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Love, Honor, Respect

Page 8

by Elle Linder

  Tami and Aaron were smiling, and so were Erika and Lindsey. To her surprise, Paige was watching her, not Luke, and her eyes looked glassy. Maybe she was remembering her own wedding to Wes. Maybe she still loved him. Poor Paige.

  And then Julia saw him.

  Dressed in a navy suit, his keen eyes were glossy as he stood drinking her in. Her breathing hitched. It was as if she could feel his emotions like they were her own.

  Luke had his hands clasped together in front of him. Even from yards away she could see his arms were tense, but not in a bad way. More like he was doing everything in his power to not step off the platform and carry her away caveman style back to the honeymoon suite.

  She might not complain if he unleashed his inner beast.

  Goosebumps covered her arms as her heart thumped in her chest. His sensual magnetism enveloped her as she approached, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

  Wasn’t that how it should be? Shouldn’t Luke always be her number one priority?

  In this moment, yes, he should. Just as she was his priority.

  She approached him, eyes locked on his, and he did it—he reached out to touch her hand. That little touch of the tips of her fingers elicited a sweet quiver of longing as he rubbed them between his.

  “You are stunning,” he said in a low voice, his dark stare expanding her heart with every second that passed.

  A hearty clearing of a throat jerked her out of the quiet moment. Julia flicked her gaze to Lee, the officiant.

  “Thank you, everyone, for coming out on this most splendid evening to share in the unity of Luke and Julia. I, for one, am glad the dusting of snow from the other day didn’t stick around. How about you?” Lee asked. A hum of chatter swarmed, then quickly died down. “Shall we begin?”

  Luke issued a soft nod, eyes on her again. She adored how he looked at her. He always made her feel wanted, desired, all with just a look.

  The world around them seemed to fade as Lee began the declaration of intent. It wasn’t until he said, “Speak now or forever hold your peace” that the haze lifted.

  A moment of silence surrounded them as the “I dos” neared.

  “Luke, do you take Julia Rebecca Greene to be no other than herself? Loving what you know of her, trusting what you do not yet know, respecting her integrity, and having faith in her abiding love for you, through all your years, and in all that life may bring you?”

  “I do.” Luke squeezed her hand, a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Julia, do you take Luke Eric Hamill to be no other than himself? Loving what you know of him, trusting what you do not yet know, respecting his integrity, and having faith in his abiding love for you, through all your years, and in all that life may bring you?”

  This was it.

  “I do.” She smiled as his dark eyes absorbed her lovingly.

  “Julia and Luke have written their own vows as well,” Lee announced, then nodded to Luke.

  Luke sucked in a breath. He lifted her hand and placed a kiss on it, holding her attention with a magnetic force.

  “Julia…you blew into my life one cold winter’s eve and healed my dark, lonely existence with your sparkling eyes. You cracked open my heart and made it beat again. You breathed life into the shell beneath my flannel shirt.” His eyes glistened as he swallowed. “Baby, you brighten my days with your playfulness. Warm my nights with your tender love. Make me laugh like nobody else ever could. I might have lived half my life without you, but I will finally truly live the rest of my life with you.”

  A tear rolled down his cheek. It was too much. Seeing him this way would surely make her break down in happy tears.

  He sniffled before continuing. “I have never loved anyone more than I love you. I choose you. I will always choose you.” He sniffled again as another tear skittered down his cheek. He was demonstrating to the world his love and adoration, and she couldn’t have been more in awe of his tender display.

  “I promise to love, honor…and respect you for all of eternity. I promise to take care of you when you’re sick, warm you when you’re cold, and kiss away your tears when you’re sad. I’ll make my famous pancakes whenever you want, and we’ll never run out of huckleberry syrup.” The guests chuckled, and so did she. “There is nothing in this life we can’t conquer as long as we’re together. We are a force to be reckoned with when we’re together. Aren’t we, baby?” She nodded, letting a tear break free. “Julia, I promise to cherish you like the rare jewel you are and protect you with everything that is in me all the days of my life. I love you, baby. Always and forever.”

  There wasn’t a dry eye in the crowd. How could this staunch, brooding, quiet man blow everyone away with these precious and sincere wedding vows?

  Well, because he’s Luke. Her Luke.

  How could she top that glorious speech? She couldn’t. And she wouldn’t even try. She’d just let her heart lead her now as it always had before, straight to him.

  “Wow…you amaze me.” He shot her a devilish wink. “That day by the lake when we started over after our…let’s call it lively first encounter, you had me at ‘resident lumberjack.’” Soft chuckles eddied through the air. “That day you made my heart flutter with your intense gaze, honesty, and decisiveness. You were a man who knew what he wanted, and you made it crystal clear on The Peaks dance floor that you wanted me. Not only did you claim me in front of everyone, but you possessed me, body and soul. I knew then you were who I wanted too. When I’m not with you, I can hardly breathe because you are the air to me. An essential piece required to sustain my life. Your love flows through my veins, and your kisses supply my thirst. I only need you.” Tears trickled down her face, more than before, as her emotions took over.

  Luke removed a handkerchief she had never seen before from his pocket and handed it to her. There was a heart stitched with the initials L+J in the center. She laughed, utterly in awe, as she dabbed her tears. Of course he’d thought of everything she hadn’t.

  Regaining control of herself, she continued. “Not only have you shown me love, passion, and tenderness, but you also taught me that no matter what life throws at us, we are stronger together…we are a team. I’ll graciously accept your famous pancakes slathered in huckleberry syrup, your deadpan comments that always make me laugh, and your intoxicating kisses. I don’t know how I deserve you, but I am so grateful that you chose me. Because, Mr. Lumberjack, I choose you. I will always choose you…and Heather and Brice.” Luke sucked in another breath as tears escaped the corners of his eyes. “I promise to love, honor, and respect you all the days of my life. In sickness and in health, I will care for you. Rich or poor, I will still choose you because money doesn’t hold a candle to your love. In good times and bad, I promise to always stay with you. I love you, Luke. So deeply. So completely. Always and forever.”

  They stared at each other for a long, tense moment. After their emotional vows, she only wanted to be wrapped up in Luke’s arms. She was sure that was all he wanted too.

  “The rings,” the officiant requested, looking at Brice.

  Lauren reached for Julia’s bouquet, her nose red from crying.

  “Here, Dad.” Brice stepped forward, a grin on his sweet face. He passed the ring box to Luke, his blue eyes darting to Julia.

  Brice had gotten rid of his flow hairstyle just as Luke had thought he would, but his reasoning for getting it in a flat top had surprised both her and Luke. It wasn’t because he’d gotten tired of his bangs falling in his eyes. No, Brice had said he wanted to look “dapper” for the wedding, not like a hockey player. That little guy melted her heart every day.

  “Thank you, son,” Luke whispered, then handed the carved wooden box to Lee.

  “Okay, Luke, repeat after me.” He handed Luke the ring. “Julia, take this ring as a sign of my love.”

  Julia inhaled as Luke put the ring onto her finger and stared into her eyes. “Julia, sweetheart, take this ring as a sign of my everlasting love.”

  “Nice improv,”
Lee whispered. “Julia—”

  “I got it.” She winked. Sticking with the basics, she didn’t try to alter the statement as Luke had. He’d always been better than her at doing things on the fly. “Luke, take this ring as a sign of my love.” She slid the ring onto his finger, exhaling as they held each other’s hands tightly.

  They’d done it. The wait was over. All that was left was being announced as husband and wife, and the kiss.

  Luke cleared his throat, looking sidelong at the officiant. Julia smiled. She knew what it was about; Luke was ready to kiss his bride.

  “Oh!” Lee exclaimed. “I’m sorry. I was still reeling from the sentimentality of your vows. Wow,” he said, staring out at the guests. “Let’s wrap this up.” He chortled, face as red as a tomato. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Luke, you may kiss your bride.”

  “Finally,” Luke whispered, exasperated. He stepped closer to Julia with a devilish grin. Placing a hand on her lower back, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and dipped her. “I’ve been waiting for what felt like a lifetime to kiss my wife.” He firmly planted his lips on hers and kissed the hell out of her.

  Whoops and hollers filled the air as Julia melted into the first kiss from her husband.


  Mr. and Mrs. Hamill

  Their first kiss as husband and wife lingered longer than most, or so Julia thought. No question, she loved it. Every bit of it. In typical Luke fashion, he took control and numbed her brain.

  Hours later, her head was still reeling. After being announced as Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hamill, they had been swarmed by their guests. Congratulatory hugs had come by the dozen. Words of advice had been dished out unapologetically from the veteran married folk, but it was Louise who had stunned Julia most when she’d said, “Never forget what a priceless gift you are to each other.” No snarky, corny words had followed. Just a sweet, loving embrace. The softer side of Louise had been a wonderful gift.

  As the guests ate, Julia watched her friends and loved ones, etching the beauty that surrounded her into her heart. But one couple stole her attention: Bruce and Tiffani. Each time she saw them, they were close to each other.

  Right now, Bruce was whispering in Tiffani’s ear. Her bright blue eyes were wide, and her mouth was slightly agape. Julia wished she had bionic hearing.

  “Stop staring,” Luke teased, kissing her cheek.

  “What do you think he’s saying to her?”

  “Probably, Julia’s watching; act surprised.” He chuckled, touching her chin, then turned her face toward his. “When are we blowing this joint, my wife?” He pressed a chaste kiss onto her lips.

  Wife. How she loved the sound of that.

  “Soon. We have to do the cake, have our dance, and then we can leave.” She cradled his face, rubbing the pads of her thumbs on his beard. “I am so happy to be your wife.”

  The sound of clinking glasses filled the air. A sweet tradition, requesting the bride and groom to kiss. It’d happened several times throughout dinner, and Luke had embraced it wholeheartedly.

  “This is my favorite part of the reception,” he said, voice gravelly as he claimed her lips.

  Mine too.


  Nibbling on a decadent slice of dark chocolate cake, Julia continued to watch her guests. Luke peeled himself away per her encouragement to talk with his buddies, Bruce and Mike.

  The day had gone off without a hitch, just as Luke had said it would. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  When Heather came into view, Julia smiled. As she had expected, Heather was sticking close to Erika. The two were gabbing away and giggling when the young man who had been next to Bruce all evening approached Erika. From where Julia was seated, it looked like he was asking if he could join her. Erika gave a slight nod and a shrug of her shoulders. It was easy for Julia to read Erika’s body language after months of working with her at the resort. There had been plenty of young men in and out of the lodge who showed an interest in Erika.

  However, Erika never returned their interest, just like with this man. Julia’s curiosity got the better of her. She promptly excused herself and rushed over to Bruce.

  “There’s the little woman,” Bruce said as Julia walked up to him. “How’s married life treating you?”

  “Fantastic.” Her eyes darted to Luke. “Quick question.”

  “Yes, ma’am. What can I help you with?” Bruce asked.

  “The young man over there talking to Erika…who is he?”

  Luke, Mike, and Bruce turned around, and then they turned back toward Julia. The glint in Luke’s eye told her he knew what she was up to.

  “Oh, that’s Shane Patrick, my cousin,” Bruce replied. “He’s up for the weekend, interviewing with Rick. Thought I’d bring him along so he could meet some of the locals. I hope it’s okay that I brought him. His schedule is pretty tight with school, and this was the only weekend he could drive up until Christmas.”

  “It’s totally fine that you brought him. What’s he interviewing for? Where’s he from? What kind of school?”

  “Darling,” Luke interrupted. “Let’s go mingle.”

  “Not until Bruce answers my questions.”

  “Sorry, man, I tried.” Luke chuckled.

  “It’s all right. Shane was asking a lot of questions about Erika too,” Bruce admitted.

  “He was?” Julia chirped. “First tell me about him, and then tell me what he asked about her.”

  Bruce chuckled. “Thinking of doing a little behind-the-scenes matchmaking, are you?”

  “I’m sure she is.” Luke winked.

  “But I thought Erika didn’t have time for relationships,” Mike said. “The last time she babysat for us, she said most guys were jerks and she didn’t need them.”

  “And she doesn’t,” Julia agreed. “She’s plenty happy working and hanging out with Lindsey. But if the right guy came along, she might change her mind.”

  “Well, as far as I know, Shane is pretty focused on getting his career going,” Bruce said.

  “Which is what?”

  “Making beer with Rick. Shane graduates in the spring with his degree in craft brewing. Talk about luck that Rick is opening the microbrewery. Shane wanted to come back to the area after graduation, but nothing was available until Rick moved here.”

  “Wow, that is lucky.” Julia studied them. The poor guy was doing his best to talk to Erika, but she looked bored. “So you think he likes her?”

  “He doesn’t know her,” Bruce replied in his typical matter-of-fact tone.

  “I know that. But he wants to know her it seems.” Bruce shrugged, and Julia tried not to scowl at him. “What did he ask about her?”

  “The usual. Name, age, job.”

  “You’re not going to give me anything, are you?”

  “No, sweetheart, I’m not.” He winked.

  “Fine. Don’t think I didn’t notice you glued to Tiffani all evening. Hell, everyone noticed.”

  “All righty, I think it’s time for me to whisk my wife away for our dance so we can get the hell out of here,” Luke interrupted. Bruce and Mike laughed.

  Julia rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll stop. But I have my eye on you, mister,” she teased Bruce.

  “Congratulations again.” Bruce hugged her quickly before Luke pulled her away for their first dance as husband and wife.

  Brice ran over with a microphone.

  “Thank you, son.” Luke turned his attention to the guests. “I would like to thank you all for sharing this evening with us. We are incredibly lucky to have so many wonderful friends and family. But I’m ready to steal my wife away to the honeymoon suite. Please forgive us for jumping ship on this celebration following our special dance.”

  The crowd laughed. Leave it to Luke to be blunt regarding his intentions.

  “So, without further ado.” He nodded to Erika, who was by the sound system, as he handed the microphone back to Brice. Julia looked for Shane and found him still sitting at Erik
a’s table.

  The music started, but it wasn’t their song. Luke pulled her close and began to sway with her.

  “I don’t know this song,” she whispered, then caught sight of Heather bouncing on her toes, a wide grin on her face.

  “It’s Thomas Rhett. Now shh, just listen to the words.” He kissed her temple.

  Thomas Rhett was Heather’s favorite country singer. With all the wedding plans and drama with Renee, Heather had ended up going to the concert in Seattle with Erika. When she’d returned, she was high on her celebrity crush.

  “What’s the name of the song?” Julia asked, resting her head on Luke’s shoulder.

  “‘Die A Happy Man.’”

  The title got her attention, and by the end of the song, several tears had rolled down her face. Luke never ceased to amaze her. And like he’d announced, once the song had ended, he threw up a hand and whisked her away.

  But as they rounded the cluster of evergreens she’d stayed behind before walking down the aisle, they happened upon a scene that stopped their escape.

  Julia’s jaw hit the dirt.

  Bruce and Tiffani’s lips were locked, their hands pawing each other like their lives depended on it. The sweet and desperate sounds that filled Julia’s ears were from both of them.

  Just friends? No way.

  “Ha! Caught ya!” Louise’s voice startled all of them.

  Bruce pulled away from Tiffani hard. Both were panting and instantly became red in the face. Eyes darted from one person to the other.


  “A couple of weeks ago, I told you I predicted a summer wedding. By the looks of their ravenous hunger for each other, we might want to move it up to spring.” Louise cackled obnoxiously.

  “Then you’d better get planning,” Luke said. “We’re out of here.” He steered Julia around Bruce and Tiffani. “Sorry for the interruption, man.” Luke smirked.

  Not a single word left Bruce’s mouth, but the fire of desire in his eyes as he stared at Tiffani could not be missed.


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