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The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You

Page 10

by Ally Blue

  Austin’s cheeks went pink. Leaning sideways, he grabbed the lube and slicked his latex-sheathed prick. Cockhead poised at Luke’s entrance, Austin went still, staring into Luke’s eyes.

  “I’ve dreamed about this,” he whispered, and slid his cock deep into Luke’s ass.

  Luke gasped at the sharp, hard stretch. “Wait. Wait.”

  Austin held still, stroking Luke’s hair and brushing feathery kisses across his face. “It only hurts for a second. It’ll pass.” He nuzzled Luke’s neck, his breath hot and fast on Luke’s skin. “It’s okay, Luke, it’s okay, I’d never hurt you, not ever. Let me in, baby. Let me in.”

  The needy tremor in Austin’s voice made Luke feel more wanted than he’d ever known he could. He kissed Austin’s neck, tasting sweat and sea-salt and desire. After a moment, the tight burn in his ass eased, leaving pure need behind. Moaning, he canted his hips upward and wound his legs around Austin’s waist.

  Austin got the message. Watching Luke’s face, he pulled partway out, then pushed slowly, relentlessly inside. Luke felt Austin’s hardness filling him up, dragging across his gland and setting him on fire, and it was the best thing he’d ever known.

  “God, you feel good.” Austin’s voice was rough, his eyes hazed with pleasure. “Not ... not gonna last.”

  “Don’t try.” Bracing his heels against Austin’s back, Luke lifted his hips to meet Austin’s thrusts. “Want it hard. Give it to me.”

  “Shit,” Austin groaned, and slammed into Luke with enough force to push him several inches across the mattress.

  Luke tightened his legs around Austin and hung on, bracing himself with a hand on the wall behind his head. He heard himself babbling, a string of inarticulate pleas and broken obscenities, and could hardly believe it was him, that he’d shed his usual careful and silent self to become this wanton new person.

  In spite of how much he’d wanted this, he’d been a little afraid of it. Not so much of the pain, which had been no more than he’d expected, but of making himself vulnerable, physically and emotionally. Ever since he’d stolen his first porn magazine from a crew member when he was thirteen, he’d realized sex was about giving up a part of yourself. He’d always believed it would mean losing that part forever.

  He’d never dreamed that giving himself could mean gaining so much more. That it could make him feel this complete.

  “God. Close.” Austin hooked an arm under Luke’s knee, changing the angle so that he nailed Luke’s gland hard with every thrust. “Gonna come.”

  “Oh ... Me ... me too,” Luke panted. Wrapping a hand around his cock, he peeled the foreskin back and rubbed his thumb over the head. “Hard ... Fuck me ... harder ... Christ, yes!”

  Pushing up on his hands, Luke’s left leg slung over his shoulder, Austin pounded into Luke’s ass in a punishing rhythm, and it was exactly what Luke needed. Tingling tendrils spread from his ass to his cock, up his belly and down his thighs. His legs began to shake, his balls drawing up tight as the orgasm built inside him.

  Rearing up, he latched his mouth onto Austin’s just in time to stifle the scream bubbling up from his chest. He came in a hot, sticky rush, coating his hand and belly, pushing his keening cries into Austin’s mouth. His hips moved of their own volition, his hole clamping Austin’s prick in rhythmic waves. Austin let out a strangled groan. He went still, his cock buried to the root in Luke’s ass, shaft swelling and pulsing against Luke’s hole as he came.

  For a timeless moment, they held that position, Austin buried deep inside Luke with Luke’s legs tangled around him, kissing soft and slow as they came down together. When the tightness ran out of Austin’s body and he collapsed to the bed, Luke gathered him into his arms, holding him and whispering endearments against his sweat-soaked hair.

  “Good lord, that was incredible,” Austin sighed. Lifting his head from Luke’s chest, he flashed a lazy, sated grin. “Was it good for you?”

  Luke laughed. “Oh yes. Most definitely.”

  Austin’s expression turned serious. “I just deflowered you. I wanted it to be special for you. I wanted it to be good. More than good.”

  A lump rose in Luke’s throat. He caressed Austin’s cheek, thumb stroking the corner of his kiss-swollen mouth. “It was amazing, Austin. Amazing. I never knew I could feel like that. Like I was flying. It was even better than…” He stopped, biting back what he’d been about to say. Better than shifting, better than soaring through the ocean, better than being strong and free and alive.

  “Better than what?” Austin asked, giving Luke a teasing smile as he slid carefully out of Luke’s ass. Removing the condom, he tied it off and threw it in the trashcan next to the bed. “Come on, tell me. It’s good for my ego.”

  Luke returned Austin’s smile. “Better than anything,” he answered. Just because it wasn’t the whole truth didn’t make it any less true.

  Laughing, Austin leaned in and kissed Luke’s lips. One kiss melted into another, and another. Luke didn’t want it to ever end. He didn’t have the words to describe how Austin’s kiss made him feel. Strong and centered and peaceful, as if he could do anything he put his mind to. This feeling, he knew, could become an addiction. Whether it sustained him or destroyed him depended entirely on what he did with it.

  Luke smiled as Austin broke the kiss and cuddled against him, face buried in his neck. Luke was a survivor. He always had been. This thing with Austin, this unexplainable but undeniable connection, had the potential to make both of them stronger than they could ever be on their own. Luke was determined to make that happen. Resting his cheek against Austin’s hair, he closed his eyes and let sleep take him.

  Chapter Six

  Austin woke with a start some hours later. The room was pitch black and utterly silent. He lay staring into the dark, wondering what had woken him. Then a soft murmur sounded from somewhere beside him in the bed, and he realized two important things ‑‑ he was still in Luke’s bed, and Luke was talking in his sleep.

  Reaching blindly toward the sound, Austin wound an arm around Luke’s waist and pulled him close, spooning his lover against his chest. Luke whimpered. His body trembled, his breath coming far too fast.

  Austin frowned. “Luke?” he whispered. “Are you all right?”

  If Luke heard, he didn’t let on. Curling up tighter, he let out a string of words in a language Austin didn’t understand, but had heard before. A language Luke had spoken the last time he’d been asleep in Austin’s presence. Austin held his breath and listened.

  The words tumbling lightning-quick from Luke’s lips were soft and musical, but his voice held a thread of heartbreaking loneliness that made Austin want to shield him from the world. Austin listened as long as he could stand to, though he couldn’t understand a word. But when Luke jerked in his arms and let out a quiet sob, he couldn’t do it anymore.

  “Luke,” he said, gently shaking Luke’s shoulder. “Wake up, okay? Wake up.”

  Luke went still. “Austin?”

  The uncertainty in Luke’s voice made Austin’s chest hurt. “Yes. I’m here.” He kissed the back of Luke’s neck, rubbed his hand in slow circles over the tense muscles in Luke’s abdomen. “You okay?”

  Luke nodded, his hair tickling Austin’s face. “I have nightmares sometimes. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “It’s okay.” Austin stroked Luke’s hip, marveling at the downy softness of his skin. “You were talking in your sleep.”

  Luke tensed. “What did I say?”

  “I don’t know.” Sliding his hand up Luke’s body, Austin caressed the curve of his shoulder. “You were talking in some language I couldn’t understand.”

  Luke’s reaction was startling. Breaking out of Austin’s embrace, he shoved Austin’s hands away and bounded from the bed with a squeak of springs. Austin heard the faint pad of bare feet on carpet. The lamp on the dresser clicked on, revealing Luke’s wide-eyed, frightened face.

  Blinking in the sudden brightness, Austin watched Luke pace the floor. “Luke? Wha
t’s wrong?”

  “You couldn’t understand what I was saying?”


  “Not any of it? Not even a little?”

  “Not a word. It was some kind of other language.” Sitting up, Austin reached out and grabbed Luke’s hand as he passed. “Luke, what is it? Talk to me.”

  Luke stopped, staring at the floor. A veil of white-blond hair hid his face. With a sigh, Luke sat beside Austin, lacing their fingers together. “I’ve always had these dreams. But since we’ve been here, in the Gulf, they’ve been especially vivid. And they’re always the same. Every time.” Luke raised his face, pinning Austin with an intense stare. “They have something to do wit ... He stopped, brow furrowing. “They’re related to my past, Austin. I’m sure of it. But all I can remember when I wake up is random images. I wish I could make sense of it.”

  Austin brushed a lock of hair from Luke’s eyes. “Maybe it would help if you told me about what you see in your dreams.”

  Luke was quiet for a moment, staring into the middle distance. Austin had the distinct feeling he was trying to decide how much to say. It hurt a little that Luke evidently didn’t trust him enough to tell him the whole thing, but Austin suppressed it. We barely know each other, he reminded himself. Give him time. You both have to learn how to be together, just like any other couple.

  “It starts out on an island,” Luke said, his voice soft. “I think it’s in the tropics somewhere. The water’s so blue and warm. There are other people there, people I feel close to, but when I wake up I can never remember what they look like.”

  “What happens next?” Austin asked when Luke fell silent again.

  “I get several flashes of this island and the people, like snapshots.” Luke bit his lip, black eyes filling with sadness. “Then there’s darkness, and a loud sound, like an explosion. And I hear screaming in my head, and the water’s full of ... of dead bodies, I can’t see them properly but I know they’re the bodies of my family and friends.”

  “Jesus.” Winding an arm around Luke’s shoulders, Austin pulled him close and kissed his forehead. “That’s awful.”

  Luke nodded and rested his head on Austin’s shoulder. “I always wake up after that. But I wish I wouldn’t.”

  “Why?” Austin asked, surprised. “I’d think you’d be glad to wake up after such an awful dream.”

  “Well, yes, I’m glad to be out of that part of it. But I feel like there’s more. I feel like if I could only see it through to the end, what I’d learn would change everything.” Lifting his head, Luke gazed into Austin’s eyes. “This dream, it’s important somehow.”

  “How so?”

  Luke stared thoughtfully at their intertwined fingers. “I feel like I belong there, on that island in my dream, with those people. That feels very real to me, Austin. I think ... I think this dream is somehow connected to my past. I think it’s trying to tell me what happened to my family, and why I…”

  Luke abruptly broke off. He didn’t move, didn’t say anything more, but Austin felt the sudden tension rolling off him in waves. Austin frowned. “Why you what? Why you ended up with that complete bastard who has the nerve to call himself your father?”

  Luke’s head snapped up. He blinked, and nodded. “Yes. Yes, that’s what I meant. The dream is trying to show me how I ended up with Father.”

  “So you think it’s more than an ordinary dream? You really believe you have some sort of knowledge of your past locked in your head, and the dream is somehow expressing that?” The thought made Austin’s heart race. He knew very little about Luke’s past, but Dr. Martin had told him that Carson Cordova adopted Luke when he was a toddler, and that no one outside of Carson’s inner circle had any idea where Luke had come from. Evidently Luke himself had been kept in the dark about it. Austin could only imagine how Luke must feel, believing the key to his past lay in his dream but unable to make any sense of it.

  “I think so. Austin, I thin ... Luke stopped and pulled his legs up onto the bed, sitting cross-legged to face Austin. “The dreams have been getting longer and more detailed lately. More real, as if the things they’re showing me actually happened.”

  “Oh, my God.” Austin’s eyes widened as the meaning of what Luke was saying came to him. “You think the dreams are actually suppressed memories.”

  “Exactly.” Luke sighed. “But they’re still just disjointed images, in spite of their clarity. They make no sense to me in any concrete way.”

  “Have you tried keeping a dream journal?” Austin wondered. “Maybe that could help you figure it all out.”

  Luke gave him a curious look. “A dream journal? What’s that?”

  “Basically it’sjust writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Keep a notebook and pen beside your bed, and the second you wake up from one of these dreams, write down every single thing you can remember.” Lifting Luke’s hand, Austin kissed the tips of his fingers. “Reading it later might trigger your memory. Writing it down in the first place definitely solidifies it in your mind. I kept a dream journal for a while, after Uncle Ray died. I was having nightmares about drowning. The journal helped me work through all the shit behind the nightmares, and helped me get rid of them.”

  “Maybe I’ll try that. I’d like to understand these dreams, and learn whatever it is they’re trying to teach me.” Luke laid a hand on Austin’s cheek. “I meant to ask you last night how much of what you told my father about your background was true. It’s such a sad story.”

  Austin smiled. Curling his legs underneath him and turning to face Luke, he leaned forward and lightly kissed Luke’s lips. “It was all true. But I’ve never thought of it as a sad story.”

  “But your parents abandoned you.” Scooting closer, Luke spread his legs and looped his calves loosely around Austin’s hips. “That’s very sad.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. But Aunt Jessamine and Uncle Ray were wonderful to me. Aunt Jess still calls me every week, from her sister’s house in Alabama. My parents did wrong by me, but maybe I had a better life for it. I don’t know.” Austin wound his arms around Luke’s waist and pulled Luke up to straddle his lap. He grinned at the startled expression on Luke’s face. “I don’t feel like my life has been sad. And now I have you. That’s not sad at all.”

  Luke’s blushing smile was something Austin wanted to see every single day for the rest of his life. “Austin. I’m so glad we found each other.”

  “Me too. Come here.” Sliding his hand into Luke’s hair, Austin tilted his head and covered Luke’s mouth with his.

  The kiss went from tender to hungry in seconds. Austin cupped Luke’s face in his hands and devoured his mouth. Luke’s tongue tangled with his, hot and slick and eager. Austin was hard in seconds. He rubbed his erection against Luke’s ass, drinking down Luke’s resulting whimpers like nectar.

  “God, Austin,” Luke groaned, pushing his stiff cock into Austin’s belly. “I want you so bad.”

  “Yeah. I want you too.” Austin licked a long line up Luke’s throat, thinking that ‘want’ was far too mild a word for what he was feeling. It went beyond lust, beyond any sexual desire he’d ever experienced. His bones ached with it, with a need so strong it overpowered everything else.

  Right then, Austin’s mission had ceased to exist, Dr. Martin and Carson Cordova and the idol were forgotten. At that moment, Austin’s universe consisted of the man in his arms, and the burning need to hold him, love him and keep him and drive him out of his mind with pleasure.

  Luke threw his head back and gasped when Austin’s fingers closed around his shaft. “Ah, God! Close. Gonna come.”

  A sudden thought struck Austin, and he went with it. Letting go of Luke’s cock and ignoring his mewl of protest, Austin pushed Luke gently onto his back. “Don’t come til you’re in my mouth.”

  Luke’s eyelids fluttered, pale cheeks flushing. “Austin ... God, the things you do to me.”

  Austin’s chest tightened. Lacking the words to tell Luke what he felt, he spread Luke�
�s thighs and dove between them, swallowing his lover’s cock to the root.

  “Oh God!” Luke’s fingers fisted in Austin’s hair. “God. Fuck.”

  Austin hummed, making Luke squirm helplessly. Sticking a finger into his mouth alongside Luke’s shaft, Austin coated it with saliva, then slid the slippery digit into Luke’s hole. Luke bucked his hips so hard it nearly dislodged Austin’s mouth from his prick. Austin held him down with an arm across his pelvis and kept sucking, pressing his finger deep to find the little hidden gland and stroke it.

  When Austin wormed the tip of his tongue under the edge of Luke’s foreskin, Luke nearly came off the bed. “Fuck! Fuck, God, coming, oh, oh fuck!”

  A flood of warm semen filled Austin’s mouth as Luke came, his wail muffled by the hand he’d pressed over his mouth. Austin swallowed every salty-bitter drop, loving it because it was a part of Luke.

  Austin crawled over Luke’s body, leaned down and kissed him. “Wow. I like making you come in my mouth.”

  “Mmmm.” Luke wound both arms around Austin’s neck and gave him a loopy smile. “That was amazing. I’d like to do that to you. Will you let me?”

  Just the thought was nearly enough to make Austin come without even being touched. “Hell yeah, you can. If you’re sure that’s what you want.”

  “I’m sure.” Luke sucked Austin’s bottom lip like a piece of candy. “I want your cock in my mouth, Austin. I want to know what your come tastes like.”

  Austin tried to answer and couldn’t, but Luke seemed to understand the plea in his eyes. Rolling Austin onto his back, Luke started kissing his way down Austin’s neck and chest, detouring to suck each nipple briefly into his mouth. He trailed kisses, licks and soft little bites over Austin’s belly, meandering his way to Austin’s groin. By the time Luke’s lips closed over the head of his cock, Austin was so close he had to fight off the orgasm that wanted to overtake him at the touch of Luke’s tongue.

  “Oh God,” Austin moaned, fighting off the urge to shove his prick down Luke’s throat. “God, yes, your mouth feels so damn good.”


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