The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You

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The Collector 4: Eight Arms to Hold You Page 20

by Ally Blue

  There was no trace left of Carson’s attempt to eviscerate him. Luke was grateful for that.

  The sun was peeking over the horizon when Luke and Austin arrived at Austin’s trailer. Austin paid the driver and led Luke inside, where they dropped their bags and collapsed side by side on the sofa.

  “I’m wiped out,” Austin mumbled, putting an arm around Luke’s shoulders. “What a night.”

  “Mm-hm.” Luke cuddled into Austin’s embrace, keeping one hand on his duffle bag where the idol rested in its case. “We really did it, Austin. We have the idol.”

  “And more importantly, that thing that called itself your father is going to prison, if he recovers enough. I hope.”

  “Smith said Father was involved in all sorts of illegal activities. He wouldn’t make that accusation unless he had solid proof.” Luke kissed Austin’s neck, tongue flicking out to taste the remains of salt water on his skin. “We should go ahead and call Dr. Martin.”

  “Yeah.” Austin buried his hand in Luke’s hair and tilted his face up for a kiss. “Mm. You taste like salt.”

  Luke laughed. “So do you.”

  “Want to have a shower before we call?”

  The idea went a long way toward eradicating the exhaustion that had crept up on Luke during the interrogation. He smiled. “Let’s go get clean.”

  Austin smiled in a way that set Luke’s heart thumping. They moved at the same time, mouths meeting in a deep kiss that sent strength flowing through Luke’s limbs. He melted into it, letting Austin’s touch carry him away.

  The shrill sound of the phone ringing made them break apart. Austin wrinkled his nose. “Hold that thought.”

  He jumped up to answer it. Luke curled against the sofa cushions and let himself stare at Austin’s ass. So hot.

  Austin raised an eyebrow, and Luke knew Austin had picked up his thought. It was a wonderful feeling, having that connection. Luke smiled.

  Austin picked up the receiver and pressed it to his ear. “Hello?”

  Luke watched with interest as Austin’s eyes went wide. Standing up, he wandered over and put an arm around Austin’s waist.

  “Yes, we just got in,” Austin said to the receiver. His gaze locked with Luke’s. It’s Phelan, Austin mouthed.

  Luke blinked. How did she know they were back?

  “How did you know we were back?” Austin echoed into the phone. A moment of silence went by. “Oh, I see.” He put a hand over the receiver. “She’s been staying on the yacht at the docks. One of her crew saw El Cazador come in and saw that asshole Carson being taken to the hospital. She was going to leave a message on my machine to call her, but we were here.”

  Luke nodded. Removing his hand from the receiver, Austin asked, “So should we come back to the docks, or what?”

  Luke waited while Austin listened to Phelan. He was happy to have the mission over with, and elated to be finally free of his father. In addition, he had found the love of his life. None of it would have happened without Dr. Martin bringing them together to find the idol for him.

  The idol belonged to The Collector. He deserved to have it. But, Luke couldn’t deny that he wanted it. Wanted to lay his hands on it, to touch it, to learn whatever it had to tell him.

  “Okay, that’s fine,” Austin said. “We’ll see you then. ‘Bye.”

  Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Luke smiled at Austin. “What did she say?”

  “She’s coming to get us in four hours.” Setting the receiver in the cradle, Austin wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist and pulled him close. “Dr. Martin’s at his place in New York, he’s sending his private plane down to get us and take us up there.”

  Luke’s chest tightened with a strange sense of loss. He ignored it. He had no right to the idol, no matter how much it still called to him. Forcing a smile, he laid a hand on Austin’s cheek.

  “That leaves us lots of time.” Luke pressed a lingering kiss to Austin’s lips. “I loved shower sex with you. Let’s do it again.”

  The growl Austin let out went straight to Luke’s crotch. Burying his hands in Austin’s hair, he captured his mouth in a hard kiss. When they broke apart and Austin pulled him toward the bathroom, Luke let thoughts of the idol slip to the back of his mind.

  * * * * *

  Austin hefted his bag over his shoulder and stared wide-eyed at the three stories of ivy-covered brick in front of him. “Wow.”

  “Yes.” Luke took Austin’s hand, intertwining their fingers. He rubbed his thumb over the back of Austin’s hand. Austin’s skin was warm against his. “This place is beautiful.”

  “You’re both welcome to stay as long as you like.” Phelan walked up to the door, heels clicking on the flagstone path. She rang the doorbell. “Dr. Martin was thrilled that you were able to recover the idol so quickly.”

  Luke’s fingers tightened around the handles of his bag. The idol sang to him from inside, telling him to claim it, that it was meant for him. It was becoming more difficult every minute to resist that seductive whisper.

  The door swung open, revealing a tall, hulking man with thinning white hair and a deep tan. He smiled and stood aside. “Dr. Martin is in his study. He’s expecting you.”

  “Thank you, Jonathan.” Phelan laid a hand on Jonathan’s arm. “Is he all right?”

  A solemn expression passed over the man’s face. “Better than yesterday.”

  Phelan nodded. Turning to Luke and Austin, she motioned them to follow her. “Come in. Leave your bags here, Jonathan will have someone take them to your room. Bring the artifact with you.”

  Luke exchanged a curious glance with Austin as they walked past Jonathan into a huge, marble-tiled foyer. He could tell Austin was also wondering what exactly ailed The Collector.

  Letting go of Austin’s hand, Luke set his bag on the floor and unzipped it. He dug through the clothes, removed the small black box containing the idol, and tucked it protectively under his arm.

  He and Austin followed Phelan up a wide marble staircase that curved past an enormous picture window looking out over a wooded slope. At the top of the stairs, she turned left down a paneled hallway. Thick dove gray carpet muffled their footsteps. She opened the second door on the left and ushered them in. The room was small, but the high ceiling and large arched window lent a sense of open space. Afternoon sunlight poured in, slanting through the half-closed woven blinds and setting the pine walls aglow. Dr. Martin sat in an embroidered wingback chair, a book open on his lap. He looked up and smiled when they entered.

  “Gentlemen. Welcome.” He set the book aside and stood slowly, grimacing. His gait was stiff as he walked toward them. Holding out a hand, he shook with each of them. “Please come in and sit down.”

  “Shall I leave you alone, sir?” Phelan asked, clasping her hands behind her back.

  “No, no. Please stay.” He laid a hand on Luke’s shoulder as they walked inside. “Phelan tells me you had quite an adventure recovering the idol. I’d like to hear about it.”

  Luke sat on a small loveseat with Austin, the box containing the idol in his lap. “It’s a long story, sir. Suffice to say, we successfully retrieved the idol, and my father got what he deserved.”

  The Collector’s keen gaze pinned Luke, making him feel naked. He resisted the urge to squirm like a child.

  “I’ve had people keeping tabs on Carson and the others ever since Phelan called me this morning,” Dr. Martin said. “Mr. Collins is expected to recover enough to face trial. Dr. Perez turned herself in and confessed to taking part in Carson’s plan to kill you, Luke. She’s in police custody now.”

  “Good.” Austin put a possessive arm around Luke’s shoulders. “What about that bastard Carson?”

  Dr. Martin gave them both a solemn look. “Carson died about an hour ago. He was comatose and on a ventilator. The police were never able to question him. A better end than he deserved, if you ask me.”

  Luke stared at his lap, not sure how to feel. Part of him, of course, was relieved that Carson
Cordova was gone forever. However, a small corner of his mind wished that his father had lived to face trial for his crimes. Luke’s guts still burned with fury at the man who had taken so much from him. Death seemed too good for him.

  Austin’s arm tightened, his mind touching Luke’s with a soothing caress, and Luke knew he understood. He squeezed Austin’s thigh in silent thanks.

  “There was no will,” Dr. Martin continued. “You are Carson’s only legal kin. Everything he had will go to you.”

  Luke shook his head. “I don’t want it. Any of it.”

  Dr. Martin nodded. “That’s your right, of course. You may give your father’s assets away in any way you see fit. I’ll have my lawyers handle it for you, if you wish.”

  “Thank you,” Luke said. “I’d appreciate that.”

  “What about Smith?” Austin asked. “Is he okay?”

  “I visited with him in the hospital,” Phelan told them. “He’ll be fine. But he will likely be going to prison.”

  Luke sat forward, distressed. “Why? He saved our lives! He’s done nothing wrong!”

  Phelan brushed a strand of straight dark hair out of her eyes. “I’m sure you were unaware of this, Luke, but your father was involved in the theft of a great many priceless artifacts from private owners over the years in addition to his legal treasure hunts. Smith was involved in Carson’s illegal recovery operations for years. There was no way for him to turn Carson in without giving away his own involvement. He knew exactly what he was doing.”

  “Oh my God,” Luke murmured. “I had no idea.”

  Austin let out an angry huff. “It’s not fair. We’d probably both be dead if it wasn’t for Smith and Niko.”

  “I feel certain that the authorities will be willing to plea bargain, considering all the stolen property that Smith can help them recover for the rightful owners.” Dr. Martin crossed his legs and steepled his fingers under his chin. “Speaking of stolen property, Luke, are you ready to collect your treasure?”

  Luke blinked. “My treasure? What do you mean? I thought we were retrieving it for you.”

  “You did, in a way. I have every intention of keeping the artifact in my private collection, for my own reasons.” Dr. Martin pointed a long, thin finger at Luke. “But the true value of the idol lies in what it can do for you.”

  “Oh!” Austin exclaimed. “You’re talking about its supposed ability to give whoever first touches it their heart’s desire.”

  The older man nodded. “Exactly. That treasure is for Luke to claim.”

  Luke swallowed, his heart racing suddenly. “But we thought you would want that for yourself. We thought you’d wan ... He stopped, not sure how The Collector would take what he’d been about to say. That he and Austin had believed Dr. Martin would use the idol’s power to heal himself of whatever affliction he suffered.

  Dr. Martin’s lips curved into a sad smile. “I have no wish to waste the idol’s power on healing this old body. The power of the idol belongs to you, Luke.”

  Luke turned to meet Austin’s gaze. In his lover’s dark eyes, Luke saw the same stunned look he knew he himself wore. I can have my heart’s desire. Anything at all. Anything. The enormity of it was overwhelming.

  “I can’t imagine anything else I could want,” Luke said softly. “My life is my own, for the first time. And I have Austin. There’s nothing else I need.” He turned back to Dr. Martin with a smile. “Thank you, sir, but I have my heart’s desire right here.”

  The Collector and Phelan exchanged a glance loaded with meaning, and Luke’s stomach dropped into his feet. He reached for Austin’s free hand and held on tight, waiting for whatever bad news their host had to tell them.

  “There’s something I need to tell you, Luke,” Dr. Martin said, his voice very gentle. “Something you need to know in order to make an informed decision about the idol.”

  Luke licked his dry lips. “What is it?”

  Dr. Martin clasped his hands together in his lap. “You’ve been feeling tired lately, yes? After you’ve spent time in your octopus form.”

  “Well, yes,” Luke admitted. “For a while there it was terrible, and getting worse. But this time I was barely tired at all. Being with Austin seemed to give me strength.”

  “Mates,” Phelan mused, almost to herself. “You were right, sir. Destined mates.”

  Austin shot her a curious look. “What?”

  “Have you found yourselves knowing what the other was thinking?” Dr. Martin asked. “Feeling what the other was feeling?”

  Luke and Austin exchanged a look. “Yes, we have,” Austin answered. His eyes went wide. “Oh my God. It’s just like in all those shapeshifter books, isn’t it? Luke and I are mates, born to be together. Only I don’t remember anything about psychic connections.”

  Phelan smiled. “Fiction doesn’t always reflect reality. Besides which, Luke’s people didn’t start out as shapeshifters. They were made that way through the power of the idol.”

  Luke shook his head. “Wait, I’m getting confused. What do you mean, they were made? How do you know this? And what does it have to do with my being tired after a shift?”

  Sighing, Dr. Martin leaned back in his chair. “A woman came to me two years ago while I was in Boston on business. She had been looking for me because of my reputation for finding lost artifacts. She was very ill, and wanted to tell her story to someone who would believe her before she ... changed.”

  “Changed?” Austin’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “She was one of a very ancient race,” Dr. Martin continued, ignoring Austin’s question. “Your race, Luke. They were originally ordinary people, residents of Egypt in the age of the first Pharaohs. This woman told me that no one was certain precisely when or how the idol was discovered, but her forebears were appointed as its guardians. When Christianity came to Egypt, the Protectors - as they came to be known - wished to keep the idol out of the hands of the Christian church. According to the woman, the idol sensed what needed to be done, and turned the protectors into shapeshifters, changing between human and octopus form. Similar to true were-creatures, but not precisely the same. My research into the subject has led me to believe that the idol had a different shape prior to this, and molded itself into an octopus shape when the Protectors took that form .”

  “Wait a minute,” Austin said. “I thought it could only give the heart’s desire to the first person who touches it? So if that’s already happened, how could Luke get his wish granted?”

  “It will only grant the heart’s desire once, that’s true,” Phelan answered. “But apparently the idol is able to manifest great power on its own when the situation calls for it, such as was the case when Christianity first came to Egypt. If the church had discovered the idol, the protectors would have been killed and the idol taken or destroyed. It had to be hidden, and the ocean was the one place the church couldn’t follow.”

  “If the idol can change people into shapeshifters, why couldn’t it do something when my people were attacked and murdered?” Luke demanded, feeling anger rising inside him. “Why didn’t it drive my fa ... Carson Cordova away from them? Why didn’t…”

  He stopped abruptly, leaving the thought unfinished. Why didn’t they find me? If some of them were still alive, why didn’t they use the idol to find me and save me? Austin pulled him closer and kissed his hair, and Luke was grateful for his silent support.

  “The idol does not respond to human demands, or so I’m told. It acts on its own, or not, until it is touched for the first time.” Dr. Martin uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “There’s something else. In return for granting the heart’s truest desire, the idol demands a sacrifice. Loss to balance gain.”

  “What sort of sacrifice?” Luke asked, not sure he wanted to hear.

  Dr. Martin gazed at him with sadness in his eyes. “When they became shifters, your people sacrificed their homes, their families, everything they knew. They gained healing powers, t
heir shifting abilities, and a strong psychic connection with each other. But to get that, they had to give up everything else. Even though they didn’t ask for what happened, they accepted it voluntarily, which meant they accepted the idol’s terms. Do you understand?”

  Luke nodded, chewing his bottom lip. “I have nothing I wish to gain, and the only thing I have to lose is Austin. I’m not willing to risk that.”

  “That’s quite a story,” Austin interjected. “But what’s it got to do with Luke now? That woman in Boston was the last of Luke’s people, right? And she’s gone.”

  “But not dead.” Luke stared at The Collector as a suspicion began to grow in his mind. “You said she changed. Not died, but changed. She became an octopus permanently, didn’t she?”

  Dr. Martin nodded. “Indeed she did. I was with her when she shifted for the last time and swam away. She told me that it was a fate which eventually overtook all of them. The ones who were mated changed more slowly, but over time they all changed.” The older man paused, a strange gleam in his eyes. “She was going to join the rest of her people. She wouldn’t tell me where they were, but she seemed certain that at least a few of her people still lived.”

  Luke stared as the implications of this sunk in. When he spoke, his lips felt numb. “I’m going to change. Being with Austin does make me stronger, but it’s not enough. I’m going to become an octopus one day and never be human again. I ... I could find my people. But I’d lose Austin. Oh.”

  Dr. Martin’s expression was sorrowful. “It’s a terrible choice, my boy. I’m sorry.”


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