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War in Colgilor

Page 17

by Colin Gibbons

  But his thoughts were interrupted as the blue sky above the valley turned purple and slowly faded to a bright rose colour; the whole valley fell silent, the atmosphere as calm and peaceful. And, as previously, the sky opened up to reveal Thor and Odin standing on a large, white cloud.

  Thor’s velvet voice reverberated through the valley. ‘Welcome back, Shaun. You have justified our faith in you and saved the good inhabitants of Colgilor with the help of the Dragons and the legendary weapons. The Great Wizard must be so proud: you have proved he was right to choose you to lead his army. The amulet I gave you did help to protect you, but now I will increase its powers so that no matter where you go in this world or your own, it will keep you safe and give you physical strength and mental awareness. And now step clear from the Skidblaonir and allow it to return to its resting place at the bottom of the poisoned river.’ Shaun climbed onto the back of one of the Dragons and they swept down onto the plateau and watched as the boat floated down and slipped into the flames. Shaun looked up at the two Gods and bowed his head in respect. Odin leaned over the cloud. ‘Do not worry, Shaun, we will make sure your journey back over the forbidden area will be a safe one.’ He and Thor raised their golden staffs as they turned and floated away with the sky closing and once again turning blue.

  And as Odin had promised, as they flew back the flames and plumes of molten lava died away in the path ahead of them, and they were soon clear of the area and heading for the land of the Dragons.

  They were given a rousing welcome as they flew over the mountain range and down into the valley with all the Dragons coming out of their caves to greet them. The leader was so keen to hear every detail of the prohibited area as they were the first and only Dragons to ever see inside: even their ancestors had been banned from entering. Shaun was eager to return to the Great Wizard’s cave, and after a sad farewell to his two Dragons he walked over to the portal. The leader told him the Dragons were now free to visit him and the others in Colgilor; even the Dwarfs had made their peace so they would certainly visit from time to time. Shaun smiled and waved before stepping through.

  He was surprised to find the cave deserted with no sign or sound of the army or any of his close friends. He hoped the Great Wizard would be in his private quarters, so he strode over to the arched stone bridge, but before he stepped on, the Great Wizard emerged from the tunnel at the other side. A huge grin spread across his face as he spotted Shaun, and he ambled over, his arms outstretched as he approached. After a warm embrace the Wizard led him back over to his quarters, and it was Shaun’s face that lit up when he saw the large table in the room covered with food.

  ‘Thought you might be hungry after your journey, so have your fill and then we will talk.’ He paused a moment before continuing. ‘I just hope there’s sufficient to feed your appetite,’ he said with a glimmer of a twinkle in his eye. Shaun didn’t even turn around: he was used to little quips like that, but he was enjoying himself too much to care.

  After his feast Shaun sank back in his chair with a huge, satisfied expression on his face. The Wizard was so pleased to see his little friend: he had grown really fond of this boy from another world. What he admired most was the fact that Shaun was so modest and unaffected by his heroic achievements. Through his selfless acts putting his own life at risk to save others, he had become the most loved and respected being in all of Colgilor. Shaun noticed the Wizard gazing at him, making him a little nervous. He wondered what was wrong: maybe he was waiting for Shaun to return his ring, so he slipped it off his finger and handed it to the Wizard. ‘Thank you so much for allowing me to wear this ring. It has not only saved my life, but also had a huge impact on the success of our battle. Without it, I think I and most of our army would have perished and the Dark Wizard would have prevailed. But I gladly return it to you. As you said when you gave it to me, it came with a huge responsibility and the need for self-control which I have tried to maintain.’

  ‘You have achieved that in abundance. I doubt if there is another being in this world or indeed any other world that would not have used the power for their own ends, but you have gained the respect of everyone in Colgilor, including the Gods Thor and Odin. How incredible it is that you had not only the ring, but also the magic hammer of Thor. That is ten times more powerful than the ring, yet you managed to control and use them without devastation. So that is why I want you to keep the ring so that you can use it for good in the future, no matter where you end up. All the leaders of the Kingdoms hoped you would stay here, but I understand you have a life back in your own world and, although we will all be terribly sad to see you go, our kind thoughts and good wishes go with you. I know you intend to visit each kingdom before you go. I hope the Gods continue to watch over you.’ The tears flooded down both their cheeks as they hugged each other before Shaun stepped through the portal to the Magic Kingdom.

  Again his face lit up as he was greeted by the Guardian, and it took Shaun’s breath away as, totally out of character, the Guardian wrapped his arms around him while fighting back his tears. ‘How proud Favoria would be to see his little friend, whom he had every faith in, lead the Great Wizard’s army to victory over the evil Dark Wizard, and even he would be astounded to find you are the only one ever to speak with the Gods. And not only that, they helped you in your mission: truly remarkable.’

  ‘And I have a surprise for you,’ he said as he led Shaun out of the cave to find Herne and alongside, Shaun’s faithful friend, Star. ‘We thought as you are about to visit all the Kingdoms it would be fitting for Star to carry you there and for Herne to accompany you.’

  Star trotted over and nuzzled into him. Shaun wrapped his arms around him, a tear running down his cheek. He was filled with joy at the thought of riding one last time on this magnificent, mystical horse which had carried him on so many memorable journeys across Colgilor. Herne joined them and gave Shaun one of his bear-like hugs before lifting him up onto Star’s back. They waved at the Guardian before taking off, heading for the first of the Kingdoms, the home of his friend Louis, the land of the Leprechauns. After a pleasant journey on a warm, sunny day with only the gentlest of breezes wafting over them, they approached the Kingdom and they hovered above the lush, grassy slopes of the green valley before gliding down and landing in the town square. Word quickly spread, with the townsfolk rushing out to greet them. Shaun glanced around, looking for his friend and a broad grin spread across his face as Louis and his father, the King, appeared.

  After a joyous reunion with the townsfolk adding to the celebration, Louis led Shaun and Herne to his quarters while the horses were taken to the stable to be fed and watered. Louis had heard so much about the battle with wild tales of Shaun’s exploits and he wanted to hear Shaun’s version. Louis looked on in awe as Shaun told his story. Louis had seen how courageous Shaun was when on their Quest, but this was so much more, and Shaun’s meeting with the Gods was hard to believe, but he knew Shaun would be telling the truth. Before Shaun could ask, the door opened and three Leprechauns entered carrying plates of food and drink. Louis glanced at Shaun and chuckled. ‘I thought you might be hungry after your journey, but if I remember rightly you’re always hungry,’ and the three of them threw back their heads and roared with laughter.

  They stayed the night talking and laughing with hardly any sleep, and in the morning they were joined by Louis’ father and they tried to persuade Shaun to stay with them in Colgilor, but Louis knew deep down he was wasting his time as he had tried before after returning from their Quest. So it was a tear-jerking departure with all the townsfolk lining the square as Shaun and Herne rode out of the valley waving, before taking off up over the hilltops and disappearing from sight.

  The morning sun pierced the thinning clouds as they flew over the rolling green landscape, and it was late afternoon before they reached the outskirts of the Elves’ Kingdom. Shaun’s face lit up as he spotted the Elves’ forest, and he guided Star down to land outside the wooded area he recognised from his previous vis
it. They had to dismount as the forest was so dense, and he sighed with relief as they reached the clearing. Although Shaun had seen it before, his breath was taken away by the beauty of the place. Even Herne stood shaking his head at the picturesque setting. The large lake was so still with the sun’s rays flooding down, dancing on the surface like a huge mirror, and at the far side of the lake was a rugged rock face soaring up from the forest floor and covered in thick vegetation. And from the top strands water trickled out of the vegetation, gathering force as it cascaded down, cutting into the rock face and forming a sparkling waterfall glinting in the sun, giving off a spellbinding sound which filled the whole area. And the air was filled with a beautiful aroma from the dazzling ‘coloured flowers’ and plants which were set in the lush green grass which encircled the lake. To add to the magic, the harmony of birdsong seemed to cast a mesmerising atmosphere – truly a heavenly place.

  They stood for a few moments taking in the beauty of the place before flying over the lake towards the waterfall. They both cried out with delight as they passed through the curtain of water to be greeted with the most stunning scenery. It was even more beautiful than Shaun remembered, with lush green hills rolling out over the landscape as far as the eye could see, with areas of brightly coloured flowers swaying in the warm breeze and a sparkling river meandering down through the hills, flowing into a beautiful, bright green lagoon with the sun’s rays shimmering across its surface. There were dozens and dozens of painted cottages spread across the hillsides, and perched on two of the highest hilltops were an old stone castle and a golden palace.

  They were so transfixed on their panoramic surroundings that they didn’t notice Ava, Ellena and Princess Elba running to greet them. It was Star who spotted them first: he left Shaun’s side and trotted over to them and nuzzled into Ava. Shaun’s face lit up as he turned to see Ava approaching, her arms outstretched and tears streaming down her face. They wrapped their arms around each other and Herne laughed out loud as he lifted them both up, spinning them around and around.

  After they had settled down, Shaun had a few words with Princess Elba and Ellena, introducing them to Herne before Princess Elba turned to Ava. ‘Come, we are just about to have a meal you can tell us all about your latest adventure while we eat.’ She glanced over to Ava. ‘Do you think our two guests will be hungry?’ she said with a little smirk on her face.

  Ava put her arms around Shaun and Herne. ‘I don’t know about Herne but Shaun is always hungry and, although Herne is ten times the size of him, I’d still take Shaun to clear more platefuls,’ she said as she playfully squeezed Shaun and they all burst into fits of laughter.

  They spent the whole afternoon eating and chatting. Ava entertained them with her flute and Princess Elba was astounded by Shaun’s revelations about meeting the Gods and the defeat of the Dark Wizard and his wicked followers, although her Elves that returned from the battle had told her she suspected they were exaggerating.

  Ava glanced over to Princess Elba. ‘Would you mind if I spend a little time with Shaun before he leaves? I have so much to say to him.’

  ‘Of course not. Take him around, show him your home and our beautiful countryside. Maybe you can convince him to stay.’ She turned to Shaun. ‘We would all love you to stay here. This could be your home, too.’ Shaun smiled and took a deep breath. ‘It is a nice thought, but I have the urge to return to my own world.’

  Ava grabbed his hand, dragged him up and led him away. She danced her way forward with Shaun trying to follow her lead, both laughing hysterically.

  ‘It’s a great shame,’ Princess said to Herne. ‘Ava is so happy living here with her sister Ellena, but there are times when she becomes so sad she misses him so much. I think deep down she feels lost without him. Can you not persuade him?’

  Herne shook his head. ‘I’m afraid not. He knows that everyone in Colgilor wants him to stay. He has won the hearts of us all, even the Gods, but his world seems to have a hold on him: so strong he doesn’t seem to be able to break away. But if anyone in Colgilor can convince him to stay, it would be Ava. He seems to have that same feeling of being incomplete without her as she is with him.’

  Ava and Shaun walked arm in arm up through the rolling hills in silence, taking in the sights, smells and sounds of their surroundings. Above them, fluffy, white clouds sailed across with shafts of golden sunlight filtering through, bathing them in a warm, comforting feeling of well-being. And the air was filled with a beautiful aroma and the magical sound of birdsong. Even the sound of the river on its journey down to the lagoon added to the splendour.

  Shaun came to a halt, his head turning from side to side as he took in gulps of air, and a huge, satisfied smile crossed his face. ‘You were right. The first time we entered this kingdom when you asked where in this world or any world could you find such a place, I had forgotten how serene and spellbinding this place was.’ Ava’s eyes lit up. ‘Then why don’t you stay? This is the most wonderful place and the Elves are a joy to be with. The only thing missing for me in this paradise is you. Together we would be so happy and content. Remember, if you return home you will be so much older. Here we have our whole young lives to enjoy. Please just say you will think about it.’

  Shaun took a deep breath. ‘Yes, all what you say is true and I, too, miss you so much. I know we could be happy here, but you are an Elf, so you have a natural attraction to this place and the Elves. But I still feel I belong with my own kind.’ He hesitated before taking her hand in his. ‘But I promise I will think long and hard before I leave. I still have a few Kingdoms to visit, and when I have done that I will return to give you my decision.’ But they both knew deep down what that decision would be. Ava wrapped her arms around him, tears streaming down her face. ‘That’s all I can ask for. So come, I will show you my home.’ She wiped away the tears and a little mischievous grin spread across her face. ‘My home, and of course, it could be yours.’ She broke away, dancing and laughing. Shaun shook his head before following.

  Sometime later they made their way back and Herne, Princess Elba and Ellena were waiting. They watched as the happy couple appeared hand in hand, swinging their arms and singing at the top of their voices. They enjoyed the rest of the day together, sitting outside enjoying a meal and chatting, Herne and Princess Elba kept glancing at each other. They knew what each other was thinking: that maybe Ava had convinced Shaun to stay.

  But the following morning Ava was again tearful as Shaun and Herne mounted up and waved as they approached the waterfall. Shaun glanced over his shoulder before they rode through. Ellena and Princess Elba hugged Ava, trying to comfort her. ‘Did you ask him to stay?’ Ellena said, brushing a tear from Ava’s face.

  ‘Yes, I tried. He said he would think about it, but I fear the attraction from his world might be too strong. But at least he intends to visit again before he leaves to tell me.’

  Shaun and Herne flew across the lake and landed on the grass verge. Shaun turned Star around and sat there several minutes in silence just staring over at the waterfall, entrance to the wonderful magical place, surely the jewel in the crown of Colgilor.

  He turned to Herne. ‘Come on, then, let’s continue on to the Faerie Kingdom.’ With the sun beating down and not a breath of wind, they rode over the hilly planes and green forests, glancing down at the raging rivers and thunderous waterfalls before reaching the deep gorge that marked the border between the Elves’ and the Faeries’ Kingdoms. They pushed on through the interconnecting tunnels and up the steep gully until they reached the ridge overlooking the Faeries’ Kingdom. They paused a while, looking out over the landscape with its maze of dome-shaped hills. Shaun led the way: he remembered riding along the well-trodden trail that weaved its way over and around the hills which led them to the foot of the granite-flecked hills. Continuing on until they reached a cleft in the granite, they dismounted before leading their horses through. It was so dark as they cautiously moved forward once their eyes had got accustomed to the darkness, along
a dirt track which led into an even darker tunnel which carved its way through rock, twisting and turning before reaching the open chasm, the home of the Faeries.

  As soon as they were spotted by the Faeries who were working in the cavern, the whole place burst into life as word spread like wildfire through the camp. Dozens and dozens of warriors and their families flooded out of the cave entrances around the perimeter walls. Ferreira and Fedra rushed over to greet their two friends, the whole cavern bursting into an explosion of appreciation, with all the families whooping and hollowing and the warriors swarming around their two heroes, lifting them up above their shoulders while joining in with the cheering.

  After it had all settled down, Ferreira escorted Shaun and Herne down to the elders’ lodge. Shaun tingled with excitement at memories of his first visit when he tried to convince Favoria, Chief Elder and last of the great warriors, to take them to find the legendary winged horse. They paused a moment outside the entrance, its two ornate stone pillars with a carved lintel across the top embossed with strange signs and emblems: truly an impressive sight. As they stepped inside, Shaun’s face lit up as Fabora strode over to greet them. He was the faithful companion of Favoria and accompanied them on their journey to find Star in the Magic Kingdom, where sadly Favoria passed away and was laid to rest in a peaceful valley with the rest of the great warriors. And now Fabora had taken over his role as Chief Elder.

  They shared a meal while discussing their epic journey to the Magic Kingdom and the time spent with his beloved Favoria. And when it was time for Shaun and Herne to leave, he accompanied them up through the camp, with the whole cavern once again breaking out into a show of appreciation.

  Fabora raised his hand and the cavern slowly subsided into total silence. He put his arm on Shaun’s shoulder. ‘I’m sure Favoria will be looking down on you: even though he had every faith in you, he would have been astounded by your achievements since you returned to Colgilor to help your friends, putting your own life at risk to free them from the clutches of the wicked witch. And then going on to win the trust and respect of the Great Wizard who, like Favoria, put his faith in you. The Great Wizard chose you above all the great warriors in our land to lead his army into battle against the powerful Dark Wizard and his evil companions. Again you justified that faith, but your greatest achievement must be gaining the respect and help of the Gods: this will truly be talked about forever in our land. Your great adventure will always be part of Colgilor folklore and must never be forgotten.’ He hugged Shaun then Herne before they mounted up as the cavern burst into an explosion of noise, and they waved their hands and made their way out of the cavern on their journey to the Goblins’ Kingdom.


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