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Delphi Septuagint

Page 673

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [2] and they stood before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest, and before the princes, and before all the congregation at the door of the tabernacle of witness, saying,

  [3] Ὁ πατὴρ ἡμῶν ἀπέθανεν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ, καὶ αὐτὸς οὐκ ἦν ἐν μέσῳ τῆς συναγωγῆς τῆς ἐπισυστάσης ἔναντι κυρίου ἐν τῇ συναγωγῇ Κορε, ὅτι διὰ ἁμαρτίαν αὐτοῦ ἀπέθανεν, καὶ υἱοὶ οὐκ ἐγένοντο αὐτῷ·

  [3] Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the midst of the congregation that rebelled against the Lord in the gathering of Core; for he died for his own sin, and he had no sons. Let not the name of our father be blotted out of the midst of his people, because he has no son: give us an inheritance in the midst of our father’s brethren.

  [4] μὴ ἐξαλειφθήτω τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ πατρὸς ἡμῶν ἐκ μέσου τοῦ δήμου αὐτοῦ, ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν αὐτῷ υἱός· δότε ἡμῖν κατάσχεσιν ἐν μέσῳ ἀδελφῶν πατρὸς ἡμῶν.

  [4] And Moses brought their case before the Lord.

  [5] καὶ προσήγαγεν Μωϋσῆς τὴν κρίσιν αὐτῶν ἔναντι κυρίου.

  [5] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

  [6] καὶ ἐλάλησεν κύριος πρὸς Μωυσῆν λέγων

  [6] The daughters of Salpaad have spoken rightly: thou shalt surely give them a possession of inheritance in the midst of their father’s brethren, and thou shalt assign their father’s inheritance to them.

  [7] Ὀρθῶς θυγατέρες Σαλπααδ λελαλήκασιν· δόμα δώσεις αὐταῖς κατάσχεσιν κληρονομίας ἐν μέσῳ ἀδελφῶν πατρὸς αὐτῶν καὶ περιθήσεις τὸν κλῆρον τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτῶν αὐταῖς.

  [7] And thou shalt speak to the children of Israel, saying,

  [8] καὶ τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ λαλήσεις λέγων Ἄνθρωπος ἐὰν ἀποθάνῃ καὶ υἱὸς μὴ ᾖ αὐτῷ, περιθήσετε τὴν κληρονομίαν αὐτοῦ τῇ θυγατρὶ αὐτοῦ·

  [8] If a man die, and have no son, ye shall assign his inheritance to his daughter.

  [9] ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ᾖ θυγάτηρ αὐτῷ, δώσετε τὴν κληρονομίαν τῷ ἀδελφῷ αὐτοῦ·

  [9] And if he have no daughter, ye shall give his inheritance to his brother.

  [10] ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ὦσιν αὐτῷ ἀδελφοί, δώσετε τὴν κληρονομίαν τῷ ἀδελφῷ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ·

  [10] And if he have no brethren, ye shall give his inheritance to his father’s brother.

  [11] ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ὦσιν ἀδελφοὶ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ, δώσετε τὴν κληρονομίαν τῷ οἰκείῳ τῷ ἔγγιστα αὐτοῦ ἐκ τῆς φυλῆς αὐτοῦ, κληρονομήσει τὰ αὐτοῦ. καὶ ἔσται τοῦτο τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ δικαίωμα κρίσεως, καθὰ συνέταξεν κύριος τῷ Μωυσῇ.

  [11] And if there be no brethren of his father, ye shall give the inheritance to his nearest relation of his tribe, to inherit his possessions; and this shall be to the children of Israel an ordinance of judgment, as the Lord commanded Moses.

  [12] Καὶ εἶπεν κύριος πρὸς Μωυσῆν Ἀνάβηθι εἰς τὸ ὄρος τὸ ἐν τῷ πέραν [τοῦτο ὄρος Ναβαυ] καὶ ἰδὲ τὴν γῆν Χανααν, ἣν ἐγὼ δίδωμι τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ ἐν κατασχέσει·

  [12] And the Lord said to Moses, Go up to the mountain that is in the country beyond Jordan, this mount Nabau, and behold the land Chanaan, which I give to the sons of Israel for a possession.

  [13] καὶ ὄψει αὐτὴν καὶ προστεθήσῃ πρὸς τὸν λαόν σου καὶ σύ, καθὰ προσετέθη Ααρων ὁ ἀδελφός σου ἐν Ωρ τῷ ὄρει,

  [13] And thou shalt see it, and thou also shalt be added to thy people, as Aaron thy brother was added to them in mount Or:

  [14] διότι παρέβητε τὸ ῥῆμά μου ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ Σιν ἐν τῷ ἀντιπίπτειν τὴν συναγωγὴν ἁγιάσαι με· οὐχ ἡγιάσατέ με ἐπὶ τῷ ὕδατι ἔναντι αὐτῶν [τοῦτό ἐστιν ὕδωρ ἀντιλογίας Καδης ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ Σιν].

  [14] because ye transgressed my commandment in the wilderness of Sin, when the congregation resisted and refused to sanctify me; ye sanctified me not at the water before them. This is the water of Strife in Cades in the wilderness of Sin.

  [15] καὶ εἶπεν Μωϋσῆς πρὸς κύριον

  [15] And Moses said to the Lord,

  [16] Ἐπισκεψάσθω κύριος ὁ θεὸς τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ πάσης σαρκὸς ἄνθρωπον ἐπὶ τῆς συναγωγῆς ταύτης,

  [16] Let the Lord God of spirits and of all flesh look out for a man over this congregation,

  [17] ὅστις ἐξελεύσεται πρὸ προσώπου αὐτῶν καὶ ὅστις εἰσελεύσεται πρὸ προσώπου αὐτῶν καὶ ὅστις ἐξάξει αὐτοὺς καὶ ὅστις εἰσάξει αὐτούς, καὶ οὐκ ἔσται ἡ συναγωγὴ κυρίου ὡσεὶ πρόβατα, οἷς οὐκ ἔστιν ποιμήν.

  [17] who shall go out before them, and who shall come in before them, and who shall lead them out, and who shall bring them in; so the congregation of the Lord shall not be as sheep without a shepherd.

  [18] καὶ ἐλάλησεν κύριος πρὸς Μωυσῆν λέγων Λαβὲ πρὸς σεαυτὸν τὸν Ἰησοῦν υἱὸν Ναυη, ἄνθρωπον, ὃς ἔχει πνεῦμα ἐν ἑαυτῷ, καὶ ἐπιθήσεις τὰς χεῖράς σου ἐπ’ αὐτὸν

  [18] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Take to thyself Joshua the son of Naue, a man who has the Spirit in him, and thou shalt lay thy hands upon him.

  [19] καὶ στήσεις αὐτὸν ἔναντι Ελεαζαρ τοῦ ἱερέως καὶ ἐντελῇ αὐτῷ ἔναντι πάσης συναγωγῆς καὶ ἐντελῇ περὶ αὐτοῦ ἐναντίον αὐτῶν

  [19] And thou shalt set him before Eleazar the priest, and thou shalt give him a charge before all the congregation, and thou shalt give a charge concerning him before them.

  [20] καὶ δώσεις τῆς δόξης σου ἐπ’ αὐτόν, ὅπως ἂν εἰσακούσωσιν αὐτοῦ οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ.

  [20] And thou shalt put of thy glory upon him, that the children of Israel may hearken to him.

  [21] καὶ ἔναντι Ελεαζαρ τοῦ ἱερέως στήσεται, καὶ ἐπερωτήσουσιν αὐτὸν τὴν κρίσιν τῶν δήλων ἔναντι κυρίου· ἐπὶ τῷ στόματι αὐτοῦ ἐξελεύσονται καὶ ἐπὶ τῷ στόματι αὐτοῦ εἰσελεύσονται αὐτὸς καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ ὁμοθυμαδὸν καὶ πᾶσα ἡ συναγωγή.

  [21] And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, and they shall ask of him before the Lord the judgment of the Urim: they shall go forth at his word, and at his word they shall come in, he and the children of Israel with one accord, and all the congregation.

  [22] καὶ ἐποίησεν Μωϋσῆς καθὰ ἐνετείλατο αὐτῷ κύριος, καὶ λαβὼν τὸν Ἰησοῦν ἔστησεν αὐτὸν ἐναντίον Ελεαζαρ τοῦ ἱερέως καὶ ἔναντι πάσης συναγωγῆς

  [22] And Moses did as the Lord commanded him; and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the

  [23] καὶ ἐπέθηκεν τὰς χεῖρας αὐτοῦ ἐπ’ αὐτὸν καὶ συνέστησεν αὐτόν, καθάπερ συνέταξεν κύριος τῷ Μωυσῇ.

  [23] And he laid his hands on him, and appointed him as the Lord ordered Moses.


  [1] Καὶ ἐλάλησεν κύριος πρὸς Μωυσῆν λέγων

  [1] And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

  [2] Ἔντειλαι τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ καὶ ἐρεῖς πρὸς αὐτοὺς λέγων Τὰ δῶρά μου δόματά μου καρπώματά μου εἰς ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας διατηρήσετε προσφέρειν ἐμοὶ ἐν ταῖς ἑορταῖς μου.

  [2] Charge the children of Israel, and thou shalt speak to them, saying, Ye shall observe to offer to me in my feasts my gifts, my presents, my burnt-offerings for a sweet-smelling savour.

  [3] καὶ ἐρεῖς πρὸς αὐτούς Ταῦτα τὰ καρπώματα, ὅσα προσάξετε κυρίῳ· ἀμνοὺς ἐνιαυσίους ἀμώμους δύο τὴν ἡμέραν εἰς ὁλοκαύτωσιν ἐνδελεχῶς,

  [3] And thou shalt say to them, These are the burnt-offerings, all that ye shall bring to the Lord; two lambs of a year old without blemish daily, for a whole-burnt offering perpetually.

  [4] τὸν ἀμνὸν τὸν ἕνα ποιήσεις τὸ πρωῒ καὶ τὸν ἀμνὸν τὸν δεύτερον ποιήσεις τὸ πρὸς ἑσπέραν·

  [4] Thou shalt offer one lamb in the morning, and thou shalt offer the second lamb towards evening.

  [5] καὶ ποιήσεις τὸ δέκατον τοῦ οιφι σεμίδαλιν εἰς θυσίαν ἀναπεποιημένην ἐν ἐλαίῳ ἐν τετάρτῳ τοῦ ιν.

  [5] And thou shalt offer the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a meat-offering, mingled with oil, with the fourth part of a hin.

  [6] ὁλοκαύτωμα ἐνδελεχισμοῦ, ἡ γενομένη ἐν τῷ ὄρει Σινα εἰς ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας κυρίῳ·

  [6] It is a perpetual whole-burnt-offering, a sacrifice offered in the mount of Sina for a sweet-smelling savour to the Lord.

  [7] καὶ σπονδὴν αὐτοῦ τὸ τέταρτον τοῦ ιν τῷ ἀμνῷ τῷ ἑνί, ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ σπείσεις σπονδὴν σικερα κυρίῳ.

  [7] And its drink-offering, the fourth part of a hin to each lamb; in the holy place shalt thou pour strong drink as a drink-offering to the Lord.

  [8] καὶ τὸν ἀμνὸν τὸν δεύτερον ποιήσεις τὸ πρὸς ἑσπέραν· κατὰ τὴν θυσίαν αὐτοῦ καὶ κατὰ τὴν σπονδὴν αὐτοῦ ποιήσετε εἰς ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας κυρίῳ.

  [8] And the second lamb thou shalt offer toward evening; thou shalt offer it according to its meat-offering and according to its drink-offering for a smell of sweet savour to the Lord.

  [9] Καὶ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῶν σαββάτων προσάξετε δύο ἀμνοὺς ἐνιαυσίους ἀμώμους καὶ δύο δέκατα σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν καὶ σπονδὴν

  [9] And on the sabbath-day ye shall offer two lambs of a year old without blemish, and two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering, and a drink-offering.

  [10] ὁλοκαύτωμα σαββάτων ἐν τοῖς σαββάτοις ἐπὶ τῆς ὁλοκαυτώσεως τῆς διὰ παντὸς καὶ τὴν σπονδὴν αὐτοῦ.

  [10] It is a whole-burnt-offering of the sabbaths on the sabbath days, besides the continued whole-burnt-offering, and its drink offering.

  [11] Καὶ ἐν ταῖς νεομηνίαις προσάξετε ὁλοκαυτώματα τῷ κυρίῳ μόσχους ἐκ βοῶν δύο καὶ κριὸν ἕνα, ἀμνοὺς ἐνιαυσίους ἑπτὰ ἀμώμους,

  [11] And at the new moons ye shall bring a whole-burnt-offering to the Lord, two calves of the herd, and one ram, seven lambs of a year old without blemish.

  [12] τρία δέκατα σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ τῷ μόσχῳ τῷ ἑνὶ καὶ δύο δέκατα σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ τῷ κριῷ τῷ ἑνί,

  [12] Three tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil for one calf, and two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil for one ram.

  [13] δέκατον σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ τῷ ἀμνῷ τῷ ἑνί, θυσίαν ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας κάρπωμα κυρίῳ.

  [13] A tenth deal of fine flour mingled with oil for each lamb, as a meat-offering, a sweet-smelling savour, a burnt-offering to the Lord.

  [14] ἡ σπονδὴ αὐτῶν τὸ ἥμισυ τοῦ ιν ἔσται τῷ μόσχῳ τῷ ἑνί, καὶ τὸ τρίτον τοῦ ιν ἔσται τῷ κριῷ τῷ ἑνί, καὶ τὸ τέταρτον τοῦ ιν ἔσται τῷ ἀμνῷ τῷ ἑνὶ οἴνου. τοῦτο ὁλοκαύτωμα μῆνα ἐκ μηνὸς εἰς τοὺς μῆνας τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ.

  [14] Their drink-offering shall be the half of a hin for one calf; and the third of a hin for one ram; and the fourth part of a hin of wine for one lamb: this is the whole-burnt-offering monthly throughout the months of the year.

  [15] καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας κυρίῳ· ἐπὶ τῆς ὁλοκαυτώσεως τῆς διὰ παντὸς ποιηθήσεται καὶ ἡ σπονδὴ αὐτοῦ.

  [15] And he shall offer one kid of the goats for a sin-offering to the Lord; it shall be offered beside the continual whole-burnt-offering and its drink-offering.

  [16] Καὶ ἐν τῷ μηνὶ τῷ πρώτῳ τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ τοῦ μηνὸς πασχα κυρίῳ.

  [16] And in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, is the passover to the Lord.

  [17] καὶ τῇ πεντεκαιδεκάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ τοῦ μηνὸς τούτου ἑορτή· ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας ἄζυμα ἔδεσθε.

  [17] And on the fifteenth day of this month is a feast; seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread.

  [18] καὶ ἡ ἡμέρα ἡ πρώτη ἐπίκλητος ἁγία ἔσται ὑμῖν, πᾶν ἔργον λατρευτὸν οὐ ποιήσετε.

  [18] And the first day shall be to you a holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work.

  [19] καὶ προσάξετε ὁλοκαυτώματα καρπώματα κυρίῳ μόσχους ἐκ βοῶν δύο, κριὸν ἕνα, ἑπτὰ ἀμνοὺς ἐνιαυσίους, ἄμωμοι ἔσονται ὑμῖν·

  [19] And ye shall bring whole-burnt-offerings, a sacrifice to the Lord, two calves of the herd, one ram, seven lambs of a year old; they shall be to you without blemish.

  [20] καὶ ἡ θυσία αὐτῶν σεμίδαλις ἀναπεποιημένη ἐν ἐλαίῳ, τρία δέκατα τῷ μόσχῳ τῷ ἑνὶ καὶ δύο δέκατα τῷ κριῷ τῷ ἑνί,

  [20] And their meat-offering shall be fine flour mingled with oil; three tenth deals for one calf, and two tenth deals for one ram.

  [21] δέκατον δέκατον ποιήσεις τῷ ἀμνῷ τῷ ἑνὶ τοῖς ἑπτὰ ἀμνοῖς·

  [21] Thou shalt offer a tenth for each lamb, for the seven lambs.

  [22] καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας ἐξιλάσασθαι περὶ ὑμῶν·

  [22] And thou shalt offer one kid of the goats for a sin-offering, to make atonement for you.

  [23] πλὴν τῆς ὁλοκαυτώσεως τῆς διὰ παντὸς τῆς πρωινῆς, ὅ ἐστιν ὁλοκαύτωμ
α ἐνδελεχισμοῦ.

  [23] Beside the perpetual whole-burnt-offering in the morning, which is a whole-burnt-sacrifice for a continuance,

  [24] ταῦτα κατὰ ταῦτα ποιήσετε τὴν ἡμέραν εἰς τὰς ἑπτὰ ἡμέρας δῶρον κάρπωμα εἰς ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας κυρίῳ· ἐπὶ τοῦ ὁλοκαυτώματος τοῦ διὰ παντὸς ποιήσεις τὴν σπονδὴν αὐτοῦ.

  [24] these shall ye thus offer daily for seven days, a gift, a sacrifice for a sweet-smelling savour to the Lord; beside the continual whole-burnt-offering, thou shalt offer its drink-offering.

  [25] καὶ ἡ ἡμέρα ἡ ἑβδόμη κλητὴ ἁγία ἔσται ὑμῖν, πᾶν ἔργον λατρευτὸν οὐ ποιήσετε ἐν αὐτῇ.

  [25] And the seventh day shall be to you a holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work in it.

  [26] Καὶ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῶν νέων, ὅταν προσφέρητε θυσίαν νέαν κυρίῳ τῶν ἑβδομάδων, ἐπίκλητος ἁγία ἔσται ὑμῖν, πᾶν ἔργον λατρευτὸν οὐ ποιήσετε.

  [26] And on the day of the new corn, when ye shall offer a new sacrifice at the festival of weeks to the Lord, there shall be to you a holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work,

  [27] καὶ προσάξετε ὁλοκαυτώματα εἰς ὀσμὴν εὐωδίας κυρίῳ μόσχους ἐκ βοῶν δύο, κριὸν ἕνα, ἑπτὰ ἀμνοὺς ἐνιαυσίους ἀμώμους·

  [27] and ye shall bring whole-burnt-offerings for a sweet-smelling savour to the Lord, two calves of the herd, one ram, seven lambs without blemish.

  [28] ἡ θυσία αὐτῶν σεμίδαλις ἀναπεποιημένη ἐν ἐλαίῳ, τρία δέκατα τῷ μόσχῳ τῷ ἑνὶ καὶ δύο δέκατα τῷ κριῷ τῷ ἑνί,


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