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Delphi Septuagint

Page 201

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  Chapter 46

  [1] Thus saith the Lord God; The gate that is in the inner court, that looks eastward, shall be shut the six working days; but let it be opened on the sabbath-day, and it shall be opened on the day of the new moon. [2] And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of the inner gate, and shall stand at the entrance of the gate, and the priests shall prepare his whole-burnt-offerings and his peace-offerings, and he shall worship at the entrance of the gate: then shall he come forth; but the gate shall not be shut till evening. [3] And the people of the land shall worship at the entrance of that gate, both on the sabbaths and at the new moons, before the Lord.

  [4] And the prince shall offer whole-burnt-offerings to the Lord on the sabbath-day, six lambs without blemish, and a ram without blemish; [5] and a freewill-offering, a meat-offering for the ram, and a meat-offering for the lambs, the gift of his hand, and a hin of oil for the meat-offering. [6] And on the day of the new moon a calf without blemish, and six lambs, and there shall be a ram without blemish; [7] and a meat-offering for the ram, and there shall be a meat-offering for the calf as a freewill-offering, and for the lambs, according as his hand can furnish, and there shall be a hin of oil for the cake.

  [8] And when the prince goes in, he shall go in by the way of the porch of the gate, and he shall go forth by the way of the gate. [9] And whenever the people of the land shall go in before the Lord at the feasts, he that goes in by the way of the north gate to worship shall go forth by the way of the south gate; and he that goes in by the way of the south gate shall go forth by the way of the north gate: he shall not return by the gate by which he entered, but he shall go forth opposite it. [10] And the prince shall enter with them in the midst of them when they go in; and when they go forth, he shall go forth.

  [11] And in the feasts and in the general assemblies the freewill oblation shall be a meat-offering for the calf, and a meat-offering for the ram, and for the lambs, as his hand can furnish, and a hin of oil for the meat-offering. [12] And if the prince should prepare as a thanksgiving a whole-burnt-peace-offering to the Lord, and should open for himself the gate looking eastward, and offer his whole-burnt-offering, and his peace-offerings, as he does on the sabbath-day; then shall he go out, and shall shut the doors after he has gone out.

  [13] And he shall prepare daily as a whole-burnt-offering to the Lord a lamb of a year old without blemish: in the morning shall he prepare it. [14] And he shall prepare a freewill-offering for it in the morning, the sixth part of a measure of flour, and a third part of a hin of oil to mix therewith the fine flour, as a freewill-offering to the Lord, a perpetual ordinance. [15] Ye shall prepare the lamb, and the freewill-offering, and the oil in the morning, for a perpetual whole-burnt-sacrifice.

  [16] Thus saith the Lord God; If the prince shall give a gift to one of his sons out of his inheritance, this shall be to his sons a possession as an inheritance. [17] But if he give a gift to one of his servants, then it shall belong to him until the year of release; and then he shall restore it to the prince: but of the inheritance of his sons the possession shall continue to them. [18] And the prince shall by no means take of the inheritance of the people, to oppress them: he shall give an inheritance to his sons out of his own possession: that my people be not scattered, every one from his possession.

  [19] And he brought me into the entrance of the place behind the gate, into the chamber of the sanctuary belonging to the priests, that looks toward the north: and, behold, there was a place set apart. [20] And he said to me, This is the place where the priests shall boil the trespass-offerings and the sin-offerings, and there shall they bake the meat-offering always; so as not to carry them out into the outer court, to sanctify the people.

  [21] And he brought me into the outer court, and led me round upon the four sides of the court; and, behold, there was a court on each of the sides of the court, [22] on every side a court, even a court for all the four sides, and each little court belonging to the court was in length forty cubits, and in breadth thirty cubits, there was one measure to the four. [23] And there were chambers in them round about, round about the four, and cooking-places formed under the chambers round about. [24] And he said to me, These are the cooks’ houses, where they that serve the house shall boil the sacrifices of the people.

  Chapter 47

  [1] And he brought me to the entrance of the house; and, behold, water issued from under the porch eastward, for the front of the house looked eastward; and the water came down from the right side, from the south to the altar. [2] And he brought me out by the way of the northern gate, and he led me round by the way outside to the gate of the court that looks eastward; and, behold, water came down from the right side, [3] in the direction in which a man went forth opposite; and there was a measuring line in his hand, and he measured a thousand cubits with the measure; [4] and he passed through the water; it was water of a fountain: and again he measured a thousand, and passed through the water; and the water was up to the thighs: and again he measured a thousand; and he passed through water up to the loins. [5] and again he measured a thousand; and he could not pass through: for the water rose as of a torrent which men cannot pass over.

  [6] And he said to me, Hast thou seen this, son of man? Then he brought me, and led me back to the brink of the river [7] as I returned; and, behold, on the brink of the river there were very many trees on this side and on that side. [8] And he said to me, This is the water that goes forth to Galilee that lies eastward, and it is gone down to Arabia, and has reached as far as to the sea to the outlet of the water: and it shall heal the waters. [9] And it shall come to pass, that every animal of living and moving creatures, all on which the river shall come, shall live: and there shall be there very many fish; for this water shall go thither, and it shall heal them, and they shall live: everything on which the river shall come shall live.

  [10] And fishers shall stand there from Ingadin to Enagallim; it shall be a place to spread out nets upon; it shall be distinct; and the fishes thereof shall be as the fishes of the great sea, a very great multitude. [11] But at the outlet of the water, and the turn of it, and where it overflows its banks, they shall not heal at all; they are given to salt. [12] And every fruit tree shall grow by the river, even on the bank of it on this side and on that side: they shall not decay upon it, neither shall their fruit fail: they shall bring forth the first-fruit of their early crop, for these their waters come forth of the sanctuary: and their fruit shall be for meat, and their foliage for health.

  [13] Thus saith the Lord God; Ye shall inherit these borders of the land; they are given by lot to the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. [14] And ye shall inherit it, each according to his brother’s portion, even the land concerning which I lifted up my hand to give it to your fathers: and this land shall fall to you by lot.

  [15] And these are the borders of the land that lies northward, from the great sea that comes down, and divides the entrance of Emaseldam; [16] Maabthera, Ebrameliam, between the coasts of Damascus and the coasts of Emathi, the habitation of Saunan, which places are above the coasts of Auranitis. [17] These are the borders from the sea, from the habitations of Ænan, the coasts of Damascus, and the northern coasts. [18] And the eastern coasts between Loranitis, and Damascus, and the land of Galaad, and the land of Israel, the Jordan divides to the sea that is east of the city of palm-trees. These are the eastern coasts. [19] And the southern and south-western coasts are from Thaeman and the city of palm-trees, to the water of Marimoth Cadem, reaching forth to the great sea. This part is the south and south-west. [20] This part of the great sea forms a border, till one comes opposite the entrance of Emath, even as far as the entrance thereof. These are the parts west of Emath.

  [21] So ye shall divide this land to them, even to the tribes of Israel. [22] Ye shall cast the lot upon it, for yourselves and the strangers that sojourn in the midst of you, who have begotten children in the midst of you: and they shall be to you as natives among the children of Israel; they shall eat
with you in their inheritance in the midst of the tribes of Israel. [23] And they shall be in the tribe of proselytes among the proselytes that are with them: there shall ye give them an inheritance, saith the Lord God.

  Chapter 48

  [1] And these are the names of the tribes from the northern corner, on the side of the decent that draws a line to the entrance of Emath the palace of Ælam, the border of Damascus northward on the side of Emath the palace; and they shall have the eastern parts as far as the sea, for Dan, one portion. [2] And from the borders of Dan eastward as far as the west sea-coast, for Asser, one. [3] And from the borders of Asser, from the eastern parts as far as the west coasts, for Nephthalim, one. [4] And from the borders of Nephthalim, from the east as far as the west coasts, for Manasse, one. [5] And from the borders of Manasse, from the eastern parts as far as the west coasts, for Ephraim, one. [6] And from the borders of Ephraim, from the eastern parts to the west coasts, for Ruben, one. [7] And from the borders of Ruben, from the eastern parts as far as the west coasts, for Juda, one. [8] And from the borders of Juda, from the eastern parts shall be the offering of first-fruits, in the breadth twenty-five thousand reeds, and in length as one of the portions measured from the east even to the western parts: and the sanctuary shall be in the midst of them. [9] As for the first-fruits which they shall offer to the Lord, it shall be in length twenty-five thousand, and in breadth twenty-five thousand. [10] Out of this shall be the first-fruits of the holy things to the priests, northward, five and twenty-thousand, and towards the west, ten thousand, and southward, five and twenty thousand: and the mountain of the sanctuary, shall be in the midst of it, [11] for the priests, for the consecrated sons of Sadduc, who keep the charges of the house, who erred not in the error of the children of Israel, as the Levites erred. [12] And the first-fruits shall be given to them out of the first-fruits of the land, even a most holy portion from the borders of the Levites.

  [13] And the Levites shall have the part, next to the borders of the priests, in length twenty-five thousand, and in breadth ten thousand: the whole length shall be five and twenty thousand, and the breadth twenty thousand. [14] No part of it shall be sold, nor measured as for sale, neither shall the first-fruits of the land be taken away: for they are holy to the Lord.

  [15] But concerning the five thousand that remain in the breadth in the five and twenty thousand, they shall be a suburb to the city for dwelling, and for a space before it: and the city shall be in the midst thereof. [16] And these shall be its dimensions; from the northern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the southern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the eastern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the western side they shall measure four thousand five hundred. [17] And there shall be a space to the city northward two hundred and fifty, and southward two hundred and fifty, and eastward two hundred and fifty, and westward two hundred and fifty.

  [18] And the remainder of the length that is next to the first-fruits of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and they shall be the first-fruits of the sanctuary; and the fruits thereof shall be for bread to them that labour for the city. [19] And they that labour for the city shall labour for it out of all the tribes of Israel.

  [20] The whole offering shall be a square of twenty-five thousand by twenty-five thousand: ye shall separate again part of it, the first-fruits of the sanctuary, from the possession of the city.

  [21] And the prince shall have the remainder on this side and on that side from the first-fruits of the sanctuary, and there shall be a possession of the city, for five and twenty thousand cubits in length, to the eastern and western borders, for five and twenty thousand to the western borders, next to the portions of the prince; and the first-fruits of the holy things and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the midst of it. [22] And there shall be a portion taken from the Levites, from the possession of the city in the midst of the princes between the borders of Juda and the borders of Benjamin, and it shall be the portion of the princes.

  [23] And as for the rest of the tribes, from the eastern parts as far as the western, Benjamin shall have one portion. [24] And from the borders of Benjamin, from the eastern parts to the western, Symeon, one. [25] And from the borders of Symeon, from the eastern parts to the western, Issachar, one. [26] And from the borders of Issachar, from the eastern parts to the western, Zabulon, one. [27] And from the borders of Zabulon, from the east to the western parts, Gad, one. [28] And from the borders of Gad, from the eastern parts to the south-western parts; his coasts shall even be from Thaeman, and the water of Barimoth Cades, for an inheritance, unto the great sea. [29] This is the land, which ye shall divide by lot to the tribes of Israel, and these are their portions, saith the Lord God.

  [30] And these are the goings out of the city northward, four thousand and five hundred by measure. [31] And the gates of the city shall be after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward; the gate of Ruben, one, and the gate of Juda, one, and the gate of Levi, one. [32] And eastward four thousand and five hundred: and three gates; the gate of Joseph, one, and the gate of Benjamin, one, and the gate of Dan, one. [33] And southward, four thousand and five hundred by measure: and three gates; the gave of Symeon, one, and the gate of Issachar, one, and the gate of Zabulon, one. [34] And westward, four thousand and five hundred by measure: and three gates; the gate of Gad, one, and the gate of Asser, one, and the gate of Nephthalim, one.

  [35] The circumference, eighteen thousand measures: and the name of the city, from the day that it shall be finished, shall be the name thereof.


  Chapter 1

  [1] In the third year of the reign of Joakim king of Juda, came Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon to Jerusalem, and besieged it. [2] And the Lord gave into his hand Joakim king of Juda, and part of the vessels of the house of God: and he brought them into the land of Sennaar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure-house of his god. [3] And the king told Asphanez his chief eunuch, to bring in some of the captive children of Israel, and of the seed of the kingdom, and of the princes; [4] young men in whom was no blemish, and beautiful in appearance, and skilled in all wisdom, and possessing knowledge, and acquainted with prudence, and who had ability to stand in the house before the king, and the king gave commandment to teach them the learning and language of the Chaldeans.

  [5] And the king appointed them a daily portion from the king’s table, and from the wine which he drank; and gave orders to nourish them three years, and that afterwards they should stand before the king.

  [6] Now these were among them of the children of Juda, Daniel, and Ananias, and Azarias, and Misael. [7] And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: to Daniel, Baltasar; and to Ananias, Sedrach; and to Misael, Misach; and to Azarias, Abdenago. [8] And Daniel purposed in his heart, that he would not defile himself with the king’s table, nor with the wine of his drink: and he intreated the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. [9] Now God had brought Daniel into favour and compassion with the chief of the eunuchs. [10] And the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your meat and your drink, lest he see your countenances gloomy in comparison of the young men your equals; also shall ye endanger my head to the king. [11] And Daniel said to Amelsad, whom the chief of the eunuchs had appointed over Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias. [12] Prove now thy servants ten days; and let them give us pulse, and let us eat, and let us drink water: [13] And let our countenances be seen by thee, and the countenances of the children that eat at the king’s table; and deal with thy servants according as thou shalt see.

  [14] And he hearkened to them, and proved them ten days. [15] And at the end of the ten days their countenances appeared fairer and stouter in flesh, than the children that fed at the king’s table. [16] So Amelsad took away their supper and the wine of their drink, and gave them pulse.

  [17] And as for these four children, God gave them understanding and prud
ence in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. [18] And at the end of the days, after which the king had given orders to bring them in, then the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nabuchodonosor. [19] And the king spoke with them; and there were not found out of them all any like Daniel, and Ananias and Misael, and Azarias: and they stood before the king. [20] And in every matter of wisdom and knowledge wherein the king questioned them, he found them ten times wiser than all the enchanters and sorcerers that were in all his kingdom. [21] And Daniel continued till the first year of king Cyrus.

  Chapter 2

  [1] In the second year of his reign Nabuchodonosor dreamed a dream, and his spirit was amazed, and his sleep departed from him. [2] And the king gave orders to call the enchanters, and the magicians, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to declare to the king his dreams. And they came and stood before the king. [3] And the king said to them, I have dreamed, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream. [4] And the Chaldeans spoke to the king in the Syrian language, saying, O king, live for ever: do thou tell the dream to thy servants, and we will declare the interpretation. [5] The king answered the Chaldeans, The thing has departed from me: if ye do not make known to me the dream and the interpretation, ye shall be destroyed, and your houses shall be spoiled. [6] But if ye make known to me the dream, and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receive of me gifts and presents and much honour: only tell me the dream, and the interpretation thereof. [7] They answered the second time, and said, Let the king tell the dream to his servants, and we will declare the interpretation.


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