The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You

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The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You Page 19

by Ally Blue

  The swim was a hard one. By the time Austin reached the dive ladder, his limbs were heavy with exhaustion. He pulled his dive mask off and slipped it over his arm, then grasped the ladder with one hand and hung doggedly onto Collins with the other. He wondered if Smith and Niko were still on the dive platform. No way could he climb the ladder while carrying Collins’ dead weight.

  He felt the touch of Luke’s mind a split second before the tentacle slid up his thigh. The appendage shrank and drew back, and Luke’s blond head broke the water surface a second later.

  “I have it,” Luke said, a huge smile lighting his face as he lifted Austin’s bag from the water. Planting a quick, salty kiss on Austin’s lips, Luke tied the bag’s drawstring around a rung of the ladder. “Let me go up first. Just in case.”

  Austin nodded, too tired to speak. He watched Luke climb gracefully up the ladder and disappear over the edge onto the dive platform. For a moment, his chest constricted with the fear that Luke would vanish into thin air, never to return. Then Luke’s head popped over the edge again, white-blond hair shining in the moonlight, and Austin sagged in relief.

  “We’re sending a rope down for Collins,” Luke called softly. He swung himself back onto the ladder and scampered down again, a knotted loop of thick rope in one hand. “Help me get his equipment off.”

  Hooking a leg around the side of the ladder, Austin worked the regulator’s mouthpiece loose from Collins’ teeth. He unbuckled Collins’ BCD and let the equipment slip into the depths. Collins let out an incoherent croak, left hand grasping blindly at nothing. Together, Luke and Austin worked the looped rope over Collins’ head and underneath his armpits. Luke gave the rope a sharp tug. It hitched, the slack swiftly taken in, and Collins began to rise into the air in a series of quick jerks.

  Austin watched, feeling an undeniable satisfaction every time Collin’s body hit the side of the ship a little too hard.

  “Are you all right, Austin?”

  Luke’s voice was soft and full of worry. Austin gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m okay. Tired. You?”

  Luke’s eyes took on a haunted look. “I want to get out of here. I never want to see this ship again.”

  Austin didn’t ask any more questions. The horribly vivid images flitting through his lover’s mind told him all he needed to know. Reaching out to briefly caress Luke’s cheek, Austin pulled his flippers off and started up the ladder.

  When he reached the top, Niko was bent over Collins’ recumbent form, shining a penlight into his eyes. Smith stood over them both, back to the wall, shaved head gleaming as his eyes scanned the deck in a continuous sweep. He didn’t seem the least bit surprised to see Austin.

  “He has suffered a stroke, I believe.” Niko clicked off his light and rose slowly to his feet. “He should go to the mainland for treatment.”

  “He should go to prison,” Luke said, stepping onto the deck with Austin’s bag in his hand. “He attacked Austin. He tried to kill him.”

  “Like your father tried to kill you?” Niko eyed Luke warily. “Smith said you would be healed when you returned from the ocean. I did not believe him. How is this possible?”

  Luke bit his lip. His hand slipped into Austin’s, curling their fingers together. “It’s difficult to explain.”

  Niko frowned, but before he could ask any more questions Smith broke his silence. “I called the Coast Guard. They’re on the way.”

  Austin gaped, surprised. “You’re helping us?”

  Smith nodded. “Never did approve of how your father treated you, Luke. This time he went way too far.”

  Luke glanced around. “I’d better get dressed.”

  As Luke hurried to the dive locker and started pulling his clothes on, Austin turned to Smith. “How bad was it this time? What did the fucker do?” He wasn’t sure he was ready to hear it, but he had to know.

  Smith studied Austin’s face for a moment before answering, as if judging his ability to take the news without freaking out. “Broke both legs, one arm, his jaw, and several ribs from the feel of it. Blacked both eyes. Injured some internal organs, going by the bruises on his back and stomach. And he did ... other things this time.”

  A sudden flurry of mental images from Luke told Austin exactly what Smith meant. Austin shut his eyes, fighting a wave of nausea. That bastard. I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him.

  “I’m mostly healed now.” Luke pulled his sweater over his head and sidled up to Austin again, winding their fingers together. “I still have some bruises, and it feels like some of the rib fractures aren’t completely healed, but I’ll be fine. Another couple of shifts should do it.” He frowned. “The Coast Guard will never believe that I was that badly injured and healed it in such a short time.”

  “That’s not the only thing your father can be arrested for. He’s neck deep in so many illegal activities I don’t even know where to start.” Smith’s dark gaze locked onto Luke, sharply appraising. “You’re not wiped out like you’ve been lately after shifting.”

  Luke looked startled for a second, then laughed. “You’re right. I’m a bit tired, but it’s not nearly as bad as usual.” Beaming, he flung both arms around Austin’s neck and kissed him soundly on the lips. It’s you, Austin, Luke’s thought said. You make me strong, just like I said before.

  Austin didn’t even care that they had an audience. He wrapped Luke in his arms and held him close, letting himself sink into the kiss.


  Carson Cordova’s venomous tone sent Luke and Austin scrambling apart. Austin pushed Luke behind him and glared at the man standing just inside the hatch with a pistol leveled at him. “You’re not touching Luke ever again, you fucking monster!”

  Carson laughed. “You lie with men and use them as you would a woman. And this time, what you have taken to your bed is not even human. Yet you call me a monster.”

  “If the label fits,” Smith growled, a thread of hot fury slithering through his cold voice.

  Without warning, Carson fired the pistol at Smith. The sound of it boomed through the still air. Blood sprayed from Smith’s thigh where the bullet hit, and he went down, clutching his leg. His face twisted with pain, but he remained silent. Carson seemed disappointed by that.

  Behind Austin, Luke cried out and started to rush forward. Austin stopped him, one eye on Carson’s pistol. Luke may be able to heal a bullet wound and he may not. Austin didn’t want to find out.

  “Have you found my treasure?” Carson asked, settling his dark gaze on Luke.

  Austin stared. The man’s arrogance was unbelievable.

  “No,” Luke lied without hesitation. “Find it yourself. I hope you choke on it.”

  “Ah, but you forget, your life depends on finding that idol.” Pacing closer, Carson favored Austin with a cruel smile. “And now, the life of your puto depends on it as well. I know that you know where my treasure is. I suggest you retrieve it immediately. The Coast Guard will most likely be here soon. I wish to have the idol in my hands before they arrive.”

  Austin glanced at Luke. Luke didn’t take his eyes off his father for a second, but his fingers grasped Austin’s and held on, his grip almost painfully tight. Austin concentrated on the turmoil in Luke’s head, trying to make sense of it. Broken bits of memory and emotion swirled in a wild maelstrom, bombarding Austin’s mind with swift flashes of things that made him marvel at Luke’s continued survival, not to mention his sanity.

  Austin knew Luke’s mind was at war with itself, part of him wanting to risk death by spitting in his father’s face and part wanting to go along with Carson’s demands in order to try to keep Austin safe. When he drew a breath to speak, Austin had no idea what he was going to say.

  Before Luke could utter a sound, Carson let out a shout and dropped the gun to the deck. Austin stared, stunned. Niko stood behind Carson with a long, wicked switchblade pressed to his throat. Carson’s left arm was twisted up behind him.

  Smith dragged himself forward and grabbed the gu
n. “Good work, Vonovich.” His voice was calm, if a little breathless.

  Niko grinned, but kept his attention firmly on his captive. “Austin, bring me something to restrain Mr. Cordova with.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Reluctantly letting go of Luke’s hand, Austin jogged over to the bin against the wall and started digging around for the bungee cords he knew were in there. He shot a wondering glance at Niko. “How the hell did you do that?”

  “I’d gone to the linen room inside to get a blanket for Collins. When I returned, Mr. Cordova was here holding a gun on you.” Niko shrugged, the knife point never wavering from Carson’s throat. “It is a good thing that I always carry my knife.”

  Three cords in hand, Austin hurried back to Niko’s side. “So, how do we do this?”

  “I will hold him,” Niko said. “You tie his wrists together with one cord. We will then bind his ankles with one, and secure wrists and ankles together with the third. Then he will be immobilized.”

  Nodding his understanding, Austin reached for the wrist Niko held pressed between Carson’s shoulder blades. He’d just gotten a good grip, when Carson jammed his other elbow into Niko’s ribs. Niko gasped, the blade coming away from Carson’s throat just a tiny bit, but it was enough. Before Austin quite knew what was happening, Carson twisted from Niko’s grip and spun around. The blade grazed his neck, sending a river of blood running down to soak his shirt, but he didn’t slow down. He wrested the switchblade from Niko’s hand and landed a punch to the temple that knocked Niko flat, then hurled himself straight at Luke.

  Austin was after Carson before he consciously realized it. Carson tackled Luke just as Austin grabbed hold of Carson’s wrists. They crashed to the deck in a heap, with Luke on the bottom. Carson snarled and struggled wildly in Austin’s grip, his eyes fastened with murderous intent on Luke’s face.

  “I should have killed you years ago,” Carson spat.

  Austin tried to hold on, but Carson was too strong for him. The older man jerked his hand free and brought the knife down, aimed at Luke’s heart.

  The blow never landed. A long blue-gray tentacle which had been Luke’s hand seconds before whipped around Carson’s wrist, holding the knife at bay. Quicker than thought, Luke flipped Carson onto his back, sending Austin tumbling. Luke landed hard on Carson’s stomach. He held both of Carson’s wrists against the deck, one in a human hand and the other in a tentacle. Scrambling forward, Austin swiftly wound the bungee cord he still held around Carson’s ankles, then sat on the man’s knees to hold him down.

  Carson bellowed and bucked under Luke and Austin’s combined weight, letting out a string of curses in Spanish. Luke shifted his weight, bending his leg up. Austin was shocked when Luke brought his knee down hard into his father’s groin, instantly silencing the man’s protests.

  “Shut up.” Luke’s quiet voice shook with the fury Austin could feeling boiling inside him. “You stole everything from me. My home, my family, my history. Everything.” His tentacle tightened around Carson’s wrist, causing the fingers to darken. “I should kill you right now. I want to kill you.”

  Peering around Luke’s shoulder, Austin saw Carson staring at Luke with eyes full of hatred. “You would not dare,” Carson growled.

  Luke went perfectly still. A lifetime of anger and resentment and helplessness burst from his mind, and Austin realized with a thrill of fear that Luke was on the verge of deliberate murder.

  “Don’t,” Austin whispered. “You’re not like he is. The Coast Guard’s coming. Don’t kill him.”

  Luke didn’t speak, didn’t move, but Austin knew he’d heard. The seconds stretched on and on while Austin waited to see what Luke would do. Austin shot a glance at Niko. The man rolled onto his side, moaning and holding his head, and Austin felt a measure of relief.

  Luke turned his head, glancing over his shoulder at Austin. Carson reared up, shaking loose of Luke’s grip, and plunged the knife hilt-deep into Luke’s belly.

  Luke fell onto his back, his father rolling with the movement and keeping the knife lodged in Luke’s abdomen. Luke made a soft, distressed sound which was almost lost in Austin’s anguished cry. His tentacle morphed back into a hand and grabbed his father’s wrist, trying to pull the knife out. Carson held doggedly on, grinning madly as the blood began to pool under Luke’s body.

  “Stop!” Austin cried, letting go of Carson’s feet to wrap an arm around his neck. He pulled with all his might, forcing Carson’s head back, but the knife remained buried in Luke’s body. “Fuck you, bastard, you can’t kill him!”

  Carson’s chest heaved with gurgling laughter. He dragged the knife upward, and Luke screamed. Austin echoed it, Luke’s agony reverberating in his skull. “God, stop! Stop!” Austin begged.

  “You heard the man.”

  Smith’s voice was soft and calm, and very close. Austin glanced to his right. Smith knelt on his good knee, bare-chested, a strip of torn shirt tied off above the gunshot wound in his other leg. He had the pistol aimed right at Carson’s head.

  “Take that knife out,” Smith ordered, “and back off. Austin, get off him so he can do what I told him to.”

  One look into Smith’s cold eyes told Austin that Smith wouldn’t hesitate to fire if he needed to, and he certainly wouldn’t miss. Nonetheless, letting go of Carson’s throat and backing away was the hardest thing Austin had ever had to do. He scrambled over to sit at Luke’s side, placing one hand on Luke’s chest and holding Luke’s hand with the other.

  Hang on, Austin told him silently. I’m not going to let you die.

  Luke didn’t speak, just pressed Austin’s fingers. His chest hitched in shallow, rapid breaths. Austin held on, and hoped that he could somehow lend Luke some of his strength.

  Carson glared at Smith. Without a word, he sliced the blade deliberately upward, tearing another scream from Luke.

  The thunder of a gun fired at close range hit Austin’s eardrums, and everything went silent. Austin lunged forward before he’d consciously realized what had happened and caught Carson’s falling body, keeping him from landing on Luke and thus driving the blade in further. Blood poured from a hole in the side of Carson’s neck. Austin stared numbly at it. It’s so small, he thought, letting Carson’s limp body fall to the deck. I thought it would be bigger.

  He turned back to Luke, to find that Smith had already pulled the knife from Luke’s belly. “Take him into the water so he can shift,” Smith ordered.

  Austin nodded. The static silence that followed the gunshot was fading, and everything sounded as if his ears were stuffed with cotton. As he slung Luke over his shoulder and staggered to his feet, trying not to let Luke’s gut-wrenching scream slow him down, Austin saw Carson glaring at him, mouth working as if he wanted to curse them both. The unnatural limpness of the man’s limbs told Austin that Smith’s bullet had paralyzed him. Austin took a fierce satisfaction in that.

  Austin hurried to the top of the dive ladder as quickly as he dared. Taking a deep breath, he leapt through the opening in the railing and into the sea.

  He hit the surface hard enough to hurt. Salt water burned its way into his sinuses. Without his mask or his light, he couldn’t see a thing, but he imagined he could feel the warmth of Luke’s blood filling the water around him. God, please let him be all right.

  The unmistakable touch of a tentacle on his cheek was the most welcome sensation Austin could imagine. He turned to plant a kiss on the cool, velvety flesh. He didn’t care that it wasn’t familiar human skin. It was Luke, and that was all he needed to know.

  Luke shifted back to human and surfaced after only a few seconds, which surprised Austin. “It doesn’t take long to heal knife wounds,” Luke told him, winding an arm around his neck and kissing the end of his nose. “It’s the blunt trauma and the broken bones that take the longest.”

  Snaking his free arm around Luke’s waist, Austin pulled him close and kissed him. “I was so afraid I was going to lose you,” Austin whispered, shaking now with reaction.
/>   “Me too. I really thought he was going to kill me that time.” Luke nuzzled Austin’s cheek. “Let’s go back up. I lost my clothes in the shift, I need to put on something else before the Coast Guard arrives.”

  “Okay.” Brushing a swift kiss across Luke’s mouth, Austin let him go and moved aside so he could ascend the ladder. “Where’d you put the idol?”

  “In your locker.” Luke glanced over his shoulder as Austin swung up the ladder behind him. “I hope the Coast Guard won’t keep us long. I just want this to be over.”

  Austin nodded his agreement. He followed Luke up the ladder and onto the deck.

  At the top, Austin gathered Luke into his arms, needing to keep him close. They kissed, and for a few shining seconds Austin forgot all about Carson and the idol and everything that had happened. They were alive, and Luke was finally free. Right then, that was all that mattered. They could worry about the rest later.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Coast Guard arrived ten minutes later. By then, Luke and Austin were both dressed again and were tending Smith’s wound as best they could. Luke figured no one could blame them for ignoring Carson and Collins for the time being. Niko was weak and headachy and a bit nauseated, but insisted on helping anyway.

  It took surprisingly little time for the six enlisted personnel who came aboard to examine the injured and load them onto the Guard vessel. Some of the crew, who had evidently come onto the deck after the first gunshot and hidden in the shadows, came forward to tell the officers what they had witnessed. Their statements, along with Smith’s claim that Carson had been involved in illegal operations, were enough for the Coast Guard to bring the ship into port. El Cazador’s night bridge crew was ordered to follow the Coast Guard vessel to the Biloxi docks. Luke, Austin and Niko went aboard the Coast Guard vessel with Smith.

  Back at the docks, Smith, Carson, Collins and Niko were taken by ambulance to the hospital, while Luke and Austin were escorted to the local Coast Guard station for questioning about the night’s events. Smith had told them when he called that Carson had beaten Luke, and that it hadn’t been the first time, so the officers in charge spent quite a while questioning him about it. Luke found the ordeal nerve-wracking and exhausting, especially when they asked to photograph his injuries. He dutifully pulled off his shirt to display the livid red bruises on his chest and abdomen, the only signs left of the beating his father had dealt earlier.


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