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Book of Spinjitzu (LEGO Ninjago)

Page 5

by Ameet Studio

  Nadakhan, the powerful evil djinn I have spoken of, escaped captivity from the Teapot

  of Tyrahn. He kidnapped Nya, intending to marry her. He wanted to return the

  soul of his lost love, Delara, to Nya’s body. If he’d succeeded, it would have given

  Nadakhan unlimited wishes of his own and made him invincible.

  Nadakhan was not a foe that

  could be easily defeated with

  kicks and punches. He would

  cunningly trick his opponents

  by granting them wishes that

  turned against them. My ninja

  and I failed to seek the cleverest

  way to prevail within Spinjitzu.

  Thus, we fell into the djinn’s trap

  when we recklessly wished for

  things or abilities we couldn’t have.

  Fortunately, thanks to Jay’s last

  selfless wish, we were able to

  defeat Nadakhan at last.

  Were it not for Jay, we

  would have been trapped in

  the Djinn Blade forever!

  This clash with the djinn was a lesson learned

  the hard way. The art of Spinjitzu focuses on

  harnessing the present. Of course, dreaming is

  important, but wishful thinking gives you nothing

  in return. Therefore, we all should reflect upon

  these simple truths:

  1. A Master of Spinjitzu is not a person of

  words, but a person of action.

  2. Make your dreams come true through

  your actions.

  3. Think twice before you act, or you could get

  into trouble.




  I wrote earlier of not underestimating your enemies. The same

  can be said for your friends. Spinjitzu makes it very clear that

  everyone has a skill. Your friends can help you reach your goals.

  This Spinjitzu teaching was evident during the battle with Nadakhan.

  Jay felt that because he was the only ninja with a wish left, it was

  up to him alone to save the world of Ninjago. However, he had other

  allies who were more than willing to help him.

  The one-legged Captain Soto was experienced in fighting pirates;

  Skylor had the unique ability to absorb the power

  of others; Echo Zane was a rusty

  machine programmed

  to protect those

  who cannot protect

  themselves; Ronin

  was a thief, but he

  was resourceful

  and crafty . . .

  Never forget one of the most valuable

  Spinjitzu teachings: No ninja stands alone.

  . . . and the cranky

  Ninjago City Police

  Commissioner was

  committed to doing

  the right thing.


  Jay knew their obvious flaws and weaknesses, but he was also

  able to see the great potential in each of them. By standing

  together, they made a formidable team that helped Jay free

  the ninja from the Djinn Blade.



  Ninjago Island, the home of

  Spinjitzu, is a remarkable place

  full of many wonders. It is a vast

  land, with mountains and seas, forests, deserts,

  villages, cities, temples, and caves. Many are

  significant to its history and lore. I have traveled

  far and wide and discovered how beautiful

  my father’s creation really is. Some

  places are worth highlighting.


  The world of Ninjago originally

  consisted of one huge island.

  When the Overlord’s Stone

  Army threatened to overwhelm

  the world with Darkness, my

  father split the island in half,

  and Dark Island became the

  Overlord’s territory. The island

  sank to the seabed and remained

  underwater for years, only to

  resurface when Lord Garmadon

  reached it.

  Note to self: Must

  return overdue books!

  On quiet days, I sometimes sneak off to the

  city’s Mega Monster Amusement Park to ride

  the Spinning Teacups.


  This ancient library holds

  many books and documents

  of great importance to the

  world of Ninjago, such as

  Master Yang’s Scroll of



  Ninjago City is Ninjago Island’s largest metropolis, with everything

  a big city has to offer. Be sure to visit Mystake’s excellent tea

  shop and see the magnificent Titanium Statue in the park.


  This peaceful village near the

  Mountains of Impossible Height

  was a key location of conflict

  during the Serpentine Wars.

  When it’s not under attack,

  it’s a popular holiday spot.


  The Tomb of the Hypnobrai

  tribe is located in this

  frozen mountain range. And

  the annual Ninjaball runs

  through its peaks.





  The Day of the Departed always makes me reflect on the past and

  the people close to my heart who are no more. I often think of my

  father. I would give anything to be able to see and talk to him again.

  And when I look at my nephew, Lloyd, I understand he must feel the

  same about his father . . .

  I cannot say I have missed the evil spirits from

  Ninjago Island’s history that the ghost of Master Yang

  summoned to fight us. But today, I am particularly

  grateful for the knowledge and skills I have learned

  from my father.

  Kai and Nya relied on their knowledge of

  Spinjitzu when they faced Master

  Chen. They had learned how

  to take advantage of the

  enemy’s weakness, and

  they realized Master

  Chen’s weakness was


  Cryptor fought Zane in Birchwood Forest. The ninja tricked the evil spirit into

  destroying the mannequin he had possessed with his own Techno-Blade and, without

  a body to house him, Cryptor’s spirit fled.

  I have told my students

  many times that the

  power of Spinjitzu

  also comes from

  friendship. Obviously,

  Jay learned this lesson

  — he teamed up with

  Ronin to fight Samukai

  and his skeletons at Ed

  and Edna’s junkyard.

  Kozu and a squad of Stone Warriors

  attacked the ninjas’ friend Dareth, but

  he remembered the Helmet of Shadows.

  He used its powers to take command of

  the warriors and force them to destroy

  Kozu’s mannequin . . . and their own.

  Dareth fancies himself the “Brown Ninja.”

  But he is no ninja, and he will never be

  one, unless someone teaches him. (And it

  will not be me, that I can promise you!)

  Pythor teamed up with the spirits and nearly crushed Lloyd under

  the severed head of a
giant statue. But with Misako’s encouragement,

  Lloyd rallied the power of the Green Ninja to turn the tables.

  The spirit of Morro returned to

  face me. But rather than fight

  me, he helped us defeat the ghosts.


  it was his

  way of

  making up

  for the


  This year’s Day of the Departed has been special. I saw my

  students put my Spinjitzu teachings into practice. Once again,

  I realized how important my father’s legacy is. I wish he

  were here to see that the work of his life has been

  carried on. I wish my brother were here, too . . .

  But I do not despair because I remember my history.

  Garmadon has returned to me when I thought him gone

  forever. Perhaps he will do so again. And I still have Lloyd.

  I can see so much of his father and grandfather in him!





  “Ninja sharpens ninja,” my father always said. And my old man was right.

  Now I am an old man myself. But the curious thing is that no matter how

  old we get, we keep forgetting and learning this again. A Spinjitzu ninja

  needs strong friendships and alliances, people you can trust, because one

  day, you will need to stand united against a common threat.

  The original Elemental Masters were the First Spinjitzu Master’s

  guardians. Most of these men and women were not Spinjitzu ninja,

  but skilled fighters to whom my father granted special elemental

  powers. The Elemental Alliance was born.

  Generations later, my

  brother and I fought

  side by side with the

  Elemental Masters in

  the Serpentine Wars.

  After that, there was

  a time of peace. When

  the Hands of Time,

  Krux and Acronix,

  rebelled against us,

  the Elemental Alliance

  reunited to save the

  realm of Ninjago.

  My friends, Ray and Maya (Kai and Nya’s parents), used Chrono-Steel

  to forge special weapons — Time Blades that could absorb one’s elemental

  power. Only with those unique weapons were Garmadon and I able to

  defeat the evil Time Twins.

  There are four Time Blades:

  - Forward Blade

  - Reversal Blade

  - Slow-Mo Blade

  - Pause Blade

  When all four

  are put together,

  the Time Blades

  hold the power to

  time travel!




  Time can change villains into heroes, and heroes into villains.

  Our confrontation with Krux and Acronix proves this.

  Power can corrupt anyone, even the most warmhearted

  among us. Krux and Acronix had the strongest powers

  of all of the members of the Elemental Alliance. Over

  time, they started to believe that their immense power

  entitled them to rule the realm of Ninjago.

  End of the

  Serpentine Wars

  Krux and Acronix betray the Elemental

  Alliance and war breaks out.

  Luckily, Garmadon and I foiled the brothers’ plans. Knowing how dangerous the Time

  Blades could be — and that time was too great a power for anyone to control — we

  threw the weapons into a Time Vortex. We hoped they would be lost forever, but the

  Hands of Time leaped in after them and disappeared.

  Acronix has arrived from the past. For him, it was a quick journey into a distant

  future. Now, facing me, an old man, he wanted to finish what we had started. This

  encounter did not go as well as I might have hoped. . . .

  Spinjitzu teaches us that time is a river that flows only forward, but the Time Twins

  can speed ahead of the current, or travel back to a place already passed. Time travel

  is too dangerous. You change anything, you change everything . . .

  Ray and Maya forge the four

  Time Blades from Chrono-Steel

  Garmadon and I throw the

  Time Blades into a Time Vortex.

  Krux and Acronix leap into the Time

  Vortex to Reclaim the Time Blades

  We use the Time Blades to absorb

  the Hands of Time’s powers

  Note to self: Talk to Lloyd, it’s

  very important that he . . .



  The path to becoming a Spinjitzu Master is long and winding. The

  greatest challenge is to control oneself. A ninja must learn the art of

  concentration and move toward attaining inner balance.

  Over time, I have come to

  recognize my students’

  greatest distractions.

  However, the aim is not to

  make them abandon these

  distractions, but rather

  to teach them to recognize

  situations in which the

  distractions shatter their

  inner peace.

  Kai’s primary distraction is anger.

  When he becomes upset, he loses his

  ability to help the team. He must

  stay focused on team goals.

  Zane is a

  Nindroid, and

  people may

  not always

  understand his

  behavior. He

  focuses a lot on

  his sense of

  humor, so

  jokes sometimes

  make him lose his concentration.

  Jay is often

  distracted by Nya,

  comics, and shiny

  things. Giving him

  duties crucial to

  our missions keeps

  him on track.

  Nya is always

  distracted by Jay.

  To keep her

  focused, I remind

  her of her

  parents’ focus

  on protecting my

  map to the Golden


  Mistakes distract Cole.

  If he fails, the events

  play over and over in

  his mind, and he doesn’t

  pay attention to what he’s

  doing. And unless a

  ninja has a Time

  Blade, the past

  cannot be changed — the

  present is what matters.

  Lloyd’s major

  distraction was his

  relationship with

  his father. He and

  Garmadon made peace

  before Garmadon

  sacrificed himself to

  save the world of


  As my journey toward

  mastery of



  I strive to

  eliminate all

  distraction from

  my life. Well . . .

  a good pot of tea

  can still turn my head on occasion.




  If I have learned one thing in my years of studying Spinjitzu, it is

  that a ninja never comes to a point where he can say he has learned

  all that there is to know. True masters should always continue their

even when they are nearing the end of their days.

  The Book of Spinjitzu is my legacy, which I will eventually

  pass on to my successors and which they will one

  day pass on to theirs — because the world of

  Ninjago will always need protectors. My father’s

  teachings — and now mine — must live on.

  If you are reading these words, it means that I am gone —

  or that somehow this book has been lost.

  Life is a great adventure. I have devoted mine to studying

  the secrets of Spinjitzu, and I discovered that they can

  be of value not only to ninja, but to all. The essence of

  Spinjitzu lies in the ability to know and accept oneself,

  because self-worth and inner balance are what helps each

  of us weather adversity and gain confidence.


  May your path be a long, healthy, and happy one. If my

  teachings and reflections come in handy on your life’s

  journey, please do remember me sometimes — perhaps

  over a nice cup of tea . . .




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