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The Venerate Redemption

Page 8

by Troy Dukart

  A few of the soldiers laughed when Roya translated what he said. With a wave of her hand, she invited us to take a closer look. She held her wrist out to us and we could see a round blue reflective shell underneath her skin. Above it was a small slit which allowed the wings from the creature to sprout out. Out of curiosity, I stroked the Tongwa on her arm, and it chirped beneath her skin quietly in response.

  “This is incredible! You can fly with these!?” I cheered in excitement.

  “Hmm, they may be of use now, but what happens when we don't need them anymore, or when we need to be quiet,” Zon critiqued.

  “Come 'on mate! Don't be such a buzz kill!” Rousseau ribbed as he nudged his shoulder.

  “No,” Roya said, “He is very right to ask this. Like I said before, you cannot take them out once they are in, they become one with your very being Yoichi.”

  “The only thing we can completely control is ourselves, and even then, sometimes we fight our own bodies for survival, Rousseau. The sentiment and honor of your people I mean no disrespect to, but I cannot accept this offer Roya.” Zon bowed deeply.

  Shaking her head as to signal there was no need, Roya replied to Zon, “There is no offense taken Yoichi. The Lady here will take care of you,” looking back to us, she asked, “Strafe, Rousseau, what do you want to do? The Guardian Key we hold is up there, and with wings is the only way up.”

  “So, they only spread their wings when we say so?” Rousseau asked.

  “Yes, your mind will be one with…” Roya said before Rousseau interrupted with,

  “Well hell yeah I'm in!”

  Turning my wrists upwards, I rubbed them. I needed to get up there to protect Yessa and the rest of these people. Roya stood in front of me as Rousseau was getting prepared for the Tongwa. She touched me on the shoulder and looked in my eyes and said, “There will be some pain, but once they attach to you, the hurt no longer continues. Tongwa are grateful for what we provide, and their wings are strong as steel. An incredible gift, if you so choose it.”

  Chapter 12


  Soon, the smell of blood will permeate everywhere. These are the words I hear from our commanders, and it irritated me. Word around the ship was one of our processing centers had gone dark due to a contamination breakout, but I knew the truth. I saw it on Barzakh's face as he entered the room with Longwei, Tiras and that dog Gain. Strafe was there.

  “My Lady,” Barzakh smiled wickedly at me as he passes me on the way to the flight deck. He wasn't wearing his mask anymore.

  Longwei, a Shinjin I didn't trust and Tiras, a lapdog who was nice only when he needed to be. Gain was a stray lost without purpose. I felt we could operate better without them. As far as spreading carnage though, this group was hard to beat, even by my standards,

  “You guys fucked up, didn't you?”

  “All the data was collected and the premature Proto-Slates are dying off as designed ma'am. As for the survivors, they are heading towards the Dream Islands,” Tiras pointed out on a holographic map in the middle of the floor.

  “You still let them destroy a valuable outpost and embarrass us, and these people aren't even military!” I rebuked.

  “My Lady,” Barzakh slithered into the conversation, “They may have taken the tower, but we took something much more important from them. Their idea of invulnerability. Also, I have that mutt that traveled with them. He has Guardian power believe it or not! We could kill him and be stronger because of it! It would devastate Strafe, hehehe.”

  I squinted my eyes and raise my eyebrow as I looked at Barzakh in disgust, “We brought you into this world to do one thing, slaughter the enemies of the Senti and yet we have 500 survivors giving us the finger and laughing at us. You know, I'm beginning to think we should banish you back to that shithole you crawled out of. Do not kill the wolf. He's a valuable bargaining chip.”

  In my mind I knew summoning a demon like Barzakh was a dangerous risk. I saw him push his limits of our deal every day. He would betray us in time if we let him.

  “My Lady, no… hehehe, I'm having too much fun. Forgive me, but the escape of the survivors has bore unexpected fruit, as we have picked up a Guardian Key signal lying dormant in one of the Dream Islands. See!!??” Barzakh showed me with a yellow flashing dot on the hologram.

  “He's right ma'am, I placed a tracker on my little brother. I can see his aura in his travels, and it seems where ever they go, they find Guardian Keys. Maybe they seek them as well?” Longwei inferred.

  “Is Strafe alright?” Gain asked with his head down.

  “Does it matter?” Tiras stared him down.

  “I, was just curious,” Gain said as he walked out. He looked distressed.

  After the door closed, I looked back at them,

  “Hmm, maybe you all did more good than I thought. As the Commander of all forces in this area, I declare our new mission will be to retrieve the Key in the Dream Island, at all cost. I need to talk to Headquarters, in private. You all are dismissed.”

  Longwei bowed to me and Tiras saluted, but Barzakh seemed zoned out. As they left, I approached Barzakh and switched on my aura and touched his arm, but it wasn't Barzakh I wished to talk to, “Go away demon, I wish to speak to the other one.”

  Barzakh turned his head slowly toward me and gave me an evil glance but his head twitched and he went down to one knee, grabbing his head. I put my hand on his bicep and the other on his chin to turn his head toward me. Looking groggy, I knew this trick wouldn't work for long. Barzakh owns Zixin and considers controlling him the stipulation for us controlling his actions.

  “Zixin, can you hear me?” I whispered, he looked scared and said nothing, “I need you to work on breaking through. You are needed, by your brother. He is fighting for you. He will need your help in order to free you.”

  A single tear fell down his cheek followed by a smile, but it didn't last long as even my power wasn't enough to keep Barzakh away. The red in his eyes begin to return.

  Zixin let out a roar and slammed his head into the metal floor over and over until his body went calm. Keeping his eyes to the floor as he stood up, he didn't look at me as he turned around. I could tell from his body language that he was furious,

  “I heard not what was said between that small relapse, but just remember my Lady that this body belongs to ME! That was the deal that was made in blood by your father. If it is violated, the pact will be lifted and I will have free reigns, to slaughter, anyone I so desire.”

  “That will be all creature, you are dismissed,” I ordered.

  With a hiss, Barzakh grabbed a knife and cut his hand. He began to suck on the wound and left the room. Between the rattling sounds of his footsteps on the metal floor, I whispered, “Zixin broke through all by himself you fool. He is stronger than you know.”

  Chapter 13


  For some people, modifying their bodies was something they had dreamt about their whole life. As for me, I never had much interest. I sat down next to Zon on a log as we watched Rousseau receive his Tongwa.

  Next to the Heaven's Gate stood a small stone altar with a blanket in front, which Rousseau knelt on. On top of the flat stone rested two slots to set one's arms in, palms facing up. There was a big smile on his face until they strapped his arms down with a belt and one warrior stood behind him, holding Rousseau in place, “Ah, mates, what's going on?”

  He looked frantic. Roya and Lady Nefertiti had brought the box in front of the altar and opened it. The owls looked on curiously as Lady Nefertiti reached inside and grabbed a large red scaled bug, about palm-sized. With the other hand she pulled a blue one that shined bright in the light. They chirped often and had many small legs. The chirping was cute and soothing. Roya put a blindfold over his eyes and a stick in his mouth. Rousseau looked like he had changed his mind, but like Roya told him, there was no going back.

  With Rousseau in place, Lady Nefertiti set the Tongwa on his wrists above his hand. They sat there for a moment, but
then we heard muffled screams from Rousseau as the Tongwa dug in.

  It lasted only a minute, but after it was done, the warrior stepped away and Rousseau rolled on his back. I could see he was rubbing his wrists and gasping for air. A few moments later, he got up on his feet and the warrior walked him in front of Lady Nefertiti and motioned him to kneel. She had a jug of water in one hand, and cut-up leaves in the other, “Nahenya woos bol goona ce polon wes akenta Zindaqe. Jowhean veiena Rousseau-Sah.”

  She sprinkled the green leaves over his body and then poured the water on the top of his head. All the Zindaqueans, including Roya, bowed with a closed fist on their left breast. Rousseau stood up and looked to Roya for translation, “She said, 'You have become one with our tribe and Zindaqe. Welcome brother Rousseau.' ”

  “God, it felt like I was going to be eaten alive for a moment,” Rousseau sighed, “So, these never come out?”

  With a macabre look on her face, she looked back at him, “The thing about Tongwa is, they only separate from you when you are about to die. They can sense when their host is to pass on to Ren-Sha, or wherever you believe, and mate before they themselves pass on to the next life. You now are just as responsible for them, as they are for you. Please treat them with peace.”

  All the heads turned to where Zon and I sat. It was my turn, my choice to decide whether I wanted these Tongwa.

  “Strafe, what will you choose?” Roya asked me.

  I shook my head and shrugged. I was always scared of bugs growing up as a child, but until we faced our fears, they would keep control of us. I pushed up off my knees and nodded to her with a 'yes.' Roya nodded back and motioned for me to sit down in front of the altar. I closed my eyes as one warrior wrapped his bandana over my eyes and stuck a stick in my mouth to bite on.

  The lid on the wooden box creaked open and I could hear the Tongwa chirping. They told me to inhale slowly and try to meditate, not think about what was about to come. Nothing happened for a few moments which made me a little anxious but then I felt something put on my arms that had a bunch of legs and was slightly slimy.

  They both wiggled around for a moment before I felt a sharp bite at the base of my wrists that stung badly. I mumbled in pain and collapsed for a moment but the warrior behind me lifted me up. Unfortunately my bandana on my left eye slipped up and for a second I could see them pushing into my arm. I freaked out but the warrior held me close and covered my eyes with his forearm. Squeezing in between the skin they maneuvered between my tendons and muscles to latch onto my radius and ulna with all their tiny legs.

  After they latched on, I could feel something sharp trying to bulge through my skin. Their wings must have stretched my skin three inches out before they broke through. The warrior grabbed me underneath my arms and helped to lift me up. As I spread my arms, the Tongwa spread their wings, which went all the way down to my ankles.

  When I relaxed, the wings retracted, and like Rousseau, I had to rub my wrists to ease some pain. The bandana was taken off and Lady Nefertiti performed the same ritual. They all bowed to me and the warrior behind me even gave me a hug. I was now a part of their tribe.

  Itust came running up to us and looked very anxious, “Roya-Sah, Lady Nefertiti, I have grave news.”

  “Speak, Itust-Sah, what is the problem?” Roya replied.

  He walked over to them and spoke in Zindaquean. He was very expressive with his body and I could see him pointing into the sky and imitating a flying ship. He held his spear high into the air and flung his arms out wide. Then, he returned to his calm manner, and stood beside Lady Nefertiti. We all stood back and wondered what was going on.

  “What does he speak?” Zon asked.

  “Senti ships approach! It is because of all of you that they come here! You must leave NOW!” Itust demanded, to which he held his spear out at us.

  Roya gently pushed his spear down and put her arm on his shoulder, “No Itust, it is not them the ships come for, but the Folla. The Senti have no discretion, and we must give it to them.”

  “What? Lady Roya, we shame our ancestors!” Itust grieved, he fell to his knees.

  “I'm so sorry I couldn't have been here sooner, but I would have none of us hurt. We will recover from this tragedy, I promise brother,” Roya assuaged to him.

  “How are you to convince them to follow you, after you abandoned them?” Itust questioned.

  “Because I would die for them. That is all I can do. Fena is a symbol of my ties to this tribe. Even if my family wants nothing to do with me at least I can save them. Please help me do this like you helped me before Itust-Sah,” Roya pleaded.

  She got on her knees and hugged Itust, who was now in tears. Lady Nefertiti and the other warriors joined in and wept with each other. I had no idea what was going on.

  “What's this all 'bout?” Rousseau whispered to me.

  I looked off in the distance to my right and my heart sank. Like a swarm of wasps, a fleet of Senti ships dotted the sky. I feared, we would witness another city fall to these fiends.

  Roya looked up at us and said, “As much as my heart pains, we must give them the Guardian Key, or Folla as we call it. I will not have my people suffer.”

  “You three can go up and retrieve it while I help those on this island evacuate,” Zon suggested.

  “No,” Roya interjected, “We will come with you. It is my duty to protect my people, above all things.”

  “Roya, how will we know what to do?” I asked.

  She looked over to Itust and said, “Itust-Sah knows the way, and your language. He will guide you to the Folla, and we will offer it peacefully in exchange for our lives.”

  “Your word is my way, Lady Roya,” Itust said as he bowed to her.

  “We'll bring it back down to the sands, I promise you!” Rousseau told her.

  “It is good now, for you have wings,” Roya said over her shoulder as they began to retreat.

  Roya, Zon, Lady Nefertiti and the rest of the warriors proceeded back to the city to guide their people off the island. Itust grabbed me by my shirt and brought me in front of the second Heaven's Gate. He lined up first and explained how to use the Tongwa to reach the second island.

  “When you reach the maximum launch, you will feel yourself begin to fall. This is where you must use the Tongwa's wings to glide over to the island,” he explained.

  “Did I hear you call Roya Lady?” I asked.

  “Yes, because I have waited for her to return,” Itust responded.

  “But what about Lady Nefertiti?” Rousseau asked.

  “She rules in her place when away. This is not the time to discuss, we must find the Folla!” Itust vented, “NOW GO!”

  With a quick shove, he pushed me onto the launch pad and I started running. The same dots of light floated up like they did before as I ran down. With all of my strength, I jumped as high as I could and was shot straight up into the sky.

  The wind was colder than the first time and blew faster into my face. Squinting, I held my arms down as I flew through the sky. My velocity eventually slowed until I came to almost a complete stop. “Here we go!” I cheered as I spread my arms.

  Nothing happened. I tried spreading my fingers, clapping, and tapping my wrists but the wings wouldn't pop out. I was a couple hundred feet higher than the island I needed to glide to but not directly below it. These wings were needed for a reason. “Damnit! Wake up!” I tried to stroke the Tongwa to wake them.

  I felt some crawling and discomfort underneath my skin, like sharp glass sliding across. With a quick cut, the wings shot through and stretched across my body. The lift they provided was incredible. I pointed toward the island and rode the wind over toward the landing zone. The closer I got though, the more I realized this wouldn't be an easy landing. The delayed execution on my wings threw off the calculations the Zindaquean had designed.

  I tried lifting up but I hadn't got enough experience flying to land the way I wanted. I slowed down my glide as the island was within 30 feet and held my arm
s out straight. I slammed into the side and managed to grab onto the ledge with my left hand. My wings retracted and I had to pull myself up as I dangled two miles up in the air. My heart definitely skipped a few beats as I rolled up to catch my breath. Itust soon followed with ease as did Rousseau.

  “I see you had some trouble there, don't be so tense next time,” Itust commented.

  “You made this look easy!” I gasped lying on my back.

  “Don't worry about it mate! Let's go get this thing!” Rousseau said as he patted me on my stomach.

  The island was forested and hilly. There were no people I could see. We ran down a small, winding yellow dirt trail that was surrounded in vines and other leafy vegetation trying to reclaim what man had altered.

  It was quiet, eerily so, mind the occasional bird in the distance. It was still warm and humid but the wind was chill, which made the run quite enjoyable. Itust charged on like a bull in front as he led the way. Rousseau had no problem keeping up with him, obviously, but I really had to put my burners on. The path was soft but uneven, so we had to watch our footing.

  It must've been fifteen minutes of running before we made it to a golden pyramid in the middle of the island.

  It was marvelous.

  There was a floating halo ring above it that was rotating slowly.

  Two men with falcon masks stood beside the entrance with spears in the ground, guarding the temple. Itust motioned for us to follow him but stay behind. “I will speak with them. These are the Folla Guardians. They will only listen to their own blood,” he said.

  We approached the entrance while the guards didn't even flinch. Itust began to speak to them in Zindaquean and after a moment they looked at each other and nodded to him. He nodded back and began to proceed inside. We attempted to follow but suddenly the guards drew their spears as they stood in front of the entrance. Itust came running back and yelled, “Listen, you must show them you belong to our tribe now! Show them the gift we have given you!”

  We looked to each other and nodded. With my arms spread, I opened my fingers and tried to command my Tongwa. Strangely, I felt them now, like they were a part of my body, and I was able to communicate with them. The wings ejected with no issue.


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