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Delphi Septuagint

Page 877

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [5] καὶ ἐποίησεν τὸ παιδάριον ὡς εἶπεν αὐτῷ ὁ ἄγγελος, τὸν δὲ ἰχθὺν ὀπτήσαντες ἔφαγον. –

  [5] So the young man did as the angel commanded him; and when they had roasted the fish, they did eat it:

  [6] καὶ ὥδευον ἀμφότεροι, ἕως ἤγγισαν ἐν Ἐκβατάνοις.

  [6] then they both went on their way, till they drew near to Ecbatane.

  [7] καὶ εἶπεν τὸ παιδάριον τῷ ἀγγέλῳ Αζαρια ἄδελφε, τί ἐστιν τὸ ἧπαρ καὶ ἡ καρδία καὶ ἡ χολὴ τοῦ ἰχθύος;

  [7] Then the young man said to the angel, Brother Azarias, to what use is the heart and the liver and the gal of the fish?

  [8] καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ Ἡ καρδία καὶ τὸ ἧπαρ, ἐάν τινα ὀχλῇ δαιμόνιον ἢ πανεῦμα πονηρόν, ταῦτα δεῖ καπνίσαι ἐνώπιον ἀνθρώπου ἢ γυναικός, καὶ οὐκέτι οὐ μὴ ὀχληθῇ·

  [8] And he said unto him, Touching the heart and the liver, if a devil or an evil spirit trouble any, we must make a smoke thereof before the man or the woman, and the party shall be no more vexed.

  [9] ἡ δὲ χολή, ἐγχρῖσαι ἄνθρωπον, ὃς ἔχει λευκώματα ἐν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς, καὶ ἰαθήσεται.

  [9] As for the gall, it is good to anoint a man that hath whiteness in his eyes, and he shall be healed.

  [10] Ὡς δὲ προσήγγισαν τῇ Ραγη,

  [10] And when they were come near to Rages,

  [11] εἶπεν ὁ ἄγγελος τῷ παιδαρίῳ Ἄδελφε, σήμερον αὐλισθησόμεθα παρὰ Ραγουηλ, καὶ αὐτὸς συγγενής σού ἐστιν, καὶ ἔστιν αὐτῷ θυγάτηρ μονογενὴς ὀνόματι Σαρρα·

  [11] The angel said to the young man, Brother, to day we shall lodge with Raguel, who is thy cousin; he also hath one only daughter, named Sara;

  [12] λαλήσω περὶ αὐτῆς τοῦ δοθῆναί σοι αὐτὴν εἰς γυναῖκα, ὅτι σοὶ ἐπιβάλλει ἡ κληρονομία αὐτῆς, καὶ σὺ μόνος εἶ ἐκ τοῦ γένους αὐτῆς· καὶ τὸ κοράσιον καλὸν καὶ φρόνιμόν ἐστιν.

  [12] I will speak for her, that she may be given thee for a wife. For to thee doth the right of her appertain, seeing thou only art of her kindred. And the maid is fair and wise:

  [13] καὶ νῦν ἄκουσόν μου καὶ λαλήσω τῷ πατρὶ αὐτῆς, καὶ ὅταν ὑποστρέψωμεν ἐκ Ῥάγων, ποιήσομεν τὸν γάμον. διότι ἐπίσταμαι Ραγουηλ ὅτι οὐ μὴ δῷ αὐτὴν ἀνδρὶ ἑτέρῳ κατὰ τὸν νόμον Μωυσῆ ἢ ὀφειλέσει θάνατον, ὅτι τὴν κληρονομίαν σοὶ καθήκει λαβεῖν ἢ πάντα ἄνθρωπον.

  [13] now therefore hear me, and I will speak to her father; and when we return from Rages we will celebrate the marriage: for I know that Raguel cannot marry her to another according to the law of Moses, but he shall be guilty of death, because the right of inheritance doth rather appertain to thee than to any other.

  [14] τότε εἶπεν τὸ παιδάριον τῷ ἀγγέλῳ Αζαρια ἄδελφε, ἀκήκοα ἐγὼ τὸ κοράσιον δεδόσθαι ἑπτὰ ἀνδράσιν καὶ πάντας ἐν τῷ νυμφῶνι ἀπολωλότας.

  [14] Then the young man answered the angel, I have heard, brother Azarias that this maid hath been given to seven men, who all died in the marriage chamber.

  [15] καὶ νῦν ἐγὼ μόνος εἰμὶ τῷ πατρὶ καὶ φοβοῦμαι μὴ εἰσελθὼν ἀποθάνω καθὼς καὶ οἱ πρότεροι, ὅτι δαιμόνιον φιλεῖ αὐτήν, ὃ οὐκ ἀδικεῖ οὐδένα πλὴν τῶν προσαγόντων αὐτῇ. καὶ νῦν ἐγὼ φοβοῦμαι μὴ ἀποθάνω καὶ κατάξω τὴν ζωὴν τοῦ πατρός μου καὶ τῆς μητρός μου μετ’ ὀδύνης ἐπ’ ἐμοὶ εἰς τὸν τάφον αὐτῶν· καὶ υἱὸς ἕτερος οὐχ ὑπάρχει αὐτοῖς, ὃς θάψει αὐτούς.

  [15] And now I am the only son of my father, and I am afraid, lest if I go in unto her, I die, as the other before: for a wicked spirit loveth her, which hurteth no body, but those which come unto her; wherefore I also fear lest I die, and bring my father’s and my mother’s life because of me to the grave with sorrow: for they have no other son to bury them.

  [16] εἶπεν δὲ αὐτῷ ὁ ἄγγελος Οὐ μέμνησαι τῶν λόγων, ὧν ἐνετείλατό σοι ὁ πατήρ σου ὑπὲρ τοῦ λαβεῖν σε γυναῖκα ἐκ τοῦ γένους σου; καὶ νῦν ἄκουσόν μου, ἄδελφε, διότι σοὶ ἔσται εἰς γυναῖκα, καὶ τοῦ δαιμονίου μηδένα λόγον ἔχε, ὅτι τὴν νύκτα ταύτην δοθήσεταί σοι αὕτη εἰς γυναῖκα.

  [16] Then the angel said unto him, Dost thou not remember the precepts which thy father gave thee, that thou shouldest marry a wife of thine own kindred? wherefore hear me, O my brother; for she shall be given thee to wife; and make thou no reckoning of the evil spirit; for this same night shall she be given thee in marriage.

  [17] καὶ ἐὰν εἰσέλθῃς εἰς τὸν νυμφῶνα, λήμψῃ τέφραν θυμιαμάτων καὶ ἐπιθήσεις ἀπὸ τῆς καρδίας καὶ τοῦ ἥπατος τοῦ ἰχθύος καὶ καπνίσεις, καὶ ὀσφρανθήσεται τὸ δαιμόνιον καὶ φεύξεται καὶ οὐκ ἐπανελεύσεται τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος.

  [17] And when thou shalt come into the marriage chamber, thou shalt take the ashes of perfume, and shalt lay upon them some of the heart and liver of the fish, and shalt make a smoke with it:

  [18] ὅταν δὲ προσπορεύῃ αὐτῇ, ἐγέρθητε ἀμφότεροι καὶ βοήσατε πρὸς τὸν ἐλεήμονα θεόν, καὶ σώσει ὑμᾶς καὶ ἐλεήσει· μὴ φοβοῦ, ὅτι σοὶ αὐτὴ ἡτοιμασμένη ἦν ἀπὸ τοῦ αἰῶνος, καὶ σὺ αὐτὴν σώσεις, καὶ πορεύσεται μετὰ σοῦ, καὶ ὑπολαμβάνω ὅτι σοὶ ἔσται ἐξ αὐτῆς παιδία.

  [18] And the devil shall smell it, and flee away, and never come again any more: but when thou shalt come to her, rise up both of you, and pray to God which is merciful, who will have pity on you, and save you: fear not, for she is appointed unto thee from the beginning; and thou shalt preserve her, and she shall go with thee. Moreover I suppose that she shall bear thee children.

  [19] καὶ ὡς ἤκουσεν Τωβιας ταῦτα, ἐφίλησεν αὐτήν, καὶ ἡ ψυχὴ αὐτοῦ ἐκολλήθη αὐτῇ σφόδρα.

  [19] Now when Tobias had heard these things, he loved her, and his heart was effectually joined to her.


  [1] Καὶ ἦλθον εἰς Ἐκβάτανα καὶ παρεγένοντο εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν Ραγουηλ, Σαρρα δὲ ὑπήντησεν αὐτοῖς καὶ ἐχαιρέτισεν αὐτοὺς καὶ αὐτοὶ αὐτήν, καὶ εἰσήγαγεν αὐτοὺς εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν.

  And when they were come to Ecbatane, they came to the house of Raguel, and Sara met them: and after they had saluted one another, she brought them into the house.

  [2] καὶ εἶπεν Ραγουηλ Εδνα τῇ γυναικὶ αὐτοῦ Ὡς ὅμοιος ὁ νεανίσκος Τωβιτ τῷ ἀνεψιῷ μου.

  [2] Then said Raguel to Edna his wife, How like is this young man to Tobit my cousin!

  [3] καὶ ἠρ
ώτησεν αὐτοὺς Ραγουηλ Πόθεν ἐστέ, ἀδελφοί; καὶ εἶπαν αὐτῷ Ἐκ τῶν υἱῶν Νεφθαλι τῶν αἰχμαλώτων ἐν Νινευη.

  [3] And Raguel asked them, From whence are ye, brethren? To whom they said, We are of the sons of Nephthalim, which are captives in Nineve.

  [4] καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς Γινώσκετε Τωβιτ τὸν ἀδελφὸν ἡμῶν; οἱ δὲ εἶπαν Γινώσκομεν.

  [4] Then he said to them, Do ye know Tobit our kinsman? And they said, We know him. Then said he, Is he in good health?

  [5] καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς Ὑγιαίνει; οἱ δὲ εἶπαν Καὶ ζῇ καὶ ὑγιαίνει· καὶ εἶπεν Τωβιας Πατήρ μού ἐστιν.

  [5] And they said, He is both alive, and in good health: and Tobias said, He is my father.

  [6] καὶ ἀνεπήδησεν Ραγουηλ καὶ κατεφίλησεν αὐτὸν καὶ ἔκλαυσε καὶ εὐλόγησεν αὐτὸν καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ Ὁ τοῦ καλοῦ καὶ ἀγαθοῦ ἀνθρώπου· καὶ ἀκούσας ὅτι Τωβιτ ἀπώλεσεν τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς αὐτοῦ, ἐλυπήθη καὶ ἔκλαυσεν.

  [6] Then Raguel leaped up, and kissed him, and wept,

  [7] καὶ Εδνα ἡ γυνὴ αὐτοῦ καὶ Σαρρα ἡ θυγάτηρ αὐτοῦ ἔκλαυσαν καὶ ὑπεδέξαντο αὐτοὺς προθύμως.

  [7] And blessed him, and said unto him, Thou art the son of an honest and good man. But when he had heard that Tobit was blind, he was sorrowful, and wept.

  [8] καὶ ἔθυσαν κριὸν προβάτων καὶ παρέθηκαν ὄψα πλείονα.

  [8] And likewise Edna his wife and Sara his daughter wept. Moreover they entertained them cheerfully;

  [9] Εἶπεν δὲ Τωβιας τῷ Ραφαηλ Αζαρια ἄδελφε, λάλησον ὑπὲρ ὧν ἔλεγες ἐν τῇ πορείᾳ, καὶ τελεσθήτω τὸ πρᾶγμα.

  [9] and after that they had killed a ram of the flock, they set store of meat on the table. Then said Tobias to Raphael, Brother Azarias, speak of those things of which thou didst talk in the way, and let this business be dispatched.

  [10] καὶ μετέδωκεν τὸν λόγον τῷ Ραγουηλ. καὶ εἶπεν Ραγουηλ πρὸς Τωβιαν Φάγε καὶ πίε καὶ ἡδέως γίνου· σοὶ γὰρ καθήκει τὸ παιδίον μου λαβεῖν· πλὴν ὑποδείξω σοι τὴν ἀλήθειαν.

  [10] So he communicated the matter with Raguel: and Raguel said to Tobias, Eat and drink, and make merry: For it is meet that thou shouldest marry my daughter: nevertheless I will declare unto thee the truth.

  [11] ἔδωκα τὸ παιδίον μου ἑπτὰ ἀνδράσιν, καὶ ὁπότε ἐὰν εἰσεπορεύοντο πρὸς αὐτήν, ἀπεθνῄσκοσαν ὑπὸ τὴν νύκτα. ἀλλὰ τὸ νῦν ἔχων ἡδέως γίνου.

  [11] I have given my daughter in marriage to seven men, who died that night they came in unto her: nevertheless for the present be merry. But Tobias said, I will eat nothing here, till we agree and swear one to another. Raguel said, Then take her from henceforth according to the manner, for thou art her cousin, and she is thine, and the merciful God give you good success in all things.

  [12] καὶ εἶπεν Τωβιας Οὐ γεύσομαι οὐδὲν ὧδε, ἕως ἂν στήσητε καὶ σταθῆτε πρός με. καὶ εἶπεν Ραγουηλ Κομίζου αὐτὴν ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν κατὰ τὴν κρίσιν· σὺ δὲ ἀδελφὸς εἶ αὐτῆς, καὶ αὐτή σού ἐστιν· ὁ δὲ ἐλεήμων θεὸς εὐοδώσει ὑμῖν τὰ κάλλιστα.

  [12] Then he called his daughter Sara, and she came to her father, and he took her by the hand, and gave her to be wife to Tobias, saying, Behold, take her after the law of Moses, and lead her away to thy father. And he blessed them;

  [13] καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Σαρραν τὴν θυγατέρα αὐτοῦ καὶ λαβὼν τῆς χειρὸς αὐτῆς παρέδωκεν αὐτὴν τῷ Τωβια γυναῖκα καὶ εἶπεν Ἰδοὺ κατὰ τὸν νόμον Μωυσέως κομίζου αὐτὴν καὶ ἄπαγε πρὸς τὸν πατέρα σου· καὶ εὐλόγησεν αὐτούς.

  [13] And called Edna his wife, and took paper, and did write an instrument of covenants, and sealed it.

  [14] καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Εδναν τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ· καὶ λαβὼν βιβλίον ἔγραψεν συγγραφήν, καὶ ἐσφραγίσαντο. καὶ ἤρξαντο ἐσθίειν.

  [14] Then they began to eat.

  [15] καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Ραγουηλ Εδναν τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῇ Ἀδελφή, ἑτοίμασον τὸ ἕτερον ταμίειον καὶ εἰσάγαγε αὐτήν.

  [15] After Raguel called his wife Edna, and said unto her, Sister, prepare another chamber, and bring her in thither.

  [16] καὶ ἐποίησεν ὡς εἶπεν καὶ εἰσήγαγεν αὐτὴν ἐκεῖ, καὶ ἔκλαυσεν· καὶ ἀπεδέξατο τὰ δάκρυα τῆς θυγατρὸς αὐτῆς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῇ

  [16] Which when she had done as he had bidden her, she brought her thither: and she wept, and she received the tears of her daughter, and said unto her,

  [17] Θάρσει, τέκνον, ὁ κύριος τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς δῴη σοι χάριν ἀντὶ τῆς λύπης σου ταύτης θάρσει, θύγατερ.

  [17] Be of good comfort, my daughter; the Lord of heaven and earth give thee joy for this thy sorrow: be of good comfort, my daughter.


  [1] Ὅτε δὲ συνετέλεσαν δειπνοῦντες, εἰσήγαγον Τωβιαν πρὸς αὐτήν.

  [1] And when they had supped, they brought Tobias in unto her.

  [2] ὁ δὲ πορευόμενος ἐμνήσθη τῶν λόγων Ραφαηλ καὶ ἔλαβεν τὴν τέφραν τῶν θυμιαμάτων καὶ ἐπέθηκεν τὴν καρδίαν τοῦ ἰχθύος καὶ τὸ ἧπαρ καὶ ἐκάπνισεν.

  [2] And as he went, he remembered the words of Raphael, and took the ashes of the perfumes, and put the heart and the liver of the fish thereupon, and made a smoke therewith.

  [3] ὅτε δὲ ὠσφράνθη τὸ δαιμόνιον τῆς ὀσμῆς, ἔφυγεν εἰς τὰ ἀνώτατα Αἰγύπτου, καὶ ἔδησεν αὐτὸ ὁ ἄγγελος.

  [3] The which smell when the evil spirit had smelled, he fled into the utmost parts of Egypt, and the angel bound him.

  [4] ὡς δὲ συνεκλείσθησαν ἀμφότεροι, ἀνέστη Τωβιας ἀπὸ τῆς κλίνης καὶ εἶπεν Ἀνάστηθι, ἀδελφή, καὶ προσευξώμεθα, ἵνα ἡμᾶς ἐλεήσῃ ὁ κύριος.

  [4] And after that they were both shut in together, Tobias rose out of the bed, and said, Sister, arise, and let us pray that God would have pity on us.

  [5] καὶ ἤρξατο Τωβιας λέγειν Εὐλογητὸς εἶ, ὁ θεὸς τῶν πατέρων ἡμῶν, καὶ εὐλογητὸν τὸ ὄνομά σου τὸ ἅγιον καὶ ἔνδοξον εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας· εὐλογησάτωσάν σε οἱ οὐρανοὶ καὶ πᾶσαι αἱ κτίσεις σου.

  [5] Then began Tobias to say, Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers, and blessed is thy holy and glorious name for ever; let the heavens bless thee, and all thy creatures.

  [6] σὺ ἐποίησας Αδαμ καὶ ἔδωκας αὐτῷ βοηθὸν Ευαν στήριγμα τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ· ἐκ τούτων ἐγενήθη τὸ ἀνθρώπων σπέρμα. σ�
�� εἶπας Οὐ καλὸν εἶναι τὸν ἄνθρωπον μόνον, ποιήσωμεν αὐτῷ βοηθὸν ὅμοιον αὐτῷ.

  [6] Thou madest Adam, and gavest him Eve his wife for an helper and stay: of them came mankind: thou hast said, It is not good that man should be alone; let us make unto him an aid like unto himself.

  [7] καὶ νῦν, κύριε, οὐ διὰ πορνείαν ἐγὼ λαμβάνω τὴν ἀδελφήν μου ταύτην, ἀλλ’ ἐπ’ ἀληθείας· ἐπίταξον ἐλεῆσαί με καὶ ταύτῃ συγκαταγηρᾶσαι.

  [7] And now, O Lord, I take not this my sister for lush but uprightly: therefore mercifully ordain that we may become aged together.

  [8] καὶ εἶπεν μετ’ αὐτοῦ Αμην.

  [8] And she said with him, Amen.

  [9] καὶ ἐκοιμήθησαν ἀμφότεροι τὴν νύκτα.

  [9] So they slept both that night. And Raguel arose, and went and made a grave,

  [10] Καὶ ἀναστὰς Ραγουηλ ἐπορεύθη καὶ ὤρυξεν τάφον λέγων Μὴ καὶ οὗτος ἀποθάνῃ.

  [10] Saying, I fear lest he also be dead.

  [11] καὶ ἦλθεν Ραγουηλ εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν ἑαυτοῦ

  [11] But when Raguel was come into his house,

  [12] καὶ εἶπεν Εδνα τῇ γυναικὶ αὐτοῦ Ἀπόστειλον μίαν τῶν παιδισκῶν, καὶ ἰδέτωσαν εἰ ζῇ· εἰ δὲ μή, ἵνα θάψωμεν αὐτὸν καὶ μηδεὶς γνῷ.

  [12] He said unto his wife Edna. Send one of the maids, and let her see whether he be alive: if he be not, that we may bury him, and no man know it.

  [13] καὶ εἰσῆλθεν ἡ παιδίσκη ἀνοίξασα τὴν θύραν καὶ εὗρεν τοὺς δύο καθεύδοντας.

  [13] So the maid opened the door, and went in, and found them both asleep,


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