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An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1)

Page 6

by S. R. Rashad

  “Everything fine Ms. Danger? You wanna cool off? You need for me to stop at a tavern, maybe?”

  “No Gary, everything is not fine. And no taverns, Gary.” Then she looks at her watch, then at Gary with concern, “And Gary, it’s 10 o’clock in the morning, for pete’s sake. Who’s going to a tavern?”

  “Sorry for that, I just thought…um...never mind. Where to then, Ms Danger?”

  “To the office, Gary.”

  “Ok, Ms Danger. The office it is.”

  What is this DA doing I wonder? What are the missing pieces here? Why did the judge agree to this transfer? And why in bloody hell, did it have to happen in the dead of night, weird stuff going on here.

  Ok, Laura, Gary just called you out, on your anger …get centered. Pull it together, girl. You can't see Jim or anyone at the firm carrying on like this. Otherwise, they’ll see you as a hysterical woman, not a confident attorney. This was unexpected, but you can roll with it. See, you are more centered already. Good. You were made for cases like these. This is nothing. There you go. You're back. Now call Jim...

  “Hey, Jim, you wouldn't believe the morning I'm having.”

  “You mean doctor VonNetzer. He's been moved.”

  “Jim, please don't tell me you knew about this, please.”

  “I just got a fax from Judge Thomas’s office, a few minutes ago.”

  “Well, Jim? What the hell is going on, cause I don't have a clue?”

  “Overcrowding. They are going to need all the isolated cells for the waring gang members, and didn't want to put the doctor in general population and there's room in the new super-max in the Catskills. So the DA and Judge Thomas had him moved. It’s unusual, but not illegal, Laura.”

  “Okay Jim, cause I was freaking out a little.”

  Maybe a lot. Remember to ask Gary not to tell anyone of your hysterics, Laura.

  “I'm heading back to the office now.”

  “Okay, Laura. I'm sorry for the rough morning. Did you get the package I left?”

  “Yes, Jim. I love it. And thanks for your continued belief in me. Makes me feel appreciated.”

  “Well, that's cause you are. See you soon.”

  “Okay, Jim. Bye.”

  Jim’s fax helps to ease Laura’s mind somewhat. She still has a weird feeling about this one. But for now, she has decided to reserve judgement. The thing she has learned about herself, while practicing law, is that, she can still remain focused, and on occasion, somewhat objective, even during stressful events. And for her, this is the sign of a true professional. Being a woman practicing law at a male dominated firm, has its challenges and the fact that she is a single, attractive woman there, is a whole other ball of wax. Sometimes the harassment is through the roof and she believes Bill is the ring leader when it comes to female bashing or overly sexualized antics. So he gets the bulk of her supercharged feminism. She’ll be damned if she’s gonna let them scare her off, or any woman at the firm for that matter.

  Gary pulls into the lower garage at 66 Hudson pl., where most of the company’s SUV’s and town cars occupy nearly half the parking on the L2 level. The remaining parking is for senior partners. There is a private elevator there giving them direct access to the lobby level, the rec. room level and floors 45 through 48, the firm leases these four floors which serve as the main hub of Kern, Davis and Kern.

  “Gary, can I ask a favor of you?”

  “Yes, Ms Danger, what is it.”

  “Back at the prison, I was…let’s say…a little upset. And kinda loud.”

  “Yes…you mean the swearing and stuff.”

  “Yes, that…would you mind trying to forget this happened?”

  “You mean, to not mention it to anyone here, at the firm?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I mean.”

  “Oh, no problem…if I had a dollar for every time someone here asked me to keep a secret, I’d be as rich as you.”

  “Thanks, Gary. And Gary, it is my belief that discretion always pays off.”

  Laura wants to be on the top of her game. So, she decides to go straight to the firm’s research library. Knowing very little about murder trials or serial killers for that matter, she knows she better fill in her knowledge gaps if she wants to hit a home run with this case.

  She sees Bill sitting at the grand study desk in the center of the library…

  Okay, Laura a little pleasantries, then get to it…

  “Morning, Bill.”

  “Hey there, Danger…You got the psycho-killer case. Good for you. If you think you can’t handle it, you know you can always have me run point.”

  Wait, you mean give you the case. Is that what you're saying, buddy. Do I have damsel in distress written on my forehead. I don't think so!

  “Yea, thanks, Bill. I think I got it.”

  “You know, Danger, even the best of us need help…don’t I always get you to help me with my cases?”

  “You mean, help with writing the briefs and doing your research. That kinda help.”

  “Hey, I can’t be great at everything. Besides, I’m best in front of a jury. You know, I just got that swagger the jury loves, born litigator, here, woman.”

  “I’m not to shabby when it comes to litigation either, Bill. You know that.”

  “You mean nerdy tax dodging, fraud cases. Oh, and that oh so sexy corporate raper crap. That sorta stuff.… not so glamorous, huh. And as I recall, most were tried without juries is that, right?”

  He has something there. I can't remember the last time I've been before a jury, shit.

  “Okay, Bill. This was pleasant, but I have work to do now.”

  “Oh, I see, Laura…you don’t need old Billy, huh. I forget, how many murder trials, Laura?”

  “Bill, you know this is my first.”

  “I do, Laura…and you know I’ve won how many?”

  “You’ve won a few, Bill and that’s great for you.”

  “Listen, Laura, I’m not trying to showboat. I’m just saying, I see you here in the research library. So, I imagine you’re here to do a little research on murder trials… Am I right, or am I right?”

  “Yes, I am. Is that, ok”

  “Hey hey, woman, calm down. I just want to point you in the right direction. You know, show you which cases are relevant here. That’s all. Can we play nice for a little while. What do you say, friends…” as he sticks his hand out. Laura hesitates for a second, then she starts to see how defensive she’s being and extends her hand. Bill grabs her, pulling her in for a hug…

  “See, Bill…This is why the women at the firm are at odds with you. Why couldn’t we just shake hands. What’s with all the hugging?”

  ”Hey, I can’t help it. I’m touchy feely. Everyone knows that, Laura.”

  “Yeah but, it’s very gender specific, Bill.”

  “You know what, i was gonna tell you how nice you smell, Laura…but I’m sensing hostility. So I’ll keep that thoughtful comment to myself.”

  Laura, you don’t even know what cases you need to look at. Stopping being stubborn, just see what help Bill can provide. That’s all.

  “Bill, where should I look first?”

  “Okay, Laura, did that hurt?”

  “Actually, Bill…”

  “You know, Laura. I am willing to help you, and in return, I’m gonna need you to come to court with me this week. I’m going in front of that Judge that hates me, but if you come, maybe I can get what I need, deal?”

  “Deal, Bill.”

  “Good. Let’s get to work then, Laura.”

  Despite, what Laura feels about Bill, they work well together. Once she gets past her prejudice, real lawyering takes place. They are an effective team. She hates his womanizing, self centered egotism and showboating, but she knows he has a brilliant mind for law; one could almost describe it as savant like and that keeps her interested in working with him.

  Some time goes by, and Laura is feeling ever so grateful for Bill’s help. Then Bill, pulls a Bill…
br />   “Hey, Laura, you see those cases up there,” as he points to the books at the top of the 13 foot bookshelf… “the ones at the top, there.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Great, well, we need those and I think I’m too heavy for that old rickety ladder.”

  “No problem, I’ll get them.” Laura climbs the ladder, reaching for the books as Bill, looking up her skirt, says with a little devilish undertone...

  “So, you still don’t have a boyfriend, huh?”

  “What’s that, Bill? She says as she turns around quickly to catch Bill looking up her skirt.

  “Bill, remember the talk we had earlier about appropriate and inappropriate. Well, this is inappropriate. And first, my love life is none of your business. Second, stop looking up my skirt. Third, don’t ever and I mean never act weird and sexual around those new girls and I mean never. Do you understand me, Bill…Bill!” Bill pretends not to hear her.

  As Laura comes down the ladder with the books, she gives Bill the most stern and serious stare, direct and piercing… One of the more brutal, fiery looks she has ever given him.

  “You still with me, Bill. You better say you understand me.”

  “Easy, easy, Danger. I understand. I understand perfectly.”

  “Good. You know I mean it, Bill.”

  “I know.” Bill says knowing she definitely means it.

  “Ok then, what do I need to look at, in this case file?”

  Just then Laura’s phone rings and it’s Jim…

  “Laura, are you in the office?”

  “Yes, Jim. Bill and I are doing research on murder trials.”

  “Great, that’s great, l love when you two work together, but I need you for a minute, in my office.”

  “Okay, Jim. On my way.”

  “Bill, Jim needs me. Can you still help me later?”

  “I’m meeting a client in an hour. So if you're back soon, I can help for another half hour or so.”

  “You know what, Bill, take a look at your schedule for this week and let me know when you think you can help.”

  “Will do, but don’t forget our deal. You are coming to judge ‘meany’ with me this week.”

  “Ok, ok.” Shit, I did commit. He's got me.

  Laura leaves Bill, a little more confident, after all the research the two of them got through. Now, she has a wealth of info and cases to study. She heads to Jim’s office. As she gets out of the elevator, she runs smack into a wall of balloons, and nearly trips over baskets of flowers and a mountain of gifts. It’s Betty’s retirement party. Jim’s reception area is packed with well wishers bearing gifts. In all the excitement of the new case, she forgot Betty was retiring today. Betty was the first woman hired at the firm. She had been Jim’s secretary for the past forty years. At 80, she finally decided to take the generous retirement offer Jim had set up for her a decade ago. Laura has no gift or card and is feeling terrible. She wants to sneak past the merriment and straight into Jim’s office. While everyone's making a big fuss, Laura sees her opportunity and takes it, getting into Jim’s office unseen.

  “Hello Jim. A lot of excitement out there today.” Laura says still feeling guilty about forgetting.

  “Yea, the old girl is finally taking that retirement.”

  “Yea, I see…I forgot and feel bad, I didn’t get her anything.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. I had someone pick up a beautiful watch and put your name on it. I saw the watch, too. You were very generous, Laura,” Jim says with a chuckle.

  “There you go again. Jim, Thank so much.”

  “Ah, that’s all right. Besides, now I need something from you.”

  “Sure, Jim. What is it?”

  “I need you to be fully committed to this case and take a strong lead.”

  “Yea, Jim. Of course.”

  “Now Laura, that means you have to take a long drive to the Catskills and to that crazy prison up there, to get that statement. Just a quick talk with Dr.VonNetzer to get all we need.”

  “So, you got a car and driver for me?”

  “Better than that, Laura. I’m letting you have my old Jeep Cherokee. She’s old, but she’s in great condition and she handles well, in the country. So, there it is.”

  “Oh, I see…” she says with not the kind of enthusiasm, Jim was looking for. And how can she be enthused, Laura hates driving and loves being chauffeured. One of the perks of working at the firm or living in Manhattan, taxis everywhere.

  “Here are the keys, Laura. It’s on level L1. It’s all gassed up and ready to go.”

  “Okay then, I guess that’s that.” She says with a slight unpleasant tone, hoping Jim sees the frustration and disappointment in her face. But he takes no notice.

  “So, you should leave early tomorrow, as it’s a long drive. The GPS has been programed to get you there and there’s a map in the glove compartment marked out for you if the GPS should fail.”

  “Ok, Jim. I’ll get this done, then.”

  Laura’s glad Jim saw fit to get Betty a gift. Now she can join the party and not feel shame. But she’s not happy about the driving.

  “Oh, Laura. I just got a text from Bill saying you're gonna help him with the suppression of evidence, on the Hightower case. Good, everyone knows Judge Ellen Hillman despises Him.

  I am not one for gossip, Laura. But we all know since he dumped her niece a few years back, after just a few dates, she has never saw fit to rule in his favor. He will never learn. It’s too bad. He needs a good woman in his life to set him straight. I don’t know what it is with this generation. No one wants to marry anymore. Everybody wants careers. I’ll never understand.

  “ I know, Jim. My father said the same thing, crazy…thanks for the jeep.”

  Chapter 5

  Redefining Peter

  A monster finds self acceptance

  The question I pose to myself is can we ever truly hide from who and what we really are?


  The drive all this way had to happen. Now, sitting in his truck waiting, spying, watching for her, it all overwhelms him. I'm yours, peter. I'm yours. I belong to you. So clear, so loud, so alluring, a siren’s call taking him to the deep, the far regions, beyond the reach, past the shores of his pain filled psyche, beyond the shallows, into the very bottomless depths of madness and hunger. The pull, how he hates it. How he loves it. How he now knows he needs it. He wants the madness. It makes him special. And peter likes being special. If it wasn't for that awkward girl, that silly coed and her silly need to make him her boyfriend, he would never have come across such a splendid being, a most enticing thing, something worthy of the fullness of his gift. He loves how fate works. Her desire to try to trick him, to make him her possession, led him here, to her. ‘His girl on a bridge.’

  There...there's a small group of girls leaving Lathrop Hall and she is among them. Yes, that's her for sure. The glow--the radiance is more stunning than in the picture. Now, he is at some semblance of peace. He knows coming here, driving all this way, was right. It had to be done. It needed to be done. Just look at her, magnificent! Listen to her...says the Voice, the Call, the Hunger...Yes. Always yes! He just stares, and what a blissful stare, watching her, waiting for an opportunity.

  He has been in Madison for several days now, learning her movements, her routine, waiting for that moment; the moment all true predators wait for, when the prey leaves the herd. All the weak precious things, how they love to wander off, at some point, from the protective herd. Perhaps, in some way, they seek their own demise. It is just a matter of time. And Peter is becoming more patient, more skillful, more predatory, more dangerous. The killer is becoming something of beauty, something of pure and ferocious hunting perfection.

  He brought along the crossbow he inherited from papa vonnetzer; the 150 lbs camo crossbow with a 4x20 scope that he learned to hunt with years ago. Peter hated hunting as a kid. He found no sport in it. But it was the best way for him to spend time with his dad. So, he hid his hatred an
d learned the sport he hated, from the man he loved. And now, this moment is filled with great memories and deep irony for him. The boy, who hated hunting, is finding the thrill of hunting humans to be quite satisfactory, to say the least, a sport that has all the thrill and excitement he never knew he desired.

  She lives in the river bend apartments, a lovely housing complex, located on the sprawling green lushness of madison’s Arboretum. There are over a thousand acres of winding trails, haunting vistas, filled with thick forest, a scenic, and majestic tranquilness that welcomes the avid runners, nature lovers or just the all around park enthusiasts and now there is another added to the list of those who feel at home here. Peter is beginning to love these woods and since she enjoys running the trails here alone, or with others, at least a couple times a week, here has to be the place, for the hunt.

  She works and studies long hours, so she finds that really early morning or very late in the evenings to be the most convenient times for her to run, after her rotations, or before her study sessions. Most days, she can find a partner or two, but there are occasions where she has to do the trail alone. And being that the area is filled mainly with students, retirees and families, she has no fear of running alone when need be.

  Peter has found the perfect spot to wait, dark, secluded, off the beaten path, but with a clear view of the main trail. He lies comfortably in a fully weatherproof camo. Night after night, he comes there, waiting with urgent anticipation. Knowing this is her favorite trail, he knows she'll have to come this way eventually. He just doesn't know when and if she'll be alone. That is a variable that is hard to predict with any certainty because of the ever changing schedule of her running partners. But he knows if not tonight, tomorrow or the next he'll find her alone. The waiting is a necessary evil, to which he has grown accustomed.


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