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Delphi Septuagint

Page 1172

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [16] Drink thou also thy fill of disgrace instead of glory: shake, O heart, and quake, the cup of the right hand of the Lord has come round upon thee, and dishonour has gathered upon thy glory.

  [17] διότι ἀσέβεια τοῦ Λιβάνου καλύψει σε, καὶ ταλαιπωρία θηρίων πτοήσει σε διὰ αἵματα ἀνθρώπων καὶ ἀσεβείας γῆς καὶ πόλεως καὶ πάντων τῶν κατοικούντων αὐτήν. –

  [17] For the ungodliness of Libanus shall cover thee, and distress because of wild beasts shall dismay thee, because of the blood of men, and the sins of the land and city, and of all that dwell in it.

  [18] Τί ὠφελεῖ γλυπτόν, ὅτι ἔγλυψαν αὐτό; ἔπλασαν αὐτὸ χώνευμα, φαντασίαν ψευδῆ, ὅτι πέποιθεν ὁ πλάσας ἐπὶ τὸ πλάσμα αὐτοῦ τοῦ ποιῆσαι εἴδωλα κωφά.

  [18] What profit it the graven image, that they have graven it? one has made it a molten work, a false image; for the maker has trusted in his work, to make dumb idols.

  [19] οὐαὶ ὁ λέγων τῷ ξύλῳ Ἔκνηψον ἐξεγέρθητι, καὶ τῷ λίθῳ Ὑψώθητι· καὶ αὐτό ἐστιν φαντασία, τοῦτο δέ ἐστιν ἔλασμα χρυσίου καὶ ἀργυρίου, καὶ πᾶν πνεῦμα οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν αὐτῷ.

  [19] Woe to him that says to the wood, Awake, arise; and to the stone, Be thou exalted! whereas it is an image, and this is a casting of gold and silver, and there is no breath in it.

  [20] ὁ δὲ κύριος ἐν ναῷ ἁγίῳ αὐτοῦ· εὐλαβείσθω ἀπὸ προσώπου αὐτοῦ πᾶσα ἡ γῆ.

  [20] But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth fear before him.


  [1] Προσευχὴ Αμβακουμ τοῦ προφήτου μετὰ ᾠδῆς.


  [2] Κύριε, εἰσακήκοα τὴν ἀκοήν σου καὶ ἐφοβήθην, κατενόησα τὰ ἔργα σου καὶ ἐξέστην. ἐν μέσῳ δύο ζῴων γνωσθήσῃ, ἐν τῷ ἐγγίζειν τὰ ἔτη ἐπιγνωσθήσῃ, ἐν τῷ παρεῖναι τὸν καιρὸν ἀναδειχθήσῃ, ἐν τῷ ταραχθῆναι τὴν ψυχήν μου ἐν ὀργῇ ἐλέους μνησθήσῃ.

  [2] O Lord, I have heard thy report, and was afraid: I considered thy works, and was amazed: thou shalt be known between the two living creatures, thou shalt be acknowledged when the years draw nigh; thou shalt be manifested when the time is come; when my soul is troubled, thou wilt in wrath remember mercy.

  [3] ὁ θεὸς ἐκ Θαιμαν ἥξει, καὶ ὁ ἅγιος ἐξ ὄρους κατασκίου δασέος. διάψαλμα. ἐκάλυψεν οὐρανοὺς ἡ ἀρετὴ αὐτοῦ, καὶ αἰνέσεως αὐτοῦ πλήρης ἡ γῆ.

  [3] God shall come from Thaeman, and the Holy One from the dark shady mount Pharan. Pause.

  [4] καὶ φέγγος αὐτοῦ ὡς φῶς ἔσται, κέρατα ἐν χερσὶν αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἔθετο ἀγάπησιν κραταιὰν ἰσχύος αὐτοῦ.

  [4] His excellence covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise. And his brightness shall be as light; there were horns in his hands, and he caused a mighty love of his strength.

  [5] πρὸ προσώπου αὐτοῦ πορεύσεται λόγος, καὶ ἐξελεύσεται, ἐν πεδίλοις οἱ πόδες αὐτοῦ.

  [5] Before his face shall go a report, and it shall go forth into the plains,

  [6] ἔστη, καὶ ἐσαλεύθη ἡ γῆ· ἐπέβλεψεν, καὶ διετάκη ἔθνη. διεθρύβη τὰ ὄρη βίᾳ, ἐτάκησαν βουνοὶ αἰώνιοι.

  [6] the earth stood at his feet and trembled: he beheld, and the nations melted away: the mountains were violently burst through, the everlasting hills melted at his everlasting going forth.

  [7] πορείας αἰωνίας αὐτοῦ ἀντὶ κόπων εἶδον· σκηνώματα Αἰθιόπων πτοηθήσονται καὶ αἱ σκηναὶ γῆς Μαδιαμ.

  [7] Because of troubles I looked upon the tents of the Ethiopians: the tabernacles also of the land of Madiam shall be dismayed.

  [8] μὴ ἐν ποταμοῖς ὠργίσθης, κύριε, ἢ ἐν ποταμοῖς ὁ θυμός σου, ἢ ἐν θαλάσσῃ τὸ ὅρμημά σου; ὅτι ἐπιβήσῃ ἐπὶ τοὺς ἵππους σου, καὶ ἡ ἱππασία σου σωτηρία.

  [8] Wast thou angry, O Lord, with the rivers? or was thy wrath against the rivers, or thine anger against the sea? for thou wilt mount on thine horses, and thy chariots are salvation.

  [9] ἐντείνων ἐντενεῖς τὸ τόξον σου ἐπὶ τὰ σκῆπτρα, λέγει κύριος. διάψαλμα. ποταμῶν ῥαγήσεται γῆ.

  [9] Surely thou didst bend they bow at scepters, saith the Lord. Pause. The land of rivers shall be torn asunder.

  [10] ὄψονταί σε καὶ ὠδινήσουσιν λαοί, σκορπίζων ὕδατα πορείας αὐτοῦ· ἔδωκεν ἡ ἄβυσσος φωνὴν αὐτῆς, ὕψος φαντασίας αὐτῆς.

  [10] The nations shall see thee and be in pain, as thou dost divide the moving waters: the deep uttered her voice, and raised her form on high.

  [11] ἐπήρθη ὁ ἥλιος, καὶ ἡ σελήνη ἔστη ἐν τῇ τάξει αὐτῆς· εἰς φῶς βολίδες σου πορεύσονται, εἰς φέγγος ἀστραπῆς ὅπλων σου.

  [11] The sun was exalted, and the moon stood still in her course: thy darts shall go forth at the light, at the brightness of the gleaming of thine arms.

  [12] ἐν ἀπειλῇ ὀλιγώσεις γῆν καὶ ἐν θυμῷ κατάξεις ἔθνη.

  [12] Thou wilt bring low the land with threatening, and in wrath thou wilt break down the nations.

  [13] ἐξῆλθες εἰς σωτηρίαν λαοῦ σου τοῦ σῶσαι τοὺς χριστούς σου· ἔβαλες εἰς κεφαλὰς ἀνόμων θάνατον, ἐξήγειρας δεσμοὺς ἕως τραχήλου. διάψαλμα.

  [13] Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, to save thine anointed: thou shalt bring death on the heads of transgressors; thou has brought bands upon their neck. Pause.

  [14] διέκοψας ἐν ἐκστάσει κεφαλὰς δυναστῶν, σεισθήσονται ἐν αὐτῇ· διανοίξουσιν χαλινοὺς αὐτῶν ὡς ἔσθων πτωχὸς λάθρᾳ.

  [14] Thou didst cut asunder the heads of princes with amazement, they shall tremble in it; they shall burst their bridles, they shall be as a poor man devouring in secret.

  [15] καὶ ἐπεβίβασας εἰς θάλασσαν τοὺς ἵππους σου ταράσσοντας ὕδωρ πολύ.

  [15] And thou dost cause thine horses to enter the sea, disturbing much water.

  [16] ἐφυλαξάμην, καὶ ἐπτοήθη ἡ κοιλία μου ἀπὸ φωνῆς προσευχῆς χειλέων μου, καὶ εἰσῆλθεν τρόμος εἰς τὰ ὀστᾶ μου, καὶ ὑποκάτωθέν μου ἐταράχθη ἡ ἕξις μου. ἀναπαύσομαι ἐν ἡμέρᾳ θλίψεως τοῦ ἀναβῆναι εἰς λαὸν παροικίας μου.

  [16] I watched, and my belly trembled at the sound of the prayer of my lips, and trembling entered into my bones, and my frame was troubled within me; I will rest in the day of affliction, from going up to the people of my sojourning.

  [17] διότι συκῆ οὐ καρποφορήσει, καὶ οὐκ ἔσται γενήματα ἐν ταῖς ἀμπέλοις· ψεύσεται ἔργον ἐλαίας, καὶ τὰ πεδία οὐ π
οιήσει βρῶσιν· ἐξέλιπον ἀπὸ βρώσεως πρόβατα, καὶ οὐχ ὑπάρχουσιν βόες ἐπὶ φάτναις.

  [17] For though the fig-tree shall bear no fruit, and there shall be no produce on the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall produce no food: the sheep have failed from the pasture, and there are no oxen at the cribs;

  [18] ἐγὼ δὲ ἐν τῷ κυρίῳ ἀγαλλιάσομαι, χαρήσομαι ἐπὶ τῷ θεῷ τῷ σωτῆρί μου.

  [18] yet I will exult in the Lord, I will joy in God my Saviour.

  [19] κύριος ὁ θεὸς δύναμίς μου καὶ τάξει τοὺς πόδας μου εἰς συντέλειαν· ἐπὶ τὰ ὑψηλὰ ἐπιβιβᾷ με τοῦ νικῆσαι ἐν τῇ ᾠδῇ αὐτοῦ.

  [19] The Lord God is my strength, and he will perfectly strengthen my feet; he mounts me upon high places, that I may conquer by his song.



  [1] Λόγος κυρίου, ὃς ἐγενήθη πρὸς Σοφονιαν τὸν τοῦ Χουσι υἱὸν Γοδολιου τοῦ Αμαριου τοῦ Εζεκιου ἐν ἡμέραις Ιωσιου υἱοῦ Αμων βασιλέως Ιουδα.

  [1] The word of the Lord which came to Sophonias the son of Chusi, the son of Godolias, the son of Amorias, the son of Ezekias, in the days of Josias son of Amon, king of Juda.

  [2] Ἐκλείψει ἐκλιπέτω πάντα ἀπὸ προσώπου τῆς γῆς, λέγει κύριος,

  [2] Let there be an utter cutting off from the face of the land, saith the Lord.

  [3] ἐκλιπέτω ἄνθρωπος καὶ κτήνη, ἐκλιπέτω τὰ πετεινὰ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ οἱ ἰχθύες τῆς θαλάσσης, καὶ ἐξαρῶ τοὺς ἀνθρώπους ἀπὸ προσώπου τῆς γῆς, λέγει κύριος.

  [3] Let man and cattle be cut off; let the birds of the air and the fishes of the sea be cut off; and the ungodly shall fail, and I will take away the transgressors from the face of the land, saith the Lord.

  [4] καὶ ἐκτενῶ τὴν χεῖρά μου ἐπὶ Ιουδαν καὶ ἐπὶ πάντας τοὺς κατοικοῦντας Ιερουσαλημ καὶ ἐξαρῶ ἐκ τοῦ τόπου τούτου τὰ ὀνόματα τῆς Βααλ καὶ τὰ ὀνόματα τῶν ἱερέων

  [4] And I will stretch out mine hand upon Juda, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will remove the names of Baal out of this place, and the names of the priests;

  [5] καὶ τοὺς προσκυνοῦντας ἐπὶ τὰ δώματα τῇ στρατιᾷ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τοὺς ὀμνύοντας κατὰ τοῦ κυρίου καὶ τοὺς ὀμνύοντας κατὰ τοῦ βασιλέως αὐτῶν

  [5] and them that worship the host of heaven upon the house-tops; and them that worship and swear by the Lord, and them that swear by their king;

  [6] καὶ τοὺς ἐκκλίνοντας ἀπὸ τοῦ κυρίου καὶ τοὺς μὴ ζητήσαντας τὸν κύριον καὶ τοὺς μὴ ἀντεχομένους τοῦ κυρίου.

  [6] and them that turn aside from the Lord, and them that seek not the Lord, and them that cleave not to the Lord.

  [7] Εὐλαβεῖσθε ἀπὸ προσώπου κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ, δίοτι ἐγγὺς ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ κυρίου, ὅτι ἡτοίμακεν κύριος τὴν θυσίαν αὐτοῦ, ἡγίακεν τοὺς κλητοὺς αὐτοῦ.

  [7] Fear ye before the Lord God; for the day of the Lord is near; for the Lord has prepared his sacrifice, and has sanctified his guests.

  [8] καὶ ἔσται ἐν ἡμέρᾳ θυσίας κυρίου καὶ ἐκδικήσω ἐπὶ τοὺς ἄρχοντας καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν οἶκον τοῦ βασιλέως καὶ ἐπὶ πάντας τοὺς ἐνδεδυμένους ἐνδύματα ἀλλότρια·

  [8] And it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord’s sacrifice, that I will take vengeance on the princes, and on the king’s house, and upon all that wear strange apparel.

  [9] καὶ ἐκδικήσω ἐπὶ πάντας ἐμφανῶς ἐπὶ τὰ πρόπυλα ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ, τοὺς πληροῦντας τὸν οἶκον κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ αὐτῶν ἀσεβείας καὶ δόλου.

  [9] And I will openly take vengeance on the porches in that day, on the men that fill the house of the Lord their God with ungodliness and deceit.

  [10] καὶ ἔσται ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ, λέγει κύριος, φωνὴ κραυγῆς ἀπὸ πύλης ἀποκεντούντων καὶ ὀλολυγμὸς ἀπὸ τῆς δευτέρας καὶ συντριμμὸς μέγας ἀπὸ τῶν βουνῶν.

  [10] And there shall be in that day, saith the Lord, the sound of a cry from the gate of men slaying, and a howling from the second gate, and a great crashing from the hills.

  [11] θρηνήσατε, οἱ κατοικοῦντες τὴν κατακεκομμένην, ὅτι ὡμοιώθη πᾶς ὁ λαὸς Χανααν, ἐξωλεθρεύθησαν πάντες οἱ ἐπηρμένοι ἀργυρίῳ.

  [11] Lament, ye that inhabit the city that has been broken down, for all the people has become like Chanaan; and all that were exalted by silver have been utterly destroyed.

  [12] καὶ ἔσται ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐξερευνήσω τὴν Ιερουσαλημ μετὰ λύχνου καὶ ἐκδικήσω ἐπὶ τοὺς ἄνδρας τοὺς καταφρονοῦντας ἐπὶ τὰ φυλάγματα αὐτῶν, οἱ λέγοντες ἐν ταῖς καρδίαις αὐτῶν Οὐ μὴ ἀγαθοποιήσῃ κύριος οὐδ’ οὐ μὴ κακώσῃ,

  [12] And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will search Jerusalem with a candle, and will take vengeance on the men that despise the things committed to them; but they say in their hearts, The Lord will not do any good, neither will he do any evil.

  [13] καὶ ἔσται ἡ δύναμις αὐτῶν εἰς διαρπαγὴν καὶ οἱ οἶκοι αὐτῶν εἰς ἀφανισμόν, καὶ οἰκοδομήσουσιν οἰκίας καὶ οὐ μὴ κατοικήσουσιν ἐν αὐταῖς καὶ καταφυτεύσουσιν ἀμπελῶνας καὶ οὐ μὴ πίωσιν τὸν οἶνον αὐτῶν.

  [13] And their power shall be for a spoil, and their houses for utter desolation; and they shall build houses, but shall not dwell in them; and they shall plant vineyards, but shall not drink the wine of them.

  [14] Ὅτι ἐγγὺς ἡ ἡμέρα κυρίου ἡ μεγάλη, ἐγγὺς καὶ ταχεῖα σφόδρα· φωνὴ ἡμέρας κυρίου πικρὰ καὶ σκληρά, τέτακται δυνατή.

  [14] For the great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and very speedy; the sound of the day of the Lord is made bitter and harsh.

  [15] ἡμέρα ὀργῆς ἡ ἡμέρα ἐκείνη, ἡμέρα θλίψεως καὶ ἀνάγκης, ἡμέρα ἀωρίας καὶ ἀφανισμοῦ, ἡμέρα σκότους καὶ γνόφου, ἡμέρα νεφέλης καὶ ὁμίχλης,

  [15] A mighty day of wrath is that day, a day of affliction and distress, a day of desolation and destruction, a day of gloominess and darkness, a day of cloud and vapour,

  [16] ἡμέρα σάλπιγγος καὶ κραυγῆς ἐπὶ τὰς πόλεις τὰς ὀχυρὰς καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς γωνίας τὰς ὑψηλάς.

  [16] a day of the trumpet and cry against the strong cities, and against the high towers.

  [17] καὶ ἐκθλίψω τοὺς ἀνθρώπους, καὶ πορεύσονται ὡς τυφλοί, ὅτι τῷ κυρίῳ ἐξήμαρτον· καὶ ἐκχεεῖ τὸ αἷμα αὐτῶν ὡς χοῦν καὶ τὰς σάρκας αὐτ
ῶν ὡς βόλβιτα.

  [17] And I will greatly afflict the men, and they shall walk as blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord; therefore he shall pour out their blood as dust, and their flesh as dung.

  [18] καὶ τὸ ἀργύριον αὐτῶν καὶ τὸ χρυσίον αὐτῶν οὐ μὴ δύνηται ἐξελέσθαι αὐτοὺς ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς κυρίου, καὶ ἐν πυρὶ ζήλους αὐτοῦ καταναλωθήσεται πᾶσα ἡ γῆ, διότι συντέλειαν καὶ σπουδὴν ποιήσει ἐπὶ πάντας τοὺς κατοικοῦντας τὴν γῆν.

  [18] And their silver and their gold shall in nowise be able to rescue them in the day of the Lord’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealously; for he will bring a speedy destruction on all them that inhabit the land.


  [1] Συνάχθητε καὶ συνδέθητε, τὸ ἔθνος τὸ ἀπαίδευτον,

  [1] Be ye gathered and closely joined together, O unchastened nation;

  [2] πρὸ τοῦ γενέσθαι ὑμᾶς ὡς ἄνθος παραπορευόμενον, πρὸ τοῦ ἐπελθεῖν ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ὀργὴν κυρίου, πρὸ τοῦ ἐπελθεῖν ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ἡμέραν θυμοῦ κυρίου.

  [2] before ye become as the flower that passes away, before the anger of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the wrath of the Lord come upon you.

  [3] ζητήσατε τὸν κύριον, πάντες ταπεινοὶ γῆς· κρίμα ἐργάζεσθε καὶ δικαιοσύνην ζητήσατε καὶ ἀποκρίνεσθε αὐτά, ὅπως σκεπασθῆτε ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς κυρίου.


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