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Delphi Septuagint

Page 712

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [10] ἀπὸ λιβὸς τῷ Εφραιμ, καὶ ἐπὶ βορρᾶν Μανασση, καὶ ἔσται ἡ θάλασσα ὅρια αὐτοῖς· καὶ ἐπὶ Ασηρ συνάψουσιν ἐπὶ βορρᾶν καὶ τῷ Ισσαχαρ ἀπ’ ἀνατολῶν.

  [10] Southward the land belongs to Ephraim, and northward to Manasse; and the sea shall be their cost; and northward they shall border upon Aseb, and eastward upon Issachar.

  [11] καὶ ἔσται Μανασση ἐν Ισσαχαρ καὶ ἐν Ασηρ Βαιθσαν καὶ αἱ κῶμαι αὐτῶν καὶ τοὺς κατοικοῦντας Δωρ καὶ τὰς κώμας αὐτῆς καὶ τοὺς κατοικοῦντας Μαγεδδω καὶ τὰς κώμας αὐτῆς καὶ τὸ τρίτον τῆς Ναφετα καὶ τὰς κώμας αὐτῆς.

  [11] And Manasses shall have in the portion of Issachar and Aser Baethsan and their villages, and the inhabitants of Dor, and its villages, and the inhabitants of Mageddo, and its villages, and the third part of Mapheta, and its villages.

  [12] καὶ οὐκ ἠδυνάσθησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Μανασση ἐξολεθρεῦσαι τὰς πόλεις ταύτας, καὶ ἤρχετο ὁ Χαναναῖος κατοικεῖν ἐν τῇ γῇ ταύτῃ·

  [12] And the sons of Manasse were not able to destroy these cities; and the Chananite began to dwell in that land.

  [13] καὶ ἐγενήθη καὶ ἐπεὶ κατίσχυσαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ, καὶ ἐποίησαν τοὺς Χαναναίους ὑπηκόους, ἐξολεθρεῦσαι δὲ αὐτοὺς οὐκ ἐξωλέθρευσαν.

  [13] And it came to pass that when the children of Israel were strong, they made the Chananites subject, but they did not utterly destroy them.

  [14] Ἀντεῖπαν δὲ οἱ υἱοὶ Ιωσηφ τῷ Ἰησοῦ λέγοντες Διὰ τί ἐκληρονόμησας ἡμᾶς κλῆρον ἕνα καὶ σχοίνισμα ἕν; ἐγὼ δὲ λαὸς πολύς εἰμι, καὶ ὁ θεὸς εὐλόγησέν με.

  [14] And the sons of Joseph answered Joshua, saying, Wherefore hast thou caused us to inherit one inheritance, and one line? whereas I am a great people, and God has blessed me.

  [15] καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς Ἰησοῦς Εἰ λαὸς πολὺς εἶ, ἀνάβηθι εἰς τὸν δρυμὸν καὶ ἐκκάθαρον σεαυτῷ, εἰ στενοχωρεῖ σε τὸ ὄρος τὸ Εφραιμ.

  [15] And Joshua said to them, If thou be a great people, go up to the forest, and clear the land for thyself, If mount Ephraim be too little for thee.

  [16] καὶ εἶπαν Οὐκ ἀρκέσει ἡμῖν τὸ ὄρος τὸ Εφραιμ, καὶ ἵππος ἐπίλεκτος καὶ σίδηρος τῷ Χαναναίῳ τῷ κατοικοῦντι ἐν αὐτῷ ἐν Βαιθσαν καὶ ἐν ταῖς κώμαις αὐτῆς ἐν τῇ κοιλάδι Ιεζραελ.

  [16] And they said, The mount of Ephraim does not please us, and the Chananite dwelling in it in Baethsan, and in its villages, and in the valley of Jezrael, has choice cavalry and iron.

  [17] καὶ εἶπεν Ἰησοῦς τοῖς υἱοῖς Ιωσηφ Εἰ λαὸς πολὺς εἶ καὶ ἰσχὺν μεγάλην ἔχεις, οὐκ ἔσται σοι κλῆρος εἷς·

  [17] And Joshua said to the sons of Joseph, If thou art a great people, and hast great strength, thou shalt not have only one inheritance.

  [18] ὁ γὰρ δρυμὸς ἔσται σοι, ὅτι δρυμός ἐστιν καὶ ἐκκαθαριεῖς αὐτὸν καὶ ἔσται σοι· καὶ ὅταν ἐξολεθρεύσῃς τὸν Χαναναῖον, ὅτι ἵππος ἐπίλεκτός ἐστιν αὐτῷ, σὺ γὰρ ὑπερισχύεις αὐτοῦ.

  [18] For thou shalt have the wood, for there is a wood, and thou shalt clear it, and the land shall be thine; even when thou shalt have utterly destroyed the Chananite, for he has chosen cavalry; yet thou art stronger than he.


  [1] Καὶ ἐξεκκλησιάσθη πᾶσα συναγωγὴ υἱῶν Ισραηλ εἰς Σηλω καὶ ἔπηξαν ἐκεῖ τὴν σκηνὴν τοῦ μαρτυρίου, καὶ ἡ γῆ ἐκρατήθη ὑπ’ αὐτῶν.

  [1] And all the congregation of the children of Israel were assembled at Selo, and there they pitched the tabernacle of witness; and the land was subdued by them.

  [2] καὶ κατελείφθησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ, οἳ οὐκ ἐκληρονόμησαν, ἑπτὰ φυλαί.

  [2] And the sons of Israel remained, even those who had not received their inheritance, seven tribes.

  [3] καὶ εἶπεν Ἰησοῦς τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ Ἕως τίνος ἐκλυθήσεσθε κληρονομῆσαι τὴν γῆν, ἣν ἔδωκεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν;

  [3] And Joshua said to the sons of Israel, How long will ye be slack to inherit the land, which the Lord our God has given you?

  [4] δότε ἐξ ὑμῶν τρεῖς ἄνδρας ἐκ φυλῆς, καὶ ἀναστάντες διελθέτωσαν τὴν γῆν καὶ διαγραψάτωσαν αὐτὴν ἐναντίον μου, καθὰ δεήσει διελεῖν αὐτήν. [καὶ ἤλθοσαν πρὸς αὐτόν,

  [4] Appoint of yourselves three men of each tribe, and let them rise up and go through the land, and let them describe it before me, as it will be proper to divide it.

  [5] καὶ διεῖλεν αὐτοῖς ἑπτὰ μερίδας.] Ιουδας στήσεται αὐτοῖς ὅριον ἀπὸ λιβός, καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ Ιωσηφ στήσονται αὐτοῖς ἀπὸ βορρᾶ.

  [5] And they came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, saying, Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward.

  [6] ὑμεῖς δὲ μερίσατε τὴν γῆν ἑπτὰ μερίδας καὶ ἐνέγκατε πρός με ὧδε, καὶ ἐξοίσω ὑμῖν κλῆρον ἔναντι κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ ἡμῶν.

  [6] And do ye divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will give you a lot before the Lord our God.

  [7] οὐ γάρ ἐστιν μερὶς τοῖς υἱοῖς Λευι ἐν ὑμῖν, ἱερατεία γὰρ κυρίου μερὶς αὐτοῦ· καὶ Γαδ καὶ Ρουβην καὶ τὸ ἥμισυ φυλῆς Μανασση ἐλάβοσαν τὴν κληρονομίαν αὐτῶν πέραν τοῦ Ιορδάνου ἐπ’ ἀνατολάς, ἣν ἔδωκεν αὐτοῖς Μωϋσῆς ὁ παῖς κυρίου.

  [7] For the sons of Levi have no part among you; for the priesthood of the Lord is his portion; and Gad, and Ruben, and the half tribe of Manasse, have received their inheritance beyond Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave to them.

  [8] καὶ ἀναστάντες οἱ ἄνδρες ἐπορεύθησαν, καὶ ἐνετείλατο Ἰησοῦς τοῖς ἀνδράσιν τοῖς πορευομένοις χωροβατῆσαι τὴν γῆν λέγων Πορεύεσθε καὶ χωροβατήσατε τὴν γῆν καὶ παραγενήθητε πρός με, καὶ ὧδε ἐξοίσω ὑμῖν κλῆρον ἔναντι κυρίου ἐν Σηλω.

  [8] And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo.

  [9] καὶ ἐπορεύθησαν καὶ ἐχωροβάτησαν τὴν γῆν καὶ εἴδοσαν αὐτὴν καὶ ἔγραψαν αὐτὴν κατὰ πόλεις αὐτῆς ἑπτὰ μερίδας εἰς βιβλίον καὶ ἤνεγκαν πρὸς Ἰησοῦν.

  [9] And they went, and explored the land: and they viewed it, and described it according to the cities, seven parts in a book, and brought the book to Joshua.r />
  [10] καὶ ἐνέβαλεν αὐτοῖς Ἰησοῦς κλῆρον ἐν Σηλω ἔναντι κυρίου.

  [10] And Joshua cast the lot for them in Selo before the Lord.

  [11] Καὶ ἐξῆλθεν ὁ κλῆρος φυλῆς Βενιαμιν πρῶτος κατὰ δήμους αὐτῶν, καὶ ἐξῆλθεν ὅρια τοῦ κλήρου αὐτῶν ἀνὰ μέσον Ιουδα καὶ ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν υἱῶν Ιωσηφ.

  [11] And the lot of the tribe of Benjamin came forth first according to their families: and the borders of their lot came forth between the children of Juda and the children of Joseph.

  [12] καὶ ἐγενήθη αὐτῶν τὰ ὅρια ἀπὸ βορρᾶ ἀπὸ τοῦ Ιορδάνου, προσαναβήσεται τὰ ὅρια κατὰ νώτου Ιεριχω ἀπὸ βορρᾶ καὶ ἀναβήσεται ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος ἐπὶ τὴν θάλασσαν, καὶ ἔσται αὐτοῦ ἡ διέξοδος ἡ Μαδβαρῖτις Βαιθων,

  [12] And their borders were northward: the borders shall go up from Jordan behind Jericho northward, and shall go up to the mountain westward, and the issue of it shall be Baethon of Mabdara.

  [13] καὶ διελεύσεται ἐκεῖθεν τὰ ὅρια Λουζα ἐπὶ νώτου Λουζα ἀπὸ λιβός [αὕτη ἐστὶν Βαιθηλ], καὶ καταβήσεται τὰ ὅρια Μααταρωθορεχ ἐπὶ τὴν ὀρεινήν, ἥ ἐστιν πρὸς λίβα Βαιθωρων ἡ κάτω,

  [13] And the borders will go forth thence to Luz, behind Luz, from the south of it; this is Baethel: and the borders shall go down to Maatarob Orech, to the hill country, which is southward of Baethoron the lower.

  [14] καὶ διελεύσεται τὰ ὅρια καὶ περιελεύσεται ἐπὶ τὸ μέρος τὸ βλέπον παρὰ θάλασσαν ἀπὸ λιβὸς ἀπὸ τοῦ ὄρους ἐπὶ πρόσωπον Βαιθωρων λίβα, καὶ ἔσται αὐτοῦ ἡ διέξοδος εἰς Καριαθβααλ [αὕτη ἐστὶν Καριαθιαριν πόλις υἱῶν Ιουδα]· τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ μέρος τὸ πρὸς θάλασσαν.

  [14] And the borders shall pass through and proceed to the part that looks toward the sea, on the south, from the mountain in front of Baethoron southward, and its termination shall be at Cariath-Baal, this is Cariath-Jarin, a city of the children of Juda; this is the part toward the west.

  [15] καὶ μέρος τὸ πρὸς λίβα ἀπὸ μέρους Καριαθβααλ, καὶ διελεύσεται ὅρια εἰς Γασιν ἐπὶ πηγὴν ὕδατος Ναφθω,

  [15] And the south side on the part of Cariath-Baal; and the borders shall go across to Gasin, to the fountain of the water of Naphtho.

  [16] καὶ καταβήσεται τὰ ὅρια ἐπὶ μέρους τοῦ ὄρους, ὅ ἐστιν κατὰ πρόσωπον νάπης Ονναμ, ὅ ἐστιν ἐκ μέρους Εμεκραφαιν ἀπὸ βορρᾶ, καὶ καταβήσεται Γαιεννα ἐπὶ νώτου Ιεβουσαι ἀπὸ λιβὸς καὶ καταβήσεται ἐπὶ πηγὴν Ρωγηλ

  [16] And the borders shall extend down on one side, this is in front of the forest of Sonnam, which is on the side of Emec Raphain northward, and it shall come down to Gaeenna behind Jebusai southward: it shall come down to the fountain of Rogel.

  [17] καὶ διελεύσεται ἐπὶ πηγὴν Βαιθσαμυς καὶ παρελεύσεται ἐπὶ Γαλιλωθ, ἥ ἐστιν ἀπέναντι πρὸς ἀνάβασιν Αιθαμιν, καὶ καταβήσεται ἐπὶ λίθον Βαιων υἱῶν Ρουβην

  [17] And the borders shall go across to the fountain of Baethsamys:

  [18] καὶ διελεύσεται κατὰ νώτου Βαιθαραβα ἀπὸ βορρᾶ καὶ καταβήσεται

  [18] and shall proceed to Galiloth, which is in front by the going up of Æthamin; and they shall come down to the stone of Baeon of the sons of Ruben; and shall pass over behind Baetharaba northward, and shall go down to the borders behind the sea northward.

  [19] ἐπὶ τὰ ὅρια ἐπὶ νώτου Βαιθαγλα ἀπὸ βορρᾶ, καὶ ἔσται ἡ διέξοδος τῶν ὁρίων ἐπὶ λοφιὰν τῆς θαλάσσης τῶν ἁλῶν ἐπὶ βορρᾶν εἰς μέρος τοῦ Ιορδάνου ἀπὸ λιβός· ταῦτα τὰ ὅριά ἐστιν ἀπὸ λιβός.

  [19] And the termination of the borders shall be at the creek of the salt sea northward to the side of Jordan southward: these are their southern borders.

  [20] καὶ ὁ Ιορδάνης ὁριεῖ ἀπὸ μέρους ἀνατολῶν. αὕτη ἡ κληρονομία υἱῶν Βενιαμιν, τὰ ὅρια αὐτῆς κύκλῳ κατὰ δήμους. –

  [20] And Jordan shall be their boundary on the east: this is the inheritance of the children of Benjamin, these are their borders round about according to their families.

  [21] καὶ ἐγενήθησαν αἱ πόλεις τῶν υἱῶν Βενιαμιν κατὰ δήμους αὐτῶν Ιεριχω καὶ Βαιθεγλιω καὶ Αμεκασις

  [21] And the cities of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Bethagaeo, and the Amecasis,

  [22] καὶ Βαιθαβαρα καὶ Σαρα καὶ Βησανα

  [22] and Baethabara, and Sara, and Besana,

  [23] καὶ Αιιν καὶ Φαρα καὶ Εφραθα

  [23] and Æein, and Phara, and Ephratha,

  [24] καὶ Καραφα καὶ Κεφιρα καὶ Μονι καὶ Γαβαα, πόλεις δέκα δύο καὶ αἱ κῶμαι αὐτῶν·

  [24] and Carapha, and Cephira, and Moni, and Gabaa, twelve cities and their villages:

  [25] Γαβαων καὶ Ραμα καὶ Βεηρωθα

  [25] Gabaon, and Rama, and Beerotha;

  [26] καὶ Μασσημα καὶ Μιρων καὶ Αμωκη

  [26] and Massema, and Miron, and Amoke;

  [27] καὶ Φιρα καὶ Καφαν καὶ Νακαν καὶ Σεληκαν καὶ Θαρεηλα

  [27] and Phira, and Caphan, and Nacan, and Selecan, and Thareela,

  [28] καὶ Ιεβους [αὕτη ἐστὶν Ιερουσαλημ] καὶ πόλεις καὶ Γαβαωθιαριμ, πόλεις τρεῖς καὶ δέκα καὶ αἱ κῶμαι αὐτῶν. αὕτη ἡ κληρονομία υἱῶν Βενιαμιν κατὰ δήμους αὐτῶν.

  [28] and Jebus (this is Jerusalem); and Gabaoth, Jarim, thirteen cities, and their villages; this is the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin according to their families.


  [1] Καὶ ἐξῆλθεν ὁ δεύτερος κλῆρος τῶν υἱῶν Συμεων, καὶ ἐγενήθη ἡ κληρονομία αὐτῶν ἀνὰ μέσον κλήρων υἱῶν Ιουδα.

  [1] And the second lot came out for the children of Symeon; and their inheritance was in the midst of the lots of the children of Juda.

  [2] καὶ ἐγενήθη ὁ κλῆρος αὐτῶν Βηρσαβεε καὶ Σαμαα καὶ Κωλαδαμ

  [2] And their lot was Beersabee, and Samaa, and Caladam,

  [3] καὶ Αρσωλα καὶ Βωλα καὶ Ασομ

  [3] and Arsola, and Bola, and Jason,

  [4] καὶ Ελθουλα καὶ Βουλα καὶ Ερμα

  [4] and Erthula, and Bula, and Herma,

  [5] καὶ Σικελακ καὶ Βαιθμαχερεβ καὶ Σαρσουσιν

  [5] and Sikelac, and Baethmachereb, and Sarsusin,

  [6] καὶ Βαθαρωθ καὶ οἱ ἀγροὶ αὐτῶν, πόλεις δέκα τρεῖς καὶ αἱ κῶμαι αὐτῶν·

  [6] and Batharoth, and their fields, thirteen cities, and their villages.

  [7] Ερεμμων καὶ Θαλχα καὶ Εθερ κ�
�ὶ Ασαν, πόλεις τέσσαρες καὶ αἱ κῶμαι αὐτῶν

  [7] Eremmon, and Thalcha, and Jether, and Asan; four cities and their villages,

  [8] κύκλῳ τῶν πόλεων αὐτῶν ἕως Βαρεκ πορευομένων Βαμεθ κατὰ λίβα. αὕτη ἡ κληρονομία φυλῆς υἱῶν Συμεων κατὰ δήμους αὐτῶν.

  [8] round about their cities as far as Balec as men go to Bameth southward: this is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Symeon according to their families.

  [9] ἀπὸ τοῦ κλήρου Ιουδα ἡ κληρονομία φυλῆς υἱῶν Συμεων, ὅτι ἐγενήθη ἡ μερὶς υἱῶν Ιουδα μείζων τῆς αὐτῶν· καὶ ἐκληρονόμησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Συμεων ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ κλήρου αὐτῶν.

  [9] The inheritance of the tribe of the children of Symeon was a part of the lot of Juda, for the portion of the children of Juda was greater than theirs; and the children of Symeon inherited in the midst of their lot.

  [10] Καὶ ἐξῆλθεν ὁ κλῆρος ὁ τρίτος τῷ Ζαβουλων κατὰ δήμους αὐτῶν. ἔσται τὰ ὅρια τῆς κληρονομίας αὐτῶν Εσεδεκ

  [10] And the third lot came out to Zabulon according to their families: the bounds of their inheritance shall be — Esedekgola shall be their border,

  [11] Γωλα· ὅρια αὐτῶν ἡ θάλασσα καὶ Μαραγελλα καὶ συνάψει ἐπὶ Βαιθαραβα εἰς τὴν φάραγγα, ἥ ἐστιν κατὰ πρόσωπον Ιεκμαν,

  [11] the sea and Magelda, and it shall reach to Baetharaba in the valley, which is opposite Jekman.

  [12] καὶ ἀνέστρεψεν ἀπὸ Σεδδουκ ἐξ ἐναντίας ἀπ’ ἀνατολῶν Βαιθσαμυς ἐπὶ τὰ ὅρια Χασελωθαιθ καὶ διελεύσεται ἐπὶ Δαβιρωθ καὶ προσαναβήσεται ἐπὶ Φαγγαι


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