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Don't Look Back

Page 25

by Wendy Vella

  “Now, Ethan, we have to go.”

  “She's safe, Brad.”

  “I need to get to her. I’ll get my stuff, then we're gone.” Brad ran around the table and hugged his mother hard. “I need to go, this concerns her, the woman I love.”

  She touched his cheek, surprising him when she followed it with a kiss. “Go then, and I'd like to meet her one day.”

  He nodded, then reached his uncle's side.

  “I'll take care of this,” Uncle Mitch said, looking at his brother, who was still slumped in his chair. “You call when you have time, and we'll talk about what we've decided.”

  Hugging his uncle, Brad sprinted from the room, telling Ethan he'd meet him out front in ten minutes. He was back in nine. They were in the helicopter Ethan had hired seconds later.

  “I’m flying; you look like shit.”

  “Just a simple thanks would do.”

  “Thanks, Ethan.”

  “I missed you.”

  “Me too,” Brad said as he took the helicopter up.

  The next few hours were the worst of Brad's life, for no other reason than he felt like something was about to happen, and he wouldn’t be there to stop it.

  “Something's happening back there, Ethan, I can feel it.”

  “Nothing's happening. They're watching over her. Now relax, because you're making me nervous.”

  “How am I supposed to relax?” Brad’s body was twitching.

  “Cubby told me before I left Howling, that he’d heard it was definitely Brian’s sister who was helping him terrorize Macy. Apparently, the cops interviewed her and she broke down and confessed.”

  That just made Brad angrier. Why would anyone want to hurt someone as sweet as Macy? It didn’t make sense.

  “She may have confessed, but I bet she’s the one helping him now he’s escaped.”

  “True, but they’ll be watching her if he tries to make contact.”

  Brad called when Uncle Mitch's jet was in the air, and spoke with Cubby, who told him they were trying to locate Brian, but there had been no sightings of him in the area at this stage.

  “No sightings is good, right?”

  “In my book,” Ethan agreed. He was lying down across from Brad, long legs crossed at the ankles, eyes closed.

  Macy wasn't picking up, so he rang Annabelle next.

  “I need to speak to Macy, Annabelle, is she there with you?”

  “She is but making a big fuss out of the fact that we're watching over her.”

  “Put her on,” Brad said.

  “Hello?” She sounded normal, sounded like the woman he'd left in Howling, and he felt the spring that was coiled tight in his chest release. Macy was safe, and would stay that way until he got there.

  “Macy, honey, it's Brad.”

  “I know, Annabelle told me.”

  “Okay, good.” His palms felt sweaty all of a sudden. “You need to stay with people until I get there, baby. I don't want you and Billy alone until Brian is found.”

  “You don’t need to come back here, Brad. I can take care of myself.”

  Her voice wasn’t exactly welcoming, and he couldn’t blame her for that.

  “It's the way it's going to be, so get used to it.”

  “You don’t get to tell me—”

  “Just shut up and listen, okay? I need to tell you something.”

  She huffed out a breath but didn't speak again.

  “First off I need to clear up a few things, and while the phone's not the ideal way to do it, I need to say this now.”


  “Will you just listen, please.”

  She huffed out another breath.

  “And they say romance is dead,” his brother drawled.

  “Any chance you could go away or at least stick your fingers in your ears?” Brad glared at his brother, but Ethan simply smiled back.

  “Not a chance.”

  “Why do you want me to stick my fingers in my ears, Brad?”

  “Not you, honey. I'm talking to Ethan, who's trying to piss me off.”

  “Oh now, that's not fair. Didn't I just come charging to your rescue?”

  “It took you two weeks?”

  “I got a stomach flu, it nearly took me out.”

  Brad rolled his eyes, then got to his feet and made his way down the jet where he could have some privacy.

  “I love you,” he said so fast, the words seemed to blend together. “I really do, honey, and I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, but I need you to believe me, okay?”

  “You love me?”

  He heard a whoop in the background and guessed it came from Annabelle.

  “Annabelle's smiling.”

  “Are you?” Brad's fingers clenched around the cell phone.

  “Yes. I'm smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. I love you too. And I need to tell you something.”


  “I booked a flight to Texas, Brad. I was coming to bring you home.”

  “Really?” Brad wanted to smile, but he wouldn’t. Not until he was holding her and knew she was safe.


  “And there’s my strong girl. I'm coming home, baby, I'll be with you soon, but you have to make me a promise to stay with people until I reach you.”

  “Okay, I promise.”

  “Hug Billy for me, and tell him I'll be there soon.”

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too,” Brad said, wanting to say the words to her face.

  “You're not smiling, so my guess is the call didn't go as planned.”

  “No.” Brad handed Ethan his phone back. “It went as planned, but something's off. I can't explain it, but I just need to get to Howling.”

  Ethan's cell phone rang as they landed in Brook. It was Cubby. There had been a sighting of Brian two days ago, and the distance to Howling was a three-day drive, unless you were travelling at speed and not stopping, and then maybe you could make it in two.

  “Jesus, Ethan.”

  “I know, Brad, but we have to keep our heads now and outsmart this animal, because you and I both know he's coming for her. He won't get her, we'll make sure of that, and when we find him, we get rid of him.”



  Texans could be mean when needed; they could also be dangerous when someone they loved was threatened.

  It was dark now, but they flew anyway, and the tension inside Brad clawed at his throat as they reached Howling. Jake had flares lit, plus the helicopter lights, and Ethan landed with ease. It was a grim-faced Jake McBride who opened Brad's door.

  “No more news, but everyone is on alert.”

  “Where's Macy?”

  “With Newman and Annabelle, at Ethan's. Billy's sleeping, thankfully. Buster and Willow will take over from them soon, and then me in the morning. DJ is staying with Branna and Rose until I get back.”

  “I'll stay with her now,” Brad said as they climbed into his pickup.

  “Sure, but you'll get tired, so you need help, and you'll take it,” Jake said, stabbing his foot down on the gas so they reached Ethan's driveway in a matter of seconds.

  Brad got out of the car as soon as it stopped and took the stairs at a sprint. He found Annabelle and Newman on the deck, but no sign of Macy.

  “Where is she?”

  “Just taking a call in the kitchen,” Annabelle said, getting to her feet. “I thought it was from you, because she just headed inside for some privacy.”

  He didn't stop, just ran into the kitchen. It was empty. He then checked every room downstairs before he headed up. He knew she'd be up there, knew she would be checking on Billy, but still, his heart thudded so hard in his chest it hurt.

  Opening the door to the main bedroom, he looked in and saw the boy sleeping, but no sign of his mother. Moving deeper into the room, he checked the en suite and wardrobes, but couldn't see her. Billy slept on as he left, shutting the door softly behind him.

  Running down, he reac
hed the deck seconds later.

  “She's not here.”

  All eyes turned.

  “Of course she's here, she just walked into the house minutes ago.” Newman got to his feet and hurried inside.

  “She's not here, so where the hell is she?” Brad's muscles clenched as he tried to think, tried to stay calm.

  Ethan called Cubby as Jake took the stairs with Brad on his heels. He went left, McBride right, and they met at the rear of the property.

  “Someone's been this way, and recently,” Jake said, looking at the ground. He had his torch on and was studying the dirt. “These are fresh and small enough to be Macy's.”

  They both heard the shrill whistle and ran back around the front.

  “She just called Cubby.” Newman met them at the base of the stairs. “Brian contacted her and said he was outside your house, Jake, and threatened Branna and Rose if she didn’t reach him in fifteen minutes. She called as she reached the end of the trail.”

  Brad went cold all over.

  “Cubby told her to stop, but she said she had to do this and couldn’t let Branna take another bullet for her.”

  “He's a dead man,” Jake said.

  “Amen,” Brad agreed. “I'm killing him.”


  Macy threw her phone into the bushes after disconnecting the call to Cubby. He would come here now, and hopefully Branna and Rose would be safe, and Brian hadn’t hurt them. She wanted to believe he wouldn’t, and that it was her he wanted, but Macy knew what he was capable of, and that he wasn’t a sane man.

  Brian had called her and said he was outside the McBride house, and this time he was going to finish what he started unless she did exactly as he told her to.

  He'd given her fifteen minutes to reach the McBride house before he went inside and started shooting. Macy had made it in ten.

  She battled down the nausea as she thought about sweet little Rose McBride. Her sides ached from running, the breath rasping in and out of her mouth.

  “Run fast, wife. I don't want you driving, or alerting anyone, because if you do, then I start shooting, and when I'm done I'm coming for your son.”

  His words had stayed with her as she sprinted down the trail in the moonlight. Her sandals slipped and slid, but Macy didn't stop. She’d had to do this for Branna and Jake. They'd saved her, now she had to save them.

  Stepping off the trail, she made her way to the rear of their property and didn’t see the man until he was on her. Brian’s fingers fisted in her hair and pulled hard. The vicious tug forced her backward, and she stumbled and fell to the ground.

  “Exactly where I want you, but not here. Get up, bitch, and don't make a sound.”

  “N-not until you promise me they're safe.” Macy bit back a cry as he pulled her hair hard.

  “You don't get to ask me anything. Now get to your feet.”

  Doing as he asked, she walked as he prodded her in the back with his gun. Macy prayed Branna and Rose were all right, and hoped that one day she would see her dear friend again.

  “Be quiet, your breathing's too loud.”

  “I can't, I-I ran here.”

  “That's right, you always were a lazy slob.”

  “Asshole,” Macy whispered, which earned her another hard tug of her hair.

  “Do you think you're strong now, wife? That you can challenge me.”

  Macy remembered Brad's words. You're tough, you just need to believe that.

  “I am strong.”

  “No, you're weak, and I'll show you that soon. Now shut up and walk. We're heading for the lake, but we're going off the trails in case we're seen by one of your friends, then we're taking a boat trip.”

  They walked, and Macy used the time to think. If she could disarm him and run, she could get help. But then he'd be free and could go after the McBrides or Billy. No, she had to get to the boat and away from Howling.

  She was strangely calm now. Her friends would be safe when they left Howling, and she'd find a way to get away from Brian. She had to; her son needed her, and Brad. She wanted a life with Brad, and she deserved one.

  “Faster,” Brian’s whisper was harsh on the still night air. “They'll be looking for you by now.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because Hawker will know I've escaped, and he'll have set someone to watch you. They'll be sending out people to search.”

  “Nothing can come of this, Brian. There is no good ending for you.”

  “You ruined my life, so I'm ruining yours, and then I'm finding a nice quiet place to hide.”

  The air was warm and still; no wind ruffled the leaves as they moved deeper into the trail she had just run down. She heard a car speeding down the road, then loud voices.


  Brian urged her back into a run, and then he forced her into the trees. It was harder going, and dark. Macy made herself stumble several times, and each time he hauled her back to her feet.


  She did as he said and listened.

  “The road is just through there; we need to cross then head down to the boathouse.”

  The mention of her dad's favorite place made her want to cry, but that wouldn’t help her; only her strength could save her now.

  He pushed her out of the trees and across the road and then they were running again.

  “God, I-I need to s-stop, Brian,” Macy wheezed.


  He pushed her forward. Moonlight lit the water as they neared their destination, and she could see a small boat moored beside the bank.

  “You don't even know how to drive a boat.”

  “I know. I just never wanted to have a boat here in Howling. But now it’s come in handy and I can have my revenge. It’s what kept me going in prison, wife. Planning how I was going to make you pay.”

  “Revenge.” Macy tried to scoff as he pulled her hands behind her back. Tried to swallow the fear as he tied her wrists together. The old feelings began to creep back into her head. Fear, pain, and hopelessness. “It's me who should seek revenge, you bastard. It was me you beat, me you forced to miscarry.”

  “You're nothing without me. People accepted you because of me!”

  She turned and looked at him for the first time. Gone was the immaculate man she'd married. The face that had fooled everyone into trusting him was now a twisted snarl.

  “I bet prison orange played hell with your coloring.” Macy wasn't sure where she found the courage to speak to him that way, but she did, because he needed to know she wouldn't be cowed. Wouldn't be the victim he'd once made her.

  “Bitch!” He slapped her hard. Macy stumbled but didn't fall. Her cheek stung, but she didn't lower her head, instead looking him in the eye.

  “I’m tempted just to throw you overboard. It’s deep enough here, that you’ll never survive. Imagine how sad your friends will be when they find your body in the morning.”

  “You're a weak, p-pathetic man, Brian Delray. I don't know why I was scared of you.”

  He grabbed her hands and pushed her toward the boat, forcing her down into it.

  You're strong now, Macy.

  She heard Brad's voice inside her head and forced her fears back as Brian climbed down beside her.

  “Everyone knows what you did, Brian, and what a gutless coward you truly are.”

  “Shut up!”

  “You’re worthless, and even your sister gave you up to the authorities.”

  His face contorted with rage, and Macy braced herself for what was to come.

  “I'm going to kill you!”

  Brian's roar was loud, and the hands that grabbed her rough. She kicked out as he tried to push her backward, and connected with something, because he grunted.

  She had to fight until help arrived. Fight and stay alive.

  Brad had seen a lot and experienced just as much, but this, the needles of fear coursing through his body, this was another league. They'd arrived at the McBride house to find Brann
a, Rose, and DJ O'Donnell safe and unhurt, but there was no sign of Delray or Macy.

  “Cubby sent his deputies and the Findlay brothers onto the trails to look for signs of Delray and Macy,” Buster said. He'd arrived with Annabelle.

  “I told you to stay at home.”

  “Why? Because I'm a woman I can't help?”

  Brad ignored his brother and sister-in-law as they argued, while his mind formed and discarded ideas.

  “Nobody has seen a car come in or out today with anyone inside it resembling Delray. Even taking into account a disguise,” Newman said.

  They were inside the McBride house looking over a map of the area.

  “Every car has been stopped and searched and none held him. So how did he get in?”

  “Not by air,” Jake said. “We'd have heard. Even if he'd hiked over the ridge, someone would have heard. Plenty of people are walking those trails this time of year.”

  “By boat,” Brad said. “No other way.”

  “Not Delray. He was a land lover, never touched the water.”

  “Anyone can learn, and if he thought everyone believed like you that he hated water, Jake, then it's the perfect cover.”

  Everyone silently processed what Brad had suggested.

  “You could bring a boat in down where Macy's dad's houseboat was and no one would know,” Annabelle said. “He could have stashed his car somewhere else. Somewhere no one is looking for him. We need to go and look.”

  “We don't do anything.” Ethan held her arm.

  “Macy's my friend, so I'm coming.”

  “Newman, you and Buster check the lake edge back into town for anything, and we'll start with where Annabelle suggested,” Jake said.

  “Let’s go.” Brad was done doing nothing. He wanted to move, needed to find his girl, and then he’d kill Delray.

  They ran out the door, armed with weapons and torches. DJ O'Donnell was to call Cubby with the information they’d come up with and stay with Branna and Rose. Willow had moved Billy to Jake’s parents’ house, where she’d stay until they found Macy.

  They ran fast, the only sound the thud of feet in the still night air. Brad and Ethan took the lead, eyes scanning the road and lake as they moved. Jake ran with Annabelle.


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