My Silent War
Page 24
† “Underground” or subversive propaganda.
‡ Came to SIS from the City. Served in Section D. Author of Baker Street Irregular, Methuen, 1965.
* B. Sweet-Escott, Baker Street Irregular.
† Started on 22 July 1940. See E. H. Cookridge, Inside SOE (Arthur Barker, 1966).
‡ Maj.-Gen. in 1943. DSO, CMG, KCMG, Polish Croix de Vaillance. Served in Poland during the war. Worked for SOE from 1940 to 1946, when he retired. Afteward Sir Colin MacVean Gubbins. Died in 1976.
* During the war Churchill put his friends from the City into high posts in SOE and SIS, including his banker, Charles Hambro, head of SOE from 1942 to 1943.
* Electra House, a secret department, established by the Foreign Office. Leeper worked as an assistant to Sir Stuart Campbell. Later it was merged with SOI of D-Department into the PWE.
† SOE was directly responsible to the Minister of Economic Warfare, Dr. Hugh Dalton.
‡ Like Philby he had been a journalist covering the Spanish Civil War—far the Daily Express.
* Gaitskell had also been in Austria in 1934. He was supposed to have been alarmed at the news of Philby’s marriage to “that young communist girl, Alice [Litzi] Friedman.” Apparently Gaitskell saw Philby as “a rather altruistic left-winger, mixed-up and Byronic in outlook, eager to assist the left-wing cause without leaning quite as far as communism.” Gaitskell, it appears, also underrated Philby!
† He later interrogated Krivitsky, who reported that there was a Soviet agent in the Foreign Office—probably Donald Maclean.
*Frank Natbhan Daniel Buchman, an American evangelist and missionary, founder of the Oxford Group Movement, who carried on an extensive campaign for Moral Rearmament in Great Britain, 1939.
†In SOE during the war. Scriptwriter. Won the British Film Acadmy Award (Best British Screenplay) for screenplay of Anthony Asquith’s Orders to Kill, 1958. Wrote screenplays for The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, 1965, Zeffirelli’s film version of The Taming of the Shrew, 1966, and Murder on the Orient Express, 1974. Died 1976.
* One of the few thousand Nobby Clarkes in Britain. He was seconded to us as fieldcraft instructor.
† SOE officer. Fought alongside the Albanian partisans after the German occupation in 1943.
‡ My views on Spain and Spaniards naturally differ from those of Peter Kemp who fought for General Franco during the Civil War. But I fully appreciate his description of the shock he suffered on first exposure to Hugh Quennell, the head of the SOE Spanish section.
§ Herman J. Giskes, author of Abwehr III F, Amsterdam, 1948.
* Defended Philby in the House of Commons when Marcus Lipton accused Philby of being the Third Man in 1955.
† Mr. (afterward Sir Richard) Goldsmith White. Became head of MI5 in 1953, then head of SIS in 1965—the only man to have been in charge of both departments. When he became head of SIS in 1956 he was furious that Philby was still working for SIS and had him put under surveillance.
Chapter III
* Principal Foreign Office adviser to SIS in 1944. See p. 97. Afterward British Ambassador in Paris.
† Philby once defended Graham Greene when the latter was involved in a row because his agent sent to the Azores, after the British take-over, failed to communicate; the result was that SIS was made to look silly by MI5. For Greene’s and Muggeridge’s exploits, see p. 77.
* The latest figure available to me, for 1966–7, is £10 m.—a fourfold increase in twenty years of peace.
* The first head of SIS, Captain Cummings, established a vast network of espionage in Europe based on Passport Control Officers.
* Later Lt.-Col. Cowgill. Towards the end of the war Philby intrigued against Cowgill see Chapter VI. Cowgill can hardly have been suspicious of Philby since he was one of his closest advisers. Cowgill later left the Service. In 1966 he retired from the task of liaising between the British Army and the local citizenry in Munich-Gladbach, West Germany.
* Also at Trinity College, Cambridge, in the 1930s. His mother employed Burgess soon after he left Cambridge—to report on her stock holdings, and later Burgess took over his flat in Bentinck Street. Later on in the war he trained Allied saboteurs for operations in Nazi-occupied Europe.
* Assistant to Stewart Menzies. Valentine Vivian and he were, to some extent, rivals; and Philby took Vivian’s side against Dansey. In the First World War he worked in Intelligence in France, then tried to run an English-style country-club in America. After that he worked for SIS in Italy and Switzerland, then was brought back to London to organize “Z” Section. Dansey died shortly after D-Day, in 1944.
* Known as “Vee-Vee.” Son of a renowned Victorian portrait painter. Came to SIS in 1925 from Indian police. He was a friend of Philby’s father—from the days when St. John Philby was in the Indian Civil Service. He was responsible for Philby’s transfer from SOE to SIS, and later was used by Philby when he intrigued against Cowgill. See Chapter VI.
* Alfred Dilwyn Knox, CMG, Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge; d. 1943.
* Compton Mackenzie, Water on the Brain (London, Chatto & Windus, 1954).
† Later Lord Templewood. British Ambassador in Madrid, and concerned with SIS work in Spain at a time when Philby was head of the Iberian section of SIS.
* Friend of Maclean. He was British Minister Plenipotentiary in Washington when Maclean was sent there in 1944. Then he became British Ambassador in Cairo—there when Maclean was posted to Cairo in 1948.
* No connection with FANY, the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, a women’s auxiliary service.
Chapter IV
* One file available to night-duty officers in Broadway was especially valuable to me. It contained telegrams from the War Office to the British Military Mission in Moscow, sent over SIS channels.
† Maj.Gen. Sir Stewart Menzies. Head of SIS from 1939 to 1953.
‡ Head of SIS when it was first created as an independent organization. Died in 1936.
* No. 2 at MI5, then after the war became Chief Security Officer to the Atomic Energy Authority. A friend of Burgess and frequenter of his Rabelaisian parties.
† “An honest Copper,” as Herbert Morrison called him. Before becoming Director-General of MI5 from 1946 to 1953, he was Chief Constable of Chesterfield, Glasgow and Sheffield.
* Canadian millionaire. Head of British Security Co-ordination in America.
* Maj.-Gen. “Wild Bill.” Went to Moscow in December 1943 to discuss a project of co-operation between the two Intelligence services and talked with heads of GUR and GB.
Chapter V
* Became deputy director of CIA in 1950, when Philby was in Washington. Responsible for tracking down Maclean as a Soviet agent.
* Commander Sir Edward W. H. Travis, CMKG, CBE; Royal Navy 1906; served on Admiral Jellicoe’s staff.
† Commander Alexander Guthrie Denniston, CMG, CBE. Head of Government Code & Cypher School, 1919 to 1943; d. 1961.
* Burgess met him in a nightclub and in 1942 introduced him to Philby, who was responsible for his arrest in 1943.
Chapter VI
* Hugh Christopher Arnold-Forster. Commander RN (rtd.), CMG. Assistant Director of Naval Intelligence, 1942–5.
* Head of MI5 until the end of the war. Under his rules talented amateurs and intellectuals, such as Herbert Hart, Hugh Trevor-Roper and Stuart Hampshire, were introduced into the Secret Service.
Chapter VII
* He said that there was a Soviet agent in the Foreign Office—probably Maclean. He also gave information about Philby: see pp. 169–70.
* Director of Naval Intelligence 1939–42, then became Flag Officer Commanding Royal Indian Navy.
*Later Air correspondent to the Telegraph.
* John “Sinbad” Sinclair, head of SIS after the Churchill reshuffle in 1953. Forced to resign after the frogman incident of 19 April 1956 in Portsmouth harbour when Commander Crabbe disappeared while investigating the hull of the Soviet cruiser Ordzhonikidze.
* No. 2 in Section 1 of
SIS, later became head of Section 1. Burgess introduced him to Philby just after Philby had returned from Spain in 1939. Afterward Emeritus Fellow of St. Antony’s College, Oxford.
Chapter IX
* Lt. Col. Intelligence Corps, Middle East, 1941–6, then worked for the Foreign Office in the Far East (Singapore). Counsellor, Foreign Office, after 1965.
* John Bulloch, Akin to Treason (London, Arthur Barker Ltd.), 1966.
* Erivan, now called Yerevan, the capital of Armenia; Tiflis, now called Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.
Chapter X
* CIA emerged from the disbanded OSS and Central Intelligence group in 1947. Hillenkoetter was head of CIA from 1947 to 1950 at the time when Philby was in Washington.
† Early in 1951 he presented Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison with information about Maclean.
† Richard Helms, director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973.
* Allen Dulles succeeded in acquiring ex-Nazi General Reinard Geblen’s private secret service in Germany for the purpose of infiltrating the Soviet zone.
† British lecturer imprisoned in Russia for distributing leaflets.
* Leader of anti-Communist legalists in Albania (supporters of King Zog). Escaped from clutches of the Communist regime. Became one of the leaders of the Albanian Freedom Movement financed by CIA and SIS—their HQ was in Greece and Italy. (While in Washington Philby made several flying visits to Greece and Italy.)
† Captain, Later Cabinet Minister. Fought alongside Albanian partisans after the German occupation of 1943.
* Moscow-trained Albanian partisan leader. After the Second World War the Albanian partisans liberated themselves from German rule without the help of Russia. Then Hoxha seized power, using British and American arms to defeat his nationalist compatriots. On 10 November 1945 Britain and America recognized his provisional government on the understanding that he would hold free elections. Hoxha set up a People’s Socialist Republic and deposed King Zog: the result was a Communist-dominated national assembly. In 1946 Hoxha accused Britain and America of imperialist aggression after British destroyers appeared off Albania. Later Philby was suspected of having passed information to Hoxha about the arrival of the invasion force, because every expedition was met and defeated without any difficulty.
† Wireless telegraph.
Chapter XI
* Sir Robert Mackenzie.
* Rudolf Peierls (later Sir Rudolf), Berlin-born physicist who emigrated to England in the 1930s and worked on the Manhattan Project; Klaus Fuchs, atomic scientist who was instrumental, through his confession, in uncovering the espionage ring in which he was involved with Harry Gold, David Greenglass, and Julius (and allegedly Ethel) Rosenberg.
* Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission. Foreign Office man involved in the investigation into the flight of Burgess and Maclean.
† Head of British Information Services in America. Afterward Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office.
Chapter XII
* Originally the section of British Military Intelligence concerned with positive espionage. It was later the popular name for SIS.
* Allan Nunn May, atomic scientist who served six years upon conviction of espionage activities.
Chapter XIII
* After the mysterious death of Lavrenti Beria (Stalin’s right-hand man and head of Russian Secret Services) in 1953, Petrov was suspected of having taken part in a plot which Beria was hatching—to win for himself supreme power. On being recalled to Moscow to answer charges, Petrov defected in Sydney in 1954, bringing with him valuable information about Soviet agents and code systems.
* On 25 October 1955.
† Marcus Lipton first asked the Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, whether he would appoint a Select Committee to investigate the circumstances of the disappearance of Burgess and Maclean. Then he asked about the Third Man activities of Philby. Eden promised a debate which took place on 7 November 1955. In the course of this debate Harold Macmillan, the Foreign Secretary, cleared Philby.
* In fact Lipton got his information from the Empire News, who could not name Philby without facing libel risks.
* Anthony Purdy, Burgess and Maclean (London: Secker and Warburg, 1963).
The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in the eBook.
Abel, Rudolf, (I)
Abwehr, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII), (IX), (X), (XI), (XII)
Akin to Treason (Bulloch), (I)
Alba, Duke of, (I)
Albania, Anglo-American subversion efforts in, (I), (II)
Amery, Julian, (I)
Amies, Hardy, (I)
Angleton, Jim, (I), (II)
Anglo-German Fellowship, (xxvii), (I)
Archer, Jane, (I)
Arnold-Foster, Hugh Christopher, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Aunt Jane (Turkish intelligence agent), (I), (II)
Austria, pre-war Socialist movement in, (xxvi)n, (I), (II)
Balkan states, SIS intelligence from refugees of, (I)
Bandera, Stepan, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Bay of Pigs invasion, (I), (II), (III)
Beaverbrook, William Aitken, Lord, (I), (II), (III)
Beddington, General, (I)
Beria, Lavrenti, (I)n
Berlin Tunnel, (I)
Bevin, Ernest, (I), (II)
Bey, Tefik, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Birch, Frank, (I)
Blake, George, (I)
Blunt, Anthony, (I)
Bodden operation, (I), (II)
Boyd, John, (I), (II)
Boyle, David, (I)
Bracken, Brendan, (I)
Bremner, Bill, (I), (II)
Brickendonbury Hall, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
British Security Co-ordination (BSC), (I), (II)
Broadway Buildings, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII)
Brooke, Gerald, (I)
Brooker, Bill, (I)
Brooman-White, Dick, (I)
Broz, Josip (Tito), (I)
Brugada (Spanish Press Attaché), (I)
BSC (British Security Coordination), (I), (II)
Buchman, Frank Nathan David, (I)n
Bulloch, John, (I), (II)
Bureau Central de
Renseignements et d’Action, (I)
Burgess, Guy, (I)n, (II)n, (III)n, (IV), (V), (VI)
at Cambridge, (I)n, (II)n, (III)
early political involvement of, (xxvii)n, (I), (II)
flight of, (I), (II)n, (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII), (IX)n, (X), (VI)
Foreign Office career of, (I), (II), (III)
Philby’s SIS entry and, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII)
provocative personality of, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI)
SIS career of, (I)n, (II), (III), (IV), (V)
training program devised by, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Washington posting of, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
Burgess and Maclean (Purdy), (I)
Cabo de Hornos, SS, (I)
Calvo, Luis, (I)
Cambridge University Socialist
Society (CUSS), (xxx), (I)
Campbell, Sir Ronald, (I)
Campbell, Sir Stuart, (I)n
Canada, intelligence activities of, (I)
Carbe, Albert (César), (I)
Carew-Hunt, Bob, (I), (II)
Carr, Harry, (I)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
Burgess-Maclean escape and, (I)
cosmopolitan image of, (I), (II)
Eastern European
destabilization efforts of, (I), (II)
FBI rivalry with, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
gaffes of, (I)
German intelligence organization of, (I)
leadership of, (I)
Maclean investigated by, (I)n, (I)n
Office of Policy Co-ordination, (I), (II)
Office of Strategic Operations, (I), (II)
OSS replaced with, (I)n
SIS collaborations with, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI)
Churchill, Randolph, (I)
Churchill, Winston, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
on Russian alliance, (I)
SIS reshuffle and, (I)n
SOE established by, (I)n, (II), (III)
wartime intelligence personnel appointed by, (I), (II)n
Committee of SIS Reorganization, (I), (II), (III)
Communist Party, British, (I)
Confidential Agent, The (Greene), (xxxii)
Coplon, Judith, (I), (II), (III)
Cordeaux, Colonel, (I), (II)
Cowgill, Felix Henry, (I)
career of, (I), (II), (III)
German Foreign Ministry documents and, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
as head of Section V, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII), (VIII), (IX), (X), (XI), (XII)
inter-service rivalries and, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI), (VII)
on MI5-Section V jurisdictional dispute, (I)
Philby’s intrigue against, (I)n, (II)n, (III), (IV)
Philby’s SIS assignments and, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
political isolation of, (I)
U.S. intelligence and, (I), (II), (III)
Crossman, Dick, (I)
Cuba, Bay of Pigs invasion of, (I), (II), (III)
Cummings, Mansfield, (I)n, (II)
Currie (SIS officer), (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V), (VI)
CUSS (Cambridge University Socialist Society), (xxx), (I)
Daily Express (London) (I), (II), (III)
Dalton, Sir Hugh, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
Dansey, Sir Claude, (I)
career background of, (I)n, (II), (III)
counter-espionage disparaged by, (I), (II), (III), (IV)
German Foreign Ministry documents and, (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
“Z” operation developed by, (I)n, (II)
Deakin, Ralph, (I), (II), (III)n
Dehn, Paul, (I)
Delmer, Sefton, (I)
Denne, Alurid, (I)
Denniston, Alexander Guthrie, (I)
Deutsch, André, (I)n
de Velasco, Alcazar, (I)
Di Lucia (OSS officer), (I)
diplomatic bags, (I)
documentary intelligence, assessment of, (I)
Dolfuss, Engelbert, (I)
Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” (I), (II)
Dosti, Hassan, (I), (II)
Dulles, Allen, (I), (II)n, (III), (IV), (V)