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Delphi Septuagint

Page 131

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  Chapter 12

  [1] And Job answered and said,

  [2] So then ye alone are men, and wisdom shall die with you? [3] But I also have a heart as well as you. [4] For a righteous and blameless man has become a subject for mockery. [5] For it had been ordained that he should fall under others at the appointed time, and that his houses should be spoiled by transgressors: let not however any one trust that, being evil, he shall be held guiltless, [6] even as many as provoke the Lord, as if there were indeed to be no inquisition made of them.

  [7] But ask now the beasts, if they may speak to thee; and the birds of the air, if they may declare to thee. [8] Tell the earth, if it may speak to thee: and the fishes of the sea shall explain to thee. [9] Who then has not known in all these things, that the hand of the Lord has made them? [10] Whereas the life of all living things is in his hand, and the breath of every man.

  [11] For the ear tries words, and the palate tastes meats. [12] In length of time is wisdom, and in long life knowledge. [13] With him are wisdom and power, with him counsel and understanding. [14] If he should cast down, who will build up? if he should shut up against man, who shall open? [15] If he should withhold the water, he will dry the earth: and if he should let it loose, he overthrows and destroys it. [16] With him are strength and power: he has knowledge and understanding. [17] He leads counsellors away captive, and maddens the judges of the earth. [18] He seats kings upon thrones, and girds their loins with a girdle. [19] He sends away priests into captivity, and overthrows the mighty ones of the earth. [20] He changes the lips of the trusty, and he knows the understanding of the elders. [21] He pours dishonour upon princes, and heals the lowly. [22] Revealing deep things out of darkness: and he has brought into light the shadow of death. [23] Causing the nations to wander, and destroying them: overthrowing the nations, and leading them away. [24] Perplexing the minds of the princes of the earth: and he causes them to wander in a way, they have not known, saying, [25] Let them grope in darkness, and let there be no light, and let them wander as a drunken man.

  Chapter 13

  [1] Behold, mine eye has seen these things, and mine ear has heard them. [2] And I know all that ye too know; and I have not less understanding than you.

  [3] Nevertheless I will speak to the Lord, and I will reason before him, if he will. [4] But ye are all bad physicians, and healers of diseases. [5] But would that ye were silent, and it would be wisdom to you in the end.

  [6] But hear ye the reasoning of my mouth, and attend to the judgment of my lips. [7] Do ye not speak before the Lord, and utter deceit before him? [8] Or will ye draw back? nay do, ye yourselves be judges. [9] For it were well if he would thoroughly search you: for though doing all things in your power ye should attach yourselves to him, [10] he will not reprove you at all the less: but if moreover ye should secretly respect persons, [11] shall not his whirlpool sweep you round, and terror from him fall upon you? [12] And your glorying shall prove in the end to you like ashes, and your body like a body of clay.

  [13] Be silent, that I may speak, and cease from mine anger, [14] while I may take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hand. [15] Though the Mighty One should lay hand upon me, forasmuch as he has begun, verily I will speak, and plead before him. [16] And this shall turn to me for salvation; for fraud shall have no entrance before him. [17] Hear, hear ye my words, for I will declare in your hearing. [18] Behold, I am near my judgment: I know that I shall appear evidently just. [19] For who is he that shall plead with me, that I should now be silent, and expire?

  [20] But grant me two things: then I will not hide myself from thy face. [21] Withhold thine hand from me: and let not thy fear terrify me. [22] Then shalt thou call, and I will hearken to thee: or thou shalt speak, and I will give thee an answer. [23] How many are my sins and my transgressions? teach me what they are.

  [24] Wherefore hidest thou thyself from me, and deemest me thine enemy? [25] Wilt thou be startled at me, as at a leaf shaken by the wind? or wilt thou set thyself against me as against grass borne upon the breeze? [26] for thou hast written evil things against me, and thou hast compassed me with the sins of my youth. [27] And thou hast placed my foot in the stocks; and thou hast watched all my works, and hast penetrated my heels. [28] I am as that which waxes old like a bottle, or like a moth-eaten garment.

  Chapter 14

  [1] For a mortal born of a woman is short lived, and full of wrath. [2] Or he falls like a flower that has bloomed; and he departs like a shadow, and cannot continue. [3] Hast thou not taken account even of him, and caused him to enter into judgment before thee? [4] For who shall be pure from uncleanness? not even one; [5] if even his life should be but one day upon the earth: and his months are numbered by him: thou hast appointed him for a time, and he shall by no means exceed it.

  [6] Depart from him, that he may be quiet, and take pleasure in his life, though as a hireling. [7] For there is hope for a tree, even if it should be cut down, that it shall blossom again, and its branch shall not fail. [8] For though its root should grow old in the earth, and its stem die in the rock; [9] it will blossom from the scent of water, and will produce a crop, as one newly planted. [10] But a man that has died is utterly gone; and when a mortal has fallen, he is no more. [11] For the sea wastes in length of time, and a river fails and is dried up. [12] And man that has lain down in death shall certainly not rise again till the heaven be dissolved, and they shall not awake from their sleep.

  [13] For oh that thou hadst kept me in the grave, and hadst hidden me until thy wrath should cease, and thou shouldest set me a time in which thou wouldest remember me! [14] For if a man should die, shall he live again, having accomplished the days of his life? I will wait till I exist again? [15] Then shalt thou call, and I will hearken to thee: but do not thou reject the work of thine hands. [16] But thou hast numbered my devices: and not one of my sins shall escape thee? [17] An thou hast sealed up my transgressions in a bag, and marked if I have been guilty of any transgression unawares.

  [18] And verily a mountain falling will utterly be destroyed, and a rock shall be worn out of its place. [19] The waters wear the stones, and waters falling headlong overflow a heap of the earth: and thou destroyest the hope of man. [20] Thou drivest him to an end, and he is gone: thou settest thy face against him, and sendest him away; [21] and though his children be multiplied, he knows it not; and if they be few, he is not aware. [22] But his flesh is in pain, and his soul mourns.

  Chapter 15

  [1] Then Eliphaz the Thaemanite answered and said,

  [2] Will a wise man give for answer a mere breath of wisdom? and does he fill up the pain of his belly, [3] reasoning with improper sayings, and with words wherein is no profit? [4] Hast not thou moreover cast off fear, and accomplished such words before the Lord? [5] Thou art guilty by the words of thy mouth, neither hast thou discerned the words of the mighty. [6] Let thine own mouth, and not me, reprove thee: and thy lips shall testify against thee.

  [7] What! art thou the first man that was born? or wert thou established before the hills? [8] Or hast thou heard the ordinance of the Lord? or has God used thee as his counsellor? and has wisdom come only to thee? [9] For what knowest thou, that, we know not? or what understandest thou, which we do not also? [10] Truly among us are both the old and very aged man, more advanced in days than thy father. [11] Thou hast been scourged for but few of thy sins: thou hast spoken haughtily and extravagantly.

  [12] What has thine heart dared? or what have thine eyes aimed at, [13] that thou hast vented thy rage before the Lord, and delivered such words from thy mouth? [14] For who, being a mortal, is such that he shall be blameless? or, who that is born of a woman, that he should be just? [15] Forasmuch as he trusts not his saints; and the heaven is not pure before him. [16] Alas then, abominable and unclean is man, drinking unrighteousness as a draught.

  [17] But I will tell thee, hearken to me; I will tell thee now what I have seen; [18] things wise men say, and their fathers have not hidden. [19] To them alone th
e earth was given, and no stranger came upon them. [20] All the life of the ungodly is spent in care, and the years granted to the oppressor are numbered. [21] And his terror is in his ears: just when he seems to be at peace, his overthrow will come. [22] Let him not trust that he shall return from darkness, for he has been already made over to the power of the sword. [23] And he has been appointed to be food for vultures; and he knows within himself that he is doomed to be a carcass: and a dark day shall carry him away as with a whirlwind. [24] Distress also and anguish shall come upon him: he shall fall as a captain in the first rank. [25] For he has lifted his hands against the Lord, and he has hardened his neck against the Almighty Lord. [26] And he has run against him with insolence, on the thickness of the back of his shield. [27] For he has covered his face with his fat, and made layers of fat upon his thighs. [28] And let him lodge in desolate cities, and enter into houses without inhabitant: and what they have prepared, others shall carry away.

  [29] Neither shall he at all grow rich, nor shall his substance remain: he shall not cast a shadow upon the earth. [30] Neither shall he in any wise escape the darkness: let the wind blast his blossom, and let his flower fall off. [31] Let him not think that he shall endure; for his end shall be vanity. [32] His harvest shall perish before the time, and his branch shall not flourish. [33] And let him be gathered as the unripe grape before the time, and let him fall as the blossom of the olive. [34] For death is the witness of an ungodly man, and fire shall burn the houses of them that receive gifts. [35] And he shall conceive sorrows, and his end shall be vanity, and his belly shall bear deceit.

  Chapter 16

  [1] But Job answered and said,

  [2] I have heard many such things: poor comforters are ye all. [3] What! is there any reason in vain words? or what will hinder thee from answering? [4] I also will speak as ye do: if indeed your soul were in my soul’s stead, [5] then would I insult you with words, and I would shake my head at you. [6] And would there were strength in my mouth, and I would not spare the movement of my lips. [7] For if I should speak, I shall not feel the pain of my wound: and if I should be silent, how shall I be wounded the less?

  [8] But now he has made me weary, and a worn-out fool; and thou hast laid hold of me. [9] My falsehood has become a testimony, and has risen up against me: it has confronted me to my face.

  [10] In his anger he has cast me down; he has gnashed his teeth upon me: the weapons of his robbers have fallen upon me. [11] He has attacked me with the keen glances of his eyes; with his sharp spear he has smitten me down upon my knees; and they have run upon me with one accord.

  [12] For the Lord has delivered me into the hands of unrighteous men, and thrown me upon the ungodly. [13] When I was at peace he distracted me: he took me by the hair of the head, and plucked it out: he set me up as a mark. [14] They surrounded me with spears, aiming at my reins: without sparing me they poured out my gall upon the ground. [15] They overthrew me with fall upon fall: they ran upon me in their might. [16] They sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and my strength has been spent on the ground. [17] My belly has been parched with wailing, and darkness is on my eyelids. [18] Yet there was no injustice in my hands, and my prayer is pure.

  [19] Earth, cover not over the blood of my flesh, and let my cry have no place. [20] And now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my advocate is on high. [21] Let my supplication come to the Lord, and let mine eye weep before him. [22] Oh that a man might plead before the Lord, even as the son of man with his neighbor! [23] But my years are numbered and their end come, and I shall go by the way by which I shall not return.

  Chapter 17

  [1] I perish, carried away by the wind, and I seek for burial, and obtain it not. [2] Weary I intreat; and what have I done? and strangers have stolen my goods. [3] Who is this? let him join hands with me. [4] For thou hast hid their heart from wisdom; therefore thou shalt not exalt them. [5] He shall promise mischief to his companions: but their eyes have failed for their children.

  [6] But thou has made me a byword amount the nations, and I am become a scorn to them. [7] For my eyes are dimmed through pain; I have been grievously beset by all. [8] Wonder has seized true men upon this; and let the just rise up against the transgressor. [9] But let the faithful hold on his own way, and let him that is pure of hands take courage. [10] Howbeit, do ye all strengthen yourselves and come now, for I do not find truth in you.

  [11] My days have passed in groaning, and my heart-strings are broken. [12] I have turned the night into day: the light is short because of darkness. [13] For if I remain, Hades is my habitation: and my bed has been made in darkness. [14] I have called upon death to be my father, and corruption to be my mother and sister. [15] Where then is yet my hope? or where shall I see my good? [16] Will they go down with me to Hades, or shall we go down together to the tomb?

  Chapter 18

  [1] Then Baldad the Sauchite answered and said,

  [2] How long wilt thou continue? forbear, that we also may speak. [3] For wherefore have we been silent before thee like brutes? [4] Anger has possessed thee: for what if thou shouldest die; would the earth under heaven be desolate? or shall the mountains be overthrown from their foundations?

  [5] But the light of the ungodly shall be quenched, and their flame shall not go up. [6] His light shall be darkness in his habitation, and his lamp shall be put out with him. [7] Let the meanest of men spoil his goods, and let his counsel deceive him. [8] His foot also has been caught in a snare, and let it be entangled in a net. [9] And let snares come upon him: he shall strengthen those that thirst for his destruction. [10] His snare is hid in the earth, and that which shall take him is by the path. [11] Let pains destroy him round about, and let many enemies come about him, [12] vex him with distressing hunger: and a signal destruction has been prepared for him. [13] Let the soles of his feet be devoured: and death shall consume his beauty. [14] And let health be utterly banished from his tabernacle, and let distress seize upon him with a charge from the king. [15] It shall dwell in his tabernacle in his night: his excellency shall be sown with brimstone. [16] His roots shall be dried up from beneath, and his crop shall fall away from above. [17] Let his memorial perish out of the earth, and his name shall be publicly cast out. [18] Let one drive him from light into darkness. [19] He shall not be known among his people, nor his house preserved on the earth. [20] But strangers shall dwell in his possessions: the last groaned for him, and wonder seized the first.

  [21] These are the houses of the unrighteous, and this is the place of them that know not the Lord.

  Chapter 19

  [1] Then Job answered and said,

  [2] How long will ye vex my soul, and destroy me with words? only know that the Lord has dealt with me thus. [3] Ye speak against me; ye do not feel for me, but bear hard upon me. [4] Yea verily, I have erred in truth, (but the error abides with myself) in having spoken words which it was not right to speak; and my words err, and are unreasonable. [5] But alas! for ye magnify yourselves against me, and insult me with reproach. [6] Know then that it is the Lord that has troubled me, and has raised his bulwark against me. [7] Behold, I laugh at reproach; I will not speak: or I will cry out, but there is nowhere judgment. [8] I am fenced round about, and can by no means escape: he has set darkness before my face. [9] And he has stripped me of my glory, and has taken the crown from my head. [10] He has torn me around about, and I am gone: and he has cut off my hope like a tree. [11] And he has dreadfully handled me in anger, and has counted me for an enemy. [12] His troops also came upon me with one accord, liars in wait compassed my ways.

  [13] My brethren have stood aloof from me; they have recognized strangers rather than me: and my friends have become pitiless. [14] My nearest of kin have not acknowledged me, and they that knew my name, have forgotten me. [15] As for my household, and my maid-servants, I was a stranger before them. [16] I called my servant, and he hearkened not; and my mouth intreated him. [17] And I besought my wife, and earnestly intreated the sons of my concubines. [18] But th
ey rejected me for ever; whenever I rise up, they speak against me. [19] They that saw me abhorred me: the very persons whom I had loved, rose up against me. [20] My flesh is corrupt under my skin, and my bones are held in my teeth. [21] Pity me, pity me, O friends; for it is the hand of the Lord that has touched me. [22] Wherefore do ye persecute me as also the Lord does, and are not satisfied with my flesh?

  [23] For oh that my words were written, and that they were recorded in a book forever, [24] with an iron pen and lead, or graven in the rocks! [25] For I know that he is eternal who is about to deliver me, [26] and to raise up upon the earth my skin that endures these sufferings: for these things have been accomplished to me of the Lord; [27] which I am conscious of in myself, which mine eye has seen, and not another, but all have been fulfilled to me in my bosom.

  [28] But if ye shall also say, What shall we say before him, and so find the root of the matter in him? [29] Do ye also beware of deceit: for wrath will come upon transgressors; and then shall they know where their substance is.

  Chapter 20

  [1] Then Sophar the Minaean answered and said,

  [2] I did not suppose that thou wouldest answer thus: neither do ye understand more than I. [3] I will hear my shameful reproach; and the spirit of my understanding answers me.

  [4] Hast thou not known these things of old, from the time that man was set upon the earth? [5] But the mirth of the ungodly is a signal downfall, and the joy of transgressors is destruction: [6] although his gifts should go up to heaven, and his sacrifice reach the clouds. [7] For when he shall seem to be now established, then he shall utterly perish: and they that knew him shall say, Where is he? [8] Like a dream that has fled away, he shall not be found; and he has fled like a vision of the night. [9] The eye has looked upon him, but shall not see him again; and his place shall no longer perceive him. [10] Let his inferiors destroy his children, and let his hands kindle the fire of sorrow. [11] His bones have been filled with vigour of his youth, and it shall lie down with him in the dust.


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