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The Legacy of Vashna

Page 12

by Joe Dever

  Having decided not to follow, you make your way down from the warehouse roof and retrace your steps back to the stables of the Crooked Sage to collect your horse.

  Turn to 341.


  You pass before the Elders without incident and follow the procession as it winds its way through the settlement. As it nears the perimeter, you pass beside some smaller huts where a few of the doors are open. Most of the huts are empty, but you notice one where a table near the door is stacked with captured weapons.

  If you wish to slip away from the procession and enter this weapons hut, turn to 24.

  If you do not, turn to 218.


  Using your advanced Kai Mastery, you alter your body weight so that you are able to glide over this soft section of the cavern floor and you soon reach firmer ground. With ease, you slip past the end of the line of automatons and race towards the dais.

  During your flight across the sagging floor, the Demoness was putting on an armoured breastplate of varnished black steel and was otherwise distracted. But she saw you get around the flank of her automatons and now she is aware of your plan. It is clear by the anger on her face that she has no intention of allowing you anywhere near the dais or the Deathstaff.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 57.

  If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 282.


  Your spine tingles with the presentiment of danger. Your senses warn that something evil is abroad this night and you are fearful that it will come upon you while you are sleeping. With this worry foremost in your mind, you stand at the mouth of the cave and use your Kai Mastery to summon a woodland creature. A few minutes pass; then you sight a wildcat and its cub emerging from the pines. They have answered your call and obediently they submit to your will. You command them to guard the cave mouth; then you settle down to rest, confident in the knowledge that they will wake you at the first sign of trouble.

  Turn to 344.


  The face of the worm is changing. It no longer resembles your brother Jen; it has taken on the haughty visage of the Demoness Shamath.

  ‘Ha!’ she snorts. ‘How puny and insignificant you mortals are. There can be no sport for me in the easy slaying of your kind, for it is too easy. There is no challenge. Therefore I, Shamath, Mistress of the Gates of Darkness, shall devise one. I challenge you to a duel … a duel of intellect!’

  The great worm-thing retreats towards the dais and the darkened walls of the cavern are suddenly illuminated by a thousand jets of flame, which roar from jets set into the smooth, glassy floor.

  ‘Very well,’ she says, fixing you with her supernatural eyes. ‘Let the combat begin.’

  Turn to 189.


  As the Elder is hauling you off the bench, your robe gets snagged on a splinter and it rises up to reveal your boots and scabbard. The Elder is now angry and suspicious; he shouts at you, demanding to know how you came to be in possession of these items.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–6, turn to 190.

  If it is 7–9, turn to 116.


  You speed across the room and lunge for the archer as he exits through the window. Your hand grabs hold of his breeches and you try to drag him back into the room, but he kicks free and leaves you clutching a fragment of cloth torn from the leg of his trousers.

  If you wish to pursue the man onto the balcony, turn to 9.

  If you decide to let him go, you can leave the inn by the front door by turning to 231.


  You unshoulder your Bow and draw an Arrow with one swift and fluid movement. Then, as the beast's head crosses your line of sight, you release the shaft and send it whistling towards its gaping jaws.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 48.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 272.


  With your teeth clenched tightly against the fearful stench that is arising from the grave, you scrape away the remaining earth and stones and begin to search through the corpse's robes. There is little of value to be found here, nothing that the brigands have not already picked over. You are about to abandon this unpleasant task when suddenly you notice something protruding from the corpse's boot. It is a hexagonal token engraved with strange symbols, and it is made from the same black, metallic substance as the amulet given to you by President Kadharian.

  You decide to keep this item. (Record this Special Item on your Action Chart as a Black Token which you carry in your pocket. If you already carry the maximum number of Special Items permissible, you must discard one in its favour.) Having satisfied your curiosity, you leave the gravesite and return to your horse, eager to continue your journey as quickly as you can.

  Turn to 156.


  You stagger to your feet and shake your head to clear your blurred vision. The first thing you see when your sight returns to normal is the attacking longboat as it collides with the Vakovarian ship. With a deafening screech of twisting metal and shearing timbers, it shudders along the length of the starboard side, sending the brigands who are aboard cartwheeling helplessly across the deck. Grappling lines are cast and boarding planks lowered, and before the Vakovarians can recover, a screaming horde of red-robed acolytes are amongst them, slaying all without quarter.

  On the quayside the Vakovarians are gripped by panic. Many flee to the ruins, but there is a core of battle-hardened ex-mercenaries who band together and attempt a counterattack. Bloody fighting rages along the quayside as the acolytes try to recapture the three who are tied to the stone obelisk. The prisoners are eventually saved by a trio of Acolyte Elders, each of whom is armed with a glowing wand that discharges an incinerating blast of energy against any brigand foolish enough to stand in their way. The Elders retreat to the long boat with the freed prisoners, but the fighting has started to spread beyond the quay. There is a sudden noise to your left, and when you turn to face it, you see two Acolytes of Vashna racing along the street towards you with bloodied swords held ready to strike you down.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 183.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 40.

  If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 288.

  If you have none of these or choose not to use them, turn to 140.


  You stare into the man's steel-blue eyes and, using your psychic skill, implant in his mind the suggestion that he should put his crossbow on the ground. You are hoping he will comply with your command so that you can attempt to get away, but then he says something which makes that idea redundant.

  ‘You're no bandit,’ he muses. ‘No, by thunder, you look like a Sommlending to me.’

  Turn to 13.


  President Kadharian is a tall, muscular man whose stern countenance reflects his unmistakably military background. He gives a formal salute, and then he offers you his strong hand in friendship. You accept readily, without hesitation.

  Illustration XI—He offers you his strong hand in friendship.

  ‘Welcome, Grand Master,’ he says, his jade-green eyes glinting warmly in the torchlit hall. ‘I am deeply honoured that you have answered my call. I trust your journey to Helgor was not too difficult?’

  ‘I encountered no problems that couldn't be overcome,’ you reply.

  ‘Good, good,’ he says, and gives a knowing laugh. Then he bids you accompany him as he crosses the floor of the senate hall and pushes open the door to a smaller adjoining room.

  ‘And now to the business in hand. I shall endeavour to explain the reasons why I felt it necessary to request your help, Grand Master.’

  Turn to 100.


  Darkness descends as you ride down from the h
ill pass, but the twisting trail is kept illuminated by a spectacular host of twinkling lights which swoop and soar above the glimmering waters of the lake. It is a wondrous display but you are not deceived into thinking that all is well. There is a great and evil magic at work here; you can sense it.

  You have ridden to within five miles of Vorn when you are forced to leave the trail and take cover. Ahead you see a group of Vakovarian bandits encamped on a bridge which carries the trail across a fast-flowing stream. Rather than risk a confrontation, you take cover in a wooded grove and spend a restless night waiting for the dawn. Due to the proximity of the enemy, you are unable to sleep — lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 339.


  Fear tightens its grip on your senses as you move slowly towards the arch. You are terrified by the thought of what might happen when you enter, but you dare not falter now. If you refuse to enter the arch, the Acolytes of Vashna will know that you are not one of them.

  If you possess the Dagger of Vashna, turn to 20.

  If you possess Helshezag, turn to 81.

  If you do not possess either of these Special Items, turn to 343.


  The ferocity of their attack leaves you sprawled on the floor of the cave, holding your aching head with both hands. Having encountered unexpected resistance, the phantoms veer away and vanish into the clouds. They have gone, but not for long. Within minutes they return with seven more of their ghostly brothers in train.

  If you possess Kai-surge and have reached the rank of Sun Lord, turn to 229.

  If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai rank, turn to 142.


  You have difficulty controlling the tremendous forces contained within the Deathstaff. Some of the Vortexi are able to seize upon this weakness and break away from the spinning cyclone to make good their attack.


  For every level of Kai rank you have attained above that of Kai Grand Guardian, you may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight. However, due to the insidious effect of the Deathstaff, you must reduce your ENDURANCE score by 3 prior to the start of this combat.

  If you win the combat, turn to 46.


  The hut has long been deserted but it still offers you and your horse good protection against the elements. It is watertight and there is sufficient straw on the floor to feed your mount and keep you warm during the night.

  Before you settle down to rest, unless you possess Grand Huntmastery, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Sheltered from the foul storm, you are able to get a good night's rest. You awake the following morning feeling invigorated: restore 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 285.


  Through a gap in the boulders you see a pack of eight ridge-backed Jackals feeding on the carcass of a Durncrag Scavenger, a vulture-like bird of prey. They are engrossed in their meal until they detect the scent of their most favoured food: live horsemeat.

  With another frenzied howl the wild Jackals abandon the feathery carcass and come streaming through the gap in the boulders, drawn by the scent of your horse. They seem to know that he is in a weakened state and this fuels their fury. Your horse takes fright and tries to pull away, his hooves flailing the air perilously close to your skull, and as the first of the Jackals make its attack, you find yourself struggling to hold on to the reins with one hand and fight off the Jackals with the other.

  Vorndarol Jackals: COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 38

  Unless you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Sun Knight or higher, you must reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 5 for the duration of this combat.

  You may evade combat after four rounds by turning to 222.

  If you win this fight, turn to 347.


  You gallop down the muddy track towards a cleft in the gully which is protected by the overhanging ledge. Here you command Bracer to halt, but he does not respond as you would wish. He paws at the ground and refuses to stand still. You feel sure that the lightning flashes, the burning trees, and the deafening cracks of thunder are the reasons why he is so unsettled. In an attempt to calm him down, you draw on your innate Kai skill of Animal Kinship. In doing so, you suddenly discover the real reason why he is so agitated.

  Turn to 319.


  You pull your horse back from the body of the dead corvayl and gallop away in case there are others of its kind lurking nearby. Beyond the plateau, the trail descends steeply towards a thick pine wood. Milky-white pools of water punctuate this section of the track, some deceptively deep, making the descent difficult and tiring. By the time you reach the wood your horse is in need of rest.

  You dismount to take the weight off his back, and as you gather his reins together you notice that the flap of your Backpack is undone. On checking the contents you discover that one of your possessions is missing. (Erase the second item on your list of Backpack Items. If you have only one item on your list, erase that one instead.)

  As soon as your horse is rested, you remount him and set off through the pine wood heading east.

  Turn to 300.


  Your mastery of the Kai camouflage skills makes you virtually undetectable. The Vakovarians search the inn thoroughly but they fail to find you, even though one passes so close that he treads on your foot.

  You wait until they have gone; then you leave the inn and make your way down through the ruins towards the lake, taking care to avoid those other Vakovarians who are out looting. The burnt-out shell of a meeting hall offers you an unobstructed view of the quay and its flagstoned square. You hide here, invisible among the charred roof timbers, and watch as a curious scene unfolds on the quayside outside.

  Turn to 163.


  You focus on the brigand leader as you whisper the words of the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm. You will him to send away his henchmen and, when he is alone, you close in on him from behind without making a sound.

  Turn to 119.


  You level the Deathstaff at the Arch Druid, and say, ‘This is the key to the resurrection of Vashna; without it your Demoness will be powerless to summon him.’

  Cadak laughs, sneering at your words. ‘And how long do you think you will keep it from her, Kai Lord? Did you think that the Demoness Shamath will have difficulty taking it from you? No, she will not. You are doomed, Lone Wolf. Why don't you admit it? You were doomed the moment you returned from the great arch.’

  Your hatred for the evil druid wells up and you suddenly feel a tingling sensation engulf your hands. Your emotion has activated the power of the Deathstaff and, without warning, a swirling cone of grey vapour emerges from its tip and coils towards Cadak. He yelps with shocked surprise and raises his staff to fend off the attack. He is successful, but at great cost to his magical stamina.

  You, too, feel the draining effect of this accursed staff (lose 7 ENDURANCE points) and your Kai senses scream a warning not to use it again in combat for fear of the consequences. Next time you could lose more than ENDURANCE points — you could lose your soul!

  Turn to 252.


  You focus your power on a small pile of rocks lying at the edge of an outcrop which overhangs the boulder. The vibrations that you set up dislodge the rocks and make them cascade onto the boulder beneath. Suddenly, there is a cry of alarm and a man springs up from behind the boulder, shielding his head with both arms as he scurries out in the open to avoid the deluge. He is a grey-bearded man, clad in furs and armed with an expensive-looking crossbow which is slung by a leather strap around his shoulder. By his looks you judge him to be a hunter, not a brigand.

  Coughing and spitting dust, he wipes his face with his hairy hands then turns to look in your direction. You sense that he is about to reach for his crossbow, but when you raise your hand in a
show of friendship, he pauses and narrows his eyes, as if he is trying to get a clearer look at you.

  ‘You're no Vakovarian,’ he muses. ‘No, by thunder, you look like a Sommlending to me.’

  Chuckling under his breath, he makes his way down the slope and comes walking towards you with a broad smile on his weather-beaten face.

  Turn to 340.


  A wave of panic sweeps through the crowded inn. Women shriek hysterically and gruff voices shout in anger and confusion, demanding Smudd's killer be found. You back away from the alcove and, as you turn towards the counter, you catch a glimpse of a figure running along the gallery which overlooks the taproom floor. He is clad from head to toe in a close-fitting black tunic and he is carrying a bow. You watch helplessly as he disappears through a door which leads off the gallery.

  Illustration XII—You catch a glimpse of a figure running along the gallery.

  If you wish to climb an adjoining staircase and give chase, turn to 259.


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