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Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5)

Page 15

by Violet Vaughn

  Neal’s gaze locks with mine, and I smile slowly. He asks, “What are you thinking?”

  That I’m lucky to have you in my life. I sip my champagne slowly, and after I swallow, I say, ”That fate is smiling down on me.”

  Chapter 30

  I got a sweet text from my mom wishing me luck this morning, and when I arrived at Ruby Raines there was a chocolate croissant and hot tea waiting for me, along with Neal, which was even sweeter. He had to work at other things and took off quickly but said he would stop by later.

  A bottle of champagne and orange juice for mimosas and sparkling juice are sitting in a small container of ice in case any shoppers want a drink to celebrate my opening. I set the flowers on a pedestal next to it so others can enjoy them. Soft music is playing, and I do one last round of adjustments before Mandy arrives.

  I unlock the door to her knock. She’s a perky brunette with big brown eyes. “This is so exciting.”

  “I know. I’m a little nervous.”

  “Don’t be, people are going to love your clothes.” She leans down to sniff my flowers. “These are fabulous.”

  “Thanks. Neal gave them to me.” I peek out the window to check out sidewalk traffic. Another gorgeous blue-sky day, it won’t be very busy since everyone is on the slopes. “I just hope we get some customers.”

  “Is there anything I can do before we open?”

  “No, I’ve been ready since yesterday. Although you can keep me distracted.”

  Mandy grins. “What do you want to hear? Boyfriend drama, gossip? Or I can show you funny Vines on my phone.”

  “Let’s do funny.” We watch ridiculous videos and laugh until it’s time to open.

  When I unlock the door I step outside to the sidewalk to glance at my window display. Amazingly, it looks just the same as it did yesterday and the day before that. I chuckle at myself for needing to check.

  “Ruby!” I turn to my mother’s voice. She’s walking toward me with two other women.

  “Mom!” I open my arms to her. “What are you doing here?”

  She embraces me, and the faint vanilla spice of her perfume wraps around me like her love. “I came to see my baby girl’s new store.” She steps back and says, “Ruby, these are my friends, Lydia and Audrey.”

  I smile at two women who are well-dressed and surely here at my mother’s command to buy something. “Did you all drive here from Vail?”

  The one named Lydia has dark hair slicked back and delicate pearl earrings. “We sure did. Road trip!” She giggles, and I can’t help but chuckle with her. I imagine these three had a lot of fun.

  Audrey gasps, and I notice she’s looking at my window. “Goodness, that green outfit is so me.”

  My mother says, “See? C’mon, let’s go spend some money.” She grabs my hand and drags me into my own store.

  Lydia squeals. “Champagne!”

  Mandy is right there for her and asks, “Mimosa?”

  “Yes, please, and make that three. We’re going to be here a while.”

  I say, “In that case, let me take your coats. Mandy, this is my mom, Rachael, and her two friends, Lydia and Audrey.”

  When the drinks are in hand, the women begin browsing, and I place their coats and purses on the small sofa by the mirror. It doesn’t take long before their arms get full, and Mandy and I take the clothes from them for the dressing rooms. I only have two, so I set my mother’s things on the overstuffed chair that matches the couch.

  The giggling going on is fun to hear, and I love that they are all doing my job for me as they pull things and hand it to the person they think will wear it best.

  Lydia says, “Okay, I’m ready to start trying things on.”

  Audrey tucks a section of her light brown bob behind her ear, and she says, “Me, too. Rachael, go sit on the couch and we’ll give you a fashion show while you wait your turn.”

  I glance at Mandy from across the room, and she nods. I know it means the moment one comes out she will grab accessories to go with the outfit and dress the woman even more. A trick I learned from Nika, it’s a sure way to increase your sales and the likelihood they’ll buy the clothing. It’s the finishing touches that make getting dressed easy.

  Glasses thud on the small coffee table as my mom grabs my hand and pulls me down on the sofa with her. The fluffy cushions cuddle my thighs. She asks, “Who gave you the flowers?”


  “Uh-huh.” She knows Trevor and I broke up, and while she didn’t say anything, I think she’s pleased. “And is Neal still just a partner?”

  “Yes.” My mother has always been my closest friend, and I confide in her. I whisper, “I’m hoping to make it more.”

  “Well, then, I must meet him.” She sits up and turns her head to scan the store. “Where is he?”

  I grin. “He’s doing what Neal does, running a hundred different businesses.”

  “Oh, good, a hard worker. That’s the best kind, as long as he doesn’t forget about you.” She places a hand on my leg and gives it a tweak, making me flinch because it tickles. “But judging by the flowers, I don’t think that’s a problem.”

  I recall the breakfast he brought me this morning and all the little things he does for me now. I glance toward the Wine and Cheese Shop, and I realize Neal’s become more than my business partner. Have I fallen in love with him? “He’s very thoughtful.”

  Audrey comes out in the green dress like she saw in the window. “I’m calling it ‘mine.’”

  When she turns to gaze in the full-length mirror, Mandy holds out a belt that matches. “Here, try it with this to see how it will look when you wear it later.”

  Between Mandy and me, we keep up with accessorizing the ladies as they decide what to buy. Two hours later, the three women are ready to go with heavy bags and empty wallets.

  I hug my mother. “Thank you, Mom. I love that you and your friends were my first customers.”

  Lydia says, “I can’t wait until you open up in Vail. I’m pretty sure I’ll be in once a month.”

  “Thank you so much, ladies. I really appreciate it, and I hope you love your new clothes.”

  Audrey rubs my arm. “We will, and darn if you aren’t just the younger version of Rachael. You’ll have to road trip with us some time, because you’d fit right in.”

  Her words make me chuckle as I walk them to the door. “I’d love that.”

  As they open the door, I hear Lydia say, “Do you think she’d like a Bon Jovi concert?”

  I roll my eyes even though they can’t see.

  When the store becomes quiet again Mandy lets out a whoop. “They spent so much money! That was awesome.”

  “I know, my mom is pretty great.” I walk to a dressing room to retrieve discarded clothes. Plastic hangers clatter as I walk out with an armful of things. “Are you hungry for lunch? If you want to go get something I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” As she grabs her purse, she asks, “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, I brought food from home. Thanks, though.”

  Hangers screech as I slide clothes over to make room. Movement in Rhinestone Cowgirl catches my attention, and I glance up to Neal approaching. I imagine the body underneath his usual tailored slacks and dress shirt. A smile covers his face, and my pulse quickens knowing it’s for me. Oh, boy. I’m definitely into him.

  I smile as he asks, “How was your morning?”

  “Fantastic. My mom stopped by with two of her friends. They bought a lot of clothes.”

  “Wonderful, I wish I could have met her.”

  “Funny, she said the same thing. Maybe I should get her to come and have dinner at Stone Soup one night.”

  He moves toward the champagne. “Let me know when, and I’ll have dinner with you.” Dirty glasses are in a plastic bin next to the ice bucket. “I see they had mimosas, too.”

  “They did. My mom’s friends are a lot of fun.”

  Neal walks over to me as I finish putting the last skirt away
. “Who’s working with you today?”

  “Mandy.” I step toward him, suddenly wanting to be as close as possible.

  “Can we have lunch?” I fantasize Neal wants the same when he steps close enough to touch.

  I tilt my head up a bit to keep his eyes and plump lower lip in sight. “Sure, either here or I can step out with you when she gets back.”

  Neal twists a lock of my hair around his finger, and it’s as if he’s blown on the embers of my desire because lust burns low in my belly. “How about I get us some salads and meet you in my office? I have some quick questions for you.” He drops my hair abruptly and moves away. “About the Vail store.”

  I’m probably reading way more into his actions than I should, based on my current state, but I think he’s turned on right now too. I’m tempted to glance at his crotch but figure there’s no way I can without him noticing. “Okay.” My voice is weak, and I turn away to go empty out the second dressing room.

  Once inside, I glance in the mirror to find my face is flushed and my lips are dark red. It’s as if now that Trevor is out of the picture my body is running full speed ahead with wanting Neal.

  I take a deep breath to pull myself together while I rearrange the clothes so that they hang right on the hangers. Neal was attracted to me enough to kiss me before Trevor came back into my life. Yesterday he asked about my past sexual experience and then told me he wouldn’t date just for sex.

  Maybe I’m crazed by my attraction, but I think I have a chance with Neal Morgan. Now, what should I do about it?

  Chapter 31

  My cowboy boots clunk down the steps of the lobby to Neal’s office. People are milling around and buffer the echo. Even the sound of my knuckles rapping on his door are softer than usual, and I wonder whether I’m in a daze or just blind with my mission.

  I’m going to kiss Neal and set the wheels in motion. He opens the door, and I notice his sleeves have been rolled up higher than usual. As soon as I enter I understand why. I was right to think the pipes in the ceiling heat up the small space, because it’s warm.

  The lock of his door clicks ominously behind me, and I flinch. He says, “I’ve learned people are curious and like to open things.”

  I want to grin at my evil thoughts about why I would like the door locked but nod and sit in the chair that I’ve begun to think of as mine, beside his desk. Our salads are on plates, and the usual piles of papers have been moved out of the way. “Looks good.” Chicken, lightly coated with sesame seeds, is sliced into strips and sits on a bed of leafy greens with mandarin orange slices. Neal seems to be on a mission, like Christian, to get me to eat greens. Not going to happen, but I’ll sure eat what’s on top. My mouth salivates as I anticipate the savory meat and sweet fruit.

  Silverware rattles as I unroll it from the napkin. “So talk to me about Vail.”

  “I have a tenant that wants out of his lease.”

  My eyebrows lift as I chew on chicken.

  He raises a hand. “I know, I know. You just finished making enough clothes for here. But…” He shrugs, and an impish grin flashes. “Maybe you could find a way to fill something in January?”

  I swallow. “Well, considering we managed to fill here in a month, I might be able to swing it. Only, I don’t want to be as crazy as last time. Multiple eighteen-hour days aren’t good for my emotional health.”

  “Nope, you need to hire more help. Starting with a manager so you don’t have to cover many floor shifts.” He lifts a bite of salad to his mouth. I watch and my desire twinges, imagining how his lips would taste.

  “I need to find more people to sew. Garret is competing, and Elaina is a patroller, so she’s part-time. And I only get Lisa part-time because she works for you.” Taking a sip of my water, I imagine the things I would have to do to get a store ready and there’s no way I could sew full time.

  Neal waves his fork at me. “You can have Lisa. And with Elaina and the sewing I know you won’t be able to keep from doing, you only need one more.”

  “That would work. If we can find one.” I put an orange in my mouth, and sweet juice explodes on my tongue.

  “I can put out my feelers, and I’ll bet we’ll get someone.”

  “How big is the space?”

  “Not much bigger than you have now and guess what?” His smile shows off a stunning set of white teeth that gleam under the fluorescent light.


  “The space is next to Rhinestone Cowgirl.”

  I cover my mouth full of food and talk around it. “No way!”

  “Have any interest in knocking down a wall with me?”

  “Of course. Does Nika know yet?”

  “No.” His silverware clatters as he sets it down on his plate. “You’re my partner. You hear everything first.”

  I’ve gotten progressively warmer and set my fork down to take off my blouse. The tank top underneath is embellished, and I’m comfortable wearing it on its own. “Right. Sometimes I forget that Nika isn’t my boss any longer.”

  Neal’s gaze drops to my chest, and he licks his lips. It could be from the food we’re eating, but when he glances up at my face, his eyes are a deeper blue than usual, and I imagine his desire might be smoldering too.

  I say, “It’s warm in here.”

  Any doubt I had about his feelings are fading when his voice drops to a tone that reverberates through me. “Yeah, it gets that way in the winter.”

  I pick up one of the orange slices with my fingers and bite it in half. “You should have gotten my salad. These are really good.” I hold the other half out to him.

  He grips my wrist lightly and wraps his mouth around my fingers and the orange. I pull away as he sucks on my fingers, and my eyelids lower a bit. Oh, yeah. He’s into me.

  I whisper, “Neal.” And reach out with both hands to hold his face. When I kiss him I taste the sweet citrus on his lips.

  A low sound comes from him, and I dart my tongue into his mouth. He responds with more force, and our kiss becomes hungrier. Neal’s fingers thread through my hair, and I lower my hands to his chest.

  A button is slippery in my fingers as I open his shirt to place my hand inside and against his warm skin. His heart is pounding and matches the pulse of desire that’s building in my core.

  I want more and move to straddle his lap. I break away so I can lift my skirt, and he takes a shaky breath. He groans when I lower my panty-clad sex onto his crotch. Pulling the actual hair stick out of my hair, he grins. “For once you were prepared.”

  I shake my head. “There was no preparing me for this.” I kiss him again and don’t hold anything back. I move from his mouth to taste his skin and the salty flavor of his neck. Rotating my hips, I grind into his hardened length.

  I’m soaking through the thin nylon of my underwear and wonder if he can feel it. His warm hands slide up the outer edges of my thighs to grip my hips under the skirt. I move my mouth up to his ear and lick the lobe. When he shudders, I pant lightly into it, and he twitches under me.

  “God, I’ve wanted you for so long.” Neal kisses my bare shoulder, and I lean my head back to direct him to my neck. He moves quickly down my chest and removes his hands from my hips to pull my tank top and bra cup down to reveal a breast.

  “So pink and lovely.” His tongue flicks over my nipple, and I gasp at the electric shock that runs through me. As he laves me, I move my hands to the waistband of his pants and begin to work at the belt.

  He stops and grabs my wrist. “No. Not here. People will hear us, and I need more than a quickie with you in my office.”

  I’m quivering with desire, but the idea of my cries of passion being heard by families with children horrifies me too. “Okay, but where?”

  “My apartment, or yours. But not now. We both have to get to work, and the first time I’m with you, I don’t want to rush a thing.”

  He wants it to be right for me? Tears threaten to form at how sweet he is. “You’re a romantic.”

  He shrugs
. “Maybe I am. But you deserve to be treated with respect and caring.” He lifts my tank top up to a discrete place. His fingers twist a strand of my hair. “Got plans later?”

  I smile as I climb off his lap. “At nine-oh-one I’m all yours.”

  He’s buttoning his shirt when he nods toward the greens left on my plate. “Then you should probably eat the rest of your salad. You’ll need the energy.”

  I lift my water glass and wiggle my eyebrows. “You, too.” I take a sip and lick my lips slowly.

  He sighs. “It’s going to be a long eight hours.”

  “Tell me about it.” I bite into the last orange and decide the flavor will forever be associated with Neal’s kiss.

  When we finish lunch, Neal walks me back to Ruby Raines. When we get to the door he takes me by the shoulders. “Can I kiss you?”

  “Are we officially a thing?”

  He nods and lowers his mouth to mine. The searing kiss he gives me leaves my knees weak and my heart pounding. I float into my store and fall under Mandy’s questioning gaze.


  “You were kissing Neal! Oh, my God. Oh. My. God.”


  “That man has been untouchable for almost a year. I’m so glad he fell for you.”

  I frown in confusion. Why would everyone know? “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the fact that Neal Morgan is on everyone’s wish list, and he swore off women. The rumor is he’s waiting for the right one.” I remember how he told me he was done dating for sex. “He must think you’re the one.”

  The one. I touch my lips as I think about our kiss in his office. I smile, because if this is it what it feels like to find the one, I’m in.

  Chapter 32

  Five minutes before closing Neal saunters into Ruby Raines. Mandy sings out. “Hi, Neal.”

  I’ve already gathered my things and am ready to walk out the door as soon as I close the shop. Neal moves toward the counter I’m behind and places his hands on it to lean close. I place mine on top of his, and the warmth seeps into me.


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