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Delphi Septuagint

Page 49

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [22] And Balaam the son of Baeor the prophet they slew in the battle.

  [23] And the borders of Ruben were — even Jordan was the boundary; this is the inheritance of the children of Ruben according to their families, these were their cities and their villages.

  [24] And Moses gave inheritance to the sons of Gad according to their families. [25] And their borders were Jazer, all the cities of Galaad, and half the land of the children of Ammon to Araba, which is before Arad. [26] And from Esebon to Araboth by Massepha, and Botanim, and Maan to the borders of Daebon, [27] and Enadom, and Othargai, and Baenthanabra, and Soccotha, and Saphan, and the rest of the kingdom of Sean king of Esebon: and Jordan shall be the boundary as far as part of the sea of Chenereth beyond Jordan eastward. [28] This is the inheritance of the children of Gad according to their families and according to their cities: according to their families they will turn their backs before their enemies, because their cities and their villages were according to their families.

  [29] And Moses gave to half the tribe of Manasse according to their families. [30] And their borders were from Maan, and all the kingdom of Basan, and all the kingdom of Og king of Basan, and all the villages of Jair, which are in the region of Basan, sixty cities: [31] and the half of Galaad, and in Astaroth, and in Edrain, royal cities of Og in the land of Basan, Moses gave to the sons of Machir the sons of Manasse, even to the half-tribe sons of Machir the sons of Manasse, according to their families. [32] These are they whom Moses caused to inherit beyond Jordan in Araboth Moab, beyond Jordan by Jericho eastward.

  Chapter 14

  [1] And these are they of the children of Israel that received their inheritance in the land of Chanaan, to whom Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the sonof Naue, and the heads of the families of the tribes of the children of Israel, gave inheritance. [2] They inherited according to their lots, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Joshua to the nine tribes and the half tribe, on the other side of Jordan. [3] But to the Levites he gave no inheritance among them. [4] For the sons of Joseph were two tribes, Manasse and Ephraim; and there was none inheritance in the land given to the Levites, only cities to dwell in, and their suburbs separated for the cattle, and their cattle. [5] As the Lord commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel; and they divided the land.

  [6] And the children of Juda came to Joshua in Galgal, and Chaleb the son of Jephone the Kenezite said to him, Thou knowest the word that the Lord spoke to Moses the man of God concerning me and thee in Cades Barne. [7] For I was forty years old when Moses the servant of God sent me out of Cades Barne to spy out the land; and I returned him an answer according to his mind. [8] My brethren that went up with me turned away the heart of the people, but I applied my self to follow the Lord my God. [9] And Moses sware on that day, saying, The land on which thou art gone up, it shall be thy inheritance and thy children’s for ever, because thou hast applied thyself to follow the Lord our God. [10] And now the Lord has kept me alive as he said: this is the forty-fifth year since the Lord spoke that word to Moses; and Israel journeyed in the wilderness; and now, behold, I am this day eighty-five years old. [11] I am still strong this day, as when the Lord sent me: just so strong am I now to go out and to come in for war. [12] And now I ask of thee this mountain, as the Lord said in that day; for thou heardest this word on that day; and now the Enakim are there, cities great and strong: if then the Lord should be with me, I will utterly destroy them, as the Lord said to me.

  [13] And Joshua blessed him, and gave Chebron to Chaleb the son of Jephone the son of Kenez for an inheritance. [14] Therefore Chebron became the inheritance of Chaleb the son of Jephone the Kenezite until this day, because he followed the commandment of the Lord God of Israel. [15] And the name of Chebron before was the city Argob, it is the metropolis of the Enakim: and the land rested from war.

  Chapter 15

  [1] And the borders of the tribe of Juda according to their families were from the borders of Idumea from the wilderness of sin, as far as Cades southward.

  [2] And their borders were from the south as far as a part of the salt sea from the high country that extends southward. [3] And they proceed before the ascent of Acrabin, and go out round Sena, and go up from the south to Cades Barne; and go out to Asoron, and proceed up to Sarada, and go out by the way that is west of Cades. [4] And they go out to Selmona, and issue at the valley of Egypt; and the termination of its boundaries shall be at the sea: these are their boundaries southward.

  [5] And their boundaries eastward are all the salt sea as far as Jordan; and their borders from the north, and from the border of the sea, and from part of Jordan — [6] the borders go up to Baethaglaam, and they go along from the north to Baetharaba, and the borders go on up to the stone of Baeon the son of Ruben. [7] And the borders continue on to the fourth part of the valley of Achor, and go down to Galgal, which is before the approach of Adammin, which is southward in the valley, and terminate at the water of the fountain of the sun; and their going forth shall be the fountain of Rogel. [8] And the borders go up to the valley of Ennom, behind Jebus southward; this is Jerusalem: and the borders terminate at the top of the mountain, which is before the valley of Ennom toward the sea, which is by the side of the land of Raphain northward. [9] And the border going forth from the top of the mountain terminates at the fountain of the water of Naphtho, and terminates at mount Ephron; and the border will lead to Baal; this is the city of Jarim. [10] And the border will go round from Baal to the sea, and will go on to the mount of Assar behind the city of Jarin northwards; this is Chaslon: and it will come down to the city of Sun, and will go on to the south. [11] And the border terminates behind Accaron northward, and the borders will terminate at Socchoth, and the borders will go on to the south, and will terminate at Lebna, and the issue of the borders will be at the sea; and their borders shall be toward the sea, the great sea shall be the boundary. [12] These are the borders of the children of Juda round about according to their families.

  [13] And to Chaleb the son of Jephone he gave a portion in the midst of the children of Juda by the command of God; and Joshua gave him the city of Arboc the metropolis of Enac; this is Chebron. [14] And Chaleb the son of Jephone destroyed thence the three sons of Enac, Susi, and Tholami, and Achima. [15] And Chaleb went up thence to the inhabitants of Dabir; and the name of Dabir before was the city of Letters.

  [16] And Chaleb said, Whosoever shall take and destroy the city of Letters, and master it, to him will I give my daughter Ascha to wife. [17] And Gothoniel the son of Chenez the brother of Chaleb took it; and he gave him Ascha his daughter to wife. [18] And it came to pass as she went out that she counselled him, saying, I will ask of my father a field; and she cried from off her ass; and Chaleb said to her, What is it? [19] And she said to him, Give me a blessing, for thou hast set me in the land of Nageb; give me Botthanis: and he gave her Gonaethla the upper, and Gonaethla the lower.

  [20] This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Juda. [21] And their cities were cities belonging to the tribe of the children of Juda on the borders of Edom by the wilderness, and Baeseleel, and Ara, and Asor, [22] and Icam, and Regma, and Aruel, [23] and Cades, and Asorionain, and Maenam, [24] and Balmaenan, and their villages, [25] and the cities of Aseron, this is Asor, [26] and Sen, and Salmaa, and Molada, [27] and Seri, and Baephalath, [28] and Cholaseola, and Beersabee; and their villages, and their hamlets, [29] Bala and Bacoc, and Asom, [30] and Elboudad, and Baethel, and Herma, [31] and Sekelac, and Macharim, and Sethennac, [32] and Labos, and Sale, and Eromoth; twenty-nine cities, and their villages.

  [33] In the plain country Astaol, and Raa, and Assa, [34] and Ramen, and Tano, and Iluthoth, and Maeani, [35] and Jermuth, and Odollam, and Membra, and Saocho, and Jazeca. [36] And Sacarim and Gadera, and its villages; fourteen cities, and their villages; [37] Senna, and Adasan, and Magadalgad, [38] and Dalad, and Maspha, and Jachareel, [39] and Basedoth, and Ideadalea; [40] and Chabra, and Maches, and Maachos, [41] and Geddor, and Bagadiel, and Noman, and Machedan: si
xteen cities, and their villages; [42] Lebna, and Ithac, and Anoch, [43] and Jana, and Nasib, [44] and Keilam, and Akiezi, and Kezib, and Bathesar, and Ælom: ten cities, and their villages; [45] Accaron and her villages, and their hamlets: [46] from Accaron, Gemna, and all the cities that are near Asedoth; and their villages. [47] Asiedoth, and her villages, and her hamlets; Gaza, and its villages and its hamlets as far as the river of Egypt, and the great sea is the boundary.

  [48] And in the hill country Samir, and Jether, and Socha, [49] and Renna and the city of Letters, this is Dabir; [50] and Anon, and Es, and Man, and Æsam, [51] and Gosom, and Chalu, and Channa, and Gelom: eleven cities, and their villages; [52] Ærem, and Remna, and Soma, [53] and Jemain, and Baethachu, and Phacua, [54] and Euma, and the city Arboc, this is Chebron, and Soraith: nine cities and their villages: [55] Maor, and Chermel, and Ozib, and Itan, [56] and Jariel, and Aricam, and Zacanaim, [57] and Gabaa, and Thamnatha; nine cities, and their villages; [58] Ælua, and Bethsur, and Geddon, [59] and Magaroth, and Baethanam, and Thecum; six cities, and their villages; (60) Theco, and Ephratha, this is Baethleem, and Phagor, and Ætan, and Culon, and Tatam, and Thobes, and Carem, and Galem, and Thether, and Manocho: eleven cities, and their villages, [60] Cariathbaal, this is the city of Jarim, and Sotheba: two cities, and their villages: [61] and Baddargeis, and Tharabaam, and Ænon; [62] and Æochioza, and Naphlazon, and the cities of Sadon, and Ancades; seven cities, and their villages.

  [63] And the Jebusite dwelt in Jerusalem, and the children of Juda could not destroy them; and the Jebusites dwelt in Jerusalem to this day.

  Chapter 16

  [1] And the borders of the children of Joseph were from Jordan by Jericho eastward; and they will go up from Jericho to the hill country, to the wilderness, to Baethel Luza. [2] And they will go out to Baethel, and will proceed to the borders of Achatarothi. [3] And they will go across to the sea to the borders of Aptalim, as far as the borders of Baethoron the lower, and the going forth of them shall be to the sea. [4] And the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasse, took their inheritance.

  [5] And the borders of the children of Ephraim were according to their families, and the borders of their inheritance were eastward to Ataroth, and Eroc as far as Baethoron the upper, and Gazara. [6] And the borders will proceed to the sea to Icasmon north of Therma; they will go round eastward to Thenasa, and Selles, and will pass on eastward to Janoca, [7] and to Macho, and Ataroth, and these are their villages; and they will come to Jericho, and will issue at Jordan. [8] And the borders will proceed from Tapho to the sea to Chelcana; and their termination will be at the sea; this is the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim according to their families.

  [9] And the cities separated to the sons of Ephraim were in the midst of the inheritance of the sons of Manasse, all the cities and their villages. [10] And Ephraim did not destroy the Chananite who dwelt in Gazer; and the Chananite dwelt in Ephraim until this day, until Pharao the king of Egypt went up and took it, and burnt it with fire; and the Chananites, and Pherezites, and the dwellers in Gaza they destroyed, and Pharao gave them for a dowry to his daughter.

  Chapter 17

  [1] And the borders of the tribe of the children of Manasse, (for he was the first-born of Joseph,) assigned to Machir the first-born of Manasse the father of Galaad, for he was a warrior, were in the land of Galaad and of Basan. [2] And there was land assigned to the other sons of Manasse according to their families; to the sons of Jezi, and to the sons of Kelez, and to the sons of Jeziel, and to the sons of Sychem, and to the sons of Symarim, and to the sons of Opher: these are the males according to their families.

  [3] And Salpaad the sons of Opher had no sons but daughters: and these are the names of the daughters of Salpaad; Maala, and Nua, and Egla, and Melcha, and Thersa. [4] And they stood before Eleazar the priest, and before Joshua, and before the rulers, saying, God gave a charge by the hand of Moses, to give us an inheritance in the midst of our brethren: so there was given to them by the command of the Lord an inheritance among the brethren of their father. [5] And their lot fell to them from Anassa, and to the plain of Labec of the land of Galaad, which is beyond Jordan. [6] For the daughters of the sons of Manasse inherited a portion in the midst of their brethren, and the land of Galaad was assigned to the remainder of the sons of Manasse.

  [7] And the borders of the sons of Manasse were Delanath, which is before the sons of Anath, and it proceeds to the borders even to Jamin and Jassib to the fountain of Thaphthoth. [8] It shall belong to Manasse, and Thapheth on the borders of Manasse shall belong to the sons of Ephraim. [9] And the borders shall go down to the valley of Carana southward by the valley of Jariel, (there is a turpentine tree belonging to Ephraim between that and the city of Manasse:) and the borders of Manasse are northward to the brook; and the sea shall be its termination. [10] Southward the land belongs to Ephraim, and northward to Manasse; and the sea shall be their cost; and northward they shall border upon Aseb, and eastward upon Issachar. [11] And Manasses shall have in the portion of Issachar and Aser Baethsan and their villages, and the inhabitants of Dor, and its villages, and the inhabitants of Mageddo, and its villages, and the third part of Mapheta, and its villages.

  [12] And the sons of Manasse were not able to destroy these cities; and the Chananite began to dwell in that land. [13] And it came to pass that when the children of Israel were strong, they made the Chananites subject, but they did not utterly destroy them.

  [14] And the sons of Joseph answered Joshua, saying, Wherefore hast thou caused us to inherit one inheritance, and one line? whereas I am a great people, and God has blessed me. [15] And Joshua said to them, If thou be a great people, go up to the forest, and clear the land for thyself, If mount Ephraim be too little for thee. [16] And they said, The mount of Ephraim does not please us, and the Chananite dwelling in it in Baethsan, and in its villages, and in the valley of Jezrael, has choice cavalry and iron. [17] And Joshua said to the sons of Joseph, If thou art a great people, and hast great strength, thou shalt not have only one inheritance. [18] For thou shalt have the wood, for there is a wood, and thou shalt clear it, and the land shall be thine; even when thou shalt have utterly destroyed the Chananite, for he has chosen cavalry; yet thou art stronger than he.

  Chapter 18

  [1] And all the congregation of the children of Israel were assembled at Selo, and there they pitched the tabernacle of witness; and the land was subdued by them.

  [2] And the sons of Israel remained, even those who had not received their inheritance, seven tribes. [3] And Joshua said to the sons of Israel, How long will ye be slack to inherit the land, which the Lord our God has given you? [4] Appoint of yourselves three men of each tribe, and let them rise up and go through the land, and let them describe it before me, as it will be proper to divide it. [5] And they came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, saying, Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward. [6] And do ye divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will give you a lot before the Lord our God. [7] For the sons of Levi have no part among you; for the priesthood of the Lord is his portion; and Gad, and Ruben, and the half tribe of Manasse, have received their inheritance beyond Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave to them.

  [8] And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo. [9] And they went, and explored the land: and they viewed it, and described it according to the cities, seven parts in a book, and brought the book to Joshua. [10] And Joshua cast the lot for them in Selo before the Lord.

  [11] And the lot of the tribe of Benjamin came forth first according to their families: and the borders of their lot came forth between the children of Juda and the children of Joseph.

  [12] And their borders were northward: the borders shall go up from Jordan behind Jericho northward, and shall go up to the mountain westwa
rd, and the issue of it shall be Baethon of Mabdara. [13] And the borders will go forth thence to Luz, behind Luz, from the south of it; this is Baethel: and the borders shall go down to Maatarob Orech, to the hill country, which is southward of Baethoron the lower.

  [14] And the borders shall pass through and proceed to the part that looks toward the sea, on the south, from the mountain in front of Baethoron southward, and its termination shall be at Cariath-Baal, this is Cariath-Jarin, a city of the children of Juda; this is the part toward the west.

  [15] And the south side on the part of Cariath-Baal; and the borders shall go across to Gasin, to the fountain of the water of Naphtho. [16] And the borders shall extend down on one side, this is in front of the forest of Sonnam, which is on the side of Emec Raphain northward, and it shall come down to Gaeenna behind Jebusai southward: it shall come down to the fountain of Rogel. [17] And the borders shall go across to the fountain of Baethsamys: [18] and shall proceed to Galiloth, which is in front by the going up of Æthamin; and they shall come down to the stone of Baeon of the sons of Ruben; and shall pass over behind Baetharaba northward, and shall go down to the borders behind the sea northward. [19] And the termination of the borders shall be at the creek of the salt sea northward to the side of Jordan southward: these are their southern borders.

  [20] And Jordan shall be their boundary on the east: this is the inheritance of the children of Benjamin, these are their borders round about according to their families.


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