Love, Honor, Respect

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Love, Honor, Respect Page 5

by Elle Linder

  “It’s our song. Dance with me,” Luke whispered in her ear, then stood, extending his hand to her.

  Julia smiled up at him, putting her hand in his, and Luke led her out onto the dance floor.

  “Make You Miss Me” had become their song, along with most Sam Hunt songs. Luke’s ear would dial in to the country singer’s voice, and it would trigger the memory of their first dance. Julia loved how little things like a song turned Luke into a romantic.

  He spun her around, as he often did, then pulled her close. She hooked her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. Her sexy, brawny man held her firmly against him, and the world faded away.

  She was home in his arms.

  “Talk to me, baby.”

  “No…let’s enjoy the dance.”

  Luke didn’t press her, but the fact that he’d used those words—talk to me, baby—meant he was concerned and sensed something wasn’t right. He was never wrong in his observations.

  After the dance, she was confident he’d insist on her talking to him. The truth was, she wanted to talk to him. She needed to know he’d still want her even if she couldn’t have a baby.

  Foolish talk many would call it. She might have called it foolish herself under different circumstances. Months ago, this unexpected news wouldn’t have fazed her as much as it did now. Months ago, she had been focused on the resort, the inn, being a stepmom, and planning the wedding. But time had changed her.

  The resort had been running like a well-oiled machine since Erika’s promotion. The inn in California was stable, though on the cusp of changing owners as Teri was in the process of buying out Lauren. Julia didn’t have much to worry about anymore with either business.

  Her last big issue—being a stepmom—had never become an issue. Brice and Heather had adjusted beautifully to living in Faithful Falls, and they’d embraced Julia almost instantly. Everything flowed better than she could have ever dreamed, which gave her the green light to have a baby.

  Now the possibility of not being able to conceive was unimaginable. Gut-wrenching. She guessed her mom and Aunt Diane had felt the same way. Infertility explained why each of them only had one child. Why had it never been mentioned until today?

  At least they were lucky enough to have one child. Would she be as fortunate?

  She looked over at Becky. She had never talked about wanting children or a husband. In her teens and well into her twenties, Becky had been hell on wheels, breaking hearts left and right. Julia had always known her to be independent and single. She admired her more than anyone else.

  Luke startled her, lifting her chin up to him. He placed a soft kiss on her lips. In a firm voice he said, “You’re off, and I’m concerned. Shall we go out to my truck to talk?”


  “No. When are you going to talk to me?”

  She let out a heavy sigh. “After dinner when everyone goes their separate ways.”

  “Okay. Where?”

  “Always Mr. Details, aren’t you?” He cocked his head, aware that she was deflecting. “Take the kids home, and then come over to the resort. We can take a walk on our path.”

  “You got it.” He kissed her again before returning to their table. Slow and sensual. She could get lost in him if it weren’t for the hundreds of patrons at The Peak.

  Donna eyed Julia curiously as she and Luke approached the table. When she sat down her mom leaned in, asking, “How are you?”

  “I’ve been better,” Julia replied. She’d always been horrible at hiding her true feelings. But then, that was the quality about her Luke adored most. He thought her genuine emotions were endearing. Except now they were giving away her broken heart.

  “Again, I am so sorry to spring that on you.”

  “Mom, it’s okay. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the evening.”

  Donna nodded regretfully, turning her attention back to Diane and Becky.

  “Hey,” Lauren whisper-shouted. “What’s going on?” she mouthed.

  Julia shook her head, indicating not here.

  “Did you happen to notice who’s been hanging out at the bar all evening?” Lauren asked, changing the subject.

  Julia followed Lauren’s gaze. Tiffani was at the bar laughing with Bruce. She raised her eyebrows at Lauren, and they grinned at each other.

  “Do you think there’s something really going on between them?” Lauren asked, glancing at them again.

  “Beyond friendship? No idea. Bruce reveals nothing about his personal life.”

  “How do we feel about them getting together?” Lauren smirked.

  “I don’t think it matters how we feel.”

  “Let me assure you ladies, it doesn’t matter one lick how you feel about them getting together,” Luke interjected. “Bruce is a grown man, and if he’s interested in Tiffani, that’s his business.” He drained his beer, eyes darting between Julia and Lauren.

  “You’re a party pooper,” Lauren blurted.

  “No, I just don’t believe in meddling. Live and let live is my motto.”

  “That’s right, babe,” Rick said. “Luke here couldn’t give a shit what anyone else does so long as they don’t drag him into it.”

  “Exactly. Leave me out of it. I don’t need all that drama.”

  “Well, see there, Luke, that’s where women are different. We like drama and butting our nose into other people’s lives. Because we happen to give a lick.” Lauren winked.

  Luke shook his head. “Do you agree with her, baby?”

  Julia looked to Lauren, eagerly waiting for her reply, and then she turned to Luke, who was also awaiting her response.

  “Um…kind of. More out of curiosity. But at the end of the day, Bruce can do whatever he wants.”

  “Well that’s mighty kind of you, sweetheart.” Bruce chortled. “Nice to know I can live my life without your approval. And what, pray tell, might I need your seal of approval for?”

  Julia’s cheeks heated.

  Lauren’s cheeks turned pink too. But that didn’t stop her from blurting, “You and Tiffani!”

  Bruce stiffened.

  “Don’t listen to her, Bruce. Pregnancy hormones make her more obnoxious than usual,” Rick teased. Lauren elbowed him.

  “Not true. This is me, and I want to know if there’s something going on with you and Tiffani. Spill it, Bruce, or I might throw a major fit here,” Lauren threatened in a semi-playful tone.

  “Darlin’, even in your delicate condition, I’d let you throw a major fit. My personal life is off-limits to patrons,” Bruce said.

  “What about your closest friends?” Julia asked in her saccharine voice.

  “Not you too.” Bruce shook his head. “Can I get y’all anything else?”

  “Nah, we’re heading out soon,” Luke answered for the table. “I’m sure you’d like that.”

  “If it means these lovely busybodies will be leaving too…then yes.” Bruce winked at Julia.

  “It does.” Luke laughed.

  “I’ve never been called a busybody before.” Julia giggled. “I guess there’s a first for everything. No worries, Bruce. I won’t bug you anymore. But my pregnant bestie is relentless. You’ve been warned.”

  “Good to know.” Bruce collected the empty plates and glasses. “Let me know if you need anything else.” He flashed a small smile Julia’s way and was gone.

  In the dimmed light of the bar, it was hard to tell Bruce was a ginger, and his eyes appeared to be gray. Dark, but never harsh or intimidating. Up close, his eyes were olive green. Not once had Bruce been unapproachable like Luke could be. Next to Mike Murphy and Calvin, Bruce was the friendliest man in town, and he was her friend. More like an older brother with the way he’d looked out for her months ago when Renee had managed to steer her and Luke off course—well, steer her off course.

  She watched him return to the bar. After he put the dirty dishes in a bin, he went back over to Tiffani.

  Bruce and Tiffani, they were so different. But then so we
re she and Luke. Maybe they would bring out the best in each other. It was more likely that Bruce would bring out the best in Tiffani. The way she lit up when he returned to her side of the bar spoke volumes.

  Julia’s curiosity was piqued. How long had these two liked each other?

  “I’m just going to say this once. Those two are getting together,” Lauren said. “I’m in total agreement with Louise on this one. Just don’t tell her I said that.”

  They all laughed. If Louise found out people agreed with her predictions it might puff her up, and that would encourage her meddling. And nobody wanted that


  Love of My Life

  The familiar brisk air, with its mix of pine and woodsmoke, and Luke beside her comforted Julia. They’d arrived at the wooden bench they’d claimed as their own special spot by the lake. Neither had spoken a single word as they walked down the trail hand in hand, weaving in and out of pines and aspens.

  Before leaving the resort, Julia had pulled out a scarf and gloves to pair with her navy wool car coat. It wouldn’t be long before Old Man Winter descended upon them, creating a winter wonderland. She couldn’t wait for quiet, cozy nights by the fire with Luke. He’d have a glass of bourbon, and she’d have a mug of cocoa with whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon to go along with a brownie or a chocolate chip cookie.

  Julia inhaled deeply, clearing her head and sending her angst off into the black night.

  Luke wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her snug against him. He was a patient man, waiting on her to be ready to talk. They certainly complemented each other, despite how different they were.

  Finally, she felt ready to talk, and in total Julia directness, she went straight for the heart of the matter.

  “If I couldn’t have a baby, would you still want to marry me? You only have twenty-four hours to decide. And just so you know, leaving me standing at the altar is a horrible way to call off a wedding. Not to mention embarrassing.” She let her words float into the night air. Her gaze remained fixed on the still water.

  Luke stood abruptly, catching her off guard. He took several strides away from her. She held her breath as she watched him stand facing the lake, hands on his hips, legs spread wide in an intimidating stance.

  Had she been wrong that he’d still want to marry her? Her stomach coiled into a bundle, pushing acid up into her throat. This wasn’t how she’d seen this discussion going.

  Tears blurred her vision, and her chest heaved… This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. She had been certain Luke would want her no matter what. One tear fell, then another. She dropped her head, sniffling her runny nose and dabbing the corners of her eyes with her knit glove.

  This can’t be happening.

  Before she could look up, Luke was down on his knees in front of her. He cradled her face, his intense eyes absorbing hers as his brows knitted together. She knew the look well; it actually gave her comfort. It was his you’re out of your ever-loving mind expression.

  “Why would you ask me that?” The deep timbre of his voice vibrated through her. “After everything we’ve been through, how could you think I’d change my mind about marrying you?”

  She shrugged, ashamed of herself for not having more faith in him—in them.

  “Because a baby has been the topic of dozens of discussions. And I may not be able to have one.” She dropped her head again as tears dotted her lap.

  He pulled her into his embrace. His strong arms were a protective vise that shielded her from all the exterior elements threatening to tear her down. He would protect her with his life. He loved her. More than she probably could ever comprehend.

  “Sweetheart, don’t cry.” He swallowed her body up into his arms as she wept against his coat. “Damn, baby, what brought this on? It has to do with your mom, doesn’t it?” She nodded. “I want you, before anything or anyone else. You, Julia Rebecca Greene. Only you. A baby would be great, but dammit, I need you. Fuck yeah, I’ll still marry you. It breaks my heart that you would think otherwise.”

  “I’m sorry. You know how I am when I’m emotional. And…and…I really want a baby.” She couldn’t stop the sobs from pouring out of her throat. “I really want a baby with you.”

  Luke sat beside her and tugged her onto his lap. He didn’t say anything, letting her have her cry. He stroked her thigh, pressed comforting kisses to her temple, and held her until she’d gotten it all out.

  They were so good together. He was right—she should have never thought otherwise.

  Julia took a cleansing breath. As sad and disappointed as she was with the news from her mom, Luke completed her, and she knew she would be happy with only him for the rest of her life.

  “Infertility seems to run in the Godfrey family. My mom and Aunt Diane were lucky to have a baby after years of struggling with infertility. Having only one wasn’t by choice.”

  “But you haven’t seen a doctor about any of this, have you?”

  “No. But I also haven’t gotten pregnant.”

  “Now don’t go borrowing trouble. If you have problems getting pregnant, we’ll deal with it together. You can’t go getting yourself wound up over a possibility. I know how much you want a baby, and you’ll have one. Even if you can’t get pregnant, I’ll still give you a baby… We’ll adopt.”

  She gasped in surprise, looking up at him. “We can adopt?”

  “If that’s what you want, yes. Don’t you know I’d give you anything you want? One way or another, I’d find a way to make it happen. Anything that was humanly possible, so I didn’t have to see the grief in your beautiful eyes. I hate seeing their sparkle flicker out.”

  “Oh, Luke. I love you so much.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  The weight of her disappointment and fear had been lifted, tossed into the night and carried away by the gentle breeze. They stayed in their spot kissing and cuddling for a short spell.

  The disappointment of not having a baby growing inside her was still there, but Luke had given her hope and a promise that she would still have a baby to cuddle and call her Mama one day. Giving birth didn’t matter as much as getting to experience motherhood with a baby and with Luke.

  “I promise you, we’re going to have a good life, baby. A damn good life. There won’t be regrets. There won’t be sadness. Just a whole lotta lovemaking. How about you straddle me here? Nobody will see us.”

  Julia tossed her head back, giggling. Luke always knew just what to say to make her laugh until her sides hurt.

  His hand crept between her legs, teasing her relentlessly. “Why are you laughing? I’m serious.”

  “You are the master at making me feel better.”

  “Hell, I’m the master of everything Julia Greene…soon-to-be Mrs. Luke Hamill, the love of my life.”

  “I can’t wait, Mr. Lumberjack. Cannot wait.”


  His Devious Grin

  The day before the wedding was filled with checklists, phone calls, squeals and chatter, and lots of stolen kisses between Luke and Julia. She was back on track emotionally and wouldn’t borrow trouble, as Luke had said. Even though a baby was important to her, she wouldn’t let the possibility of not being able to conceive spoil what should be the happiest time of her life.

  But dodging the topic of infertility with Lauren wasn’t an option. Next to Luke, nobody could read her better than Lauren. And as Julia had anticipated, Lauren was as crushed about the news as she had been.

  They were seated by the fireplace in the resort lobby. A late afternoon break was just what they needed. It also gave Julia an opportunity to tell Lauren what her mother had told her. But as she watched her bestie process, Julia worried that maybe she should have waited until after the wedding.

  “I can’t believe it.” Lauren pressed her hand to her stomach. “And you’re okay?”

  “No, I’m not, but what choice do I have? Last night, I basically gave Luke an out to call off the wedding.”

Lauren gaped. “You what?”

  “I know, I know. I was being stupid. Trust me, Luke straightened me out quick. But I was just so heartbroken. And I know he wants a baby as much as I do.”

  “Of course you’d be devastated. You of all people should have a baby.” Lauren sighed, looking down at her shoes. “Just because your mom and Diane struggled doesn’t mean you will.”

  “These things can run in families. Zoey is in the same boat as me.”

  “Well, shit! I refuse to believe it. You’ll have a baby. Two babies! Or however many you want. I’m ready to battle the goddess of fertility on your behalf to make sure you do.”

  Julia laughed. “The goddess of fertility?” Where did she come up with this stuff?

  “Yes, Venus. She’s the goddess of love, sex, and beauty—you’ve received all three of those abundantly—but she’s also the goddess of fertility. You’ll get that abundantly too. Mark my words, you’ll give birth one day, and it will be a spectacular event!” Lauren reached over and hugged Julia. “I love you so much. In less than eighteen hours, you’ll be Mrs. Luke Hamill and start the rest of your lives together. Including babies.”

  “Thank you for the positive mindset. I’m struggling, but not to worry, I’m quickly moving past it. Luke said we’ll adopt a baby if I can’t conceive. He blows my mind. He didn’t even take two seconds to think. My magnificent man, he’s so damn decisive and never falters when it comes to us.” She sighed dreamily.

  “He’s perfect for you.”

  Julia smiled at Lauren. They were perfect for each other. Together they could conquer the world—even infertility, should it be an issue.

  “Ulia! Ulia!” Izzy’s voice echoed in the lobby along with the sound of her little feet pattering on the wooden floors.

  Julia jumped up from the sofa, turning toward the entrance. Rick and Luke were striding behind the excited toddler. Her hands flailed in the air, each holding onto something.

  “Candy! Candy!” Izzy yelled, running straight into Julia’s arms.


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