us, we were in an alley in the city and he didn’t shift compl
etely. I could have held my own if he had, but I doubt I’d be performing tonight after an attack like that.”

  “You mean if he had turned completely…” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You could have been killed?”

  “He’s a young wolf. Not mature enough to have the strength to kill a vampire. Though, he would have hurt me enough to keep me from singing tonight. But I would have done some serious damage to him, as well. I knew he wouldn’t shift all the way, not there in the alley. But that’s not the last we’ve seen of your slimeball ex.” He smiled and kissed my forehead.

  “He thinks he has a claim on you, and he’ll want to fight me with everything he has. Eventually. Werewolves are despicable creatures. It’s a genetic affliction.”

  “You mean his parents were werewolves?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. The disease may have lain dormant in his line for generations. It’s possible his parents were not aware of it, but one can never be sure without meeting them face-to-face. Not something any vampire would want to do, and it matters little to us. But werewolves and vampires can most definitely sense each other, and the repercussions are rarely pleasant if they share the same space.

  “A werewolf cannot control their emotions as well as a vampire. We are calm and arrogant in their presence. They don’t like it, and if we make them angry, well, they have a difficult time controlling their tempers around us. Hell, they have a hard time controlling themselves anytime they get angry. You’ve apparently never made him angry enough before. But one sniff of my scent sent him into a frenzy.”

  “So, he sensed you were a vampire.”

  “Yes, as I immediately recognized what he was. Magdalena, has he ever bitten you?”

  “No. Of course, not.”

  “Not even when…during sex?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Good. Then he hasn’t actually claimed you as his.”

  “I’m no one’s property, and I never will be,” I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest to make the point.

  “If he had bitten you, you might feel differently, which would make my plight more difficult.”

  “There should be some Vampire/Werewolf 101 course at the community college.”

  He chuckled. “There’s not, but I suppose there should be.”

  I sighed. “I was joking.”

  “I know. And I’m glad you can joke about it. I hope that means you’re beginning to accept what I am.”

  I was beginning to, until tonight. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to accept what had just happened between Kellen and Cian.

  “No. I’m afraid that’s going to take a bit more time. I’d say the joking is more a nervous habit that I have during moments of high stress.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Are you serious?” Lane snapped when I told him and the rest of the band about what had happened with Magdalena’s ex. The four of us sat backstage, having a few drinks while we waited to go on. I’d left Magdalena sitting at one of the front tables with Ari and her friends.

  “As serious as a plump, throbbing vein,” I confirmed. “The guy’s a fucking wolf, and I’d bet my right nut that he’s going to show up again before the night’s through, wanting to stake his claim on Magdalena. I felt him stalking the entire ride over here.”

  “Fucking wolves have serious territorial issues when it comes to their bitches. No offense,” Elvis said to me.

  “None taken.” I knew he wasn’t exactly calling Magdalena a bitch, though if it had been anyone but Elvis or another one of my brothers, I’d have flattened him for the comment.

  “They’re worse than the fucking vampires who think they can rule others, making stupid rules,” Elvis added.

  “Has he ever bitten her?” Gage asked.

  “No. She had no idea what he was.”

  “Then from what I know of werewolf ethics—by the way, that’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one—he hasn’t actually claimed her as his,” Gage said.

  “Right.” I needed to make that clear in my own mind as well as theirs. I needed their help with this. If Kellen did show up in this club, he would most definitely shift completely, and I’d never be able to defend Magdalena on my own. Of course, even if they thought Magdalena had been claimed, they would never just stand by and let a wolf try to take me down.

  It was time to go on. We all walked up the six short steps to the stage and took our places.

  “Where’s Chelle?” I asked Lane as I walked past him to my spot on stage.

  “She’s secure in her room.”

  “Good.” I knew Lane hated restraining her with fetters, but the last thing we needed was a newbie female vampire fucking things up further if Kellen did show up. It would be bad enough compelling everyone into believing that what they’d seen never happened. Having an uncontrollable new vampire around would only make things worse. One thing at a time. I sighed and pulled the microphone to my mouth.

  “San Francisco!” I shouted. “Are you ready to party?”

  The crowd roared, and some banged their palms on top of the tables for added effect.

  “Are you having a good time?”

  More cheering and table banging.

  “Let’s rock!” I strummed the first chord of the night, a fast song and a favorite, one of the Eagles’ greatest hits, to get everyone in the mood. The crowd roared, and the dance floor filled with patrons flailing in wild abandon. There was going to be a bloodbath here tonight. I could smell it in the air. Somebody was going to hurt someone before the night was through, and I had a good feeling it was going to be a stupid young wolf. Even though we didn’t kill humans for food, that didn’t mean we wouldn’t enjoy killing a werewolf. We were vampires, and the monster in me smiled, even though the thought of Magdalena possibly getting hurt made me sick.

  An hour went by, and there was still no sign of Kellen. Maybe I was wrong. We finished the last song and the room boomed with applause. I sighed as Lane patted me on the back. “Let’s take a break,” he said.

  “San Francisco! You’re all rock stars tonight! We’re the Lost Boys, and we’ll be back right after a short break,” I said when the clapping settled down.

  I normally stayed out of the club during breaks. We all did. But tonight, we all made our presence known out there. Lane and I pulled up chairs at the table where Magdalena and the others sat. The guy who’d been hanging around the women last week scooted his chair closer to Magdalena’s friend when Lane and I sat down.

  “Are you all right?” I whispered to Magdalena.


  “He’s going to be here, you know.”

  Her beautiful, innocent eyes shot up to mine. “How do you know?”

  “I just know,” I said and kissed her lightly on the lips, lingering as I gently slid my mouth over hers before sucking in her bottom lip. The taste was heaven. It was useless to try and describe intuitive senses to someone. It wasn’t something tangible that one’s mind could comprehend unless they’d experienced the feeling.

  I pulled back from her the minute the wretched scent entered my nostrils. Lane’s eyes fixed on mine. I turned to see Kellen step out of the dark hallway that led into the club from the front door.

  “Here we go, boys,” Lane grinned. “This ought to be fun.” He cracked his knuckles, then his neck. Ari did the same, and I almost laughed. The human was strong, but not strong enough to go against a werewolf.

  “Stay back, Ari, take the women upstairs,” I ordered, and he immediately grabbed the arms of both Magdalena and Vanessa and quickly ushered them away.

  “Maggie!” Kellen yelled over the cacophony of the crowd, and Magdalena stopped then wiggled her way out of Ari’s grasp.

  “Stay with Ari,” I yelled.

  “No. I won’t let you do this. Not when I know I can prevent it.”

  I hissed.

  “Stupid female,” Kellen uttered. “There’s nothing you can do to prevent this now, bitch. I just wanted to make sure you knew I
was here to kill this bastard. No one takes what’s mine.”

  “I’m not yours,” Magdalena yelled.

  “Magdalena! Go with Ari! Now!”

  She shook her head. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  Of course, I could. But I didn’t want to. Ever.

  “As you wish,” I said through a fanged jaw, not giving a rat’s ass who saw me. I braced for the attack.

  Kellen’s entire body vibrated and his nose and mouth elongated the same way it had in the alley, but this time, bones crunched and his clothes ripped away as he went down on all fours, his entire body now covered with dark black fur, his jowls salivating with the prospect of a kill.

  “What the fuck?” Vanessa yelled. “Kellen’s a werewolf?”

  He growled and sprang forward. I pivoted too quickly for him and was able to twist my body so that I could sink my fangs deep into the side of his neck before he knew where I’d gone. But he managed to sink his razor-sharp teeth into my shoulder before shrugging me off as though I were an old rag doll. My body hit the wall, and I felt the drywall cave in. Fuck, that was going to require a contractor.

  People in the room scattered and screamed. I heard Magdalena call out my name, but I didn’t look at her. Didn’t want to lose my focus.

  The wolf was strong, but not strong enough for four vampires. Lane, Gage, and Elvis bared their fangs and grabbed him, each sinking their teeth into his hind legs. I managed to regain my balance, let the blood coagulate in the wound on my shoulder, then went for another bite. This time, I managed to puncture his jugular. His blood oozed into my mouth and tasted vile. I spit it out, not wanting to swallow it; goddamn, wolves were fucking nasty.

  With Gage and Elvis now on each of his front limbs, Lane sank his fangs into the other side of Kellen’s neck. The three extra vampires had surprised Kellen. He hadn’t been expecting that. You see, once you’re in a room with one vampire, it’s nearly impossible to sense that there are others close by, unless you know the signs. And as I’d hoped, it was clear that Kellen did not.


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